Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 243 Your main task has been delivered


Zheng Shu was lying on a rock in a daze. The advantage of having someone camping together was that the two of them could split their rest time to ensure safety.

After discussion, Zheng Shu was on guard in the second half of the night, and Vera was on guard in the first half of the night. With the strength of the two of them, they could be full of energy after only half a night's rest.

It was already approaching early morning, which was considered the darkest moment of the day, but for Zheng Shu, this darkness was not enough to affect his vigilance.

Allocating most of his energy to continue to be vigilant, Zheng Shu sorted out his gains this time.

Progress: 352.01%→360.17%

The harvest of impact factors is pretty good. Although it is not as good as the amount obtained during the insect plague, it is still quite a lot considering the strength of the opponent.

As for another harvest...

[The user has come into contact with the carrier containing the unknown factor and started testing the sample]


[The test is completed and a reinforced template has been established based on the carrier sample]

【Notice! ! According to the detection of the "divine" characteristics of this template, the user's spirit will experience a certain degree of divine distortion after strengthening the enhanced template. 】

【warn! ! This carrier is connected to an unknown existence in the world. When the user strengthens to a certain level, it will be discovered by the other party]

Zheng Shu looked at the information on the panel and raised his eyebrows. As he expected, the distortion caused by the altar's strengthening did indeed make the strengthened person's state approach an unknown existence.

While I was thinking, a ray of dawn rose from the east, and a new day had begun.

And just when the rays of the sun that represented here shone on Zheng Shu, he suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Zheng Shu, who had met Artemis, the goddess of the moon, was very familiar with this feeling. Out of respect for the other party's strength, Zheng Shu immediately stood up and arranged his clothes, with a solemn face: "It's an honor to meet you. , the venerable Apollo, the sun god.”

Along with Zheng Shu's voice, a figure made of light appeared in front of him. Along with the dazzling golden light, an unusually handsome "person" was revealed.

Apollo, the sun god, does not look as serious as in myths and legends, but his appearance is indeed as handsome as in myths and legends. Even Zheng Shu's current real appearance is different from him.

Apollo was not wearing any armor, but a set of white robes that looked unusually loose and comfortable. He did not hold his bow and arrow, which represented power, but only carried what looked like a large harp on his back.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Zheng Shu relaxed. This at least meant that the other party's visit this time was not a bad thing.

"I'm here to thank you this time." Apollo, the sun god, was very direct and explained his purpose to Zheng Shu as soon as he came up.

After Zheng Shu was stunned for a moment, he subconsciously turned to look at Vera next to him. After all, when he introduced himself, he had already said that he was a believer of Apollo, the sun god. In addition, Zheng Shu had previously helped the tower. Meow was thanked by Artemis, so he subconsciously thought it was for the same reason this time.

But it's strange to say that even though he had made such a big fuss, Vera still fell into a deep sleep. It seemed that Apollo didn't want him to know about this conversation.

"It has nothing to do with him." Seeing what Zheng Shu was thinking, Apollo shook his head, "Although I am very grateful for your help in this regard, he has not yet reached his destined moment of death. I The reason why I came here is for another thing."

Zheng Shu thought for a moment and took out a sheepskin scroll from his jacket.

This scroll is the trophy he captured in the previous battle. It records the method of sacrificing flesh and blood in exchange for power from a mysterious existence. Although Vera commented that the cost-effectiveness of this method was too low, it did allow an ordinary person's strength to reach a level close to Zheng Shu's level in an instant.

Apollo nodded with satisfaction after seeing the scroll and reached out to take it. It could be seen that Zheng Shu's guess was right this time.

As soon as the scroll touched Apollo's hand, it immediately bloomed with a strong blood-red light. The scroll that had been completely motionless now seemed to come alive and twisted in Apollo's hand. It seemed that it was triggered by the presence of pineapple. What kind of defense mechanism makes this scroll crazily want to escape.

"Huh!" A cold snort came from Apollo's mouth, and his originally handsome face instantly became extremely majestic. Huge power that was difficult to detect with the naked eye surged out of his body, and quickly poured into the parchment scroll along with the authority of the Sun God.

Like an insect that had been electrocuted, the parchment scroll "twitched" a few times before losing its vitality, turning back into a dead thing and lying in Apollo's hand.

"Source." The grand divine words were spoken from Apollo's mouth, and the world immediately responded according to his needs. The blood-red light on the sheepskin scroll stretched into a thin blood line and extended to the endless distance.

After waiting for a while, it seemed that the creator of the parchment scroll discovered Apollo's exploration. The scroll suddenly ignited a blazing flame. In less than an instant, the thick parchment scroll was burned into a wisp of ashes. .

But there was no anger on Apollo's face, for he already knew the location of the culprit.

"Have the gods been clearing these scrolls?" Zheng Shu suddenly asked after reading everything.

Apollo returned to his lazy look at the beginning, nodded, and said in a gentle tone: "Although this is a disaster that we will inevitably experience in our destiny, now is not the time. Before the solution is completed, we can only In this way, its arrival can be postponed as much as possible.”

After saying that, he reached out and pointed at Zheng Shu, and a shining point of light floated into the mace beside Zheng Shu. The battered mace, which had been burned for carrying the spirit of words several times, once again It has returned to its previous bright appearance.

And compared to before, the newly cast mace would flash a bright light from time to time.

Apollo turned his hand and pointed at Zheng Shu again, and a stream of information was input into Zheng Shu's mind: "This gift can be regarded as my thank you gift. I helped you recast your weapon. Although the power has not been improved much, but It won't be damaged when you unleash your special attack in the future."

Zheng Shu felt the information that suddenly appeared in his mind. There was not much content in it, mainly a coordinate point and a method to get there - that was the location of Hephaestus, the god of fire and casting.

