Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 455 Inference and Discovery (8,000 words plus more!)

In addition to the above information, Zheng Shu also discovered a very interesting situation.

"Could it be that...this interior space cannot detect my inner memory?"

After all, Zheng Shu did not feel any obstruction when he punctured the light ball just now, which shows that it is really not difficult for him to obtain this information.

But if you really go by his previous thoughts, theoretically speaking, it shouldn’t be any difficult for Zhang Chulan and the other three to defeat the ball of light. After all, the information has already been in his mind, and the interior world only needs to be adjusted. Yes, you don’t need to spend so much energy at all.

Zhang Chulan and the other three people next to them were too embarrassed to ask Zheng Shu how he did it after being shocked. They could only continue to analyze the information they obtained.

After Zheng Shu finished thinking about the interior space, he found that Zhang Chulan was lost.


Wang Ye and the two who were discussing with Zhuge Qing also discovered this problem. As Zhang Chulan thought, an indescribably huge golden fireball appeared in front of everyone.

Zhang Chulan was completely lost at this time. The huge fireball in front of him was obviously full of danger, but he still walked towards the fireball involuntarily.

Seeing that Zhang Chulan was about to be engulfed by the huge fireball, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, who were closest to him, immediately rushed forward and pulled him back.

"Come back! Damn it, forgot to think about that!"

"This guy has not been trained in Qi Men's mental skills and was confused by the answer!"

However, after the two people rushed forward, they were unable to pull Zhang Chulan out of the confinement of the fireball. Instead, they themselves were restrained by the soaring flames.

During this process, the giant fireball summoned by Zhang Chulan was still expanding rapidly, and soon occupied everyone's field of vision.

"What on earth did this guy ask?!"

Wang Ye was a little stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. He couldn't imagine what Zhang Chulan wanted to ask to cause such a situation.


At the critical moment, a jet of extremely fast water passed in front of the three people, completely cutting off the flame tentacles that bound them like a blade.

"Back off!"

Before Zheng Shu could finish his words, after the flames that bound him and others were disconnected, Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye had already tacitly pulled the unconscious Zhang Chulan away from the fire ball.

Sensing that his prey was about to escape, the flames became more and more violent, stretching out several giant flame tentacles more than ten meters thick and tying them towards the three of them.

Or, given the size of these tentacles, it should be more appropriately called "shooting".

Zhuge Qing and Wang also looked desperate. If such an attack fell on them, let alone their souls, they would not be able to withstand it even in the outside world!


boom! ! !

A thick curtain of water suddenly appeared in front of the three people, completely intercepting the flame tentacles that were about to hit them. The flames connected with the water curtain, causing a large amount of explosions and water vapor.

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing involuntarily raised their arms in front of their faces, blocking the hot steam coming towards their faces.

Soon, the water mist that had been evaporated into steam was reabsorbed by the water curtain. After the steam that obscured their sight disappeared, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing finally saw the scene in front of them clearly.

Seeing this scene, the two of them were so shocked that they lost the ability to speak.

As if due to stimulation, the fireball expanded faster and faster. When the two people's vision recovered, the original chaotic scene was no longer in front of them, but a wall of fire with no boundaries at all.

But both of them knew very well that this was not a wall of fire at all, but because the fireball expanded so much that human eyes could only see a small part of the plane.

At the same time, the two finally saw clearly that what was in front of them was not a water curtain, but a "water sword" summoned by Zheng Shu.

...If this thing can really be called a sword.

The width of this water sword alone is nearly a hundred meters, the length is more than a thousand meters, and the thickness is more than five meters. From a distance, Zheng Shu looks like he is holding a sword made of skyscrapers, full of energy. A horrible sense of oppression.

On the contrary, this sword still seemed too small in front of this huge and expanding fireball.

"Holy crap! Is this power growing too fast?! Can the secret technique be lifted?!" Zheng Shu was dumbfounded when he looked at the fireball in front of him.

