Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 260 This is a transitional chapter

Stimulated by this terrifying memory, the strong bandit leader's heart, which had been a little arrogant due to too much success in the past few months, immediately calmed down.

"You're right. I've been so comfortable these past few days. I almost forgot about the fear I felt at the time." The seemingly rough man quickly calmed down and turned to look at the group of subordinates around him. "Everything was numb. Take a break and get ready to leave here..."



Before the strong bandit leader could finish speaking, he was interrupted by an explosion.

What followed was the miserable screams of the robbers. The robbers who had originally enjoyed the miserable wailing of the villagers, when they screamed, they made a wailing sound that was no less than that of the fat sheep they regarded as fat sheep.

"Who!" With a loud shout, several bandit leaders standing at the entrance of the village quietly protected their subordinates in front of them.

There was no way, the explosion just now was too scary, it felt like the kind of destructive power that a city-state-level hero could only do, so all the bandits who escaped from the mountains had secretly increased their vigilance, and as soon as they discovered it When something goes wrong, they immediately use their traditional skills to survive in the mountains.

"You robbers, suffer death!" As this trembling voice appeared, the robbers who had just been preparing to escape immediately became arrogant again.

The survival philosophy of these bandits is more like that of wild beasts. Once the enemy shows their weak side, they will become extremely ferocious.

And this trembling voice has exposed the guilty conscience of the speaker. To these robbers, this voice is like a lamb exposing its belly.

The two bandit leaders who were standing at the entrance of the village and hiding behind their subordinates were frightened again. They pushed away their subordinates and walked up to them with arrogance.

Sure enough, standing in front of a group of robbers was a child who looked like he had just grown up. The childishness of the past could even be seen on his face.

At this time, he was carrying five or six gorgeous-looking weapons on his back, and he was also holding a long sword in his hand that looked quite well made.

The bandit leader could tell at a glance that based on the workmanship of these long swords, if they were sold to the nobles of the big city-states, they would get at least a few hundred gold coins.

But the boy in front of him had several such valuable weapons in his hands. When he thought of such a huge benefit in front of him, the bandit leader's eyes instantly turned red.

In addition to him, there were several robbers around who also recognized these common values ​​and became jealous.

Even from such a long distance, the boy could hear their sudden heavy breathing. The enemy's sudden change made the already nervous boy even more frightened. His body trembled involuntarily and his steps retreated slightly. .

For these hyena-like bandits, the young man's performance further fueled their arrogance, and the fear caused by the explosion just now completely dissipated.

Their reason has been blinded by greed, and now all they can think about is how to snatch these swords.

"Boy, you are very brave, you actually dare to attack us!" The strong bandit leader took the initiative to take a step forward, frightening the already nervous young man to tremble and retreat slightly.

Seeing the fearful look on the boy opposite him, the strong bandit leader was convinced of what he was thinking, and the smile on his face became even more ferocious.

The other, calmer bandit leader squatted on the ground, picked up an inconspicuous-looking weapon fragment on the ground, and placed the weapon fragment in the sun to observe for a while. The calm bandit leader's face showed a heartache. Expression: "You guy, you actually treat such a valuable weapon as a disposable consumable."

"What?!" The strong bandit leader's eyes became even redder when he heard that he had a companion, and his breath was as thick as an angry bull.

In his opinion, these weapons were already his trophies. When he thought that the explosion just now consumed hundreds of gold coins, the strong bandit leader felt that his heart ached so much that he could hardly breathe.

Staring fiercely at the young man in front of him, the strong bandit leader's eyes seemed to want to eat him up: "Boy, give you a chance to hand over all the weapons in your hands, and I can spare the life of this village!"

"No!" The calm bandit leader immediately interrupted his companion, staring at the young man with cold eyes, making him feel like there was a poisonous snake on his body, "Boy, as long as you join us, we will not only spare you village, and I can also return all the things I grabbed in this village to you.”

"But!" The calm bandit leader suddenly raised his voice. "If you dare to refuse, I will let my subordinates massacre everyone in this village. How about it? Choose!"

Suddenly encountering something beyond common sense, the young man who had been trying to muster up the courage to deal with the group of robbers immediately panicked and lost his mind. He could only look aside for help and was still being attacked. Hunters surrounded by bandits.

It's a pity that these three hunters, who were originally highly respected in the village, are now surrounded by a group of bandits and unable to escape, and they have no time to give him any advice.

At this time, due to the sudden appearance of the young man, the originally noisy village fell into a strange silence for a short time. Except for the three hunters and bandits who were still entangled with each other, the remaining bandits gathered behind their boss to confront the villagers.

"Al, don't worry about us. You first help the three old men deal with the bandits surrounding them." Just when the young man felt at a loss, a generous hand patted him on the shoulder.

Turning around, he saw that it was the village chief. He was holding a machete in his hand and his body was covered with scars. However, the bandits who had injured him were now lying on the roadside. Dead body.

Behind the village chief were villagers holding various farm tools as weapons. Men, women, and children in the entire village stood up. At this time, they also looked indignantly at the bandits gathered at the entrance of the village.


Looking at the villagers who had reacted, the bandit leader was a little angry.

Life in the Age of Gods was not that simple. In order to survive the claws of those wild beasts, every village could basically be regarded as a military force. When necessary, both men, women and children could take up arms to resist.

At the beginning, the bandits had a large number of people and attacked suddenly, so they were able to fight so smoothly. However, the explosion just now caused a brief lull in the situation, causing some villagers to react.

