Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 219 Transition Chapter

This village looks much larger than Zheng Shu imagined.

He originally thought that this place would be a very dilapidated small village, but unexpectedly it looked almost like a small town.

However, after Zheng Shu saw the thick wooden wall outside the village and the huge wild boar on his body, he understood the reason for this situation.

In such an era, if the number of people gathered is less than a certain level, ordinary gathering places have no ability to protect themselves when faced with attacks by certain beasts.

Under the same ratio, only a large enough number of people can increase the possibility of a strong person being born.

In the Age of Gods, how big a village could be depended entirely on the number of strong people in it.

"This is the largest village around, and it's also a place where I often maintain and repair equipment." Atalanta explained to Zheng Shu while greeting the children next to her, "I'm going to take care of this place now." I only sell the prey, if you need to sell it for money, you can come with me."

The villagers who were a little wary after seeing Zheng Shu's attire immediately lost their wariness after seeing Atalanta behind him. Many children even emerged from the surrounding houses to fight with Atalanta. Say hello. Judging from their appearance, they do look quite familiar.

"Of course, that's my trouble." Zheng Shu turned around and observed the surrounding environment, smiled and nodded to her.

Walking on the road, Zheng Shu carefully observed the surrounding situation. From his perception, there was no strong person in this village worthy of his attention.

Although the physical fitness of the villagers is good, it can even be said that they are worthy of being human beings from the Gods. Each of them has the physical standards of professional athletes in their previous lives. This level of physical fitness is coupled with the human group cooperation ability and the ability of each household. Prepare the spear, even the giant wild boar like Zheng Shu's body will be hunted when it comes here.

But the only person in the whole village who has a body that is completely beyond the physical limits of ordinary people is probably the hunter in the small hut on the mountainside in the distance. Although he barely exceeds the physical limits of ordinary people, according to Greek standards, his strength in the jungle is His combat prowess should be enough to qualify him as a hero.

Zheng Shu squinted his eyes and looked at the forest hut in the distance. The hut was about ten kilometers away from the village. According to the size of the villages in this world, it could basically be called a solitary place.

If Zheng Shu guessed correctly, the man in the cabin was probably the hunter who adopted Atalanta in mythology.

While thinking, Zheng Shu and Atalanta had arrived at the place where meat was sold in the village. Here Zheng Shu also found several people who did not look like they were from this village. They should have come from other villages to trade.

Zheng Shu did not participate too much in the transaction. He just picked a few pieces of meat that looked good quality from his share for dinner, and gave the rest to Atalanta for her help to sell together.

After all, based on the information he knew, Atalanta was a very trustworthy person, so Zheng Shu was not worried about her taking away his share.

However, for Atalanta, it is too rare to trust people like Zheng Shu completely as soon as they meet:

"Your way of dealing with the world is really too naive. If I get interested, you will be tricked very badly." Atalanta educated Zheng Shu in a serious tone.

"It's okay, it's okay, I believe you won't trick me." Zheng Shuhao waved his hand nonchalantly, handed the piece of meat in his hand to Atalanta, and continued to look around with the mace.

"Sooner or later you will suffer a big loss." Feeling that her preaching was of no use, Atalanta picked up all the meat and walked to the butcher shop with a gloomy look on her face.

However, according to Zheng Shu's perception, Atalanta's mood was not very angry. If she had the lion's tail, she might be able to see her tail waving happily.

"What a very understanding person..." Zheng Shu watched Atalanta's leaving figure and shrugged, dragging the remaining boar skins to another shop, which he had discovered before and specialized in leather processing. 's store.

"To be honest, I don't recommend you to make leather here." The owner of the leather shop carefully inspected the wild boar skins brought by Zheng Shu and came to this conclusion, "I would rather recommend you to go to a big city to find a leather maker." A master can help you handle this piece of leather, their skills are much better."

"Can't you deal with this piece of leather?" Zheng Shu scratched his hair, feeling that he was in some trouble.