"No, Zhang Chulan can't wake up. There's no way for the four of us to form the four-house symbol and we can't undo it!"

Zhuge Qing shook Zhang Chulan hard twice, and found that he couldn't wake up. He could only yell helplessly or Zheng Shu.

"Can't it be lifted? Then we can only wait for Feng Baobao outside to help!"

Zheng Shu grinned and felt a toothache when he saw the fireball in front of him.

It didn't make sense. He remembered that the fireballs these guys encountered in the original work were not that strong. Could it be that his existence caused some chain reaction?

Seeing the waves of fire rising again on the flame wall in front of him, an extremely excited smile broke out on Zheng Shu's face.

"Then... come!"

All the power in his body was mobilized by Zheng Shu. After coming to the world under one person, Zheng Shu exerted all his power to the extreme for the first time, and the size of the already abnormally huge water sword in his hand skyrocketed again.

boom! ! !

Amidst the deafening roar, one after another terrifying shock waves of water mist carrying blazing high temperature spread out from the point where the water sword and the flaming waves collided, and the entire interior space seemed to be shaking.

If it weren't for Zheng Shu's protection, the souls of the three people behind him would have completely collapsed in the shock of this blow.

"So hard..." This was what Zheng Shu felt after using his water sword to slash the wall of flames in front of him.

After crushing the incoming flame waves, the water sword that condensed Zheng Shu's full strength completely collapsed the moment it came into contact with the flame wall.

However, the wall of fire in front of him only left traces of traces of scars, and they were healed again in the next moment by the flames that surged up from within.

"Hey, hey, this is no joke! If Zhang Chulan doesn't wake up, we will really have to deal with it here!"

Zheng Shu looked at the wall of fire in front of him that was gaining momentum again and was about to launch its third attack. Cold sweat broke out on his head.

He has even pulled the panel in front of his eyes. If the situation is really wrong, he will not hesitate to strengthen himself into the Dream White King.

"Uh! Let me go, what's wrong with me?!"

Just when Zheng Shu was about to give it all, Zhang Chulan suddenly woke up. Zheng Shu knew that it was Feng Baobao from the outside world who finally exerted his strength to help them smooth out the Qi in their bodies.

"You finally woke up!"

Wang Ye on the side almost cursed his mother with anger when he saw Zhang Chulan wake up, while Zhuge Qing simply pointed his sword at the tree in front of him.


The spirits and souls of the four people returned to their bodies in an instant. Except for Zheng Shu, Zhang Chulan and the three of them suddenly found that they had been put into various strange positions by Feng Baobao.

"Holy shit!"

"What's happening here?"

"Ah, you guys are awake. I see that your Qi is all over the place and completely gone astray in your body, so follow your Qi pulses."

Feng Baobao still looked dumb. When everyone came out, she was holding Wang Ye's head with both hands, looking like she was going to break his neck in the next moment.

After Zhuge Qing and Wang were stunned for a while, they got up angrily and wanted to chase Zhang Chulan.

They were also frightened by the previous situation. Fortunately, the rules in the interior space determined that the fireball was not very aggressive, so the gap between each round of attacks was quite large.

Otherwise, even with Zheng Shu's help, a few of them might fall there.

Looking at the embarrassed three people, Zheng Shu woke up and looked up at the sky, with a subtle smile on his lips.

"The world is becoming more and more interesting..."

After a moment of uproar, several people gathered together again.

"Okay, now I know who the enemy I'm facing is, Zhang Chulan, what should I do next?"

"You don't have to do anything. Leave the rest to me. Lao Wang, you don't have any moral issues, right?"

Looking at Zhang Chulan's face, Wang Ye gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely.

Seeing that he had nothing to do next, Zheng Shu didn't waste any more time. He said goodbye to everyone and returned to Baiyun Temple.