Glancing at the villagers who had gathered, the calm bandit leader's face darkened, and he cursed secretly at the group of subordinates behind him.

If the bandits had continued to attack just now and prevented these villagers from reacting, coupled with his inducement just now, the little guy in front of him who was very likely to be able to make such a weapon would have been taken under his wing.

He could finally see that these bastards stopped attacking when they saw an accident because they were afraid of death, and were always ready to escape immediately if the situation went wrong.

He kept cursing his subordinates' behavior in his heart, but the bandit leader didn't mention anything about his plan to escape just now.

Seeing that the boy in front of him had found a new way to deal with it under the command of the experienced village chief, the calm bandit leader secretly gritted his teeth and pointed at the villagers in the distance with the long knife in his hand.

"Come on, kids! Let these guys know how powerful we are!"


Forced by their boss's cold gaze, the bandits who had been hiding behind the bandit leader could only pick up their weapons and charge at the villagers again.

Although the villagers have picked up weapons and are ready to resist, it will only be a little troublesome for these bandits who are licking blood on the tips of their knives. As long as they are careful, they will not lose their lives. But if they are targeted by their boss, they will really die!

"Go!" Seeing the bandit charging over again, the village chief pushed Al to the battlefield where the three hunters were, and he led the villagers to meet him.

The robbers also tacitly bypassed Al, who was holding a weapon. After all, they also saw the power of the attack just now. If the other party breaks out again, it is not a joke. Such a troublesome guy still has to deal with him. Let your boss handle it.

"Tch!" The calm bandit leader was a little angry when he saw his subordinate's actions, "Let's go and stop that kid! Be careful, that guy's weapon should explode after being thrown. Although he doesn't know the principle, as long as he finds it He threw the weapon and ducked."

"Okay!" The strong bandit leader responded in a muffled voice, grabbed the big knife next to him and rushed forward.

He had absolute trust in his partner, because if it hadn't been for him, the two of them would have been captured by the Cyclops in the jungle.

"Damn!" Glancing at the two bandit leaders who gathered around him, Al felt helpless and nervous.

After comparing the difference in physique between the two sides, he decisively pulled out a weapon from his back and threw it towards the stronger-looking robber.


A violent explosion sounded, but Al's face became even more ugly, because the moment he threw it, the strong robber dodged aside with agility that was completely inconsistent with his size.

Although the exploding weapon scratched the robber's arm with broken fragments, such injuries would only arouse their anger.

After taking a look at the battlefield of the three hunters not far away from him, Al's face became determined. He gritted his teeth suddenly and decided to throw away all the weapons he was carrying on his back.


A shining blade flashed by, taking away a few handfuls of fine hair. Al rolled backwards several times before gasping for breath in shock.

And where he was standing just now, the calm bandit leader had appeared at that place without knowing when, holding a dagger in his hand. It was his sudden attack just now.

If it hadn't been for this critical moment, a sudden fear appeared in Al's heart and he squatted down suddenly. He would probably have died on the ground by now.

"Don't think about supporting that battlefield. Boy, what I said still stands. As long as you surrender to me, I will immediately stop letting my subordinates cause trouble for your village." Playing with the dagger in his hand, the bandit leader did not continue. Offensive, instead persuading again.

"Impossible..." Before Al could finish his words, his expression suddenly changed, and he fell to the ground regardless.


The broad long knife struck Al's back with great force. If the weapon on his back hadn't blocked the blow, he might have been cut in two.

Without enough time to feel the pain, Al relied on this huge force to roll outwards, trying to run out of the enemy's attack range.

"Hmph!" The strong bandit leader snorted coldly, raised his long knife and continued to attack. It was he who took advantage of Al's distraction to launch the attack just now.

The strong bandit and his partner have cooperated many times in the mountains, and the two of them know each other's various secret codes well.

After the initial recruitment failed, the calm bandit leader never planned to hold back. All his actions were to get rid of the little guy in front of him as soon as possible. After all, the weapons on the opponent's body brought about The deterrent effect is quite strong.

But for some reason, this kid was as slippery as a loach, and he dodged two sudden attacks in a row. If it had been anyone else, even the hero would have been injured due to the cooperation of the two of them.


After once again blocking an attack from the strong robber with the weapon in his hand, Al lost his balance for a moment because of the huge power from the weapon in his hand. Then from the corner of his eye, he saw the robber holding a dagger approaching from the side. Come over.

Seeing that the dagger emitting cold light was about to fall, Al also closed his eyes in despair, and the village chief's roar seemed to be far away from his ears... He felt that he was probably going to die.


An unnatural explosion sounded, and Al suddenly found that the surrounding environment immediately became quiet. Before he could open his eyes, he felt some liquid dripping on his face.

It's raining?

This was Al's first thought, and then he discovered that the death he feared never seemed to come.

Did I survive?

Al opened his eyes and wiped his face with his hands, and then he was horrified to find that his hands were red and his nose was filled with the smell of blood similar to rust.

Next to him, the robber who had just raised the dagger had disappeared, while the other strong robber stood in place with trembling legs.

Following the strong robber's gaze, Al turned around and saw an unusually tall figure. The figure was so majestic that even just standing next to him gave the illusion of blocking the sun.

(PS: There is another update.)

(PS: Please come and claim your own supporting role. You should be a reader of QQ Reading.)

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