"It's not that I can't handle it, but I don't have enough tools and manpower here. It will take more time to handle this level of leather. Unless you can live here for a few months, you won't be able to handle this thing at all." I'll make it into leather armor for you." The leatherworker shook his head, with a little loss in his eyes. It seemed that he was very sorry to give up such a good material.

"If this level of leather is made into leather armor, the defensive power can even be comparable to heavy armor, and it is much lighter than ordinary heavy armor. It would be a waste if it is made hastily because of lack of time."

"Okay...then do you accept this material here?" Zheng Shu tilted his head and simply proposed another solution.

Anyway, for him, the defense provided by the leather armor is not lacking. The most important thing he needs now is a new piece of clothing to wear. After these two days of long journey in the jungle, the white cloth on Zheng Shu's body has become tattered. It is estimated that it will be completely broken in a short time, and Zheng Shu will have no choice but to run naked.

"This..." The leatherworker hesitated for a moment, seemingly reluctant, "To be honest, if you take this leather to the city, even the raw materials can be sold for several gold coins. But if you stay here, this leather will only give you a few silver coins at most."

The leatherworker said this sincerely. Unlike those bandits, his eyesight was quite good. He could tell at a glance that the mace Zheng Shu was carrying was a real thing.

After he stepped into the store, the ground that had been stepped on very hard by many people suddenly dented a small area. It can be seen that the weapons on the customer in front of him are not only real, but they are probably stronger than he imagined. If it's heavy, it's probably some special weapon.

Seeing how easily Zheng Shu picked up the mace, the leather shop owner could immediately tell that this was definitely a heroic figure.

But as Zheng Shu said before, heroes in ancient Greece are not necessarily a positive title. In a sense, this title may be similar to the "adventurer" in some fantasy novels.

If you are an ordinary hunter, the owner of the leather shop will not mind making a huge profit from this leather. After all, if this leather is made into leather armor and sold in the city, you can sell it for at least dozens of pieces. gold.

What those noble men like most is this kind of light but high-defense treasure. If you meet someone who likes it, it is not a problem to sell a piece of leather armor for hundreds of gold coins.

But the person in front of him is not an ordinary hunter, but a hero with fighting power beyond ordinary people.

If he found out that he had used the information gap to make money from him, the shop owner was afraid that the other party would be so angry that he would run back to the village and kill him.

You must know that this world is not a society ruled by law. Basically, only those with big fists are justified. If the killing is for no reason, it may arouse the hostility of other heroes, but if it is an act of revenge, no one will care.

The shop owner knew this well. Of course, the most important thing was that the previous owner of this shop died for this reason, so he explained the current situation to Zheng Shu very simply.

For a small shop like his, if he spent several gold coins at once to buy this wild boar skin, the capital chain would basically be cut off, and he would probably go bankrupt before he could make the skin into leather armor.

So even though he felt extremely reluctant to give up, the shop owner had no choice but to give up on this wild boar skin.

"It's not that troublesome. You should have finished clothes and leather armor here, right? I'll give you this wild boar skin and you can change my clothes." Zheng Shu's voice saved the shop owner from his depressed mood. Without much hesitation, the shop owner immediately agreed to the deal.

Although the finished leather armor is actually much more expensive than the purchase price of this wild boar skin, it is a very profitable transaction for both parties.

“Thank you so much for your business!”

Ignoring the shopkeeper who kept bowing and thanking him behind him, Zheng Shu walked onto the street wearing a new leather armor.

"I didn't expect you to be quite energetic after a little dressing up. Although you are not very good-looking, you have a very good figure." Atalanta's voice came from behind.

Zheng Shu turned around and looked over. She had sold a lot of wild boar meat and was walking over with two bags in her hands: "It's a pity that your face is too tender. If you grow more beard, you'll be better off." Maybe he will become a heartthrob."

