"It seems that the enemies here are not simple. At least this level of destruction is definitely not something a wild boar can do."

A familiar voice came from behind her. Atalanta looked back and found that the man named Zheng Shu had arrived behind her at some point.

"Why do you say that?" Without enough time to wonder why the other party could get here so quickly, Atalanta calmed down and asked a little strangely.

Although the wooden walls outside the village are thick, they may not be able to stop the giant wild boar they hunted today. The only strange thing is that with the fighting power in the village, it is impossible for a mere wild boar to cause such a Only major damage is required.

But if you are unlucky, it is not impossible to encounter a group of wild boars.

"Can you find the debris of the broken wall around?" Zheng Shu squatted on the edge of the remaining wall, with a solemn look on his face.

"Huh?!" Atalanta was startled, and finally discovered where she had always felt disharmonious.

Not only the fragments of the wall, but also the beams of a large part of the building, and even all the corpses disappeared.

And it stands to reason that in such a tragic situation, at least the whole field should be wailing, but Atalanta has been here for so long, not only did she not hear any sound other than the burning of fire, she didn't even see a single injured person.

It should even be said that not a single living creature was seen, including the livestock that were being raised.

After looking around, Atalanta's entire face immediately darkened, and she rushed towards the target she found.

After Zheng Shu saw her actions, he also walked over. After arriving at the location, Zheng Shu discovered that it was a fragment of clothing that was crushed under the rubble.

At the edge of this piece of clothing is a piece of land that appears darker than the surroundings at night. Through the firelight from the nearby ruins, it can be barely discovered that this is actually a piece of deep red, which means that the land here has been soaked with blood.

However, the two found no traces of the corpse. Even though Atalanta lifted up the stones of the ruins and searched carefully, she could not find the traces she wanted.

"..." Atalanta stood up, looked at the ruins of the surrounding villages and pursed her lips.

At this point, she basically didn't need to say anything more to know what tragedy happened to the village - everything edible in the entire village had been eaten.

"Any clues?" Zheng Shu continued to examine a stone on a ruins with the help of firelight, and his voice clearly reached Atalanta's ears.

"...I don't know. As far as I know, there is no way that there is a group of wild beasts of this size nearby. And it is very likely that this was not done by wild beasts, because even a large group of wild beasts cannot devour such a large amount of food." Clean." Atalanta frowned.

As a top hunter who can be ranked even among the entire ancient Greek mythology, Atalanta's hunting range far exceeds most people's imagination. The concept of "nearby" she refers to, It can even exceed the distance that some animals can migrate in their lifetime.

So when Atalanta said this, it meant that at least within a reasonable distance, it was impossible for this type of creature to exist.

Zheng Shu suddenly walked to the broken wall and stood on the broken wall, using the firelight to observe the situation on both sides.

"What did you find?" Atalanta looked over.

Zheng Shu touched his chin and looked up at the sky: "You are right, the attacker this time is not a wild beast."

He pulled Atalanta to the wall, pointed to the land on both sides of the town inside and outside, and asked: "With the wall as the dividing point, there are many messy traces inside, but except for a small part of the land outside, most of it is There are no traces of large-scale movement of wild beasts, and even the trees on the ground in the distance are not damaged... What did you think of?"

"The enemy can fly." Atalanta narrowed her eyes slightly.

As a hunter, her eyesight is naturally the best. She can see clearly in the distance even in the dark night. As Zheng Shu said, the woods around the village have no trace of being trampled. On the contrary, there are very obvious traces of chaos on the crowns of some trees in the distance.

"And although the wood in the village, including the walls, has disappeared, the surrounding trees have not been greatly damaged. It is basically certain that these enemies should eat meat. As for the wood..." Speaking of this, Zheng Shu was a little hesitant. He really didn't know why the enemy wanted to take away the treated wood.

"It's for building nests!" Atalanta's voice came from the side. "I once heard that some flying dragons like to attack villages where humans gather just to rob their wood, because wood that has been treated by humans is better. They are more durable than natural trees, and in some extreme cases, flying dragons will even rob housing stones."