Returning to his dormitory in Baiyun Temple, Zheng Shu first sat on the futon and started practicing. After completely calming down the mental shock he had caused in the interior space, he opened his eyes.

He could feel that after the all-out battle in the interior space, his cultivation level had further improved.

"It's so interesting that there is such a thing in this world."

Recalling the fireball he encountered in the interior space before, as well as the blocking methods that he vaguely saw during the fight with the fireball, Zheng Shu had a thoughtful look on his face.

Obviously, that fireball is definitely not normal!

With all the strength of Zheng Shu, he was unable to move him even a little bit, and the force of the shock even damaged his spirit.

You know, although the only things that are fought for in the interior space are mental power and vitality, Zheng Shu is confident that his mental power should be the best in the entire human world.

Of course, the only objects of comparison are "human beings". Zheng Shu is not sure if those legendary guys who became immortals are still alive.

As for the amount of vitality, Zheng Shu feels that the scope can be expanded to all living things in the entire earth's ecosystem. Even if it is the largest blue whale in the world, Zheng Shu doesn't think that thing has more vitality than himself.

Therefore, the fireball in the interior space that even he cannot break is definitely not a restriction that a single being in this world can set.

It seems that just like the information speculated by Zhang Chulan in the original work, this thing... or this information is something that the geniuses who opened up various sects in the past dynasties still have to ban after they achieve enlightenment and become immortals.

Thinking a little deeper, the reason why the thirty-six thieves were jointly hunted down by various sects before they created the Eight Wonders is probably because Wu Gensheng got some information from nowhere, so those who have been guarding Only those sects that follow this message will allow people to hunt down their disciples.

But for Zheng Shu, this information is not that important. What is more important is the meaning represented by the existence of this information.

"This world...there really are immortals and gods!"

Zheng Shu knew very well that there had always been gods in this world. After all, in a world where one person was the most powerful, actors were very good at using this kind of power.

Actors are also called Wu Nuo.

It is a kind of witchcraft under one person. It communicates directly with God through singing and dancing, conveys God's will through mysterious and ancient rituals, or drives away evil and defeats darkness.

At the beginning, they used a kind of sacred and barbaric dance to let themselves perform until others believe, perform until they believe, use themselves to act as gods, use themselves to become gods, and use their lives to perform.

Zheng Shu was also very interested in their method, but this interest was not directed at being able to act as other gods.

After all, the biggest benefit of playing as a god is just to improve combat effectiveness, and Zheng Shu had become a god-level existence in the first two worlds. He had to save his face to avoid asking for help from other gods in this world.

And you don’t need to look at it to know that this skill is basically unique to the world under one person. If you go to other worlds, you probably won’t be able to use it at all. There is a small chance that you will become enemies with the gods whose faith has been stolen.

What interests him about this method is the way these actors "use" or "steal" the power of faith.

After all, Zheng Shu also has an enhanced template of the divine Heracles in his hand. Although there is no need for stronger power in this world, when Zheng Shu travels to other worlds, he may need to rely on this method. Strengthen the power of the Divine Hercules Strengthening Template.

All in all, in the world under one person, gods, things created by human beliefs, do not actually exist in themselves, but are essentially just a "tool".

As for the immortal...

Although various sects have records of attaining enlightenment and becoming immortals, and even many sects were founded by these immortals, it is true that no one has ever seen the existence of immortals.

Even because it has been so long ago, many people now think that these are just rumors spread by false rumors.

Apart from anything else, if there really are immortals, why were there no immortals during that special period?

Moreover, the modern population is so prosperous that it is already several times that of the ancient times when the population was the largest, and the number of aliens far exceeds that in the past, but still not a single immortal has been born.

In theory, the old Celestial Master who is most likely to become an immortal has been dragged down by the Celestial Master's degree, so at least in recent years, it is unlikely to encounter the birth of a new immortal.