"As for the other one...that guy owes me a favor. As long as you find her, she will help you forge a new weapon. This can be regarded as compensation for damaging your trophies." Apollo smiled. Turn around and prepare to leave.

"Excuse me...can I know what the disaster you are talking about is?" Seeing that Apollo was about to leave, Zheng Shu immediately asked the question in his mind.

"Guigantes." Just answering such a name, Apollo turned into the rays of the sun and left.

At this time, Zheng Shu also discovered that it was completely dawn around him before he knew it.

Thinking about the answer given by Apollo, Zheng Shu couldn't help but frown.

Gigantes, a majestic and powerful giant in Greek mythology.

In ancient Greek mythology, the war between Gigantes and the Olympus gods, the so-called Gigantomachy, was the greatest war between gods after the Titan War in ancient Greek mythology.

At this time, Zheng Shu finally figured out who the name the thief called out before was.

Alcyonius, one of the two leaders of the Gigantes, had the upper body of a man and the tail of a dragon, and was extremely terrifying in appearance.

In myths and legends, the reason why the Olympian gods were able to win the war with Gigantes was because they cultivated Heracross, a human hero.

In the moon-shaped mythology, although some of the reasons why the gods cultivated Heracross are different from those in ancient Greek mythology, the ultimate purpose is the same.

In the end, Hercules killed Alcyonius, the leader of the Gigantes, and helped the gods win the final victory.

"I see, that's why you said you weren't prepared?" Zheng Shu roughly understood the meaning of what Apollo said earlier.

Since Ta Miao has not yet boarded the Argo, and Zheng Shu was able to confirm last night when he used the blessing given by the moon god to detect, the Nemean lion is still alive and kicking.

That means that at this point in time, Heracles has not even started his twelve trials. The most dazzling hero in ancient Greek mythology is still just a relatively famous warrior in a certain city-state.

But on the other hand, this also means that a war that is considered tragic even in the entire ancient Greek mythology is about to happen. With Atalanta's age, it is estimated that it will not be more than a few years. Even in the mythology, this war is about to happen. A war that will be specially labeled as "extremely tragic" will break out.

Zheng Shu is not very clear about the situation of this war in the pan-human history of the moon-shaped world, but in ancient Greek mythology, it is believed that "this battle was extremely tragic, and its scale was comparable to the Titan War."

The most terrifying thing is that the war between the Olympian gods and the Titans broke out in the divine world far away from humans (the Moon World is in space), but the Guigantes War actually broke out in the human world. .

To be honest, although Zheng Shu didn't have much idea about the ultimate strength of those Guigantes and Hercules, Zheng Shu at least knew how strong those gods were.

Just the power of the moon god Artemis and the sun god Apollo, which he had met once, already made Zheng Shu feel quite pressured. He could not imagine that even the twelve main gods could not defeat them, and even needed all the gods. How terrifying were those Gigantes who were created to be defeated by a top hero like Heracross?

"Tsk! It's a pity that I didn't find a chance to touch Apollo." Zheng Shu suddenly felt a little regretful.

I should have been more reckless just now, because even if I just touched Apollo's body a little bit, I could get his enhanced template. In this way, he has an enhanced template that can obtain the highest level of strength without changing his gender.

Of course, based on Zheng Shu's experience, if he strengthens the enhanced templates of these gods, he will be completely deprived of them when he leaves the Xingyue world, allowing himself to return to the appearance of a child when he travels to a new world.

After all, in terms of the level of integration with the rules of the world, even the Black King is far behind compared to these gods.

"In short, the top priority is to increase my strength as much as possible so that I can survive the upcoming war." Zheng Shu frowned and thought.

Although it is not mentioned in the myth, even if you think about it with your feet, you know that if this level of war between gods breaks out in the human world, the human losses will be unimaginably heavy.

Whether he wanted to protect himself in that kind of war or protect the three Gorgon sisters who were likely to participate in the war, Zheng Shu needed enough strength.

"According to what is known in ancient Greek mythology, what Hercules did was actually to help the Olympian gods withstand the fighting power of an additional main god among Guigantes. The twelve main gods of Olympus have a chance to kill their opponents."

Zheng Shu closed his eyes and quickly searched for the known information in his mind. When playing games in his previous life, the information revealed by Xingyue World was too little. He could only rely on ancient Greek myths and legends to determine the approximate information. .

Fortunately, although the mythology of the Xingyue World has undergone many magical changes, the process is still roughly the same as that of ancient Greek mythology.

"So, if I want to protect myself and those three guys in that war, in the safest case, I should at least have the same strength as the peak Hercules." Zheng Shu opened his eyes Opening his eyes, there was a hint of determination in his gaze, "That is to say... set a small goal first: let yourself have the combat power of the main god level!"

"It's really troublesome..." Zheng Shu sighed.

"What's the trouble?" Vera's voice came from behind, and he woke up quickly after losing Apollo's shield.

"Are you awake? It's nothing. I just think that I may encounter extremely terrifying enemies in the future, so I find it quite troublesome." Zheng Shu turned to look at him.

Vera stared at Zheng Shu's face for a long time, and finally shook her head and turned around to pack her luggage: "Really? But I think you should be very happy about that powerful enemy."

"Why do you say that?" Zheng Shu was a little confused.

"Because...aren't you smiling very happily?"


After Zheng Shu heard this, he immediately touched his face, and then he was a little surprised to find that he was actually smiling unconsciously!

(PS: After reading the comments from readers, it’s my fault! I didn’t immediately show the protagonist’s main plot in the world of Xingyue, so this chapter mainly introduces the main plot.)

(PS2: Starting today, Qidian seems to have been blocked across the entire site, and comments cannot be seen.)

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