Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 234 Having vision and future vision

"Villa Bisao, is a believer of the sun god Apollo." Realizing that Zheng Shu was looking at him, the man holding a golden wooden bow and arrow saluted with a solemn expression, "They all call me Villa."

"Zheng Shu, believe in many gods." Zheng Shu nodded with curiosity in his eyes, "Well, Mr. Vera, since you just took action, can I understand that you want to get involved in the conflict between us? "

"Please don't get me wrong. What he did was indeed wrong, but I don't think it's enough for him to pay with his life." Vera shook her head.

"It seems that you are a pacifist. What a coincidence. I am also a pacifist, so I don't mind ending this conflict like this if there is no follow-up. However... I feel that these people around me may not necessarily listen to your dissuasion. ." Zheng Shu pointed at the heroes around him, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

At this time, the people around him had also been attracted by the movement here. After seeing the big hole that Zheng Shu had hammered out with his bare hands, the faces of these heroes changed. And when they saw the paralyzed figure behind Zheng Shu, When the guy fell to the ground, the strong man who had been the leader turned a little ugly.

"Isn't it a telepathy or mind-reading skill?" Zheng Shu looked at Vera's surprised expression and thought silently in his heart.

"Vera, what happened here? What did you do? Do you want to provoke us?!" The strong man yelled at Zheng Shu in the last sentence.

When the people around him heard the roar of their boss, they also let go of the drinks in their hands, stood up unsteadily, and approached Zheng Shu with malicious intentions. Although they did not take up weapons, the gathering of so many heroes also caused a panic in the surrounding villagers.

Faced with this situation, the reactions of Zheng Shu and Vera were completely beyond imagination. Zheng Shu, who was surrounded by the crowd, not only did not become frightened but showed an excited smile, while Wei Wei, who was among the crowd, La's face became more solemn.

Seeing more and more heroes gathering around him, Vera's expression changed twice, and finally he sighed and put his bow and arrow behind him: "I quit, but after all, they really helped this village get rid of the thieves group. Harassment, I hope you can spare their lives in this matter."

"Ah? Interesting..." Zheng Shu looked at Vera up and down. He was really surprised when he heard this sentence, "The fight hasn't even started yet, but you have already taken their defeat as the basic premise. It's strange. Judging from the situation, I should be the weak one."

"What are you talking about?!" The strong man's words came in from the side. He turned to look at Vera. Although he didn't understand those messy things, he did understand what Vera said just now. "Vera, are you sure you want to quit because of this guy? You have to think about it carefully. If you quit, we will not share your reward with you."

Faced with the threat from the strong man, Vera just showed an indifferent smile with a hint of irony: "Please don't worry, Mr. Duer, I will not share your spoils. After all, when I joined your team, I I have already said that I am only traveling around to spread the glory of Apollo, and being with you is only a temporary encounter. When the moment comes when I feel it is necessary, I will automatically leave your team."

After Duke heard that Vera gave up his share of the spoils, he didn't listen carefully to what he said next. He just nodded eagerly: "Okay, since you are willing to give up your share of the spoils, then everyone will naturally It’s a good time to get together, and I’ll have a farewell drink with you after I finish dealing with this kid in front of me!”

Vera just smiled without replying. After completely putting away his equipment, he nodded towards Zheng Shu, left the crowd and stood aside to watch silently.

"Boy, now it's time for us to deal with your matter. Tell me, why are you provoking us? Are you dissatisfied?" The strong man named Duer immediately changed his face after turning his head to Zheng Shu. The smile that was still kind when facing Vera suddenly turned extremely ferocious.

"Boss, this man not only stole our glory, he even wanted to hurt me! We can't let him go so easily, teach him a lesson!" At this time, the man who was originally paralyzed because he was intimidated by Zheng Shu's power People on the ground also got up.

Feeling the wetness of his lower body due to incontinence, his whole face turned red with anger. When he saw his boss and a group of brothers around him, he immediately forgot the fear just now and stared at Zheng Shu menacingly, as if he wanted to bite off a piece of meat from his body.

"What!" When Duer heard his subordinate say this, his voice suddenly rose, as if he wanted to use this to cause great psychological pressure on Zheng Shu, "How dare you..."


Before Duer could finish his words, Zheng Shu had already taken action, with an ordinary high-leg kick, which directly kicked Duer, who was a whole head taller than him, away.

"Stop nagging, you all come together! Don't worry, I will keep you alive." Zheng Shu yawned out of boredom and looked at the group of drunken drunkards around him.

Seeing that his boss was easily kicked away and spun dozens of times like a top before hitting the ground and falling, the people around him fell silent for a moment.

"What? Are you just watching? If you don't come, then I will take action first." After waiting for a while, Zheng Shu found that the people around him still seemed to be stupid and there was no movement at all, so he seemed Somewhat impatient.

After hearing Zheng Shu's words, the originally silent crowd seemed to be awakened and suddenly became active again.

"Strange, am I drunk? Why does it feel like the boss has turned into several people spinning around?"

"What are you talking about? It's obviously the boss dancing, you must be drunk!"

"I just said you two guys are too drunk. Let's go! I will drink you down today!"

"Go, go, go!"

Along with a burst of noise, under Zheng Shu's stunned gaze, the surrounding crowd immediately dispersed as if nothing happened, looking for various excuses.

Looking back, even the guy who was so frightened by Zheng Shu that he collapsed on the ground didn't know when he ran into the crowd, shook his head and pretended to be drunk, and then left Zheng Shu's surroundings.


