Time flies, and the graduation season of Shilan High School is coming in a blink of an eye.

As people with the best family backgrounds in the city, the students of Shilan High School naturally refused to miss the graduation party as their final opportunity to make connections.

From now on, no matter what you want to do, with this classmate relationship, everyone can help each other.

At this time, Zheng Shu's figure disappeared from people's sight. Only the welfare home on the outskirts of the city received a huge donation in the past few days.

Zheng Shu stood in the bustling crowd, glanced at the train ticket in his hand, and looked up at the church-like dome of the Chicago train station.

Apart from the backpack on his back, he only had a small suitcase at hand. It looked more like he was traveling than studying abroad.

After meeting Angers that day, an email arrived at his home within a few days. In addition to some documents and a plane ticket, there was also a black mobile phone. These were the admission notification signs of Kassel College. match.

Norma, the artificial intelligence, is indeed an extremely good secretary. All the documents from passport to itinerary are well arranged, and there is even a "Kassel College Admission Guide", but unfortunately it is not the fool's version that Lu Mingfei got in the original work.

After the college entrance examination, Zheng Shu hurriedly dealt with some domestic matters and took a plane alone across the ocean to Chicago International Airport. According to the itinerary given by Norma, he came to the Chicago train station and waited to take the CC1000 express train to Cassel College.

After reading the original work, he did not rush to find the train location, but sat on a chair in the hall and waited quietly.

After arriving at the train station, he had already observed it, and there was no hybrid around. It seemed that his situation did not warrant Angers sending Fingel to monitor him.

Chen Motong did not come with him this time. After all, she was also the daughter of the head of the Chen family. A miscellaneous soldier like Zheng Shu was no match for others. A few days ago, she was picked up by Professor Mance personally.

Judging from the original work, the lower the blood level of a person, the fewer resources the school arranges. Students with a high blood level will be picked up by a car when they arrive at the station. Getting on the bus from the VIP channel will not cause any commotion.

Zheng Shu knew very well how low his official bloodline level was. If it weren't for the Chen family's relationship, he wouldn't even be able to enter Kassel College.

According to the original Fingel, his priorities are probably similar to those of medieval serfs, so he is expected to have to wait at the train station for a long time this time.

Zheng Shu looked out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the train station. The dark skyscrapers looked like giants. Night fell in the city of Chicago, and the elevated railway shed bright firelight as the train passed by.

Thinking that he might not be able to wait for the car today, Zheng Shu silently took out the blanket from his luggage.

Logically speaking, with the money he had, he wouldn't be able to sleep in the waiting hall like Lu Mingfei in the original work. However, in order to prevent missing the express train, Zheng Shu could only wait in the waiting hall except for going to the toilet.

During this period, many people looked at him strangely, but for Zheng Shu, seeing the green bubbles coming out of their heads, if he wasn't afraid that the staff would arrest him, he would have wanted to run naked on the spot.

To be honest, since getting this panel, I dare not say anything else. Zheng Shu feels that his face has been fully tempered. As long as he can obtain the impact factor, he will dare to do any crazy thing as long as it does not violate morality.

While waiting for the train to arrive, Zheng Shu could sense that many mixed races were arriving at the station one after another. Zheng Shu took a few hidden glances. They were dressed similarly to himself, and they looked like students going to school.

As time passed, and finally after waiting for a day, on a night when there were no overtime buses, the CC1000 express train finally arrived at the station.

With Zheng Shu's keenness, he only realized that the train had entered the station after the light of the car lights flashed on the platform.

A dark figure appeared at the empty ticket gate. It was a man wearing a dark green conductor uniform. He was shaking a small golden bell in his hand and had a golden conductor badge on his hat. He was holding a flashlight in one hand and holding a hand in the other. Card swiper.

"CC1000 Express, passengers, please prepare to board. Passengers, please prepare to board." The conductor's voice echoed in the hall.

The guards at the train station continued to sleep soundly, and no one in the store with lights on in the distance raised their heads to take a look. At midnight, such an elegantly dressed conductor appeared in the modern Chicago train station, except for those mixed races who had been waiting. , no one noticed him.

Zheng Shu looked at the conductor and felt a little envious. Although the ghost spirit was called Ming Zhao's subordinate, in Zheng Shu's opinion, it was much better than Ming Zhao.

His Word Spirit: Dongke needs to rely on Dragon King-level control. Only when the power is fully turned on can he obtain a certain degree of reduction in presence. But ghosts, as spirit spirits, can easily affect items as large as trains and reduce their sense of presence.

It's a pity that Ming Zhao and Gui Gui are both speaking spirits of the King of Sky and Wind lineage. Zheng Shu, a three-tenth Dragon King, cannot imitate them at all.

That's right, although he gained a lot of influence factors, Zheng Shu still did not choose to strengthen the Dragon King's bloodline in the end.

Although theoretically speaking, as long as he fully strengthens the Dragon King's bloodline, his strength will increase greatly. But now Zheng Shu's situation is rather embarrassing. The enemies he can't defeat now can't be defeated even if he has strengthened the Dragon King's bloodline. The enemies he can defeat can still be defeated without strengthening.

In the final analysis, the combat power that Xia Mi's bloodline can provide is too low. If it is a template like Constantine, the King of Bronze and Fire, even incomplete strengthening will be enough to drastically change Zheng Shu's strength.

Zheng Shu took out the ticket from his pocket, picked up his luggage, and followed the other mixed races to the ticket gate.

The conductor took Zheng Shu's ticket and crossed it through the ticket validation machine. The green light turned on and there was a "beep" sound. The beautiful green eyes looked at Zheng Shu, and the conductor nodded to him in a friendly manner.

"Newcomers? You have a good attitude. I've seen many newcomers lose their temper because they couldn't wait for the bus. Get on the bus quickly, it won't take long to stop."

The mixed races followed the conductor onto the platform. The high-speed train stopped on the rails, with dazzling lights on the front. The entire train was black, with a streamlined body and dazzling silver-white vine patterns spread out on the black paint. Like a gorgeous piece of art.

Looking at the complicated decoration on the car, Zheng Shu was amazed. He was worthy of being a secret party, and he was really rich. To put such decoration on the outside of the car, he would probably have to repaint it every time he came down.

Outside a sliding door, stood a strong middle-aged man. He was the man who picked up Chen Motong a few days ago - Professor Mans Rundstedt.

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