"In addition, the enemy this time can indeed fly. Could it be that the flying dragon did these things?" Zheng Shu scratched his hair and felt something was wrong. Some traces he just found on the rocks in the ruins told him that the enemy The body may not be very big, at least it doesn't have sharp claws like a flying dragon.

"This...I don't know for sure. Logically speaking, there is no nest of flying dragons nearby." Atalanta shook her head, "And if there are flying dragons, they will only appear in groups as a family unit at most, so it is impossible for them to appear. Such a large group of people...at least after being attacked by the flying dragon, there should be many survivors in this village."

"No, it's not that there are no survivors at all." Zheng Shu suddenly interrupted Atalanta's words.

After all, his physical fitness is stronger than Atalanta, so he can see more information in the dark night.

Atalanta was stunned for a moment and then immediately looked in the direction of Zheng Shu's line of sight. After getting the specific direction, she looked carefully and finally found something a little different.

Under the ruins, heavy barrels and furniture were piled together, making the ruins slightly higher than other locations.

Atalanta moved and appeared next to the ruins. After lifting a few stones, she finally discovered that there was a basement door panel at the bottom of the ground. The barrels and furniture pressed the inconspicuous door panel tightly and isolated it. It eliminates the possibility of opening the door panel and at the same time protects the people inside.

"Rescue the people inside first. There are fires all around, and there is not much air inside." Zheng Shu's figure also appeared near the ruins, lifting a huge stone and throwing it to the side.

Because there were blazing flames all around, the crackling sound of the burning flames covered up the sound of the breathing of the survivors below. Of course, part of it was because the survivors below had been trying hard to cover their mouths to prevent themselves from making any sounds. sound.

Zheng Shu's strength is beyond that of ordinary people. They can move this kind of gravel that requires large machinery to move with just their hands.

With a quick move, it took less than a few minutes for the covered door panel to come out.

Atalanta couldn't wait to open the door, revealing the survivors underneath, two children who had fallen into a coma due to lack of oxygen.

There were still tears on the faces of the two children. It looked like they should have cried before they fell into coma. However, even in the coma, they tried hard to cover their mouths with their hands to prevent themselves from making any noise as much as possible. sound.

This was the first time that Zheng Shu felt the cruelty of the world. Even in a seemingly prosperous village, even children knew how to improve their chances of survival.

Zheng Shu and Atalanta each carried the unconscious child on their shoulders, carefully searched the ruins again, and quickly left after confirming that there were no other survivors.

"What should we do next?" Zheng Shu and Atalanta stood in an open space outside the village, watching the flames burning smaller and smaller.

"Let's go find the 'Hunter'." Atalanta had already calmed down. "He is quite strong. He probably won't lose his life in this disaster. The house he lives in is closer to the village. I'm sure We saw what exactly caused the attack.”

Zheng Shu knew that Atalanta was talking about the hunter adoptive father who raised her. When he came to the village before, he had seen the hunter's cabin where the other party lived. Although it was on a hillside far away from the village, for For people of their level, such a distance is no different from living nearby.


"That means the hunter was also attacked. Although I didn't see any traces of blood, how can we find him?" Zheng Shu's eyes lit up with a faint golden light, and the pupils in his eyes turned into vertical pupils similar to those of a lizard. This change allowed him to ignore the interference of the night and look further away.

Turning his head to look at the hunter's hut on the hillside in the distance, the already dilapidated hut had completely collapsed. Judging from the traces left on it, it seemed that the other party had also been attacked by the enemy. However, Zheng Shu did not find any blood traces, indicating that that The hunter must have escaped before being attacked.

"No problem. I have control over the locations of all the hunter huts in the forest nearby. There are three nearest hunter huts nearby. With the strength of a 'hunter', he shouldn't be overtaken by the opponent in the forest. We just need to check them one by one. Just do it once." After Atalanta said that, she turned and left here.

Zheng Shu had no other choice but to change the child he was carrying into a more comfortable position, and then followed Atalanta's footsteps.

