Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 423 Overnight and Failure

Seeing the baby in his arms closing his eyes, Xu Zhengning became even more anxious.

No longer caring about the consumption of Qi, the power flow in the body accelerated, and his feet began to unconsciously perform Yu steps to help him increase his speed.

Xu Zhengning is the Buddhist master of Baiyun Temple. He came out this time because his practice has reached a certain level, so he went out to practice to polish his character.

Although the past few months since leaving Shanmen have been somewhat difficult, Xu Zhengning has indeed gained a lot.

But this was the first time he had encountered an abandoned baby since he came down the mountain.

When he was a child, he often heard of people abandoning babies, but now it's 2000, is there anyone still doing such a thing? !

I didn't even bring a swaddling bag with me when I threw it away. According to the weather now that it's winter, adults, let alone children, would freeze to death if they stayed out all night.

If he hadn't discovered it earlier, the wolf might have even picked up the corpse.

But it seemed that the baby couldn't hold on for long. When he was discovered, he didn't even cry, and he only opened his eyes for a moment and then closed them again.

He continued to run Qi to deliver power to the baby in his arms, helping him maintain life, but Xu Zhengning felt that the baby in his arms was like a bottomless abyss. No matter how much Qi he input, the baby could easily swallow it.

But now is not the time to think about these issues. As long as he can still absorb Qi, it means he is still alive. From this aspect, it is a good thing.


Desperate to save people, Xu Zhengning took less than an hour to drive him back after a whole day's journey this morning.

However, the days are short in winter, and by the time Xu Zhengning arrived at the village where he set out this morning, it was already completely dark.

The whole village was dark, and there were only a few households with lights on.

With his eyes clear, Xu Zhengning followed the route in his memory and walked towards the few houses with lights on in the village.

Arriving at the door of a house that looked slightly larger than the others around him, Xu Zhengning hesitated for a moment, then reached out and patted the door.

"Village Chief Wang, open the door!"

Sparse sounds could be heard in the room. After a long time, a slightly older voice came out of the room alertly.


While talking, the people inside the house had already arrived at the door, carefully opened the door a crack, and looked outside.

"Oh, it's Taoist Xu. You're back again. Did something happen?"

With the help of his own light, he could barely see the face of the person outside the door. Village Chief Wang immediately threw the shovel aside and opened the door.


Accompanied by the creaking sound of the iron gate being in disrepair, Xu Zhengning's figure also appeared in front of Village Chief Wang.

"Village Chief Wang, I'm very sorry to disturb you so late. I met this baby on the road today. He must have been abandoned by someone. I want to come to your house to ask for a bowl of goat's milk."

"Oh, it's such a sin to abandon a child in the middle of winter. Come on, come on, old woman, go and squeeze some goat milk!"

"Oh, good!"

The woman inside the house responded, and soon she heard the sound of someone going to the barn from the back door.

"Thank you, Village Chief Wang."

"You're welcome, Master Xu. If it weren't for your superb medical skills, I would still be lying in bed. Come on, come in first and warm yourself up."

Village Chief Wang welcomed Xu Zhengning into the gate, closed the back door and took him into the house.

"Daozhang Xu, please sit down for a moment. The goat's milk will be ready soon."

Looking at the stool handed over by Village Chief Wang, Xu Zhengning nodded his thanks and sat on it without hesitation.

He was very tired from running all the way, but looking at the bright electric lights that had just been installed in Village Chief Wang's house, and Village Chief Wang who turned around to fiddle with the charcoal fire to make the stove burn brighter, he still carefully put Zheng Shu into the house. The blue robe on his body was pulled up and covered Zheng Shu's head as much as possible.

Not long after, Village Chief Wang's wife ran back from the back door with a bowl of warm goat's milk and a small spoon in her hand.

"Daozhang Xu, here comes the goat's milk. Let's feed the child to drink it first."