Zheng Shu was very interested in this. He wanted to know whether after becoming an immortal, he would really ascend to a so-called fairy world, or whether immortals were just beings that were a little more powerful than ordinary people, so they would also become older as they grew older. die.


"As inferred by the 30% regeneration of the Trinity Sect's skills, the body of a person who becomes an immortal will dissipate and turn into an innate energy? In that case, the immortal is actually an energy creature. , or is this path itself wrong?”

Zheng Shu is not worried about things like mistakes on the road, because for him, as long as he can travel through the world in time, he can be completely immune to no matter how serious the damage is on the physical level.

As for the spiritual level...Although Alter's mental distortion is a big trouble for Zheng Shu, in a sense, if other permanent mental distortions want to affect Zheng Shu, they must first cause Alter. Only when the mental distortion is suppressed can it be overcome.

In other words, in a sense, the mental distortion caused by Ort has become a protection for Zheng Shu's mind.


Feeling the hunger in his stomach and the impatience in his heart, Zheng Shu sighed and summoned a large ball of instant noodles to fill his stomach with a thought.

Compared with other mental aberrations that have unknown consequences, Alter's mental aberrations, which have no effect as long as they are full, are quite easy to deal with, especially since Zheng Shu can summon instant noodles anytime and anywhere. situation.

"Continue to practice..."

Putting away those thoughts, Zheng Shu took advantage of the period of rapid growth in his cultivation and took the time to practice.

Two weeks later.

On this day, Zheng Shu completed several rounds of great cycles as usual and was about to call it a day and end his practice, but suddenly found that something was wrong with his consciousness.

Following his intuition, Zheng Shu started the next cycle of internal Qi training, and this time, he obviously found something different.

Zheng Shu felt as if he had seen a scene, which was his own heart. Not only could he "see" the beating and contraction of the heart and the flow of blood in the blood vessels, but he could even "hear" the drum-like beating of the heart. sound.

"Inner vision?"

As soon as this thought flashed through Zheng Shu's mind, he found that the scene he "saw" had become distorted due to his distracting thoughts, so he immediately stopped other thoughts and calmed down to concentrate.

So the scene that Zheng Shu could see in his mind immediately became clear again, and the originally distorted voice returned to normal.

After trying to control it a little, the originally enlarged heart quickly shrank, and the overall situation in Zheng Shu's body was quickly revealed.

In addition to the blood flowing continuously in the blood vessels and the wriggling internal organs, the most eye-catching things should be the major acupuncture points of the human body and the meridians that theoretically should not exist inside the human body. .

Zheng Shu could even see the flow of Qi that he was controlling inside the meridians. Seeing that his distraction caused a slight glitch in the flow of Qi, Zheng Shu adjusted it in a timely manner, allowing it to move forward again. On track.

After a little familiarity, Zheng Shu finally mastered the trick of internal vision.

"Is this inner vision?! It is indeed a very big increase in practice, especially for those who are not mentally strong enough to be able to clearly 'see' the flow of their Qi meridians. The difficulty of practice will plummet, and it will not Because the perception is not clear, small glitches frequently occur, resulting in the need to constantly restart practice.

And looking at it like this, if you are injured, you can also use inner vision to control Qi more precisely to deal with your injury in a targeted manner. Even some serious injuries that would have been fatal can survive as long as the practitioner's consciousness is still clear and he is treated in a safe place in time. "

Zheng Shu agreed with the effect of endoscopic auxiliary practice, but then a question came to his mind.

"...How does this thing work, and why can you see non-existent things like acupoints and energy meridians?"

Zheng Shu turned his attention to the major acupoints that were prominent in his inner vision. These acupoints were scattered inside his body like stars, and each acupoint shone with its own light.

Among them, the brightest one is the Qihai point located under the navel, which is commonly known as the Dantian in the conventional sense. It is also the lower Dantian among the three upper, middle and lower Dantians mentioned by Taoist priests.

In addition, the brightest points are naturally the Tanzhong point on the chest and the Yintang point between the eyebrows, which are the so-called middle and upper Dantian.

