Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 284 Found traces of Group C

Looking at Berserker slowly standing up outside the house, Tokiomi Tosaka swallowed involuntarily.

Only when he faced the enemy alone did he understand how powerful this Berserker was.

Looking at the thick black mist emerging from the opponent's body again, Tokiomi Tosaka felt that his body was even shaking involuntarily. This was the natural reaction of living creatures when facing natural enemies.

He glanced at Gilgamesh who was teleported to him by the spell. He looked extremely miserable. Not only was his entire face bruised and swollen, his eyes were swollen to the point where he could not open his eyes, and the teeth in his mouth were basically gone. They were all broken like this.

Even the originally arrogant golden armor on his body looked scarred and full of cracks, as if it was about to break at any time.

Seeing Gilgamesh in such miserable condition and recalling his arrogant image after being summoned, even Tokiomi Tosaka couldn't help but feel a little gloating.

Given the current situation, Tokiomi Tosaka hopes that Gilgamesh can maintain his usual arrogant attitude.

He took a deep breath to calm his mind and raised his hand to his chest. On the back of the hand, one of the three originally bright red spells has turned dim.

Tokiomi Tosaka was ready to consume the second curse. Although the curse was very precious, his own life was more important.

If Berserker wanted to continue attacking, he could only consume one more spell to allow Gilgamesh, who was lying on the ground and had fallen into a coma, to immediately recover from all his injuries.

As for relying on the magic formulas built by the Tohsaka family for hundreds of years for defense, Tokiomi Tosaka had already abandoned this ridiculous idea after seeing the power of Berserker.

If all the Tosaka family's accumulation is exhausted, maybe they can unleash two or three Noble Phantasm Liberation level attacks.

It might have some effect against other Servants, but facing Berserker who had just smashed hundreds of Noble Phantasms with his own body, Tokiomi Tosaka felt that instead of attacking him, it would be better to choose It would be better to take away all the Tohsaka family's property and make a comeback elsewhere.

The other Masters are also staring here through their familiars, paying attention to the next development.

For them, after tonight, regardless of whether Tokiomi Tohsaka is really out, they will have to change their strategy for this Holy Grail War, especially for the terrifying Berserker. Everyone is thinking hard about how to solve it. His troublesome defense.

"Berserker, stop it."

A childish voice sounded from behind Berserker, which stopped Berserker's slow movement forward and also made the others fall into surprise.

The master of Berserker is actually such a little girl? !

"Sakura?!" Tokiomi Tosaka, who was under heavy protection at the Tosaka family home, had an expression of disbelief on his face when he saw Sakura Matou suddenly appearing on the battlefield.

Immediately, Tokiomi Tosaka's expression became extremely angry: "Damn it! I didn't adopt Sakura just so that bastard Matou Zouken could treat her as a tool that he could throw away at will! He actually let Sakura participate. What on earth is that old guy thinking about this Holy Grail War?!"

Of course, Tokiomi Tohsaka knew very well how dangerous the Holy Grail War was. This was not just a battle for Servants. Those fools who thought they could sit back and relax as Masters would never survive the end of the Holy Grail War.

You must know that a class like Assassin itself represents the assassination of the Master with specialized targets.

Although Tokiomi Tosaka chose to adopt his daughter to someone else, in his heart, he also wanted to give his daughter a better future.

He wanted his daughter to have a bright future, instead of being discovered and taken away to be used as experimental material or as a mother body for breeding offspring, so Tokiomi Tosaka sent his second daughter with outstanding natural beauty into the hospital. The Matou family has declined.

It was precisely because she was so good that Tokiomi Tosaka originally felt that she had to do this, but now...

If he was asked to attack his own daughter, he would never be able to do it... Damn it! Could it be that this is the plan of that old guy Matou Zouken?

Looking at his daughter standing with the black mist-covered Berserker, Tokiomi Tosaka's expression was extremely ferocious. If the master of Berserker was his daughter, then he would have to cancel what he had just planned and deal with it directly. Master Berserker's plan.

"Berserker, are you injured?" Matou Sakura walked to Zheng Shu's side and looked up at him worriedly.

