Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 470 Transition Chapter

After Zheng Shu resurrected Liao Zhong, he stopped caring about the affairs here. After a few words of greetings with Zhao Fangxu and Zhang Chulan, who looked complicated, he returned to the bunker on an accessible plane.

In fact, after proving that he could resurrect people, Zheng Shu could now return to Baiyun Temple, but he did not choose to go back.

The reason is also very simple. Zheng Shu knows very well that although the level of confidentiality here at WTO is not bad, because the early attention is not high enough, it is impossible to hide this level of information.

His return to Baiyun Temple now has no meaning other than giving those who want something else an additional goal.

It's not that Baiyun Temple will become more dangerous because of his return. In fact, regardless of the deterrent effect of Zheng Shu's previous massacre of those who dared to covet Baiyun Temple, in this country where guns are banned, Baiyun Temple is With Guan's strength, there is no need to worry about harassment from other forces and strangers.

Although the group of old Taoist priests in the temple say they cultivate their minds and nature every day, it does not mean that they are really weak.

Without counting Laotianshi, Baiyun Temple's combat effectiveness far exceeds that of Longhu Mountain.

After all, in Baiyun Temple, only those who are successful in cultivation can stay in the temple, while those without talent will be released to manage other Taoist temples. In Longhu Mountain, it is the other way around.

Such a gap in the system means that the prosperity of Baiyun Temple is definitely not as high as that of Longhu Mountain, but in terms of the concentration of high-end combat power... It is no exaggeration to say that even if Quanxing launches another attack on the scale of Longhu Mountain, Baiyun Temple will You can also proceed steadily.

What Zheng Shu is afraid of is the human relationships he will have after returning to Baiyun Temple.

In this society, human relations are very troublesome but inevitable. Even if Zheng Shu himself doesn't care, as long as other Taoist priests in Baiyun Temple still need to communicate with the outside world, he must pay attention to these things.

Zheng Shu found this matter very troublesome, so he ran away shamefully.

He had already expected this when he went on the tour, so he didn't even bring his mobile phone.

As long as it is confirmed that Baiyunguan really cannot contact him, those who want to ask for help will not make the matter too big.

As long as there is room for maneuver in things, Zheng Shu believes that his master and master can handle these things.

Zheng Shu knew very well that as long as he passed this most critical period and returned to Baiyun Temple, he would only need to deal with a few things carefully selected by his master and master.

"But I have left so many troubles to Master, and I always feel like I will be scolded by Master when I return to the temple."

After thinking about that scene, Zheng Shu unconsciously shrank his head, finally shook his head, and put the matter behind him.

"In the future, it will be up to you to get scolded by me!"

After leaving all the troubles to his future self, Zheng Shu returned to the room provided for him by the bunker and continued his research.

The plan to resurrect Liao Zhong years ago was considered a success, but Zheng Shu also discovered the flaws of the resurrection circle he created during the actual use.

Although this resurrection circle did not improve Zheng Shu's combat effectiveness in any practical sense, the process of studying this thing was also a process for Zheng Shu to reorganize his own knowledge, so Zheng Shu quickly became obsessed with it.

When he woke up again, it was because of bad news.

"What did you say?!"

Zheng Shu looked at Manager Wang in front of him, his hand shook, and the table under his hand was smashed into pieces by him.

Manager Wang looked at the table being crushed by Zheng Shu and his eyebrows twitched unconsciously, but he still dutifully repeated what he had just said.

"Just yesterday, Taoist Priest Fangdong Tianfang of Baiyun Temple passed away."


After a long silence, Zheng Shu stood up and packed his luggage.

"Excuse me, I want to go back to Baiyun Temple. Can you prepare a car for me?"

"No problem, Director Zheng, the car has already been prepared."

Following Manager Wang, he got into a black car. Zheng Shu didn't need to close his eyes when he went out this time. After all, his confidentiality level in the company may be higher than that of the bunker.

Because there is no need to take a detour, according to Supervisor Wang’s calculations, it may only take four or five hours to reach Baiyun Temple this time.

On the way, Zheng Shu sat in the back seat of the vehicle with his eyes slightly closed. It looked like he was concentrating with his eyes closed, but he was actually recalling what happened at Baiyun Temple.

Mr. Fang Dongtian was an old man of the same generation as the abbot in Baiyun Temple, and he was also a good friend of Lu Jin. Lu Linglong became an outer disciple of Baiyun Temple and became a disciple of Fang Dongtian.

