Zheng Shu's reaction to Wen Shan's attack was very simple. He also clenched his fist and punched the opponent.

boom! ! !

Two equally white fists faced each other, and Wenshan's face changed as soon as they came into contact.

Wenshan felt an irresistible force coming from the contact point of the fists. Immediately afterwards, a ball of air exploded in the air at the contact point of the fists of both parties. It quickly spread into a shock wave visible to the naked eye, showing a spherical shape and releasing towards the surroundings. .

Feeling like she was in a head-on fight with a fully loaded high-speed train, Wenshan clearly felt the force of the shock flowing upstream from her fists and spreading along her arms to every part of her body.

For a moment, the excessive force even made Wenshan's brain feel blank, and the muscles and bones in her body were shaking, as if her whole body was about to fall apart.

The muscles and bones of the body began to resist spontaneously, and the brief loss of control flashed away. The strong strength offset the opponent's arrogant power, allowing Wenshan to regain control of her body.

But after coming back to her senses and looking at the young Taoist priest in front of her, Wenshan couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Her eyes moved from the opponent's fair and slender palms to the slightly childish facial features. Looking at Zheng Shuyi's indifferent expression, Wenshan knew very well that she was at a disadvantage just now.

Or should I say...crushed.

Taking a deep breath, Wenshan, who was still a little worried at first, now understood that she couldn't beat the opponent in her current state.

By the way, although Kitty Star has very strong physical fitness, isn’t the physical fitness of the person in front of me a bit too strong? !

"Huh... come again!"

The fists collided together, and Wenshan's eyes shone brightly.

Since she couldn't beat him in her normal state, and it was confirmed that the opponent's power was far greater than her current one, she didn't have to hold back.

As her mind turned, Wenshan recalled those angry things, making her emotions active, and then communicating with the power hidden deep in her body.


Zheng Shu's eyes widened in surprise. He could clearly feel that earth-shaking changes were taking place in Wenshan before his eyes.

The most conspicuous thing is that Wenshan's original long blue hair suddenly drifted away automatically without wind, and the color became lighter and lighter, and it also exuded a faint light. From a distance, it seemed that the whole hair They all turned into white filaments that could emit light.

"The third level of rebirth? No! It's more simple and crude than that, but it's also more dangerous than that!"

Feeling the rapidly increasing sense of crisis, Zheng Shu narrowed his eyes.

Compared to the method of using a special method to make one's body appear partially energized, the reason why Wenshan's hair changed in front of her was much simpler and cruder. It was purely because she had too much energy in her body. So the energy leaking causes changes in the most susceptible hair.

If the light emitted by the hair caused by the third level of rebirth can only be seen by those who practice Qi Qi, then the light in Wenshan's hair can even be used as a light bulb at night.

The overly surging energy made Wenshan's body look much lighter. More overflowing violent energy shrank around her body, and from time to time there would be a flash of lightning on her body. This was caused by the ionization of the air by the overly surging energy. scene.

The tight-fitting combat uniform outlines the streamlined lines of a female leopard, and it can even be seen that the muscles on Wenshan's body have become slightly expanded with the "transformation".

"Hey! I knew what kind of power you should be hiding, but I didn't expect you to be a Super Saiyan."

"I'm not a blond gorilla!"

Wenshan raised her eyes and glanced at Zheng Shu. The gentleness in her tone had completely disappeared, and her whole personality seemed to have changed.


In the deafening air explosion, Wenshan disappeared instantly. The terrifying force of kicking the ground caused a blue energy field with a diameter of several meters to appear where she originally stood.

The energy field instantly spread over a large area to alleviate the damage caused by Wenshan's kick to the training ground. If it were on ordinary ground, there would probably be damage like a heavy artillery crater.

Driven by such a powerful force, Wenshan's figure also appeared in front of Zheng Shu like a flash of light.

It was still a straight punch without any fancy, but the threat it brought this time was different from before. Zheng Shu even felt a sting between his eyebrows.

Just one glance at Zheng Shu made it clear that with his current defensive power, he simply couldn't take the punch without defending.

