Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 205 Ten moves in chess

"Ah... do you really want to scream?" Lu Mingfei felt a little ashamed. Although there were only two of them here, Lu Mingfei still felt like he couldn't shout.

"Brother, do you still hate me so much?" There were tears in the little devil's eyes.

Although he knew that this guy was probably faking it, Lu Mingfei finally relented. After a little hesitation, he walked up to Lu Mingze.

The little devil's face seemed to be one of anticipation and pain.

After scratching his head, Lu Mingfei made up his mind, closed his eyes, opened his hands, stepped forward and hugged Lu Mingze.

"" Lu Mingfei emphasized the word with difficulty, and he felt that his face was getting hot. Then he quickly released his hands as if he had been burned and hurriedly stepped back.

Lu Mingze was stunned for a moment by Lu Mingfei's sudden hug, but he soon became very happy.

"elder brother."

He responded with a smile, as if he had returned to the original time.

"Don't get me wrong, I just felt a little pity for you, so I gave you an extra hug." Lu Mingfei's eyes were darting around, not daring to look directly at the little devil in front of him.

Lu Mingze saluted Lu Mingfei very elegantly, with a bright smile on his face: "Thank you very much for your parting gift. Then Mr. Lu Mingfei, from now on you can continue to live as Lu Mingfei. . Of course, please allow me to continue to have you as my client in your next life."

"Ah? Next life? Am I entangled with you?" Lu Mingfei suddenly felt something was wrong.

Lu Mingze's figure was gradually fading away, but he was smiling more and more happily: "Of course, brother, I won't give up easily. After all, we have enough time."

"Ah, by the way." Before disappearing completely, Lu Mingze looked at Lu Mingfei as if he remembered something again, "Brother, in order to thank you for the parting gift you gave me, I also prepared a small gift for you. Gift."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Mingze completely disappeared into the snow house.

Lu Mingfei looked at the place where he disappeared and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to say something, but his mouth moved twice, but he didn't know what he could say. He just felt empty in his heart, as if he was missing something. .

"Goodbye..." Lu Mingfei whispered emotionally.

The scene around him was like a TV screen with poor signal contact. Various blurs and flickers began to appear. When the surrounding environment became unstable to the limit, Lu Mingfei's vision completely fell into darkness.

Lu Mingfei suddenly woke up from his sleep and found that he had fallen asleep directly on the combat table in the conference room, and he didn't know when Zero was sitting next to him.

Fortunately, most people in the conference room were focused on the weather group on the big screen and did not notice Lu Mingfei in the corner.

Seeing Lu Mingfei wake up, Ling took a cup with hot tea from his side and handed it to him.

"Thank you." Lu Mingfei was still thinking about the scene when he saw Lu Mingze just now, and took what Ling handed him. After taking a sip of the strong tea in the cup, he finally woke up completely.

"How long have I been asleep?" Lu Mingfei glanced at the other people in the conference room with a guilty conscience and asked in a low voice.

"It didn't take long, maybe less than a minute." Zero's voice was still so cold, but Lu Mingfei found strangely that he could actually feel the worry from her expressionless face, " If you feel too tired, you can apply to go back to the dormitory to rest for a while."

"No, I'm very awake now. Did anything important happen while I was asleep?" Lu Mingfei wiped his face and was surprised to find that the fatigue on his body had completely disappeared, and his whole body was full of energy. As if he had taken stimulants, "Did you add anything to the tea you gave me?"

"Just ordinary strong tea." Zero shook his head, "As for important things, while you were sleeping, the school received a communication from Principal Frost who had been missing for twenty days. They had already arrived from Nibelungen. He escaped and also rescued Angers. He is now taking a plane heading towards the school, and he will probably arrive soon."

"Has Principal Ange been rescued?" Lu Mingfei's expression was filled with joy, and he unconsciously exerted force on his hands.


There was a harsh sound of metal twisting. Lu Mingfei looked down and found that the steel cup in his hand had been crushed by him.

Looking at the metal cup that was crushed into a flat lump in his hand, Lu Mingfei was stunned.

In the quiet combat conference room, the harsh sound of twisted metal was extremely conspicuous, and everyone around them unconsciously turned their heads to look at Lu Mingfei's position.

"Sorry, sorry, I accidentally had an accident." Without enough time to think about why he behaved like this, Lu Mingfei could only apologize while holding the twisted cup in his hand, and left the combat conference room.

When he came outside the conference room, Lu Mingfei looked at the cup in his hand and still couldn't believe it. He carefully stretched out his hand and tried it, and found that the metal that originally looked very hard could be broken under his hand with just a little force. Distorted.

"What is going on? Am I bitten by a spider or exposed to gamma rays?" Lu Mingfei felt unbelievable as he felt the endless power drawn from his body.

Just a moment ago, he was an athletic loser with the lowest sports scores, but he didn't expect that he could turn iron into clay just after sleeping.


Lu Mingfei suddenly recalled what Lu Mingze said to him when he left, and he clenched his fists in disbelief: "Is this the parting gift he said? It feels... not bad."



A mountain-like wall of water suddenly exploded on the vast ocean, and the gushing water curtain covered an area of ​​several kilometers in radius.

