Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 269 Intuition touched again

"Is this the passage that leads directly to hell?" Zheng Shu stood on the ground and looked at the passage in front of him.

The so-called hell passage was much smaller than he thought. He originally thought that the crack that could directly connect to hell would be at least as big as a canyon, but the passage in front of him was more like a deep canyon than a canyon. A pit or cave.

The diameter of the entire passage is even less than a hundred meters. If it weren't for the strong breath of hell coming from inside and the depth where no echo would be heard at all even if a stone was thrown, no one would have thought of this thing if it appeared alone elsewhere. This thing can lead straight to hell.

If he had encountered such a strangely shaped deep cave in another world, Zheng Shu might have praised the uncanny workmanship of nature, but in such a world with gods, Zheng Shu could only praise Hades' miraculous workmanship.

"It's best to prepare all the protection you can to prevent being eroded by the breath of hell. But don't blame me for not reminding you that once you are completely eroded by the breath of hell, you will forever change from the living to the dead. Even if you are Immortality is useless." When he said this, Hermes glanced at Zheng Shu, and it was obvious that this sentence was meant for Zheng Shu.

As a god from the lineage of Hades, he could naturally clearly feel the powerful immortality contained in Zheng Shu's body the moment he saw him. In addition, he did not feel the same feeling from Zheng Shu as Hercules. He had a mysterious aura, so he couldn't help but kindly remind him because he had helped him before.

Zheng Shu also heard the subtext in Hermes' words. Although the protective stance formed by the restrained form of the God's Arms was enough for him to resist the erosion of the breath of hell, but since they had good intentions, Zheng Shu naturally also I don’t mind giving this god a face.

Of course, it may also be due to a certain angler's mentality of catching big fish.


With a slight buzzing sound, the originally bloated belt around Zheng Shu's waist turned into fragments and spread towards his body and limbs. The fine metal particles quickly found their proper positions and combined with each other. In the blink of an eye, Zheng Shu has a black armor on her body.


Two irregular-looking black cloaks fluttered behind him. Zheng Shu pulled down his mask, looked at Hermes and nodded: "Thanks for reminding me, I'm ready now."

"The Arms of God..." Hermes was silent for a moment, "It seems that my worries are unnecessary."

He could feel the powerful power contained in Zheng Shu's armor, even compared with Hades' helmet.

And judging from the fact that this shape is most likely a type specially used for defense. Even if this level of divine weapon is in a restrained state, the natural positional defense provided is enough to resist the erosion of the laws of hell and the breath of hell.

Hermes didn't say anything more, just nodded towards the two of them, and jumped out of the passage first.

Hercules and Zheng Shu did not hesitate and followed Hermes into the passage that exuded a strong aura of hell.


As everyone descended rapidly, the surrounding aura of hell became more and more intense. In the end, the aura even took on the appearance of water mist.

The "thick" air flow blew on the outer armor of Zheng Shu's battle armor, making a "hissing" sound. Zheng Shu could also feel a touch of force similar to being massaged on his body. This should be the breath of hell. The erosion is transformed into pure impact by the armor.

As they continued to descend, Zheng Shu could also feel that the concentration of magic power around him was rising rapidly. The two black cloaks on the back of the armor even began to emit a faint light, which meant that the magic power they could absorb every moment The magic power has reached a quite terrifying level.

"Get ready! We are about to start passing through the space barrier!" Hermes' warning voice sounded from the ears of the two of them.

Zheng Shu also felt that there seemed to be some wrinkles in the space around him, and the sand around the passage appeared to be distorted.

At the same time, he also saw a faint radiance of divine power emanating from Hermes' body, which represented the power of the Guiding God of the Undead. This power could guide the undead to where they wanted to go.

Although Zheng Shu and Hercules are not dead yet, the aura of hell on their bodies is strong enough, so Hermes can reluctantly use his own power to guide them to ensure that they can land close to their destination. s position.

Hell, a place dozens of kilometers outside Hades King City.

The empty hell is shrouded in black smoke like water mist all year round, and there are souls wandering aimlessly everywhere. Their minds have been wiped out by the breath of hell in endless time, leaving only the most basic instincts.

After the last trace of instinct is completely wiped out, these souls will turn into nutrients and settle underground, becoming the main materials that make up hell, and hell will become more and more powerful because of this operating mechanism.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, two explosion-like sounds came from the originally silent hell, and the shock wave even created a hole in the black fog.

It was two invisible black shadows that suddenly appeared in the mid-air of hell and hit the ground heavily.

After the dust dissipated, it was revealed that there were two radiating shallow pits on the ground, as well as two unusually tall people standing in the shallow pits.

"Is this hell? It feels like there is nothing special except that it is darker." Zheng Shu opened the mask of his armor and looked around.

The environment in hell was much better than he imagined. It could even be said that if it weren't for the surrounding black fog and the ghosts wandering around, it would look no different from the normal world of the living.

Of course, through the feedback from the armor, Zheng Shu could feel that the tactile pressure he felt all over his body had increased a bit since coming to hell, probably from a gentle touch to a slightly stronger pressure.

But to be honest, this level of pressure is just a relatively powerful massage for ordinary people, let alone Zheng Shu.

After taking a look at Hercules next to him, it was obvious that the secret technique on his body seemed to be very stable, and the magic power transmitted within his body did not fluctuate at all.

It seems that under the protection of the secret technique, the erosion of hell did not put Hercules feeling too much pressure.

