Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 232 Heroes and Thieves

"Robbery! Take you..."


The thief who had just jumped out of the jungle had his head blown off before he could finish his words, leaving only a headless body slowly falling to the ground.


As several screams that even sounded slightly changed came, the other thieves who had just jumped out immediately screamed and ran towards the depths of the forest. The decisiveness of his actions and the swiftness of his actions even surprised Zheng Shu.

"Are all thieves in this era growing out of the ground? Or do they automatically refresh at midnight every day?" Zheng Shu looked at the wild thieves who had just been "refreshed" and started running around, with a helpless expression on his face. .

Zheng Shu has been walking for several days since setting off.

Because his legs are very strong, he can walk much longer than ordinary people every day. The only trouble is that he has been attacked by thieves almost every day in the past few days.

At the most serious time, he encountered three waves of thieves in one day, which frightened Zheng Shu so much that he thought he had accidentally broken into a den of thieves.

After teasing for a while, Zheng Shu suddenly twitched his nose and smelled a special smell relying on the sharp senses of dragons that far exceeded humans. His originally relaxed expression immediately darkened.

Thieves have pale faces. In this world, they can make civilians feel fear, but heroes can make thieves feel fear. Even relatively speaking, thieves are more afraid of heroes than civilians are afraid of thieves.

Because even among thieves, there are not many truly brutal ones who like to slaughter entire villages. In most cases, thieves just plunder property and food. After all, they also know that they cannot survive without the "fat sheep".

But for heroes, they would really have no mercy to cut off their own heads and show them off to others, or go to the villagers to ask for payment.

The scary thing is that no one will blame them for doing such a thing, because they are heroes!

boom! boom! boom!

As several clouds of blood mist rose, Zheng Shu instantly appeared behind a thief at the front. Behind him, all the escaping thieves had their heads blown off.

"I ask, you answer." Putting the mace in front of the thief who sat down on the ground out of fear, Zheng Shu looked at him expressionlessly.

"Okay! Okay! Please don't kill me. I was forced by them. If I don't do this job, they will kill me!" The thief's face was pale and his words were incoherent. Zheng Shu could even see his lower body. Already a little incontinent.

Frowning, Zheng Shu forced himself to ignore the smell he smelled, and turned his attention to the thief's face again: "Since you are robbing here, it means there should be a village nearby, right! The nearest village is here Where? If there is no village, just give us your stronghold."

"Yes! There is a village! Turn left along the branched path next to it, and you can see it after walking for half a day! I really..."


Before the thief finished speaking, his head had been smashed by the mace. Zheng Shu shook it off, and all the blood on the mace was wiped away.

Zheng Shu expressionlessly kicked the bodies of the thieves to both sides of the road to prevent them from impeding their progress. He pushed aside the bushes and came to the place where the thieves had just escaped.

Here, there were several corpses lying on the ground, some of which had their clothes stripped off, their bodies covered with various scars, and their lifeless eyes still revealed fear.

Judging from the appearance of the body, it must have been dead for a long time.

Zheng Shu looked at the scene in front of him in silence for a while, and finally sighed, picked up a long knife from the thief next to him, squatted down and dug on the ground.

There are many tree roots in the underground of the forest that are intertwined and very hard. It would be very laborious for ordinary people to dig them out. Fortunately, Zheng Shu is strong enough. When he encounters a root system that is stubborn enough, he can also use his word spirit to release highly compressed flame rays. The roots of the tree were cut off, so a big hole was dug out after a while.

"May you find eternal rest in the underworld." After Zheng Shu buried the bodies of several victims, he placed some fried flour in front of the graves.

After placing the cooked flour on the tomb and drawing symbols representing Hades around it, Zheng Shu closed his eyes and bowed respectfully to the dough: "Dedicate this to Hades, thank you. Maintenance of the underworld.”

This time, he rarely offered worship to all the gods, but simply chose Hades, the god who ruled the underworld, as the object of worship. However, he did not make any specific requirements for Hades. The purpose of his worship was probably just the Chinese mentality of "it is not strange to treat others with courtesy".

After doing this, Zheng Shu turned to the bushes on the other side, where he saw a killed horse and a nearly dismantled carriage.

After frowning, Zheng Shu decisively ran towards the direction pointed by the thief.

Since no other property was seen, it meant that there were other thieves alive besides these people. Although it is known that most of these thieves only kill passers-by on the road, they usually only plunder property from the villages that also live here.

But after seeing those miserable corpses, Zheng Shu still felt a little uneasy.

The human mind is very fragile. Faced with such a simple power of life and death, it is easy to fall into the emotion of killing for fun without any reason. Zheng Shu is very familiar with this point, because he once experienced such a change in mentality in the dragon world.

With Zheng Shu's speed, it didn't take long to reach the village the thief mentioned.

After taking a look from a distance, Zheng Shu breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down because he didn't see the tragic situation in the village that he imagined.

As Zheng Shu slowly approached the village, he saw from a distance that the guards in the village suddenly ran inside quickly, as if announcing something.

When Zheng Shu walked to the door of the village, he found that a large group of people in the village were waiting for him at the door to greet him.

"Hero, welcome to your arrival. Did you also come to our village to fight against thieves?" A trembling old man walked out of the crowd, looked at Zheng Shu and asked very respectfully.

Of course, although he is said to be an old man, Zheng Shu estimates that he is only a little over fifty years old, but his body is on the verge of collapse due to years of hard work, and his appearance has become very old.

Zheng Shu took a look at his own attire and did not deny the old man's speculation about his identity. After all, in this era, most heroes were dressed like Zheng Shu, holding a huge weapon and wandering around like a street kid. Same.

