Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 428 New usage of skills and Chongyang Palace

After leaving the small courtyard where they lived, Zheng Shu and Huang Ming went to Yunji Mountain House together and met Liu Xingyang who was waiting here.

"Senior brother."×2.

After arriving at the place and bowing, Zheng Shu looked at Liu Xingyang, who was wearing sunglasses and had a fat figure, and felt inexplicably emotional.

He still remembered that when he was first brought back to Baiyun Temple by Xu Zhengning, the Liu Xingyang in front of him was still an innocent Taoist priest of fifteen or sixteen years old. He did not expect that such a big change had occurred in just fifteen years.

The originally lively little Taoist priest has now turned into a fat middle-aged uncle.

"Here we go, let's go."

Liu Xingyang nodded with a tense face. Huang Ming was extremely active. He had the best relationship with his senior brother, so although Liu Xingyang's face looked quite serious, Huang Ming was not very afraid.


Liu Xingyang slapped Huang Ming on the head. It seemed that he was a little helpless that his junior brother was so excited.

"You brat, we haven't left the temple yet, so be careful!"


Ignoring Huang Ming, who was curling up in grievance next to him, Zheng Shu picked up the luggage next to Liu Xingyang and asked curiously.

"Senior brother, are we traveling so early this time?"

Although Longhu Mountain is in Jiangxi and Baiyun Temple is in BJ, according to the current traffic conditions, it should be enough to leave a day or two in advance. It is not necessary to set off a week in advance like now, right?

"Before we go to Longhu Mountain, we have to go to Chongyang Palace first, so we have to leave early."

"Chongyang Palace?"

Zheng Shu was a little confused, but he knew that Chongyang Palace in Shaanxi was also one of the three ancestral palaces of the Quanzhen Sect, and it was also the place where Wang Chongyang, the founder of Quanzhen Taoism, practiced Taoism in his early years and left his legacy.

But what they were going to attend this time was probably the Luotian Festival in Longhu Mountain, and he didn’t remember in the original work that the Chongyang Palace would send people to attend the Luotian Festival this time.

After all, the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect are all monks, especially the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Longmen Sect. They are all the type who are devoted to pure cultivation and don't care about the worldly world at all.

Unless the mental state has been cultivated to a certain level, so it requires experience in the world, otherwise the outside world will basically not see Taoist priests who belong to the Quanzhen Longmen Sect.

Just like the Jiashen Rebellion in the original work, so many famous sects were affected, including Longhushan, Wudang and Maoshan, who are also representatives of Taoism.

But none of the many Taoist temples affiliated with Quanzhen Longmen Sect participated. Neither the Thirty-six Thieves nor the Eight Wonders could arouse any interest among them.

He has been "dwelling" in his own Taoist temple without leaking anything, and it seems to be a self-contained system.

Liu Xingyang adjusted his sunglasses and explained to Zheng Shu carefully.

It turned out that the Quanzhen Longmen lineage's concept of completely escaping from the world and practicing cultivation was to blame.

Because everyone wants to escape from the world and practice cultivation, they do not attend most alien gatherings if they can. Other alien forces have also become accustomed to this attitude of the Quanzhen Longmen lineage.

However, Luotian Dajiao is one of the most solemn activities in Taoist fasting rituals. No matter how much the Quanzhen Longmen lineage wants to escape from the world and practice, they must send one or two people as representatives to participate in the event each time to show their respect for Taoist concepts. respect.

Then the problem comes. No one wants to waste their time in practice, so they can only choose an unlucky person as the representative.

Obviously, Baiyun Temple was chosen as this unlucky guy because of its special geographical location.

Of course, even if a representative is elected, in order to show their "attention", they still have to ask Baiyun Guan to bring something that represents themselves every time they attend this type of gathering.

Generally speaking, it is a personally written post or letter, plus the presence of Baiyun Temple personnel in person. In a sense, it does show their sincerity, and other forces cannot say much.

"Then after we go to Chongyang Palace, do we need to go to Yongle Palace again?" Huang Ming asked curiously.

After all, Yongle Palace is also one of the three ancestral courts of the Quanzhen Sect. It makes no sense that the other two ancestral courts have shown their sincerity but left Yongle Palace alone.

"Ah, that's not necessary. When the abbot of Yongle Palace communicated with our abbot last time, he left a few handwritten letters, just for times like this. He also said at that time that he would practice seclusion in the next few years. So let’s not disturb him.”

Liu Xingyang took out a piece of plain-looking letter paper from behind him with an indifferent expression. Zheng Shu stretched his head and took a look, and then his face was filled with black lines.