"It's a bug."

The person who spoke was an old hunter who looked quite old. He had messy hair and beard, and was wearing what looked like quite thick beast fur. He was sitting in the dilapidated hunter's hut, with some ferocious-looking scratches on his face and hands, and his relatively intact hand was fiddling with the fire in front of him.

"It was a group of huge bugs that attacked the village. The exact number is uncertain. Each one of them is extremely huge. Their shells can even withstand my bow and arrows."

Zheng Shu and Atalanta looked at each other. They were lucky, and they probably found the trace of the hunter in the second hunter's cabin.

What's even more surprising is that behind the opponent are two sleeping children. These two children were rescued by the hunter after being attacked in the village. Of course, the price he paid was the ferocious look on his arms and face. of scars.

And based on Zheng Shu's observation, the bow and arrow carried by the hunter were probably broken in that battle.

The hunter looked back at the four sleeping children, then turned around and continued to fiddle with the flames in front of him. The hideous wounds on his body seemed to be harmless to him. Zheng Shu had never seen this tough guy's face so far. Any expression of pain.

"A huge bug? How big is it?" Atalanta frowned.

Of course she knew her adoptive father's strength. Although it was not very strong, as a hunter, the lethality of using a bow and arrow could not be underestimated. The arrows shot were enough to penetrate the steel-like fur of the wild boar.

But that group of bugs can actually resist such an attack. Doesn't that mean that the carapace of those bugs is harder than steel?

The hunter did not answer directly, but turned his head and glanced at the hunter's cabin behind him.

Zheng Shu and Atalanta looked along his line of sight. The hunter's cabin looked to be quite old. It looked like it was just a temporary shelter built randomly with some wood. The overall size might even be as big as a van.

Zheng Shu was still a little confused as to why the hunter wanted to look at the hut. Suddenly his eyes widened with disbelief: "No way!? Such a big insect?!"

Atalanta also quickly understood what the hunter meant. She reached out and gestured with the size of the hunter's cabin in disbelief: "Are you sure you saw bugs? Could it be that it was too dark and you saw the flying dragon by mistake?"

"Although I'm old, I'm not stupid yet, so I can naturally tell the difference between flying dragons and insects." The hunter replied angrily, "It would be easier if it was really a flying dragon that attacked the village this time. After all, except for those very old flying dragons, I can beat them, but those bugs..."

The hunter finally fell silent and just shook his head with a bitter look on his face.

Atalanta was silent for a moment, but still asked firmly: "Then do you know which direction those insects left?"

"Are you sure you want to find those bugs?" The hunter looked at Atalanta with a serious face, "Although you are stronger than me, you can only defeat one or two at most. But what I saw There are already dozens of them, and you can no longer handle this level of enemies. I think you should go to the city quickly and post bounty information, so that stronger 'heroes' can handle these things more easily. good."

Atalanta said nothing, but shook her head firmly.

Looking at his adopted daughter's eyes, the hunter was silent for a moment, and finally sighed: "Okay... I understand, but you have to promise me not to act rashly. That level of quantity is not something you can handle."

The hunter pointed a direction to Atalanta and gave a final reminder: "Remember not to act rashly! I will go to the village after dawn to search for some property, and then I can use these things to hire stronger heroes in the city. Before the new heroes arrive, you must not be discovered by those bugs and protect yourself."

"Don't worry." Atalanta carefully arranged her equipment, "I'm not that reckless."

"If you really did what you said, I wouldn't be so worried." The hunter looked at Atalanta's leaving back and sighed helplessly. He also wanted to follow up to help his adopted daughter, but unfortunately The serious injuries had pushed his body to its limit.

"Don't worry, I will help her." Zheng Shu picked up his mace and waved towards the hunter.

"Actually, I've wanted to ask before." The hunter looked at Zheng Shu's dress with curiosity, "Who are you?"

Thanks to book friend 20190131135229981 for the reward, thank you for your support.

More updates will be added the day after tomorrow.

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