With such a decisive attacking posture and such a look in his eyes, the opponent's character has definitely changed.

"Even your personality will be affected, and you are told that you are not a Super Saiyan!"

Although he was teasing like this, Zheng Shu immediately put on a very standard defensive posture. This was the first time he had put on such a posture since he came to this world.

boom! ! !

An unflashy fist hit Zheng Shu's prepared arm in advance. The power condensed in the fist suddenly spread after being hindered, turning into uncontrollable violent force and pouring out into the surrounding air. Turn the originally invisible air into a cone-shaped shock wave visible to the naked eye and sweep across everything.

The violent shock wave caused a blue protective force field to appear on the ground under Zheng Shu's feet. This position centered on Zheng Shu and spread in a fan shape to nearly a hundred meters away before gradually calming down.

At the center of the storm that was still raging, Wen Shan took a deep breath, took a few steps back and looked at Zheng Shu in front of her.

"What's happening, please help!"

The sound of a second kill came from outside the court, and he did not expect that his wife would suddenly take action. He was caught off guard and was blown away several meters by the shock wave generated by the fight between the two sides.

However, Ersha didn't have time to care about his injuries. Instead, he got up and quickly came to the side of the field.

In his impression, except for those powerful people who are famous in the universe, no one on earth can take Wenshan's punch.

Now the second kill can only pray that Zheng Shu's injuries will not be too severe, otherwise, even if they use alien technology, they may not be able to save him.

"Ah, thank you for your concern, but I'm not weak enough to fall down after just one punch."

Zheng Shu's voice came from the field. At this time, the storm caused by Wenshan's punch gradually subsided under the suppression of the energy field of the entire training ground. Second Kill was finally able to open his eyes and see clearly the scene in front of him.

Unlike the scene he imagined of Zheng Shu lying on the ground wailing or simply not knowing whether to live or die, Zheng Shu and Wen Shan still stood calmly facing each other, looking as if the punch just now was empty.

"How can it be?!"

Not paying attention to the surprised gaze of the second killer, Zheng Shu moved his right arm that was hit just now and grinned unconsciously.

"It hurts."

Being able to feel pain means that Wenshan's punch just now has broken through Zheng Shu's defense, which represents something quite terrifying.

In the world under one person, Zheng Shu's main source of defense is the strengthened template of the Nemean Lion. Although due to world restrictions and different laws, the limit to which Zheng Shu can be strengthened is very small, and the defense he gains is greatly increased. decline.

But even so, conventional weapons of modern technology cannot cause any damage to Zheng Shu. The only things that can really hurt him are nuclear bombs with excessive lethality.

But now...he was breached.

Even if he has not suffered substantial damage, it still means that the local lethality of Wenshan's punch has reached the level of a nuclear weapon explosion.

After carefully sensing Wenshan's current physical condition, Zheng Shu had a ghostly look on his face.

"Judging from the sensory results, he is still an ordinary person, but the energy index in his body has increased by several levels... Isn't the gap between the upper and lower limits of human strength on this planet a bit too big?!"

When Zheng Shu was amazed, Wenshan and Ersha were also surprised.

Wen Shan felt a little regretful the moment she punched. She was still affected by this power, her mood fluctuated greatly, and the punch she punched was a bit heavy.

But after such a terrifying punch was completely swallowed by the opponent without any fancy, the result was just a "It hurts"? !

Wenshan has experienced a lot of battles, and there are many famous strong men in the universe who can block her punch, but there are only a handful of people who can take it like this without getting hurt.

If her punch hits directly, even some small space battleships will be shattered by one punch.

This little guy... is his body made of a special energy alloy?

"You really exceeded my expectations..."

Wenshan looked at Zheng Shu with shining pupils, and the excitement in her eyes became clearer and clearer.

After all, the time she had to acquire this power was only a dozen years. Compared with that person, it was too short and she could not fully control it.

Although he can barely control his transformation after training, and even if he can still stay awake after the transformation, changes in his personality are still unavoidable.

"Warlike" and "irritable" are the most obvious changes in her personality, but most of the enemies she encountered before were not too strong, so Wenshan could only control herself forcefully.