She had also seen the fighting posture between Zheng Shu and Gilgamesh just now. Although she was indeed shocked, Matou Sakura was more worried about whether her servant would be injured?

After all, the way Zheng Shu was overwhelmed by the Noble Phantasm just now made her suddenly recall the situation when she was overwhelmed by insects in the insect warehouse. Even now, once Matou Sakura recalls that scene, she will feel that it is unforgettable The pain seems to still remain in the body.

If Berserker hadn't told her before not to come out before the enemy servants retreated, she might have rushed out desperately to ask about Berserker's situation.

Zheng Shu glanced at Matou Sakura next to him in surprise. Zheng Shu could feel the emotions of panic and fear in her spirit.

Not sure why Sakura's mental state suddenly fluctuated like this, but Zheng Shu also gave up his plan to perform later, but smiled gently at her, and took the initiative to hold Sakura's hand, which became a little cold due to fear. hand.

The warmth from Zheng Shu's palm made Xiao Ying suddenly feel at ease. She took a look at the messy environment around her and pulled Zheng Shu's hand: "Berserker, go back."

Zheng Shu didn't speak or resist, and was just quietly held by Matou Sakura's hand as he prepared to leave.

But just when they turned around and were about to leave the Tohsaka family home, Tohsaka Tokiomi's voice suddenly came: "Sakura!"

Zheng Shu turned around and looked a little surprised. Tokiomi Tosaka actually left the protected house and came directly to the yard.

"Sakura, did Matou Zouken force you to participate in this Holy Grail War?!" Tokiomi Tosaka's voice was full of anger. If that was the case, he might have to bring his equipment to argue with the old guy. For a moment.

"Tosaka Tokiomi, can you withdraw from the Holy Grail War?" Sakura Matou's cold voice sounded, which calmed Tokiomi's originally angry spirit as if cold water had been poured on him.

"What? Withdrawing from the Holy Grail War, Sakura, what are you talking about?! Going to Dayuan is the long-cherished wish of our Tohsaka family for generations, how could we give up?!" Tokiomi Tosaka was a little confused, feeling that his daughter seemed to have changed. a lot of.

"Don't you agree?" Matou Sakura looked a little depressed, "So you want to take away my hope too?"

"What are you talking about Sakura?!"

"Forget it, Tokiomi Tosaka, I will spare you this time. I hope you can see the facts clearly and give up your thoughts on the Holy Grail." Matou Sakura's eyes suddenly became determined again, "Let's go, Berserker.”

"..." Zheng Shu silently lifted Matou Sakura from the ground and put it on his shoulders. The two figures, one large and one small, disappeared quietly into the night.

None of the other Masters present expected that this battle, which had been extremely fierce from the beginning, would end so anticlimactically.

Therefore, the first night of the Holy Grail War ended peacefully.

"Originally the second daughter of the Tosaka family, she was adopted into the Matou family a year ago... So that little girl is actually a contestant of the Matou family? Can such a young age be able to afford such a large consumption of magic power? Or is it? Did she also use some kind of special method?" Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the information in front of him and fell into deep thought, and after a while he began to look through the rest of the information.

"The Matou family seems to have had some huge changes a few days ago. The main house was attacked by an unknown person and suffered a lot of damage. All the clan members left Fuyuki City, and only Matou Kariya remained. And Sakura Matou is still here..." Emiya Kiritsugu glanced at the information below and frowned, "What's going on with the Matou family?"

The cigarette in his hand was burning quietly, but Emiya Kiritsugu, who was deep in thought, didn't pay attention at all. He only woke up when the cigarette was about to burn out and almost touched his finger.

"Could it be that... this was just a performance from the beginning?" This answer finally came to Emiya Kiritsugu's mind, but he shook his head and rejected it.

"There is no need for this. It is completely unimaginable what kind of benefits they can get from this battle. On the contrary, because of this battle, the two servants leaked too much information." Emiya Kiritsugu said again Lighting a cigarette, "So, this fight is caused by the resentment of the daughter who was abandoned by her father..."

