As soon as Zheng Shu fell asleep, he was woken up by something suddenly approaching him. He turned his head and looked at his arm, and sure enough he saw Matou Sakura who was sleeping holding her arm.

Zheng Shu's arms were broad enough, so Matou Sakura's hands and feet were all wrapped in Zheng Shu's arms, just like a koala hugging a tree trunk. She didn't want to let go at that moment, which looked cute. Extremely.

Glancing outside the window, it was still midnight. It seemed that the girl had waited until he fell asleep before touching him carefully.

Zheng Shu sighed helplessly, but relaxed his breathing to prevent him from waking up Matou Sakura who was already asleep.

I was obviously very tired when I got home, but I still waited until now to go to my room to sleep.

In fact, from the day after Zheng Shu rescued Matou Sakura from Matou's house, Sakura would try to get into Zheng Shu's bed and sleep without expression. Even after being rejected by Zheng Shu, he would try his best to wait until night before running to his room.

In short, as time went by, Zheng Shu found that Xiaoying became more and more clinging to him, as if she was afraid that Zheng Shu would suddenly disappear in front of him.

Although the girl kept her face expressionless, Zheng Shu could still feel it.

Although Zheng Shu is worried about this girl's future psychological problems, overall... it's not a bad thing.

After all, his main purpose in coming to this timeline is to meet Medusa, and it would be a good thing to have a good relationship with Sakura before that. Although theoretically, the reason why Matou Sakura was able to summon Medusa was because the two people had the same experience, so their compatibility was relatively similar.

However, according to the information from a certain game in the previous life, even Matou Sakura, who has a different experience, has a high probability of summoning Medusa.

And in addition, Zheng Shu also has the guarantee of restraint.

Although the "payment" has been paid in advance, the transaction has not been completed yet, so the "insurance" that the panel placed on the "payment" in advance has not been released.

If Matou Sakura is unlucky and fails to summon Medusa, Zheng Shu even suspects that Inhibition will find a reason to send Medusa down with another class.

Because he didn't dare to wake up Matong Ying, Zheng Shu could only lie motionless on the floor. Fortunately, with his current energy, even if he doesn't rest at all for ten days and a half, it won't have any impact.

Since he couldn't sleep, Zheng Shu simply continued to summon instant dough in his body while thinking about the subsequent strategy, and continued to convert matter and magic power.

Although his combat power looks quite terrifying, and his spiritual base has been filled with magic power in terms of physical attributes and cannot go any further, the two most important "components": the defensive power of the lion and the weapon of God, are still there until now. No tendency to fill up.

Every time a little more magic power is added, the effect of these two "components" will be improved a little. Zheng Shu is now even a little curious about the upper limit of his abilities in these two aspects.

Because from the time he was summoned until now, relying on the instant noodles that can be endlessly summoned and the digestion ability of three generations of food, the magic power he has filled in these two aspects may have reached the level of the Great Holy Grail.

However, even so, there is still no upper limit to the lion's defense power. Not to mention, the Arms of God only has a small part of its basic functions.

This kind of consumption of magic power even made Zheng Shu doubt his life - was the weapon of God that I and the God of Fire Hephaestus created so powerful?

What Zheng Shu feels now is that he always thought that when he and the God of Fire Hephaestus made the weapons of God, they were just killing each other, but now he found out that he was only responsible for the chaos, and Hephaestus was responsible for the chaos. kill.

Zheng Shu maintained this posture all night, and it was not until early morning that Matou Sakura was awakened by the sunlight.

If the sleeping Matou Sakura looked very cute, then this feeling disappeared after she opened her eyes, as if her soul was taken away from this body the moment she opened her eyes. All the same, leaving only empty eyes.

"Sakura, are you awake?" Zheng Shu looked at Matou Sakura who woke up and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He took out his hand that had been stiff all night and touched her head.

"Berserker..." Sakura Matou, who had just woken up, seemed a little dazed, but she woke up after Zheng Shu's face was reflected in her eyes.

But he didn't do anything else. He just sat on the bed and looked at Zheng Shu quietly.

Zheng Shu looked at the unresponsive Matou Sakura and sighed helplessly. Although he was much more active than before, there was still a big gap between him and ordinary children: "Are you going to go out to explore information today?"

Having said that, Zheng Shu basically took Matou Sakura around every time he went out.

The reason why she did this was because this little girl lost her own opinion after being tortured by Matou Zangyan and would hardly take the initiative to express her own opinions.

When there was no other way, Zheng Shu could only use this method to let her get more exposure to the outside world.

Matou Sakura obviously knew this, but the nature of a child still made her nodded after a slight hesitation, and then she went to brush her teeth and wash her face under the leadership of Zheng Shu.

After leaving home, the residents of Fuyuki City lived as usual.

Although the explosion at the port last night was quite loud, the news organization controlled by the church used the excuse of a gas explosion to excuse it.