"No, I just passed by here simply because of my travels." Zheng Shu shook his head and looked at the obviously uneasy villagers behind the old man. "You should be the head of this village. I think in your village Stay overnight and buy some food on the way, of course...I will pay for it."

With that said, Zheng Shu took out a few silver coins from the pocket hanging on his waist and showed them.

Although it didn't last long, Zheng Shu basically figured out that many "heroes" ate and stayed in the village for free.

Of course, it is not so much that the villagers made sacrifices voluntarily, but rather that they were forced to pay the protection fee due to the power of the "heroes".

Upon hearing that Zheng Shu was willing to pay, the villagers' expressions immediately softened a lot. After all, heroes are all pot-bellied. Sometimes a team of heroes can hold a banquet and eat up the entire village's food for a week.

So in most cases, as long as the disaster suffered by their village is not too serious, they will not actively seek help from heroes.

Just like this time, if it weren't for the leader of the surrounding thieves group who didn't know what went wrong recently and suddenly became extremely violent, and even asked every village to offer people as sacrifices, this village would not choose to fight with the surrounding people. Several villages together pooled money to go to the city and invite heroes to help them deal with the bandits.

"No problem, please come in! Heroes are the objects of our admiration, and we are naturally willing to entertain you." The village chief carefully invited Zheng Shu to the village.

The size of this village is much smaller than the one Zheng Shu went to at the beginning.

Not only did the surrounding fence look very short, but the houses in the village also looked very dilapidated. Most of them were simply wooden houses built with some thatch and branches. There were very few houses that could be built with stone and mud.

Taking Zheng Shu to the few stone houses in the village, the village chief led him to one of the houses very respectfully: "Hero, as you can see, our village is not very wealthy. This house is our village One of the best houses in the city, I hope you won’t dislike it.”

Zheng Shu took a look at the dark and narrow house without saying anything. He just nodded and handed over a silver coin in his hand: "Okay, it's much better than when I was sleeping in the open air. Could you please help me, village chief?" Bring me some food, this silver coin will be my accommodation and meal expenses."

Seeing that Zheng Shu actually paid for himself, the village chief was flattered and took the silver coins with both hands and nodded repeatedly: "Okay! Okay! Please wait a moment, and the food will be delivered to you right away."

Seeing the village chief leaving quickly, Zheng Shu put his luggage aside, sat on the only bed in the room, and waited.

But before the food was delivered, Zheng Shuji heard a commotion at the end of the village.

Seeing the villagers gathering towards the head of the village again, Zheng Shu walked out of the room curiously and followed them. Then he saw a large group of heroes dressed in strange shapes returning from the jungle.

The muscles on the bodies of these heroes are extremely developed, which looks in sharp contrast to the thin villagers around them. There are several bloody heads hanging on each hero's body. Judging from the blood on the incision, it must have been cut off not long ago.

Not only did these heroes hold the heads without any disgust, but they looked very happy, as if it was not the heads but their own achievements.

"Hahaha! Did you see the village chief? I have fulfilled your request perfectly. From now on, your village will no longer have to worry about being oppressed by this thief. We have defeated the entire gang of thieves!" The leader! A man who looked unusually strong was holding his broadsword in one hand, laughing and shaking several dead heads in his hand.

The thrown blood splashed on his face. Looking at the ferocious heads in front of him, the village chief almost lost his footing and fell to the ground.

However, he still forced a smile, hunched over his body and took out a bag full of money from his back: "Thank you very much for your help, heroes. This is the reward prepared by several villages around us. I hope you are satisfied.”

"Hahaha! Don't be so polite. It is our responsibility as heroes to help civilians!" The strong man said this, but after seeing the money bag, he immediately threw the head in his hand and snatched the head from the village chief's hand. The money bag was snatched away.

After weighing the weight a little, the strong man showed a satisfied expression on his face. However, after opening it, his happy face suddenly turned gloomy: "Village Chief, your quantity seems wrong, right? Why is it all in the bag? copper?"

Seeing the other party's slumped expression, the village chief's heart almost stopped, and he could only force himself to explain: "Hero... this is what we promised at the beginning... Of course! In order to thank you for your help, we also gave you an extra I prepared an extra silver coin, which is already the last money of several villages around us, after all, most of the property has been stolen by thieves."

Seeing that the strong man opposite had a wrong look on his face, the village chief immediately took out the silver coin that Zheng Shu had just given him from his arms.

The face of the strong man with the coin in front of him looked better. In fact, he had no intention of getting anything good from this village. After all, it was obvious at a glance that these villages were extremely poor. It could scare someone extra. A silver coin already made him feel very profitable.

From the beginning, he was interested in the wealth accumulated by this band of thieves over the years.

As for the fact that part of these treasures should originally belong to these villagers, the strong man naturally ignored it. After all, for him, these treasures were the spoils of his defeat of the band of thieves, and they were what he deserved.

"Village Chief, you are so polite!" The strong man laughed, took the silver coin into his hand, and waved to the people behind him, "Brothers, let's go! We are holding a banquet tonight!"


Accompanied by chaotic cheers, the strong man threw the head in his hand in front of the village chief and walked into the village swaggeringly. The group of heroes behind him also followed his example, dropped their heads, and walked to the village carrying captured treasures or weapons.

Looking at the "heroes" walking into the village, the village chief had a sad face. Since these people said they were going to hold a banquet, they must eat and drink heavily.

But with the character shown by these people, they will definitely not pay for the food and drinks required to hold the banquet. The village chief and villagers did not dare to disobey the orders of these heroes, so in the end they had no choice but to grit their teeth and "voluntarily give" part of their rations to them.

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