"Alas! Counting Master Liu, the oldest generation in Baiyun Temple has lost two more people."

At this time, Zheng Shu hoped that the Taoists in Baiyun Temple would be more greedy.

As long as they want to continue living, Zheng Shu will not hesitate to help them extend their lifespans, but unfortunately, none of the older generation Taoist priests in Baiyun Temple hopes that Zheng Shu will help them extend their lifespans.

"Hey! That's right. If they couldn't see through this, they wouldn't have been able to practice Taoism for such a long time."

As if recalling every detail of his practice at Baiyun Temple, a gentle smile appeared on Zheng Shu's face. Then the smile quickly faded, and his face became colder and colder.

"I didn't expect that someone would actually dare to mess with me in this situation."


Hearing what Zheng Shu said, the driver driving in front and Manager Wang sitting in the co-pilot were shocked.

Immediately, the moving vehicle was split in two by a sudden attack from the side.


Under the light of the car explosion, Zheng Shu dragged the driver and Supervisor Wang out and jumped out.

After several leaps, they jumped off the overpass without hesitation. Amidst the screams of the two people in their hands, the three of them landed smoothly on the ground, as light as weightless feathers.

"Quack, quack! I didn't expect that I would be so lucky to meet a little Taoist like you on this road."

"Quick, surround him, don't let him escape!"

Amidst the harsh and shrill laughter, several strange-looking guys emerged from the surroundings, and several figures also jumped down from the overpass where Zheng Shu and the others had just jumped. They surrounded Zheng Shu and the others and slowly came closer. .

"Haha! You guys are so lucky. I didn't expect to catch such a big fish! Looking at this guy's sneaky schedule, he must have something good in his hands!"

"Quanxing?" Zheng Shu glanced at the people around him with a cold expression.

"Boy, you...ah!"

The person who was obviously the leader among the group wanted to say something more, but suddenly found that his body was uncontrollably drifting towards the targets in front of him.

He used a variety of methods in an instant, but still couldn't get rid of himself and flew towards those targets. The man's face immediately became a little unbearable, and he turned to look at his accomplices.

"I have some ideas, let's do it together... ah?"

When he looked at his accomplices, he was suddenly horrified to realize that the lively accomplices who had just been there had completely lost their life breath at some point, including the group of people surrounding Zheng Shu, their bodies softened and they fell to the ground one after another. on the ground.

"Hero, spare your life!"

After seeing his head being pinched by Zheng Shu's hand and the several methods he used in secret had no effect at all, Quan Xing surrendered decisively.

Unfortunately for the angry Zheng Shu, he doesn't want to live now.

The eyes glowed with golden light, and the surging mental power was forcibly inserted into the other party's soul, searching for the other party's recent memories.

"Come! Let me see, who is the mastermind behind you?!"

Ignoring those messy useless memories, Zheng Shu quickly found the reason why this person organized a group of people to ambush him.

These people fled here a few days ago. They originally planned to take advantage of the chaotic flow of people in the capital to escape and ascend to heaven, but unexpectedly they suddenly heard the news of the death of an old Taoist priest from Baiyunguan.

So, this guy came up with an idea - squatting on the traffic thoroughfare to see if he could pick up a few dignitaries who came to attend the old man's funeral, adding a bit of chaos to the place.

Because he originally joined Quanxing because he liked chaos, after the idea came to him, he immediately attracted a few guys who had the same idea as him and squatted on the highway overpass to look for opportunities to cause chaos.

"Nah! Accidental incident?!"

After checking the memory, Zheng Shu was so angry that he cursed.

Unbelievingly, I searched his soul and brain cells again, and confirmed that no traces of altered memory or consciousness were found in this person.

"It turns out that this is total sex.

Is it the butterfly effect? ​​Because of me, the Heavenly Master did not go down to destroy the whole sex, so after a period of silence, these guys returned to their original state. "

After finding the reason, his mood gradually calmed down, and Zheng Shu finally understood something.

In the original work, after Gong Qing killed Tian Jinzhong, he used his authority to ask everyone in the world to pay filial piety to Mr. Tian.

And after they finally finished wearing hemp cloth and wearing mourning, they encountered the incident of the old master coming down from the mountain to annihilate Quan Xing, so the trouble caused by Quan Xing in the original work was not too big.

When I read the original work, Zheng Shu didn't feel much about it. I just felt that Quan Xing was just a label for the characters in it. Although it seemed that Quan Xing was living as he pleased, Zheng Shu didn't have much substance. Touch.