All I can say is that this letter was indeed handwritten, but it is a universal sentence pattern that applies a writing template. It is something that can be used as a sign of "sincerity" in this type of activities.

"This thing...can it really show sincerity if you take it out?"

How can this thing show sincerity? It has the word "perfunctory" plastered on its face!

"It's okay, as long as it comes to your mind, anyway, even if we take it to Heavenly Master, he won't necessarily look at it, he won't necessarily take it into account, and he won't necessarily get angry if he takes it over, so that's fine. This is also in line with our Taoist characteristics of quietness and inaction. "

Liu Xingyang's tall body made a sound like a salted fish, which made Zheng Shu tremble and almost thought he heard wrongly.

Also, is that really what you mean by "purity and inaction"? Aren't you afraid that Wang Chongyang's spirit in the sky will drop a thunderbolt and kill you? !

"Okay, let's go. We're about to miss the train. If there's any problem, I'll explain it to you on the train."

Liu Xingyang stopped paying attention to the remaining questions between the two and speeded up with his hands behind his back.

Zheng Shu and Huang Ming looked at each other and could only carry a small package each and followed the senior brother out of Baiyunguan.

After leaving Baiyun Temple and looking at the bustling traffic and crowds outside, Zheng Shu felt vaguely in a trance.

Speaking of which, except for the last time he followed the abbot to attend another Luotian Festival, he had not left here for probably seven or eight years.

When I left last time, the economic level in this area was still average, but in less than ten years, it has developed so prosperously.

The three of them did not take a taxi, but just walked towards the train station with their legs.

They are all practitioners, so they won’t be too tired. This journey should be used as a warm-up.

The only bad thing is that because the three of them are wearing Taoist robes, they are sometimes surrounded by people when walking on the road. Fortunately, today is a working day, so there are not that many pedestrians on the road.


Suddenly, Zheng Shu, who was walking on the road, raised his eyebrows and immediately pointed his gaze at a figure across the street.

This man was dressed like a very ordinary office worker, wearing a suit and leather shoes, and holding a bag in his hand. He looked like he had just finished business.

However, after careful sensing, Zheng Shu found that this man had an innate energy that was slightly stronger than ordinary people, and his physical fitness was several times stronger than ordinary people.

"He's a body-enhancing congenital alien. It seems he doesn't have any mentors and can only rely on himself to hone his strength, so his strength is a bit weak."

Zheng Shu glanced at him and then withdrew his gaze. He seemed to realize that his sight was noticed by Zheng Shu. The man also hurriedly grabbed his bag and left the street.

It was just a small episode. Zheng Shu didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, the proportion of aliens in the crowd was about one in 50,000. Although it seemed very small, in a big city like BJ with a population of tens of millions, the number was huge. Not too little.

The reason why he was able to detect that this person was a strange person was mainly because the other person's gaze was too dazzling.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Zheng Shu is just a little Taoist priest with an ordinary appearance. Although the identity of a Taoist priest is somewhat magical, the emotion contained in his sight should not be "amazing".

If anyone sees his true appearance, they should be strangers who can detect the innate energy in his body.

"Huh? In this way, in a world where one person is alone, the second skill of the panel can allow me to distinguish those innate strangers hidden in the crowd."

Zheng Shu blinked and suddenly realized this problem. Because he had stayed in the Taoist temple all year round, he was used to the respectful or kind eyes of the people around him, so he really didn't expect this.

"Not bad, not bad, I learned another trick."

Not long after he left Baiyun Temple, he gained something new. Zheng Shu felt better and looked forward to the next trip.

XA City, Chongyang Palace.

"Huh, this Chongyang Palace is quite good."

Zheng Shu stood in front of the Chongyang Palace, feeling the various mysteries caused by the specially built architectural patterns inside, and felt a little amazed in his heart.

Unlike Baiyun Temple, which was actually the residence of the royal family at the beginning, Chongyang Palace is the place where Wang Chongyang, the founder of Quanzhen Taoism, practiced Taoism in his early years and left his legacy.

Compared with Baiyun Temple, which was continuously expanded by later generations and finally became a Taoist temple, the architectural layout of Chongyang Palace coincided with the concept of yin and yang and the harmony of Bagua from the beginning. After years of continuous renovation and expansion by later generations, it became The entire Chongyang Palace even has a "formation" feeling.

It's not obvious to ordinary people, but for people like Zheng Shu who are good at controlling innate energy, they can clearly feel the mysteries in it.

With the help of these mysteries, the efficiency of practicing here may be one or two percent higher than that in ordinary places.