Looking at the baby with eyes closed in Xu Zhongning's arms, the village chief and his wife also seemed a little distressed.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

Xu Zhengning thanked him and asked Village Chief Wang's wife to put the goat milk on the table in front of him, while he fed it to Zheng Shu little by little with a spoon.

"Ouch, this baby looks like he was just born. Is it okay to drink goat's milk? I remember that the youngest son of Wang Er's family in the east of the village just gave birth to a baby. His wife should be able to breastfeed him. How about I go and feed him? Called?"

Seeing Zheng Shu's face turning purple from the cold, Village Chief Wang's wife couldn't bear it.

"No, no, no, don't bother them when it's already here. Look, this kid eats very quickly, so don't bother."

Xu Zhengning hurriedly waved his hand, motioning the two old men to take a look at the baby in his arms.

At this time, Zheng Shu smelled the aroma of food and opened his eyes. He was drinking goat's milk in big gulps. He looked like he wanted to pick up the whole bowl and drink it.

Although the freshly squeezed goat milk had a strong smell, Zheng Shu, who was already hungry and anxious, no longer cared about these things.

Moreover, the mental distortion of the Alter enhanced template still has some remaining problems. At least when he is hungry, Zheng Shu's desire for food will become stronger and stronger, and his behavior will become more and more irritable.

"Huh, this little guy is easy to feed. I have never seen such a good food kid in my entire life."

Village Chief Wang looked at Zheng Shu who drank a large bowl of goat milk and was amazed. Even an adult would feel full after drinking this large bowl of goat milk, let alone a child.

Judging from the way she drinks milk, if it weren't for her being too young, she would probably be able to hold the bowl of milk on her own if she were a little older.

After drinking the last mouthful of milk, Zheng Shu burped with satisfaction.

With enough food to provide energy and nutrition, his originally purple complexion quickly returned to rosy, not at all the sickly look he had just now.

"Daozhang Xu, what will happen if this child is abandoned? If it is really inconvenient, how about I adopt him? Since my youngest son also went to work in the city, our old couple has been a little lonely on weekdays, and my age Although he is old, he can still take care of a child. Don’t worry, my children are all open-minded people and will definitely regard this little guy as their own."

Village Chief Wang looked at the rosy-faced Zheng Shu and liked it more and more, and couldn't help but put forward his thoughts to Xu Zhengning.

After three rounds of strengthening templates, Zheng Shu's body is no longer that wrinkled look. Although he has not grown many hair balls, his whole person looks a lot more rounded.

Coupled with the "swallowing" look when drinking milk just now, it perfectly fits an old man's fantasy of a fat boy, which makes Village Chief Wang, whose sons have been away from home all year round, a little jealous.

"This... to be honest, Village Chief Wang, I plan to go to the place where the child was found tomorrow to see if anyone around has lost their children. If I can't find the child's parents, I will come back. How about letting you adopt me?"

Xu Zhengning felt a little embarrassed when he felt the enthusiasm of Village Chief Wang.

"Oh, it should be, it should be. Old man, I am also dizzy. I should really look first to see if someone has lost the child."

Village Chief Wang was stunned, then immediately shook his head and laughed: "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will go door to door tomorrow morning to see if anyone knows anything about this child."

"Then I'll trouble Village Chief Wang..."

The two chatted for a long time, mainly with Village Chief Wang expressing his gratitude for Xu Zhengning's treatment of his disease.

Village Chief Wang also asked his wife to set up a table for Xu Zhengning to eat, but for some reasons, Xu Zhengning held the baby with one hand even during the meal, trying to prevent him from making too big movements.

Fortunately, the baby was well-behaved and did not cry or fuss after feeding. Instead, he quietly closed his eyes again. This made Xu Zhengning, who had been frightened, secretly relieved in his heart.

At night, Xu Zhengning came to the bedroom arranged for him by Village Chief Wang. After carefully closing the door, he looked at the baby in his arms and felt the steady breathing coming from the little guy before he finally breathed a sigh of relief. tone.

