Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 436 Actions from all parties

The old Heavenly Master walked up to Zheng Shu, looked him up and down carefully, smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Baiyunguan's generation has a good successor. It seems that we old guys really should retire."

This was said quite indifferently. The problem was that the three of them could clearly see the playing field divided into two from their position. Seeing the terrifying destructive power, even Lu Jin behind him couldn't help but complain.

"Old guy, are you blind? Is this kid really just good?!"

"Old Lu, you are quite old, could you please stop making such a fuss and being startled?"

"You really have the nerve to say I'm making a fuss!"

Lu Jin gave Lao Tianshi a hard look, then realized that there were other people here, so he hesitated and turned to look at Zheng Shu.

"Boy, I don't know how strong you are, but I know you are in big trouble. The best thing you can do now is to return to your master as soon as possible and let your master protect you, otherwise those flies will look like flies. The guys will come around again."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for reminding me. I know."

Although his tone of voice was very direct and aggressive, Zheng Shu knew that Lu Jin was actually worried about him.

Zheng Shu himself knew that after he showed such power, he would inevitably come into the sight of the upper class, and as his minions, Nadaotong Company would also pay more attention to Zheng Shu.

If it were Zheng Shu before, he might not really be too afraid, but after being affected by Liu Caihong's ability, Zheng Shu suddenly became alert.

Although the upper limit of the level of power in this world is very weak, there are some strange Yin people's methods that are hard to guard against. Although his power is indeed powerful, it has not yet reached a perfect state. There are still various things that he knows or does not know. flaws exist.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Zheng Shu has not yet reached the point where he can act arbitrarily.

Of course, although Zheng Shu did not dare to act recklessly, Nadoutong Company did not dare to act casually.

After all, Zheng Shu's strength is the biggest bargaining chip. The company's strategy has always been to maintain the stability of the alien world. Once Zheng Shu is angered, the possible consequences are not something they can bear.

But just as Lu Jin said, at least after this, he will indeed receive some harassment.

After all, according to the plot of the original work, in this world, in addition to those who take the overall situation into consideration, there are many people hiding in the dark who want to satisfy their own interests.

However, Lu Jin is indeed a moral benchmark for one person. Just these words he said may become the company's leverage against him in the future.

Lu Jin was naturally aware of the consequences, but he still reminded Zheng Shu without hesitation, fearing that he would get carried away because of his youthful nature.

Lu Jin stared at Zheng Shu's eyes, and finally shook his sleeves and turned to leave.

"Forget it, I see you have your own ideas, and I am not qualified to guide you. It seems like what the Heavenly Master said, it's time for us old guys to retire."

"Hey, Lao Lu, why did you leave so quickly and not continue chatting?"

The old Heavenly Master who had been smiling beside him was stabbing his friend in the heart without hesitation.

"Talk about your fucking big-headed ghost! I'm going to deal with the mess left by this kid, no! Aren't you the master of this place? Go clean up the mess quickly!"

Lu Jin was so angry that he almost turned into the third level of reverse life again. He wanted to pick up bricks from the ground and smash several big bags on the head of his harmed friend.

"Hey, this old Lu is a nice guy, but he's too outspoken, so don't mind." The old Heavenly Master smiled at Zheng Shu.

"How could it be possible? Senior Lu is so sincere and truly worthy of being a role model for our generation." Zheng Shu bowed and saluted again.

"Okay, brat, what are you talking about in such a polite way? I see that you are feeling awkward and flustered. You can relax a little more when talking to me in the future. After all, you have the qualifications to do so."

The Heavenly Master shook his sleeves and looked around. The Longhushan Taoist priest he had awakened earlier was awakening the unconscious spectators in the venue one by one. Some of the ones who were in a deep coma were also carried out for treatment.

"You have seen this situation now. I guess today's game will be incomparable. I don't have time to talk to you in detail now. Come see me again in the evening."

Zheng Shu took a look at the situation around him and nodded in agreement. It was impossible to continue the game in this state.

"Understood, then I won't bother you again tonight, Heavenly Master."

"Go, go, go out for a walk by yourself, otherwise you will be surrounded by people later. By the way, don't forget to put on your hat."


Zheng Shu was stunned for a moment, and then saw the old master pointing at his head.

The ears on his head twitched. Zheng Shu was reminded by the old master before he realized that due to the explosion just now, his bun had been washed away, and the lion ears that had been hidden by him were exposed.

"Hiss...thank you."