Whether it is the Servant wearing golden armor or the Berserker covered in black mist, these two can be regarded as the top beings in this Holy Grail War.

Not to mention Berserker's jaw-dropping, seemingly flawless defense, even the servant who was pinned to the ground and beaten by Berserker was quite terrifying. The destructive power caused by the opponent's multiple Noble Phantasms projections was simply insignificant. It is not something that ordinary servants can bear.

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't think that his servant would have much chance of winning against those two monsters, even if the opponent was the world-famous Knight King, not to mention that the Knight King looked like just a little girl who had not yet grown up. .

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the smoke coming out of the cigarette in his hand in trance: "According to the information provided by Einzbern, there should be an old magician in the Matou family who has never appeared, and according to Tosaka Tokiomi's last relationship with that The little girl’s conversation, it is very likely that the Matou family is going to use this method to force the Tohsaka family out of the Holy Grail War this time.”

"No matter what, facing these two servants, we can only focus on the Master first."

Emiya Kiritsugu finally decided on the initial strategy, and then began to contact his assistants Maiya Kuu and Irisviel on his mobile phone.

It was not just Emiya Kiritsugu who was surprised and curious about Matou Sakura's identity. Basically, other Masters who had watched this battle were also extremely surprised.

Regarding the combat prowess exposed by Zheng Shu and Gilgamesh, every Master also began to think about ways to deal with the enemy.

Because of their different abilities and characteristics, some masters think it is easier for them to defeat the golden servant, while some masters think it is easier for them to defeat the Berserker.

But no matter what, there was such a fierce battle on the first night of the Holy Grail War that the Masters who had not yet entered the state immediately became vigilant.

At this time, Matou Sakura and Zheng Shu, who were missed by many Masters, were shopping.

"Sakura, you performed well today, but it is still too dangerous to expose your body to the enemy's sight rashly. Although you have been given a lot of protection, it is better to be careful."

Zheng Shu gave detailed instructions while holding Matou Sakura's hand and walking aimlessly on the street.

Matou Sakura seemed to nodded obediently, but then raised her head and stared at Zheng Shu: "Berserker will definitely protect me."

"That's natural, but you should also pay attention to your own safety..."

Before Zheng Shu finished speaking, Matou Sakura happily held Zheng Shu's big hand with both hands: "Then I believe Berserker can protect me!"

"Ah...thank you for trusting me." Zheng Shu scratched his head and was a little unsure. Why did he feel that this little girl's personality seemed to be a bit of a devil.

It doesn't look like the autistic person before, nor does it look like the grown-up character in the anime... Is it my own illusion?

After taking a look at Matou Ying's wet eyes, Zheng Shu's heart softened and he threw these thoughts to the back of his mind.

If it weren't for Matou Sakura's good performance today, Zheng Shu would not have been able to take advantage of Amiya's downhill departure at the end.

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu waved his hand and took out the bank card given to him by Matou Kariya: "Let's go, Sakura, I remember the magazine said there is a particularly good dessert shop nearby, let's go and try it together!!"



When Zheng Shu and Matou Sakura walked out of another particularly famous restaurant with satisfaction, the ringtone of their mobile phone suddenly rang from Zheng Shu's pocket.

He took it out and saw that the caller was Matou Kariya. Zheng Shu immediately had a good premonition: "I discovered Caster's whereabouts. According to your request, my people have gone to your residence with the backup videotape. went."

Listening to Matong Yanye's voice on the other end of the phone, Zheng Shu's eyes lit up: "We'll go back right away!"

After hanging up the phone, he glanced at Matou Sakura who was full of curiosity. Zheng Shu thought for a moment and waved the phone in his hand: "Sakura, I have to deal with a new enemy. Do you want to wait for me at home or not?" Come with me?"

"I'll go with you!" Matou Sakura almost didn't think too much.

"Hmm... that's okay. Although the impact will be relatively large, you should be able to bear it." Zheng Shu nodded, "Then deal with that guy as soon as possible!"

(It’s getting a little better. It’s probably just a common heat stroke. I’ll see if I can update it tomorrow.)

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