"This is hell. Welcome to the world of the dead." Hermes floated down from the sky and landed in front of the two of them.

After arriving in hell, with the blessing of his home environment, the power of this underworld god has obviously increased to a higher level.

...It probably went from knocking him down with one punch to knocking him down with two punches. The improvement was quite high.

Zheng Shu secretly glanced at this god and made silent calculations in his heart.

If you calculate it this way, Hades, as the god of Hades, is even powerful in hell and can suppress the god king Zeus.

So here comes the question. If Zheng Shu remembers correctly, in ancient Greek mythology Heracross also met Hades during this trial and gave him an arrow.

But based on Hercules' current strength, let alone Hades who has been strengthened by hell, even in his normal form, Hercules should not be able to defeat the King of the Underworld as the main god.

"That's the city of Hades over there. If you want to find the mouth of the River Styx where the three-headed dog of Hell is, the only way to find it is through that city, except when death turns into a soul and is extradited to the River Styx." Hermes pointed. one direction.

Even with the obstruction of the black fog, Hercules and Zheng Shu could still see a little bit of the city from a distance with their eyesight.

"Thank you for your help……"


Before Hercules could finish his words of thanks, he was interrupted by a roar.

The place where everyone originally landed was actually home to many wandering souls, but because of the arrival of Zheng Shu and Heracross, they who had lost their minds and been wiped out by the breath of hell were frightened by flesh-and-blood creatures and fled in all directions.

After seeing this scene, Zheng Shu and the two did not bother these poor souls. They just stayed where they were and tried not to disturb the dead.

Originally, the two of them thought that the souls in hell were so afraid of strangers, but now it seems that this view may be a bit wrong.

In front of them, an unusually huge monster floated above the ground. The monster looked a bit "messy". In addition to the thick snake tail that could be seen clearly on the lower body, the upper body looked like it was covered with snakes. It looks like it was chopped up and spliced ​​at will.

Looking at its translucent body, Zheng Shu and the Heracross knew that this monster itself was also a dead soul.

"I didn't expect that there would be such monsters in hell. Or do monsters also enter hell after death? Anyway, they look quite vicious." Hercules did not show any fear, but moved excitedly. He moved his arms, and it seemed that he wanted to verify the strength of the monsters in hell.

"It seems that not only this monster is not afraid of us, but also some human souls." Zheng Shu turned his head and looked in another direction.

There, a soul that looked like a middle-aged man was floating around cautiously. Unlike other souls that looked dull, the other soul still had the light of wisdom in his eyes. He must have just arrived in hell not long ago, so he still retained it. own sanity.

"It looks like he needs some help. Hmm... I often help villagers, but this is my first time helping souls. You should go and see him first, and then come over after I deal with the monster in front of you!" He Racules looked at the soul of the monster that was approaching quickly, and without hesitation he drew his sword and prepared to fight.

Zheng Shu nodded, turned around and walked towards the male soul. With Hercules' strength, there was no monster in hell that could harm him except Hades, so Zheng Shu had nothing to worry about.

"Wait a minute! Don't attack them!" At this time, Hermes suddenly appeared next to Heracross and tried hard to hold his arm.

Although he could not stop Hercules with his power, Hercules still stopped the attack for the sake of the god who helped him and others to their destination.

"Roar!" The huge monster roared and rushed past Hercules, but it did not cause any harm to him. It looked like a ball of air passed through his body.

After passing through Hercules, the monster's soul suddenly turned around and rushed towards Zheng Shu in the distance. However, after seeing Hercules' handling method, Zheng Shu did not show any resistance. He just turned around and stood there. The male soul's side helped him block the coming attack.


The expected impact did not come.

Zheng Shu felt very clearly that there was no substantial force collision when the monster's soul passed through him. Only the squeezing force given by the body's armor feedback increased significantly.

But it didn't add much, it was probably similar to the level of a high-concentration hell breath suddenly rushing over, and it had no effect on either him or Hercules.

"The soul of the dead is the hollow shadow of the living. Not only can it not be harmed by ordinary living beings, but it itself cannot harm living beings." Hermes looked at the soul of the monster running away and explained to the two of them in a low voice, "And They will be very afraid of creatures with flesh and blood, because the soul will involuntarily recall the scene when it was dying after seeing living flesh and blood, so it is just a little scared and does not really want to attack you."

"Well, I don't have any tendency to kill myself. As long as it doesn't mess with me, I won't care about it." Hercules put away his sword indifferently, "But I didn't expect that in hell There is actually the soul of such a monster, I thought only humans have souls."

"That guy is an exception." Hermes breathed a sigh of relief, standing next to Hercules and watching the monster's soul rush towards Zheng Shu.

"Ordinary monsters do have no souls, but the guy just now was a Gorgon monster when he was alive. In theory, he should be a god, but he died because he had no immortality. I don't know why, Lord Hades didn't kill her Deal with it, and that guy has been wandering in hell ever since."

"So that's how it is, it's eye-opening." Hercules nodded in amazement.

On the other hand, because Zheng Shu happened to be passed by the huge soul just now when they were talking, and was disturbed by the noise made by the soul, he did not quite hear what Hermes said clearly.

But Zheng Shu's heart suddenly twitched, causing his expression to become serious: "Here we go again... What is going on? What is my intuition trying to tell me?"

"Excuse me... are you alive?" Just as Zheng Shu was thinking, a trembling voice came from the side. He turned around and saw that it was the soul that he had blocked behind him just now.

(One more chapter.)

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