Now that she finally met someone who could withstand her attack, her inner desire to fight was a little uncontrollable.

"It's beyond my expectation that you can become so strong." Zheng Shu moved his wrist, and after confirming that the pain in his hand had dissipated, he assumed a fighting posture again, "Come on, since the warm-up is over, Then let’s have a serious fight! You can’t only have the power of one punch, right?”


A wild smile suddenly appeared on Wenshan's originally indifferent face. The muscles under her tight-fitting suit squirmed and expanded, and the dimensions of her entire body seemed to have thickened.

A step under his feet flashed before Zheng Shu's eyes again. The long legs carrying terrifying power pressed the air and came to Zheng Shu's eyes, kicking toward his head like a giant ax sweeping across.

Zheng Shu had already experienced Wenshan's destructive power in her transformed state, so he did not choose to bear it this time.

He raised his hand and moved to his side. Following his movements, Wenshan's legs came under Zheng Shu's hands as if they were well coordinated. He accurately avoided the front where the attack was strongest, and the force that hit Wenshan's legs The flaw diverted the violent power to his side.

With a slip under her feet, Wenshan felt that her opponent had deflected the attack with her own strength, and she quickly twisted her body. The blue force field under her feet appeared, showing how much force she had used on her other leg.

With the help of her unspeakable physical strength, Wenshan forcibly reversed the direction of the deflected attack.

But facing the enemy who had opened the front door in front of him, Zheng Shu stepped forward without hesitation. The movements of his hands changed from claws to palms in an instant, and he slapped Wenshan hard on the abdomen.


The air shook, and a blue protective force field appeared again on the ground around both parties.

At the critical moment, Wenshan stretched out her hand to block Zheng Shu's slap, but her body was completely out of balance.

"Monster...I hit my arm with 80% of my power, but there wasn't even a trace of injury."

In the flash of lightning, Zheng Shu glanced at Wenshan's arm, and an idea flashed through his mind.

However, after knowing that the opponent's endurance is strong, Zheng Shu can attack more confidently and boldly.

"Since 80% of it won't work, then use all your strength!"

The other hand clenched into a fist at some point. Facing Wenshan who had lost her balance, Zheng Shu used all his strength without hesitation and smashed her face decisively.

Even the Qi in his body started to move quickly, adding damage to Zheng Shu's blow.

boom! ! !

Deafening air explosions bloomed in the training ground again, and Zheng Shu's fist hit Wenshan firmly in the face.

Just like a battering ram hitting the city gate, a circle of energy burst out from the back of Wenshan's head, and the cone-shaped shock wave that penetrated her body shocked the blue energy field on the ground. Trembling like water ripples.

Wenshan's body flew out uncontrollably, drawing a straight ray that penetrated the wall a hundred meters away, and then was blocked by the energy field and bounced to the ground, rolling and rubbing on the blue energy stand along the way. It will stop after ten meters.

Feeling the touch from his fist, Zheng Shu shook his hand and raised his leg to walk towards Wenshan.

Tens of meters away, Wenshan's body slowly floated up as if there was no gravity, and stood on the ground again.

There was a tiny scratch on her face, but it was completely healed before the blood could even flow out. If it weren't for Zheng Shu's sharp eyesight, she wouldn't even be able to see her wound. Wenshan's triple self-healing ability was The self-healing ability shown is completely explosive.

"Not bad, it can actually hurt me."

In the transformed state, Wenshan caressed her completely healed face expressionlessly, and the pressure in her eyes was enough to make any ordinary person faint.

"That's ridiculous. You only received such a small amount of damage after taking my unreserved punch. Where did you get the purple sweet potato essence?!"

Zheng Shu felt that his teeth were itching. Wenshan's performance reminded him of the giant Guigantes he had met in the moon world, but Wenshan's strength would not be weakened even if her feet were off the ground.

"I should tell you this, even the main gun of the battleship can't let me break through the defense. Where are you a monster?!"

An excited smile appeared on Wenshan's face, and she once again put her hands in a fighting posture. Zheng Shu did not refuse and also took up a fighting posture without hesitation.