Zheng Shu touched his smooth chin, a little speechless. Atalanta herself is purely human, so she will be affected by the panel skills. In her eyes, her face should be very ordinary.

However, aesthetics has changed with the times. In ancient Greece, people preferred to look at a person's figure rather than their face, and it was best to have strong muscles.

As for the face, as long as it makes sense.

Although Zheng Shu's face looks ordinary on the outside, because he pays great attention to cleanliness, his skin texture alone exceeds that of most people. The only shortcoming may be that he lacks a bit of a "tough guy" feeling.

"Here, this is yours, because you made a lot of sacrifices, so the price for selling it is not much."

Zheng Shu took the bag handed over by Atalanta and checked it out. It was indeed much less than he expected. Not to mention gold coins, there were not even a few silver coins. Most of them were copper coins.

"It's a lot less than I thought." Zheng Shu weighed it casually and threw the bag back to Atalanta, "Here it is, I'm not sure if this is enough to pay you."

Atalanta was a little dazed after seeing the bag Zheng Shu threw back. Seeing Zheng Shu walking towards the outside of the village, she suddenly thought of something and ran to his side: "You just gave me the money? And it's getting dark soon." ,where are you going?"

"Ah, didn't we agree in advance? You help me lead the way, and I'll pay you." Zheng Shu shook a few pieces of pork tied to the mace, "It's too late, of course I went out to look for it. I’m camping somewhere, and I happened to catch this wild boar today, so I want to taste how it tastes.”

Atalanta looked Zheng Shu up and down, and suddenly a strange expression appeared on her face: "Are you planning to go camping like this? What do you want to do with the wild boar? Do you want to roast it and eat it directly?"

"Uh... is there any problem?" Zheng Shu was a little confused.

"Hey! Forget it, come with me. I know there is a cabin for hunters nearby. Although the distance is not close, you should be able to get there before dark with your speed." Atalanta Sighing, it was already confirmed that Zheng Shu was the young master who ran away from who knows which noble family. He didn't even know this common sense.

Under the leadership of Atalanta, Zheng Shu and the others quickly arrived at a hunter's cabin.

This kind of hunter's cabin is jointly maintained by all the hunters in the surrounding villages so that it can be used for emergency residence when necessary. The corresponding materials are placed in it, which can be used directly if necessary, but it is usually replenished after use. All used parts.

Seeing Atalanta chopping firewood and processing wild boar meat with unusual proficiency from outside, Zheng Shu scratched his head and sat on the ground, a little at a loss. To be honest, this was really his first time doing this kind of outdoor activity.

In the previous world, because of the power of the Dragon King, there would not be much difference anywhere.

After arriving in the Xingyue world, although the three Gorgon sisters lacked common sense in life, they were still the daughters of the sea god. Zheng Shu could go to the beach to pick up fish every day since his body grew up and could move freely.

That’s right, just picking up fish.

As long as he needs it, the fish will automatically jump to the shore for him to pick up.

The fresh sea fish was brought to the temple and grilled over the fire. A little salt would make it taste good, so this was the first time Zheng Shu knew that the meat of wild beasts could be so smelly.

Smelling the smell of Atalanta's barbecue, Zheng Shu felt that his sensitive nose was almost broken. Even the raw goat's milk he drank in his childhood did not have such a smell.

However, Atalanta is indeed very proficient in living in the wild. She smeared some "green belts" collected on the way here on the meat. Although there is still a certain fishy smell, the smell is no longer so unpleasant. .

"It's amazing." Zheng Shu took a bite of the meat handed over by Atalanta and couldn't help but admired, "You are indeed a Ta Miao..."

"What is Ta Miao?!" Atalanta was keenly aware of the loopholes in this sentence.

"Uh..." Zheng Shu choked, knowing that he accidentally said the abbreviation, "Is it... abbreviation?"

"Huh?!" Ta Miao's eyes sharpened.

Thanks to the serious readers who write diaries for the reward, thank you for your support.

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