Zheng Shu twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing how to evaluate these people. Although it is said that those who understand current affairs are outstanding, these people are too discerning!

No, this script isn't quite right!

Shouldn't it be that this group of people got angry and swarmed around them, and then they were easily knocked to the ground by me, and then they were allowed to give me a wave of pretentious slaps in the face, and finally these people left in tears? (Said in one breath)

So what are these people doing now? Your boss was knocked to the ground by my punch! Hey!

"Don't be surprised. For ordinary heroes, being able to understand the strength gap between the two sides is the most important way to survive." Vera's voice came from behind, "You just punched Duer away and it was already complete. Having shown his own strength, Duer is the most powerful among them, even he will be easily beaten away by you, and others will naturally not think that they can beat you."

Zheng Shu glanced at the crowd around him, and asked with helplessness and curiosity: "But these people are just standing there like this? How can they be sure that I won't express my anger at them?"

"They are not sure, but if they express their anger, they will express their anger. At most, they will only get a beating from you. After all, didn't you hold back when you beat their boss?" Vera used her mouth to nudge Nudur and he was knocked away. From the exit position, "If your aura really contains murderous intent, these guys should be running around now instead of pretending to be deaf and dumb like this."

"What the fuck?!" Zheng Shu turned around and was stunned.

I saw that Duer, who had just been knocked out by him, had climbed up at some point, and was mingling with the crowd with half of his face swollen, drinking and laughing with others. Zheng Shu would not have even noticed this if Vera hadn't reminded him. Guy.

However, Zheng Shu also discovered that although the heroes around him seemed to be fine, there were still some eyes that turned to his face intentionally or unintentionally.

It can be seen that just like Vera said, they have been carefully observing their movements. Once they show any signs of wanting to take action, this group of people will definitely run away.

"So, they took such a big risk just to stay at the banquet? What's the point?" Zheng Shu was a little confused.

"Of course it's reputation..." Vera shrugged, "Unlike those divine blood heroes who rely on bravery and strength to gain fame, ordinary people like us can only rely on reputation to make a living. If a group of them today If they are defeated by you alone, then the reputation of these people as heroes will be lost, and no one will entrust them in the future. However, these people have no confidence that they can defeat you, so the only way is to pretend It’s like nothing happened.”

Speaking of which, Vera paused and looked at Zheng Shu with a smile on his face: "Of course, the reason why they dare to do this is because you are really a good person. Otherwise, they would definitely focus on saving their own lives. .”

"Tsk!" There was a silence, and finally Zheng Shu clicked his tongue disdainfully.

Although he wanted to deny Vera's judgment that he was a good person, after thinking about the moral standards of the modern era, Zheng Shu sadly discovered that he was actually a good person.

Crazy about the low moral standards of this world, Zheng Shu once again turned his attention to Vera in front of him: "Speaking of which, if we want to say that you are an ordinary hero, you should not be considered. Although there is no divine blood in your body, but Your strength is definitely not bad."

Zheng Shu stared closely at Vera's eyes, as if trying to see something from his green eyes.

"You misunderstood. I am just an ordinary believer of Apollo. My only purpose is to spread the belief of Apollo." Vera smiled awkwardly, looking a little restless under Zheng Shu's gaze.

"Really?" Zheng Shu also smiled, and the atmosphere between the two people fell silent for a while.

Just as the surrounding observers were curiously observing what the two people were doing, Vera suddenly jumped back as if she had been frightened.

At the same time, a smile appeared on Zheng Shu's face: "I see, can you observe the future one second later? It's really a very convenient ability."

Looking at Zheng Shu who was standing there without any action, Vera smiled bitterly and did not deny it, acquiescing to his speculation.

In fact, before, when Vera saved a person by shooting a bow and arrow in advance, Zheng Shu had already made corresponding assumptions in his mind.

Zheng Shu actually only did one thing just now, and that was to secretly make up his mind to attack Vera directly in five seconds.

So when Vera reacted a second earlier, Zheng Shu also figured out the opponent's ability.

To be honest, although the ability of future vision is not common in the world of Xingyue, it is not uncommon, and the ability to only see the future one second later is not too outstanding even among future vision.

Fortunately, Vera's own strength is not too weak to begin with. In addition, he uses a bow and arrow as his main weapon. Combined with this kind of future-looking combat power, his combat effectiveness is already very impressive.

However, Zheng Shu also discovered the shortcomings of the opponent's future style. In addition to the short time he could foresee, only a mere second, when encountering an enemy who can "change his moves", relying on the information obtained by future vision sometimes has the opposite effect. will affect his own judgment.

Like just now, Zheng Shu looked like he had not done anything, but in fact he just restrained his legs from almost kicking out after seeing Vera jump back.

If it were a battle, Vera's misjudgment just now would be enough to cost him his life.

"Sorry, I was really curious, so I did a little testing." Zheng Shu apologized to Vera sincerely. After all, he had indeed made up his mind to attack the other party just now.

Vera was a little surprised when he heard this, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly drew a symbol representing the sun god Apollo on his chest with a solemn expression: "No, I should be the one to apologize to you. After all, it was me who was responsible for my Selfish desire first intervened in the conflict between you and others, so I am very sorry! I hope you can accept my apology."

Zheng Shu looked at Vera in surprise and suddenly laughed - didn't you expect that there are such noble people in this era?

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two people relaxed, the heroes observing secretly around them also breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere on the field became more enthusiastic.

(PS: I will continue to add more to pay off my debt tomorrow.)

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