But now, he finally understood why all the forces Quan Xinghui provoked hated them.

"These guys...are just a bunch of troublemakers!"

Then you took a look at Quan Xing, whose hand had become a little demented due to the forced soul search. Zheng Shu casually flicked it into the shadow of a nearby overpass pier.

"I was discovered..."

Quan Xing, who was thrown by Zheng Shu, was caught by an arm that suddenly stretched out from the shadow. The owner of the arm seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then without hesitation, he pinched the opponent's neck hard.

"After all, my strength is pretty good. I didn't expect to see you here. Speaking of which, I feel a little regretful that I didn't have time to ask you for advice last time."

Knowing that the attack he encountered was just a chaos caused by a group of psychopaths, Zheng Shu's mood calmed down a lot while he thought he was unlucky, and his voice also softened.

"Haha, do you want to communicate? That's right. You and I are both fellow patients. It's really not easy to meet someone of the same kind."

The owner of the arm completely emerged from the shadow of the bridge pier, revealing the face wearing glasses. It was the temporary worker Zheng Shu had met in Biyou Village: Xiao Zizai.

The reason why Quan Xing fled to BJ was because he was chased by Xiao Zizai.

"Then it's fate that we can meet again. But I'm sorry, I have to go back to the temple now and can't entertain you for the time being."

"Well... forget it, I'll go with you too." Xiao Zizi held his chin and thought for a while, then walked to Zheng Shu's side.

"Oh? This really surprises me."

"I can't help it. Old Dou is in Baiyun Temple now. Since my mission has been completed, I have to go over and follow him to express my condolences."

"Old Dou?" Zheng Shu was stunned, "Are you referring to the person in charge in East China? Why is he here?"

"Hehe... It's not just us in East China. The heads of other districts are here, except for Liao Zhong who is still being punished. After all, it is not easy to find a reason to come to Baiyun Temple under normal circumstances." Xiao Zizi twitched at the corner of his mouth .

"Ah..." Zheng Shu immediately understood the reason, "Did this matter spread so quickly?"

"Actually, it's okay. The company's confidentiality capabilities are pretty good, so this matter didn't spread as widely as you thought. The reason why we knew about it was because you mentioned it in front of me.

Now probably only some of the company's upper-level leaders and higher-level leaders know some of the situation. In the alien world, except for the few people supported by the company, even some ten-level figures don't know. Of course, this situation probably won't last long, and news like this certainly can't be blocked for too long. "

"Ha! That's enough. At least when I pay homage to Mr. Fang, a large group of people won't bother me." Zheng Shu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Back at Baiyun Temple, everything went smoothly. As Xiao Zizai said, there were not many people attending the funeral, and most of them were Fang Dongtian's friends.

For example, several people in charge of the company were very low-key during the funeral, and their expressions were very normal.

After the funeral, Zheng Shu found his master and abbot again and told them what had happened to him recently.

Although they were surprised by what Zheng Shu said about being able to resurrect the dead, after recalling what happened recently, they had to believe what Zheng Shu said.

"Well, you did the right thing, just keep doing this. If we can contact you, I'm not sure I can hold on."

Xu Zhengning thought of the friends he knew who had died. If they really came to ask for help, he was not sure whether he could bear not to contact Zheng Shu.

"You didn't listen when I told you to practice hard, kid. Now you know how troublesome it is to have too much karma in this world!"


Xu Zhengning staggered with a slap. When Abbot Xie Xin turned to look at Zheng Shu, his expression quickly changed into a kind expression.

"Well done, little Zheng Shu. Being able to develop such a technology is worthy of being a member of our Baiyun Temple! Don't worry about causing trouble inside the temple. We old guys can still handle it. Since your master is such a big brat, Even as we get older, we have not broken away from earthly causes and effects, so it’s time to practice our worldly manners.”

"Well..." Xu Zhengning covered the back of his head and arched toward the wall in grievance, looking at his master without daring to speak.

"By the way, little Zheng Shu, remember not to resurrect me when I die. Old man, it's hard for me to rest. I won't be happy if you want to resurrect me."

"Master, this thing of mine can only resurrect people who died accidentally, not those who died naturally." Zheng Shu reminded tactfully.

"Oh! That's good, that's good!" Abbot Xie Xin smiled, touched his beard, and nodded with satisfaction.

(Transitional chapter, explain some chores.)

Thanks to Zhu Zhongjian for the reward, thank you for your support

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