Zheng Shu felt the incomprehensible look in the old Heavenly Master's eyes at the pair of animal ears on his head. He bared his teeth helplessly, and immediately neatly packed up his hair and pulled up his bun again to cover his ears.

"Old man, I don't have a problem... I just didn't expect you young people to have such a good time now. Alas, the world is getting worse!"

The Heavenly Master ignored Zheng Shu's embarrassed expression and left here with emotion and shaking his head with his hands behind his back.

"I don't cultivate when I am old..."

Zheng Shu watched the Longhu Mountain Celestial Master leave and muttered to himself. After taking a look at the surroundings, he disappeared in a flash.

The Heavenly Master is right. Even if he stays here to help, he won't be able to help much. On the contrary, he may be watched by others. If he meets someone with a bad mind and wants to come up and fight him, Zheng Shu will be in trouble, so Simply choose to leave here.

On the other side of the playing field, feeling the breath of death dissipate, the two ten men sitting back on their chairs were talking to each other.

"This Qi is really amazing, Lao Lu, what do you think?"

Wang Ai was sitting on a chair, holding his crutches with both hands, with a kind look on his face.

"What do you think? I don't have any opinion. I don't want to die yet. If you get tired of living, you can use some methods." Lu Ci, who was blind in one eye and had a ferocious look on his face, looked down at the man below with no expression. The aura was disturbed and the competition was forced to end.

"It's really strange. I remember that you are usually more radical, aren't you?"

When Lu Ci heard this, he glanced at Wang Ai, who was sitting next to him, with disdain in his eyes.

"Although I'm called a mad dog, it doesn't mean I'm a fool. What did you do to stop that attack just now? Can you withstand the lives of the entire Wang family?!"

"Oh, that's wrong."

Wang Aiyi looked so unhurried and seemed confident.

"After all, we are also important people who help the company maintain order in the alien world. Under such circumstances, the company must also consider the harm that people who use this trick can cause. The lives of my Wang family cannot be taken away, so then Just find some more people to help carry it."

As he spoke, Wang Ai raised his head and looked at Feng Zhenghao, who was standing opposite them.

"Just like that kid, there has been a lot of growth in recent years. The faction of the Tianxiahui seems to have surpassed the four of us. But others don't know, don't you know, Lao Lu, what is the Feng family of the Tianxiahui? , It’s all bullshit! In front of our four major families, he is just a young brat."

"I think you are out of your mind. How dare a person like that dare to make plans." Lu Ci turned around and looked at Wang Ai carefully as if he had just met his partner. "People in the circle say I am a mad dog." , but judging from today, you are probably more crazy than me."

"Times have changed, Lao Lu. If it were that chaotic time, I really wouldn't have dared to touch this person. I would have to kneel down and beg for mercy if someone even looked at me. But in this day and age, 'power' is no longer The most important thing is that 'power' is the strongest thing in this peaceful age.

I know all the older people who participated in the Luotian Festival this time. Except for the old Heavenly Master, I don't believe that other old guys have such power. In other words, it was a junior who unleashed that kind of power. "

The more Wang Ai talked, the more excited he became, and he even couldn't control his emotions.

"For a junior to have such power, it is self-evident what the thing in his hand is. Apart from something of the level of the Eight Wonders, what else can do this."

"Really... forget it, the risk is too great. I will not participate. If you want to contact him, you can do it yourself. I think it is better to deal with Zhang Chulan's matter first."

"That's natural."

Lu Ci turned his head, his remaining eye filled with mockery.

He knew very well that the Wang family had taken a huge advantage during the Jiashen Rebellion, so Wang Ai never forgot the other Eight Wonders.

In recent years, although other families of the four major families have developed very well, the Wang family's development in the secular world is second to none.

Of course Lu Ci understood what this old man was thinking. He planned to tie the Wang family and the company together, and use righteousness to suppress the junior who released this power, so as to reunite with the Wang family who had obtained the Juling Sentence during the Jiashen Rebellion. will process.



Lu Ci snorted disdainfully deep in his heart. The old man had been blinded by profit. He never thought that before the breath of death was released, there would be a pressure that was enough to crush everyone.

Even if the person who releases this pressure may have relied on some special method to reach that state, the spiritual will contained in the pressure will not change.

Lu Ci would not believe that a person with that kind of spiritual will would be suppressed by the so-called "righteousness".

Even if the company relied on the power from above to suppress the guy after the conflict, the Wang family was absolutely dead before that.

Wang Ai has played too many tricks and intrigues, and always thinks that everyone will follow his lead.