Among them, the lower Dantian represents the place where the energy of the human body occurs, which is the so-called physical force, the "jing" or "fate" among the three treasures.

Although Zheng Shu's body is somewhat malnourished because the elements of this world are too barren, it is still the most powerful part, so his lower dantian is the "brightest" in the inner vision.

The Tanzhong point, which represents the middle Dantian, is located on the chest of the human body, so it is also called the heart.

Zheng Shu's body has not yet been broken, so when practicing, he uses the heart fire to draw the Qi from the golden lungs to generate, and then circulates and transforms it into his own Qi. After that, these Qi will be stored in the middle Dantian on the chest.

Located in the center of the human body, this place not only controls all the Qi meridians in the body, but is also the most convenient to mobilize.

However, because Zheng Shu's cultivation level is still shallow, the Qi he cultivated is far behind his physical quality and mental strength. Therefore, although the brightness of this acupoint is far higher than other acupoints, it is among the three major acupoints. The bleakest one.

The Yintang point between the last eyebrows is naturally the brightest point in Zheng Shu's body besides the Qihai point, but Zheng Shu frowned a little when he "looked" at the bright light of the Yintang point.

From his perspective, the light in other acupuncture points is gentle and stable. Even the dimmest acupuncture point in the body, the light inside is like a warm candle. Although the brightness is not high, it can give people a breath of hope. .

But the light in Yintang point is not like this. Although the brightness is very high, it gives people an unusually unstable feeling, like a bright light bulb with unstable voltage.

Moreover, there is some stray light mixed inside this "bright light", which makes it not look so pure. It looks like there are "bulbs" of other colors inside that light up from time to time.

"This is really... simple and easy to understand."

After a moment of silence, Zheng Shu took his eyes away from the three dantians and turned to look at the whole.

With the three Dantians as the center, all the acupuncture points in the body form a perfect cycle. This is exactly the function of the technique practiced by Zheng Shu - Quanzhen Secret: Inner Alchemy Technique.

Because it is the most classic method of cultivating both life and life, the three Dantians are practiced together, and all the power in the body is brought together, turning the whole body into a furnace.

The light from all the acupuncture points in Zheng Shu's body is gathered together, which is the "inner elixir" he cultivated from his inner elixir technique, which may also be called the "holy fetus" or "elixir".

Theoretically speaking, as long as all the acupuncture points and Qi meridians in the body are not destroyed in an instant, the practitioner of Nei Dan Gong can re-build a cultivation channel in his body with one Qi meridians and acupoints as the center.

This is also the most difficult thing for practitioners of Dacheng Inner Alchemy. In addition to the basic blood, blue, multi-power, and high defense, its recovery and sustainability are also terrifying.

Although the healing of external injuries is not as fast as the Wolverine-like recovery speed visible to the naked eye of the Trinity Reverse Triple Level, the recovery speed related to "inner" is the best.

Whether it's simply recovering Qi-related damage or recovering mana, the speed is terrifyingly fast.

Even for soul-related injuries that are the most troublesome for other sects, the Neidan sect can also use the method of dual cultivation of life and life to make the damaged soul heal itself as quickly as the injured body.

To put it simply, as long as a cultivator who has mastered the inner alchemy skill does not die on the spot in the battle, it is absolutely impossible for him to die from injuries sustained after the battle.

While thinking about these chores, Zheng Shu quickly re-examined his body and finally discovered some clues.


Zheng Shu was a little unsure. After using his inner vision again to perceive it carefully, he finally confirmed that the so-called inner vision was actually a special kind of visualization.

It’s just that ordinary visualization takes other people or things as its object, but this visualization takes itself as its object.

To achieve inner vision, you must first ensure that you have the ability to explore every organ and even every cell in your body anytime and anywhere, which requires extremely strong mental strength.