Taking off his shoes and sitting cross-legged on the bed, Xu Zhengning did not turn on the light. Instead, he used the dim moonlight outside the window to carefully remove the robe covering Zheng Shu's head.

The dim moonlight made the scene in the room difficult to see clearly, but Xu Zhengning's eyesight was much better than ordinary people after practicing for many years, so he could vaguely see a pair of fleshy ears on the baby's head that had not yet grown hair. Lying on top of his head.

The color of the ears is the same as the skin on the top of the head. When lying on the top of the head, if you don't look carefully, it will be mistaken for the scalp folds on the head.

Xu Zhengning carefully fiddled with it and confirmed that the structure was indeed an ear, but it didn't look like a human ear, more like a cat's ear.

On both sides of the baby's head, there are also a pair of human ears.

" unimaginable."

Even though he had discovered this problem before, after careful inspection, Xu Zhengning still couldn't believe it. This was why he had previously rejected Village Chief Wang's proposal to adopt the baby.

In his opinion, this severe deformity was the reason the baby was abandoned.

In this day and age, rural villages like this are still quite superstitious. If Village Chief Wang and his wife discover the abnormality on the baby's head after adoption, they may treat him as some kind of monster and throw him away again.

In other words, being thrown away is the best outcome for this baby. If the baby is even worse, he might be thrown directly into a manure pit and drowned.

Fortunately, Xu Zhengning himself is a practitioner, so he also knows about this special situation.

"However... although some people will indeed experience changes in appearance or body, this is the first time such a serious mutation has occurred. This is basically an extra organ."

Xu Zhengning shook his head and wrapped Zheng Shu's head in the Taoist robe again.

"Little guy, you're lucky, you met me. But, what should you do next?"

Xu Zhengning was a little worried. The purpose of his trip down the mountain was to temper his character. He couldn't practice it if he had a baby with him, but he was worried if he entrusted it to others.

"Is it possible... to return to Guanli?"

As soon as this thought came out, it was like a wild weed that could not be stopped, and it quickly filled Xu Zhengning's heart.

After careful calculation, almost half a year has passed since I went down the mountain, and before I knew it, it was almost the New Year.

For Xu Zhengning, who grew up in Baiyunguan, he has never left the mountain gate for such a long time.

This time I came out to experience a lot and gained a lot, and I have achieved a breakthrough in my state of mind. The next step is the hard work of water grinding.

You may be able to hone yourself faster in the world of mortals, but it's not impossible to return to the mountain gate.

"Now that fate has arrived, let's go back to Baiyun Temple!"

As soon as he made the decision, he was immediately full of expectations for "going home". Xu Zhengning even had the urge to rush all night, but he just thought about it and lay down on the bed.

Looking at Zheng Shu lying on the bed beside him, Xu Zhengning liked him more and more, feeling that this little guy was really destined for him.

"Little one, you are truly my lucky star."

Scratching Zheng Shu's round face, Xu Zhengning suddenly discovered that Zheng Shu seemed to be holding something in his hand, but it was too urgent before, so he never paid attention to it.

After carefully taking out the object from Zheng Shu's hand, Xu Zhengjie discovered that it was a flat piece of wood, probably something like tree bark.

There were two words carved crookedly on it. It looked like the marks were carved with stone. Because the marks were very shallow, Xu Zhengning could only take the bark to the window and use the moonlight to barely see what it was.

"Zheng... Shu?"

Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to what was going on outside. After drinking the goat's milk to replenish his physical strength, he closed his eyes again and pondered the magical power he had just come into contact with.

At first, Zheng Shu felt that the energy level of this world was too low, and there might not be anything useful except some technological knowledge.

But when Xu Zhengning held him and continuously sent that strange power to replenish his vitality, Zheng Shu realized that he might have underestimated the power system of this world a little too much.

