Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 209 A difficult victory

(PS: The template name was wrongly written at the end of the last picture. It should be World Tree, but it has been changed now)

"Panel, fuse this template with Lu Mingfei's enhanced template." Zheng Shu continued to order without hesitation.

That's right, he had obtained the template of Black King Nidhogg a long time ago, which was the template of Lu Mingfei that he obtained when he was preparing to strengthen for the second time.

However, the panel reminded him at that time that most of the power contained in Lu Mingfei's template was locked, and strengthening Lu Mingfei's template would lead to contact with unknown entities, so Zheng Shu did not choose to strengthen it.

But now, he also has a way to solve these two flaws.

[Instruction received, template matching degree is being calculated...]

[After the calculation is completed, the user is asked to select a template as the subject. Depending on the subject, the finished template will exhibit completely different properties of strength. 】

"Huh?" Zheng Shu raised his eyebrows, not expecting such a change. This will not happen when the templates of the four monarchs are combined. No matter who is the main body, the final fusion will be the same high-level complete dragon king.

"what is the difference?"

[⒈Creation—Fusion with Lu Mingfei’s template as the main body. 】

[⒉ Destiny——Fusion with No. 0 template as the main body. 】

Looking at the two differences shown on the panel, Zheng Shu touched his chin and thought for a while. The so-called creation should be the state in which the Black King created life. As for can be completely based on the power shown by Zero.

But it's useless to think so much now. He can't have time to strengthen the template now, because Zero, who was knocked far away by him, has flown back again.

Looking at Zheng Shu who was standing there without leaving, No. 0 showed an unexpected expression: "I thought you would take this opportunity to leave and escape."

"Why? Shouldn't it be you who took this opportunity to escape? Now it seems that I should have the upper hand." Zheng Shu looked at Zero with no angry expression.

"I admit that your little tricks have indeed caused me a lot of trouble. But you still can't defeat me with this trick alone. After all, even if you have endless energy replenishment, the upper limit of what you can explode in a short time has been exceeded by me. It's restricted. Speaking of which, I've actually noticed it since the first time I met you, and I've always been curious, what is your ability? Can you create things out of thin air?"

Number Zero did not rush up to fight Zheng Shu immediately but talked to him with great interest. It seemed that he had regarded Zheng Shu as someone of the same level.

"Absolutely. In a sense, your guess is right." Zheng Shu didn't mind delaying for a while.

"It's such a terrifying power. Isn't there a price?" Zero clicked his tongue in surprise.

"I haven't realized what the price is for the moment. Anyway, I've always been able to use it very easily." Zheng Shu looked at Zero in the distance and smiled, "How is it? Aren't you ready yet? You've already delayed it so much. It’s been a long time.”

"You've seen it out..." Although he said this, No. 0 showed no surprise and didn't seem to be panicked about being seen out. "I'm almost ready, but Aren't you stalling for time? What, how are you preparing?"

"Each other." Zheng Shu looked up at the sky, "What is that?"

At this time, the sky that had always been stormy due to the appearance of No. 0 suddenly calmed down. Under the blue sky, seemingly transparent silk threads spanned the entire space. Only under the sunlight could one barely see a trace. Little traces.

And as time goes by, there are more and more threads in the space around them, and it looks like they are trying to isolate the entire island.

"This... this is just a means to prevent you from escaping. It is essentially the same as the Nibelungen. However, I know that you have Hela's talent, so I used another more troublesome method." No. Zero He reached out and pulled up a transparent silk thread next to him.

The originally illusory threads were pulled as if they had entities in his hands, guiding the surrounding transparent threads to move together.

"I see, but I think you are worrying too much. I have never thought of escaping." Zheng Shu smiled, "But from the battle just now, I found that you don't seem to have the talents of kings. You can only use their power.”

Although Zheng Shu does not know what the talents of other kings are, in the combat ability displayed by No. 0 in the previous battle, he did not show the ability of the King of Bronze and Fire to control metal. Otherwise, he would not be able to deal with Zheng Shu. There is no need to bother with Akebono's scales.

"You're saying the opposite. The power is not their own, but is given by me. Their talents are their own, otherwise why would they call them talents." Number Zero continued to speak unhurriedly.

As his words fell, the last transparent thread finally surrounded the entire island. In an instant, this unknown island in the Pacific Ocean was separated from the world by these transparent threads of destiny.