This is also why the realm of inner vision can only be obtained after cultivating to the Yang Shen. Chu Yang Shen represents that the soul and spirit of the cultivator have reached a certain strength, and only then can the prerequisites for inner vision be achieved.

Another necessary condition for achieving inner vision is that mental power and physical body can be combined to a certain extent. This can only be achieved by inner alchemy skills that cultivate both life and life.

After completing these two prerequisites, the practitioner can visualize his body deep in his consciousness.

That's why Zheng Shu was able to see the Qi meridians and blood channels that did not actually exist in the body when looking inside.

"It seems that what I saw during the internal vision process, including the cells, organs, the flow of Qi, and the display of the internal cultivation of the acupuncture points, are probably all based on my inner cognition.

Because in my innermost and deepest understanding, Qi is essentially a high-energy energy, so it exhibits various characteristics consistent with high-energy energy such as luminescence.

If other practitioners think that Qi is something similar to mercury-like liquid flowing in the body, they probably see something similar to water flow. "

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu's thoughts became clearer and clearer.

"That's why it happened: Theoretically, inner demons that should be born in the human mind can actually produce this kind of thing in the acupuncture points, and this thing can also interfere with the flow of Qi in the body. Because in essence, the so-called The acupoint itself is just something that the cultivator visualizes in his own mind... Huh?!"

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu suddenly froze for a moment, feeling that he seemed to have found a way to deal with the mental distortion.

"If ordinary cultivators can make their inner demons manifest through visualization like 'inner vision'...can mental distortions also be dealt with in this way?!"

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. Zheng Shu took advantage of the fact that he had just made a breakthrough and his body was in the best condition. He did not hesitate to turn his attention to the inner part of the upper dantian on his forehead when he was looking inwards.

As he concentrated his attention, Zheng Shu felt that his "sight" was quickly pulled closer to the upper Dantian, and the Yintang acupoint, which shone with unstable light, quickly grew larger in his "sight".

As Zheng Shu's eyes flashed, he had arrived at the place where his soul was.

It seems that Zheng Shu also feels that mental power is a kind of high-energy energy in his consciousness. There is a huge amount of mental power surging in the upper Dantian. The terrifying energy gathers together and looks like an ocean of energy, exuding uncertain brightness and destruction. of brilliance.

Obviously, given Zheng Shu's subconscious understanding of energy, it is quite difficult to give birth to something like an inner demon.

After all, even an energy creature that is born to feed on energy would have to hold on until it was half dead before it could crawl away when encountering this amount of energy.

" plan is over before it even begins?!"

Zheng Shu visualized another body in his upper dantian. "Looking" at the terrifying mental power that flickered in front of him, Zheng Shu scratched his head at the imagined body.

After wandering around for a while, Zheng Shu was thinking that he might leave without anything this time, when he suddenly discovered that something seemed to be flashing away inside the terrifying sea of ​​spiritual energy.

"what is that?!"

Zheng Shu looked a little wary and quickly switched his perception from inner vision to normal sensing.

Zheng Shu self-examined the spiritual power in his body over and over again, and was sure that there was indeed nothing special left inside.

"Forget it, let's try the magic conch!"

Out of caution, Zheng Shu did not hesitate to use the three skills provided by the panel.

As soon as he made up his mind, Zheng Shu immediately felt a strong intuition coming from his heart.

[You can handle it however you want, it won’t hurt you. 】

The corner of his mouth twitched unconsciously. Zheng Shu was now more and more sure that this guy ran over from the set of SpongeBob SquarePants.

The magic conch helped him determine the harmlessness of this thing, but Zheng Shu was still curious about what it was.

“What preparations do I need to make if I go looking for this thing?”

【No need to prepare anything. 】


Since there is no need to make any preparations, it means that there should be no danger in exploring that thing, or even if there is danger, it is within the scope that one can handle immediately.

Then Zheng Shu will look for it to see what it is.

(8,000 words plus updates!)

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