Moreover, the news that a perverted murderer was caught and many children were rescued attracted attention, so the residents of Fuyuki City did not feel anything unusual at all, and Fuyuki City maintained "nuclear peace" as always. .

Looking at the bustling crowd, Zheng Shu took Matou Sakura's hand and asked, "Where do you want to go today, Sakura?"

Hearing this question, Matou Sakura hesitated, then cautiously raised her head to look at Zheng Shu: "Can I go see my mother and sister?"

After finishing speaking, it seemed that Matou Sakura triggered some bad memory again, and then she changed her story with a horrified expression: "I made a mistake, it was Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Aoi."

Seeing this, Zheng Shu touched Xiaoying's head with some distress: "Did Matou Zangyan ask you to change your story?"

"Grandpa said, I want to pretend that they never existed from the beginning." A trace of fear flashed in Sakura Matou's eyes after hearing the name.

"It doesn't matter, that guy can't control Sakura anymore. From now on, Sakura can call them whatever she wants." Zheng Shu touched Sakura Matou's head vigorously, knowing that she had not completely left the shadows. go out.

Matou Sakura's eyes showed surprise after hearing Zheng Shu's words: "Really? Can I really meet them again?"

"Of course, you have already escaped from that home, so don't worry, no matter what you want to do, I will support you!" Zheng Shu continued to encourage.

"Can I do whatever I want?" Matou Sakura looked a little confused.

Zheng Shu smiled and nodded, holding Matou Sakura's hand: "Of course! Since Sakura wants to see them, let's get up now. You should know which school Tohsaka Rin is studying in, right?"

Tohsaka Rin has been a little irritable recently.

After the Holy Grail War began, his father asked him and his mother to move to their home in Chancheng for safety reasons.

But for some reason, Tokiomi Tosaka didn't ask for leave from Rin Tohsaka's school, so Rin Tohsaka recently had to return to Fuyuki City to continue school.

Fortunately, the distance between the two cities is not too far. If you have a car to pick you up, you can get there in an hour.

But because of this, Tohsaka Rin can learn about all the progress of the Holy Grail War from school every day.

Just like today, she learned about the terrible accident at the port from the discussions of people around her.

Gas explosion?

Only a fool would believe that it was a gas explosion! Not to mention what kind of gas explosion would cause such huge damage, it is impossible for anyone to lay gas pipelines at the port!

Therefore, facing the idiots around him who were easily blinded by the news, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but feel proud.

But then she fell into worry again. After all, her father was currently entangled in such a terrifying battle. Tohsaka Rin heard from her classmates that more than half of the containers in the port had been destroyed. Now that port was too severely damaged. It has even been discontinued.

Tohsaka Rin, who already has some magic skills, has a pretty clear idea of ​​what such destructive power represents. Based on her knowledge, if an ordinary magician wanted to cause such damage, he would need to prepare at least a month-long ritual to achieve the same effect.

But such a battle took place on the second day of the Holy Grail War. Tohsaka Rin could not imagine how terrifyingly destructive the subsequent battle would be.

His little mind was filled with worries, and Tohsaka Rin walked towards the school gate worriedly.


The crisp turning sound called Tohsaka Rin's attention back, and she was immediately alert after waking up.

Because Tohsaka Rin recognized that the sound was the sound of the hands turning in her pocket, which looked like a pocket watch and was called a magic needle by her father.

This was an early birthday gift given to her by her father Tohsaka Tokiomi. It would detect the magic sources nearby. Once such a reaction occurs, it means that it is something she cannot deal with.

what's the situation? !


Did he approach deliberately, or did he pass by accidentally?

Although Tohsaka Rin is still young, he has already shown quite high psychological quality. She continued to walk towards the school gate calmly, but one hand quietly reached into her pocket and held a few gems.

Now she didn't dare to take out her props to see where the enemy was, and if the other party just passed by by chance and she behaved strangely, she would probably be discovered by the other party.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Tohsaka Rin quietly raised his head and looked around to see if there was anyone strange.

But he didn't hold out much hope. After all, it was quite easy for a magician to disguise himself as an ordinary human being...

found it……

"..." Tohsaka Rin fell into silence. She didn't expect that she would find the target so easily.

Of course, the main reason is because the other party has no hidden intentions at all.

Right next to the school gate, stood an unusually tall and strong man. Although he was wearing ordinary clothes, his height of over two and a half meters, which was completely beyond the normal range of ordinary people, still revealed his specialness.

Everyone who passes by him will show a look of horror. Whether they are students or teachers, they will follow their biological instincts and subconsciously avoid this man.

However, because he was standing next to the school gate, the flow of people on the other side of the school gate gathered, and there was even a slight crowding.


Seeing this scene, Tohsaka Rin felt bitter emotions in his heart. The other party was obviously waiting here specifically, which meant that he came specifically to find him.