"Okay, my stage is almost set up, so are you ready to meet your destiny?" Seeing that the venue was finally completely blocked, No. 0 finally stopped talking nonsense with Zheng Shu and decided to let go.

"You're saying the opposite, it's my stage that's finally set up." Zheng Shu smiled even happier than Number Zero.

He spread his hands, and in an instant, the entire island was submerged in light yellow powder, like a huge yellow fog.

"This is..." No. 0 frowned and sniffed, smelling a strong aroma of wheat and oil.

Although he had never smelled such a smell in his life, Lu Mingfei had smelled it often, so Number Zero quickly recognized what it was.

"Instant noodles? No, crushed instant noodles?"

Number Zero turned to look at Zheng Shu, wondering why he would do this?

"Ouch, I didn't expect you to recognize him. It seems that the connection between you and Lu Mingfei is closer than I thought." Zheng Shu smiled and snapped his fingers.

Zero immediately felt that his power was greatly suppressed, as if... he was in a Nibelung.

"How is it possible!? When was this arranged?" No. 0's expression changed immediately. Knowing Hela's talent, he certainly knew what kind of terrifying situation would happen if Hela and Hela were in the same Niperon root.

"I call this a simplified version of the Nibelungen." Zheng Shu's voice came from behind Zero. With the help of the power of the Nibelungen, he teleported behind Zero at some point.


The fist with pale white scales hit Zero's face, and along with the surrounding light yellow air explosion, he smashed his whole body (dragon) to the ground.

"Ahem!" No. 0 knelt down on the ground and coughed violently. This time Zheng Shu caused him much more serious damage than the previous times.

Although his physical injuries were still recovering quickly, he found that he was unable to absorb the surrounding elemental power to replenish his physical strength. All these performances were as if he was really in the Nibelungs.

" it possible? I have never heard of such technology. Neither the King of Mountain nor the King of Fire has developed such an ability in a long time." For the first time, No. 0 had a look of confusion on his face. Same expression.

As someone who controls his destiny, he immediately felt that after Zheng Shu used this move, his destiny had inevitably collapsed towards destruction. makes absolutely no sense!

How could such a terrifying technology appear silently without any traces?

It would be ridiculous to say that it was independently developed by the person in front of me. As the pinnacle of alchemy, just controlling the Nibelungen is an elusive goal for many alchemists in their lifetime, even if the Dragon King wants to control it. Renovation will also take a long time.

Even with the assistance of Hela's talent, Zheng Shu's talent can only carry out some small transformations on the Nibelungs. If he wants to make such a large-scale technology that can be called a reform, there is no way. An exploration of hundreds of years as a unit of time is simply impossible.

But if it is said to be the masterpiece of any monarch, this is even more impossible.

Number Zero knew how long he had been planning for this. During such a long period of time, he had been mainly paying attention to the main movements of the eight monarchs. Through the observation of fate lines, he will detect any possible trends that may affect changes in fate.

Obviously, this simplified Nibelungen technology is a technology that can affect the fate line, but Zero has never received feedback on the fate line, indicating that this is indeed not a technology developed by the four monarchs.

"Is it the next-generation species? Impossible! Even if the next-generation species develops such technology, he will definitely leave a reputation in the hearts of all monarchs. It is impossible to be so silent."

For a moment, Zero even wavered about his own power.

"Don't think about it. Of course I couldn't have invented this technology myself." Zheng Shu saw Zero's thoughts and stopped the attack with interest.

"Of course I know it can't be you, who is it?! Is it some next-generation species with good talent? Or maybe a secret alchemist has appeared in mankind for such a long time that I didn't even notice." Zero is already thinking about all possible targets.

His slender-looking hands emitted a faint white light. This was the power that could only be emitted by an extremely twisted fate. He wanted to find the possibility of destroying this Nibelung.

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. I learned this technique from a third-generation Naga." Zheng Shu shrugged and admitted his theft indifferently, "I have to say, then This guy can be considered a genius in a sense. The only disadvantage is that this technology consumes a lot of material, but the advantage is that until the material carrying the Nibelung is consumed, no matter how you destroy the Nibelung All can be rebuilt quickly.”

As Zheng Shu finished speaking, Number Zero's hand was pushed out, and the white light emitted from his hand enveloped the entire yellow fog in an instant.