However, such a good place of cultivation has not been maliciously occupied by anyone. It is still controlled by the Taoists of Chongyang Palace. It is self-evident how strong the potential power of Chongyang Palace is.

"Senior brother, this mountain gate looks similar to our Baiyun Temple. What's so good about it?"

Huang Ming stared hard at the door in front of him, but he couldn't feel anything strange about it.


"You don't listen when I tell you to practice hard. You can't even tell where others are stronger at the critical moment. It seems like I have to do more homework for you when I go back this time."

Liu Xingyang, who was the leader of this trip, slapped Huang Ming on the back of the head without hesitation.

"Ah?! No!"

Just when a few people were hesitating whether to buy tickets directly to go in or find someone to inform them first, a voice came from the side.

"A few of them should be Taoist friends from Baiyun Temple, right?"

This voice sounds leisurely and decent, and it seems to contain strange power, as if the breeze is blowing on the face, refreshing people's spirits.

The three of them turned their heads and looked over together. At the side door of Chongyang Palace, a young Taoist in Taoist robes was standing there. His arms were folded and hidden in the wide sleeves of his robes, with a gentle look on his face. Smile.

"Exactly, I am Liu Xingyang of Baiyun Temple. This time I came to Chongyang Palace under the orders of the abbot to discuss matters related to Luotian Grand Sect in Longhu Mountain."

Liu Xingyang reacted immediately and saluted with clasped fists, and the two people beside him also clasped their fists and saluted at the same time.

"I'm watching Zheng Shu in Baiyun."

"I'm watching Huang Ming under the white clouds."

The young Taoist did not neglect, and raised his hands that were clasped in front of him in return.

"I am Wang Yi, the Taoist priest who is waiting for guests at the front gate of Chongyang Palace today. I am here to wait for the Taoist friends from Baiyun Temple on the order of the abbot. I thought that the Taoist friends would be late, but I didn't expect to come so early. Since it happened to happen Come on, let me lead the way for you."

"Then I'll trouble you, fellow Taoist."

The young Taoist priest smiled and nodded, then raised his hand to lead to the gate of Chongyang Palace: "Please."

"Thank you."

Several people no longer hesitated. After Wang Yi paid the tickets, they followed him into the gate and rushed towards the backyard of Chongyang Palace.

Walking in the bustling palace courtyard, several people from Baiyun Temple were also secretly sizing up Wang Yi.

This man doesn't look very old, probably about the same age as Huang Ming, that is, around eighteen or nineteen years old, but his cultivation level is quite good.

The face is so white that it seems to be able to reflect light, and the skin exposed during movements is also emitting a glowing light. This is obviously because the life cultivation has reached a certain level, so it behaves like this.

Judging from his age, this man should not be an ordinary Taoist priest in the Chongyang Palace, but a genius with extraordinary talents. After all, his level of cultivation has even surpassed that of Huang Ming, who was guided by Zheng Shu.

While several people were sizing up Wang Yi, he was also constantly sizing up the people at Baiyun Temple.

Putting Liu Xingyang aside for now, you can tell he is from the previous generation just by looking at his age.

The practice of the Quanzhen lineage is to polish one's own life, abandon all bells and whistles, until the whole body is perfect.

The biggest feature of this extremely orthodox Taoist Kung Fu is that it is righteous and peaceful, and there is almost no worry of going too far when practicing it.

And although when you are young, your combat effectiveness will be lower than that of other sects that are good at strange and cunning skills, but with the growth of your training years, the strength you can display will become stronger and stronger, and will eventually far surpass those who are not good at it. A sect that is good at polishing life.

So in this kind of practice environment, it makes no sense to compare yourself with people older than you.

The other person, Huang Ming, who seemed to be about the same age as himself, had good cultivation. He seemed to be only a little bit worse than himself. He should be a genius of Baiyunguan's generation.

As for the last person who called himself Zheng Shu, Wang Yi was a little confused.

Judging from the attitude of the three people getting along, Zheng Shu's status among the three people is not bad, and Huang Ming's attitude towards this person can even be called respectful.

But in terms of cultivation, I feel that he is much worse. Although I cannot specifically perceive this person's cultivation level, judging from the Qi he displays, he should be a little worse than Huang Ming.

But every time he saw Zheng Shu, Wang Yi would feel his senses ringing the alarm like crazy. It felt like an ordinary person staying next to a tiger.

"can't read……"

Wang Yi shook his head secretly and stopped thinking about these issues. Instead, he led a few people quickly through the busy scenic spot and arrived at the quiet backyard.

Here, the abbot of Chongyang Palace has been waiting for a long time.

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