This old guy has now forgotten that he will always have the biggest fist in this world. If he is not strong enough, sooner or later he will be killed by a tougher enemy.

Obviously, judging from the aura that just broke out, the person who caused all this is tougher than the Wang family.

So Lu Ci decisively gave up Wang Ai's invitation. Since his brother and father died, Lu Ci's biggest goal was to make his family prosperous. He would not touch this guy who was like explosives.

"What's more, how do you know that he doesn't have a disciple?"

As expected by the Heavenly Master, due to the influence of Zheng Shu's dragon power, almost all the remaining players were out of shape, and a large number of aroused spectators fell into a state of fear.

So today's competition was temporarily suspended. Longhushan decided to let everyone rest for a night to adjust their condition and continue the competition tomorrow.

And through the publicity of those watching the big screen in the square, everyone on Longhu Mountain soon learned the "culprit" that caused this impact.

For a time, the information about "Quanzhen Baiyun Temple Zheng Shu" spread in people's mouths. On some websites, the odds about this Zheng Shu plummeted.

The investigation into Zheng Shu's information was also classified as an emergency matter by some forces present.

Under the surging undercurrents from all sides, time soon came to night.

At the foot of Longhu Mountain, the Xu brothers and their men stood here, looking at the road in the distance, as if they were waiting for someone.

Zheng Shu's dragon power during the day caused half of the strangers on Longhu Mountain to fall into a deep coma and have not been able to wake up to this day.

For this reason, Xu San could only urgently deploy local Nadutong employees to transport these comatose patients to the hospital.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot bypass Dou Le, the person in charge of the region here. After receiving the request for assistance from the Xu brothers, Dou Le understood the seriousness of the matter and mobilized most of the companies in the East China Region overnight. manpower.

Soon, more than a dozen vans with the logo of "Everywhere Access" drove over from the darkness in the distance. Under the cover of night, these vans drove out with the momentum of an army.

When the convoy arrived nearby, they saw Dou Le and Xiao Zizai getting out of the car. Xu San and Xu Si immediately took the initiative to greet them.

"Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Dou. I have to trouble you to make a trip."

Dou Le picked up the few hairs on his head and waved his hand.

"Anyway, this place is originally under my control. You two brothers have already done me a lot of favors by taking over the matter on Longhu Mountain. Now that something like this has happened, I should come and help."

After a few quick greetings, Dou Le's expression became serious.

"I've read the information sent by the mistress. Is that guy really that outrageous?"

"The facts are actually even more outrageous than what the intelligence said. However, the Heavenly Master has stabilized the opponent now. I think it is better for us to adopt a conservative strategy and not to irritate that kid casually." Xu Si lit up a cigarette with a full face. He took a scowl sadly.

"It's hard to say. How to deal with it depends on what Mr. Zhao and the others think." Dou Le pondered for a moment.

"But if the other party is what the intelligence said, these people may not be able to take him down. You can make arrangements for the people I brought with you first, and then seek other assistance later. Time is really tight. We can't take him down in a short time." The manpower available is really limited.”

"Don't worry, Uncle Dou, I know what's going on."

Xu San immediately directed the Nadutong employees brought by Dou Le to hide under the mountain. People who have not experienced it will naturally not be able to understand the shock in the hearts of the Xu brothers.

They knew very well that if they really angered the little Taoist priest during the day, the question of whether the men Dou Le brought here would no longer be a question of whether they could take down the other party, but whether they could survive.

Although Nadutong is the official organization of the alien world and a force specifically used to maintain the balance of the alien world, there are still many aliens who cannot stand the company.

In addition to the fact that the company itself was established too young and is looked down upon by many sect families with long heritage, it is also because of a long-standing concept.

Many foreigners believed that Nedotong Company was just a hawk of the imperial court, and therefore were unwilling to have contact with the company.

Xu San, Xu Si and the others are also very aware of the company's status in the minds of the aliens, so they try their best to hide these people and prevent them from being discovered by other aliens. After all, once they find out that the company has sent a large number of personnel to surround the entire Longhu Mountain, Get up, maybe something will happen.

Before the top decision is made, it is best to try to stabilize the situation as much as possible and not to irritate the little Taoist priest.

"I hope the support from above can arrive soon..."

Xu Si glanced at the people under his hands, took a deep breath of cigarette and blew it out.

"Otherwise, no one in the entire Longhu Mountain except the Heavenly Master can stop him. By the way, in addition to this incident, the two ten guys also set their sights on Zhang Chulan , What a troubled year..."

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