The yellow mist was pushed away in an instant, revealing the real space, but the next moment Zheng Shu summoned a large amount of powder to make up for the exposed space, allowing Zero to return to the Nibelung he had made.

Zero's face calmed down as he looked at the yellow powder that had filled it back up again. He felt the force suppressing him again. He knew that this was where he would die this time.

In fact, if he lifts the surrounding fate line blockade and uses a momentary burst of power, Zero may still have the possibility of escaping. But as a proud creator, he did not allow himself to escape from the battlefield.

"Unexpectedly, I was defeated by the skills of a Naga in the end."

Zheng Shu glanced at Zero's face and knew that he was ready for a fight to the death: "It seems that you are ready. Do you have any last words?"

"Last words? It's a little early to say now." Zero looked at Zheng Shu. Although he already knew his result, he didn't mind continuing to resist.

"Let me tell you, you have definitely resisted fate!" Zheng Shu laughed.


As a result, an earth-shattering miniature mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the ground trembled for more than ten kilometers.

"How is the situation now?" Angers walked into the conference room quickly. After the others recovered their memories, his leadership position in the crowd was also restored.

"All the nuclear bombs launched by various countries have crashed without causing any damage to the target. And when we were preparing to launch the second round of attacks, we found that the target could no longer be locked." Schneider quickly explained the current situation.

"They disappeared?" Angers didn't understand the meaning of Schneider's last sentence.

"No, it can't be locked." Schneider shook his head and pointed to the satellite image behind him. "They are still there, but neither the satellite nor the radar can lock it."

On the big screen, the satellite picture showed a strange sense of jumping. It looked like an old-fashioned TV with poor signal. The picture displayed on it also jumped back and forth among various scenery around the world. It seemed that It's like a shoddy documentary made by someone. But as we all know, satellites cannot teleport.

Obviously, Ange's common sense was not wrong: "So are you sure this is the real-time picture of the satellite?! It's not that you found some random photos to fool me, right? Or is there some super hacker that interfered with the satellite system?"

"Unfortunately, EVA has not found any traces of invasion so far. This is the real-time picture taken by the satellite." Manstein, who was next to him, answered Angers' question.

"It's fate."

Just when everyone in the conference room was at a loss, a voice came from the back of the conference room. Ange turned around in surprise and found that it was Lu Mingfei, the only S-level student in his school.

Lu Mingfei's eyes looked dull at this time. Although his eyes were now facing the big screen, it seemed as if he was looking at the real scene behind the big screen.

"That is a cage composed of the fate of all life in the world. Without the ability to change a world, it will be impossible to break out of that cage."

Lu Mingfei continued to talk with his eyes blankly, but the people around him were very familiar with his state. It was the way mixed-race people appeared when they fell into spiritual vision:

"That is both a cage and the throne of gods. The creature that can come out of it will be the next god..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Mingfei suddenly broke away from his spiritual vision. Looking at the eyes of other people in the conference room looking at him, he shrank his head and asked with some fear: "I... was a little uncomfortable just now. I felt comfortable, so I went out.”

Seeing that Lu Mingfei returned to normal and others were a little disappointed, Manstein even jumped directly in front of Lu Mingfei, forcing him to look at the big screen, trying to awaken his spiritual vision again.

Ignoring the commotion behind him, Ange turned to look at the big screen and muttered in a low voice: "The throne of God...? I didn't expect, Zheng Shu, that you have come so far..."


The knee like a battering ram was brutally stamped on Zero's chest. The unreasonable force broke through the white shimmering defense on the surface of Zero's body and poured into his chest. The condensed power even blasted a ray straight into the sky behind him. of air waves.


Various internal organ fragments mixed with blood spurted out. The already thin chest muscles were broken, and the knee directly pushed into the chest cavity, creating a collapse as big as a basin.

Even after suffering such heavy damage, No. 0 still wanted to fight back. He pressed his hands with white light against Zheng Shu's head, but was blocked by two black boards that appeared out of thin air at the moment he was about to hit.


Along with the dull sound, ignoring the dizziness caused by the two boards being hit on his ears, Zheng Shu raised his two giant white claws with a ferocious look and pierced No. 0's flesh and blood with difficulty. It was like a steel knife embedded deep in the bone seam of the shoulder joint.