After sizing up the "enemy"'s figure and touching a few gems in his pocket, Tohsaka Rin finally gave up the idea of ​​resisting here.

After all, looking at this guy's figure and muscles, even if he doesn't know magic at all, he can probably handle the magic contained in the few gems he carries.

What's more, the magic pointer also showed a prompt, which meant that this person's body contained a large amount of magic power far beyond her limit, and it was basically impossible to escape even if she resisted.

And there are so many people here, if the other party's methods are too violent during the resistance, it is very likely to hurt other people.

So instead of spending your last resort here, you might as well wait for the other party to capture you and see if you have a chance to escape.

After all, the other party's purpose in wanting to capture him must also be to threaten his father, and he would not put his life in danger in a short time.

In the flash of lightning, Tohsaka Rin had already thought about so many things and showed the calmness of a magician.

After making up his mind, Tohsaka Rin quietly took his hand out of his pocket, grabbed the strap of his schoolbag with both hands, took a deep breath to calm down, and continued to walk forward pretending not to notice. .

But at this moment, Tohsaka Rin discovered that a new crisis had arisen.

The school gate was blocked by a flow of people, and the teacher responsible for controlling the order of the morning school also discovered the reason. It was the tall man standing aside.

Although he was surprised by the other party's tall stature, the teacher's professionalism as a teacher still made the teacher make up his mind and walked towards the other party.

When Tohsaka Rin saw this scene, she was so scared that her heart almost jumped out of her chest. She recognized that the teacher was their dean, who was usually serious and meticulous.

If the dean goes up to anger that man at this point in time, what if he goes crazy... What he just heard on the way to school, the scene of the students discussing the destroyed port appeared in front of Tohsaka Rin's eyes. .

Thinking of that scene, Tohsaka Rin's face showed a look of horror, and even now he wanted to rush forward to stop the dean's behavior.

Unfortunately, she was too far away. The dean had already walked to the unusually tall man.

Looking at the hand stretched out by the dean to arouse the man's attention, Rin Tosaka had a look of despair on his face:

"It's over, everything is over. There will be another report of a gas explosion on the news tomorrow."

Tohsaka Rin was so frightened by what he imagined in his mind that he closed his eyes and did not dare to look at the tragic scene again.

However, after waiting for a long time, she found that there was no strange noise, so she quietly opened her eyes again, and was surprised to find that the unusually tall man not only did not get angry when facing the dean's request, but actually looked very embarrassed. He scratched the back of his head, and then left the school happily.

Could it be that... am I thinking too much?

Looking at the man's quickly leaving back, Rin Tosaka had a puzzled look on his face. But until she walked into the classroom, she didn't find any trace of the man.

Could it be that the other party was really just there by chance?

The young Tohsaka Rin was puzzled.

On the other side, Zheng Shu, who was driven away by the school teacher, left the campus with some embarrassment. After turning a corner, he found Matou Sakura who was sitting on a chair eating ice cream alone.

"Berserker?" Matou Sakura looked at Zheng Shu coming back alone and tilted her head in confusion.

"I'm sorry, Sakura, I can't do this alone. After all, my body shape is too obvious, so the teachers are more vigilant. But I saw your sister. Let's come over after she gets out of school. Then I will If I take you with me, the teacher will probably not drive me away." Zheng Shu said very apologetically.

But unlike what he imagined, Matou Sakura not only did not feel disappointed after hearing these words, but her eyes lit up: "Berserker, do you need my help?"


"Okay!" Matou Sakura nodded expressionlessly, and continued to eat the ice cream in front of her.

But I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zheng Shu always felt that her mood seemed to be much happier. The evidence was that Matou Sakura's legs began to swing involuntarily when she was sitting on the chair.

Sitting on the chair, Zheng Shu looked into Matou Sakura's eyes, thought for a while and suggested: "Since we have to wait until school is over, let's take a walk around during this period to see if there is anything interesting."


Hmm... Although his face is still expressionless, it is obvious that his legs are shaking more frequently, indicating that he is indeed in a good mood.

Zheng Shu looked at Matou Sakura's performance and smiled with satisfaction. As long as this continues slowly, Matou Sakura will one day become a normal child.

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu recalled Tohsaka Rin he had seen before. I have to admit that although she is still relatively young, Tohsaka Rin has already shown very careful thinking.

Of course, due to the limitations of age and experience, her thinking seems a bit naive to Zheng Shu, but it still illustrates Tohsaka Rin's high talent.

From this point of view, the two daughters of Tokiomi Tosaka are indeed one-in-a-thousand geniuses, but it is precisely because of this that tragedies like Matou Sakura happened.

After all...most of the magicians in the Clock Tower are not good people.

Thinking about it, Zheng Shu's expression turned gloomy.

(PS: I’ve made it through Cavan, I’ll update more tomorrow.)

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