The reason why Xu Zhengning felt that Zheng Shu's body was like a bottomless abyss constantly devouring the energy he input was because Zheng Shu was actually in a state of "malnutrition".

In this world, Zheng Shu has not yet found the conditions to use the power of the gods, so the enhancement of the divine bloodline in the enhanced template of Hercules he enhanced has also been eliminated.

Having lost his divine power and divinity, Hercules' enhanced template only has the most basic physical strength and magic talent left, but these two items are also a bit "acclimated" because of the too poor elemental power in this world.

A powerful body requires sufficient energy to be driven. With Hercules' physical talent, even a newly born body requires a large amount of power, and the biological energy generated by cells alone is simply not enough to supply it.

Without the nourishment of elemental power, Zheng Shu could feel that the cells in his body were becoming weaker and weaker.

The energy that Xu Zhengning sent into his body helped alleviate part of his "malnutrition."

The power he inputs into Zheng Shu's body can be reversed into the purest vitality, rejuvenating Zheng Shu's "hungry" cells.

But correspondingly, Xu Zhengning spent a lot of energy while rushing back to the village.

Based on the standard of the life breath that Zheng Shu felt from Xu Zhengning's body, and if calculated based on the life force that Xu Zhengning input into his body was reversed into, Xu Zhengning probably transported three times of his own life force into his body during this period of time. vitality.

Such a terrifying difference means that when a magician in the Xingyue World has a magic furnace as a backup energy reserve, he will be exhausted and fall to the ground after releasing the same proportion of magic power.

Xu Zhengning, in addition to providing Zheng Shu with a steady stream of vitality, was also consuming his own energy to rush on the road quickly. However, after arriving at the village, he was only slightly out of breath.

This outrageous thing almost made Zheng Shu's eyes pop out.

He didn't find anything on Xu Zhengning that could provide vitality, so the only possibility was that the special power this person cultivated had the effect of converting his own biological energy or physical strength into vitality!

Although theoretically, there is a certain degree of correlation between a person's vitality and physical strength, it is only a correlation.

If a large amount of vitality is consumed in a short period of time, eating more food and resting peacefully can indeed promote the recovery of vitality during the recovery period.

But it's just this effect. The conversion of biological energy into vitality requires an extremely complicated process, and it is almost impossible to speed it up artificially.

When Shirou Emiya summoned Jekyll, because he was not a magician, he could not use the method of converting life force into magic power. He could only use his own life force to drive the servants to fight.

In order to allow Hyde to fight longer, Emiya Shirou chose to buy a bunch of rice balls and energy drinks as a way to replenish his vitality - after all, a large amount of vitality is consumed, and in the perception of ordinary people, it is the same as the fatigue caused by strenuous exercise for a long time. .

Jekyll's attitude towards Shirou Emiya's method is "it cannot be said to be useless". From this point, we can see how far the "distance" is between biological energy and vitality.

At least in the first two worlds, Zheng Shu did not encounter a power system that could directly convert biological energy into vitality.

As the most original force of living things, vitality itself is a universal "energy source" that can replace various energies to activate skills of different systems.

As for Zheng Shu, he can use violent blood to improve his digestion ability, and he can summon unlimited amounts of instant noodles as food to replenish his physical strength. This power system improves him much more than others.

If he masters this power system, he can rely on his strong physical fitness to transform vitality far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

After understanding the basic rules of this world, it is completely possible to use a sufficient amount of vitality to reproduce the Word Spirit: Rhine, or even imitate the inherent barrier and simple Nibelungen.

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu naturally wanted to try. While Xu Zhengning was on his way, he had been silently memorizing the path of the other party's energy after it was transported into his body.

At the same time, it is also recording the change process of that energy being reversed into vitality after entering the body.

Based on his knowledge, after knowing these two key points, it is easy to recreate the power.

Zheng Shu, who was full of confidence, tried it without hesitation... and then failed very smoothly.

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