In the next moment, both of them disappeared from the same spot. The extremely fast speed made it difficult for the human eye to grasp their figures. Only two streams of light could be seen intersecting in the training ground. Every time the streams of light met, an explosion of light erupted. There was a terrifying explosion of air.

The continuous air explosions were superimposed, and even the signs of a hurricane appeared in this closed training ground.

The blue force field in the training ground lit up occasionally from the beginning to frequently lighting up later, and then later, the entire training ground, whether on the ceiling or on the ground, was always lit up with a blue force field.

"How can this be?"

Ersha stood behind the protective force field provided by the training ground and was stunned at the sight in front of him.

Even with the reaction speed and dynamic vision of the Kitty star, he could not clearly see the movement trajectories of the two people. The speed of both parties far exceeded the speed of sound.

If it were in a city, the mere movement of these two people would be enough to shatter the glass around the street, and pedestrians' internal organs, bones, and eardrums would also be severely damaged.

This is the power that can cause disaster-like damage just by moving.

It is not surprising that Wenshan has such power to kill two people. When he introduced the Great Love Organization, the predecessor of the Third Contact Department, to Zheng Shu earlier, he did not say why the Great Love Organization later evacuated the earth.

In fact, the reason is very simple. The reason why the Daai Organization evacuated the earth is because of Wenshan's existence on the earth.

The nature of the Great Love Organization is similar to a combination of a peacekeeping force and the Red Cross. In addition to having extremely backward technology, the planet they will support must also be extremely weak and unable to resist external invasion. .

It is out of humanitarian considerations that they will settle on this planet to help them solve some problems caused by aliens.

However, in many cases, there is no direct relationship between the weakness of economic technology and the strength of power.

Peacekeeping organizations will go to war-torn Africa to help, but they will never go to Myanmar or certain other Southeast Asian countries, which although the economy is relatively backward, their own strength is guaranteed.

The same is true for the Great Love Organization.

Wenshan's existence allowed her to raise the upper limit of the entire planet's combat power. According to the judgment of the Great Love Organization, the earth with Wenshan's presence is no longer a "backward area" that can be harassed by interstellar pirates at will. The Great Love Organization Naturally, they will not waste their power in such a place. After all, there are more backward planets in the universe that need their help.

In fact, the judgment of the Great Love organization is also correct. Since the withdrawal of Great Love from the earth and the establishment of the third-type contact department, the number of third-type contact incidents that occur on the earth every year has declined instead of rising.

From the original number of hundreds of incidents per city per year, the number has plummeted to less than a hundred per year on the entire planet.

After all, interstellar pirates are not stupid. They are not protected by the interstellar alliance convention. If they accidentally touch something hard, they will be killed if they are shot to death.

And all of this is because of Wenshan's own astonishing personal strength, but now, in front of him, there is someone who can fight Wenshan!

This simply gave Ersha the illusion that his world view had collapsed. Ever since Wenshan gained this power, although it was quite difficult to control it, in his impression, as long as Wenshan transformed, there was nothing he could not solve except that person. things.

"This person... is definitely not just a mixture of Planet Kitty and Earthling!"

Ersha had even begun to think about whether that person had left something else on the earth, but it seemed that Zheng Shu had not "transformed" in his previous appearance.

"So he has developed such terrifying strength by himself?! Is that 'Qi''s increase in strength so terrifying? Do I want to learn from it myself later?"

In his wild thoughts, Ersha glanced at the energy index on the controller of the training ground. His eyelids twitched unconsciously, but he still decisively turned his head towards the direction where the two were fighting and yelled.

"You two, it's time to stop! The energy field in the training ground has reached its limit. If this continues, the entire training ground will be damaged!"

boom! ! !

As the two fists collided together again, a spherical shock wave filled the entire training ground.

Zheng Shu and Wen Shan did not continue to move quickly after the fist fight ended. The two figures appeared in the center of the training ground and took two steps back in tacit understanding, which was considered to be the end of the fighting state.

"So fast? This training ground is too durable! Really, I'm going to complain to those guys!"

Wenshan glanced at the unstable energy field around her and canceled the transformation state dissatisfied.

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