Click, click, click...

Under a numbing sound of bone friction, Zheng Shu twisted his hands into a twist like a towel, using both hands in reverse directions.

Under Zheng Shu's hand, the handsome young man also showed a ferocious smile that did not match his image. Although his arms could no longer use force, he still had legs!

A faint white light also emitted from his feet, and he kicked Zheng Shu directly.

Although due to his height, this blow could only hit Zheng Shu's waist and abdomen, the damage caused was still considerable.

In such a fast battle, Zheng Shu's summoning speed of only one round per second became a huge limitation. Zheng Shu, who had already blocked an attack with his skills, could only use his own body to withstand this attack.


The sound of cutting flesh was heard, and Zheng Shu was kicked directly through the chest and abdomen by this blow, tearing a huge wound. If the spine in the middle had not been blocked, he might even have been cut in half.

Withstanding the enemy's counterattack, Zheng Shu firmly grasped the prey in his hands. A red light flashed in his pupils because of the severe pain, but his movements did not relax at all.


The harsh sound of bone breaking came from Zero's body. The bones that had persisted to the limit could no longer support it, and the originally strong shoulder blade was completely broken.


Without the support of the bones, the remaining skin and muscles were naturally unable to stop Zheng Shu's tearing. As he continued to exert force, a small half of the right side of No. 0's body was torn off alive by him, revealing the white bone stubble and bright red flesh. muscle.

Suffering such heavy losses, Zero finally lost its last ability to resist in the protracted battle.



Zheng Shu didn't relax at all. Five fingers like hydraulic pliers scratched his throat, and he pinched his neck and pinned him to the ground.


Zheng Shu gasped for air and looked at No. 0 under his hand with vigilance.

At this time, No. 0's condition was extremely miserable. The bloody and bloody body was just exposed to the air. The trachea, ligaments, aorta, muscles... various organs were twitching slightly, and the white spine bones could still be faintly seen.

This level of injury is enough to cause any ordinary person to die quickly. Even an advanced hybrid can only remain conscious for a few seconds, but it is not unbearable for the World Tree underneath.

During the several-hour battle, Zheng Shu caused more serious injuries to him several times, especially since he discovered that completely tearing Zero's flesh and blood would not only make his recovery slower, but also After his physical strength was greatly reduced, such injuries appeared more frequently on Zero.

Of course, correspondingly, the injuries he had suffered were definitely not light. If you only looked at the amount of discarded flesh and blood around them, you might even think that the two of them were survivors of a war.

This is the result of Zero being blocked from absorbing external energy by Zheng Shu using a temporary Nibelon heel and unable to quickly recover his physical strength. Otherwise, this war will continue.

Even now, when the oil is almost exhausted, No. 0's body is still trying to heal itself. The muscles on the newly torn wound are tightening, the blood that was originally sprayed has been stopped, and the granulation is slowly squirming to repair the injury. .

After breathing heavily for a while, Zheng Shu pressed his claws glowing with white light onto No. 0's head: "Now... you can tell your last words."

"Last words..."

Zero just lay on the ground and stopped struggling. The blood that had stopped flowing on his body started flowing out again. This showed that his fatigue had reached the limit and he could not even close his blood vessels:

"Forget it, you may not be familiar with it now. When you get used to the world view of the Immortal, you won't think about leaving such a thing." Zero's voice sounded a little hoarse, and it seemed that he Even his own throat has not been completely healed. "You should also know by this stage that my brother and I are essentially part of the world. Unless the world is destroyed, there is no possibility of destruction at all. You can only kill me." Being able to kill for hundreds of years is equivalent to sleeping for hundreds of years to me."

"Okay, what you said makes sense, but I'm still thinking like a short-lived species. Hundreds of years are enough to kill you." Zheng Shu shrugged and crushed it with his claws without hesitation. Zero's head.

Thank you to the readers of The Star-Forged Holy Sword of Salvation for your reward. Thank you for your support.

I originally wanted to end the world of dragons with a double update today, but my condition has recurred again, and my head hurts so I can only insist on writing here, trying my best to keep the chapters straight.

But now that the main plot of Dragon Clan has been told, all that’s left is the handling and transition of some aftermath, so you don’t have to read the next chapter.

(This reminds me that I should be the most conscientious author...)

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