In the center of the battlefield, the elemental protective barrier condensed into an almost substantial element silently opened a long and narrow gap. The terrifying attack almost cut the three-meter-tall dragon man in half, leaving only the last bones connecting the flesh and blood. together.

Looking at the hideous scars on his waist and abdomen, before Odin had time to feel lucky, a fatal sense of crisis hit him again, making his scalp feel numb.

Again? !

Is there no upper limit to this guy's physical strength?

Ignoring the shock, Odin skillfully turned his body over and used alchemy to resonate the elements on the scales on his back, solidifying the thick protective barrier again.

But this time Zheng Shu did not slash horizontally, but turned to the wrist and slashed hard. The light on the white claws almost burst out of the body, simulating the sharpness of the Tian Cong Yun Sword's claws reaching the limit in an instant.


The thick elemental barrier did not achieve the purpose of protection at all. The slender claws penetrated the defense and struck Odin's spine accurately. The terrifying energy penetrated into the body without any fancy, and the arrogant power spread along the flesh and blood, shocking Odin. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and even the newly healed wound on his abdomen was cracked again.

Taking advantage of this momentary flaw, Zheng Shu tore open Odin's chest with one claw, revealing the bone plate-like ribs and the beating heart underneath. The dragon's heart is not considered a life gate, but it is definitely It's a weakness.

Zheng Shu mercilessly penetrated Odin's still beating heart, directly causing Odin to fall into a state of serious injury.

Although he had gained an advantage, Zheng Shu didn't feel happy. This battle was not bad at the beginning, but as it went on, it became more and more boring.

During the battle, Odin's physical fitness has been constantly improving, and now his physical fitness has even far surpassed Zheng Shu's.

However, in terms of combat effectiveness, Odin's strength has declined instead of rising. As his strength has risen, his use of power has become more and more rough and messy, his body has become more and more uncoordinated, and his combat skills have begun to deform. Even the elemental barrier on the outer layer of the body has changed from crystal clear at the beginning to this turbid appearance now.

It seems that the alchemical barrier is much thicker, but the actual defense is not even as strong as when it was thin at the beginning.

If it weren't for his resilience and defense that were also constantly increasing, Zheng Shu would have won this battle long ago.

"It looks like this battle is coming to an end. Do you have any last words?" Zheng Shu did not continue the attack, but looked down at Odin from a high position. Every inch of this guy's skin was covered with blood, as if his body was on the verge of collapse.

"What a terrifying power... Zheng Shu." Odin did not continue to resist, but took the initiative to disperse the elemental barrier around his body.

"It can be seen that the power of the Black King's Egg is probably much higher than you expected. Although the power in your body is constantly increasing, most of the power is in a disorganized state and cannot function at all." Zheng Shu said After living for so long, I basically understand what is going on with Odin's body now.

"Yes..." Odin did not refute Zheng Shu's words, "After all, it contains the power of 'father'. Even if the Black King's consciousness has been sealed now, the remaining power is enough to give me indigestion. In fact, if I If I want to completely digest the Black King's power, it's best to find a 'filter' to help me filter it out."

Zheng Shu frowned, sensing something was wrong with Odin's attitude: "You mean like Herzog?"

"Yes, like Herzog." Odin nodded, but his body suddenly became insubstantial.

This guy didn't know when he created an illusion for himself, but his real body had already escaped from under the sea.

"Want to run?" Zheng Shu stared, using his power to sense, and finally found the gravity fluctuations emitted by Odin, who was swimming fast, under the sea in the distance.

The body moved, and the whole person pushed away the air and chased Odin's position. Under the sea, Odin no longer hid after realizing that he had been discovered, and rushed out of the water. The wings on his back fluttered, and his movement speed increased. Take it to the next level.

Zheng Shu frowned as he chased Odin. The opponent had been seriously injured, and it was impossible to get rid of him without the ability to use the spirit of speech. And as time goes by, he will eventually catch up with him, so why would he choose to escape?

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu became more vigilant again, fearing that Odin would use some trap to trick him again.

The two people chased each other and ran away like this for a long time. The storm in the sky had long since dissipated, and the surrounding elemental turbulence had calmed down. Odin's speed was obviously much slower. It seemed that after being seriously injured, his physical strength finally began to increase. Not on.

If this continues, Zheng Shu will be able to catch up with Odin in a few minutes.

But at this moment, traces of a small island suddenly appeared on the distant sea.

Zheng Shu's vigilance was raised to the highest level. He used his power to change his field of vision and completely scanned the island from infrared rays to gravity waves, but found nothing special.

At this time, a plane took off from the island and left in a direction away from Zheng Shu and the others.

Glancing at the pilot in the plane from a distance, Zheng Shu suddenly showed a strange look. Although the speed did not change, it was no longer so urgent.

Odin's reaction was the opposite of Zheng Shu's. The moment he saw the plane, he immediately consumed the little physical energy in his body and increased his speed by a small knot in a short period of time. Finally, he was chased by Zheng Shu. Before going up, we came to an open space in the center of the island.

Next to the open space was connected what looked like a newly built runway. In the center stood a huge pillar covered with cloth, and Odin stopped next to the pillar.

"I have to admit that your strength is indeed good, but this time I won." Odin turned to look at Zheng Shu flying from the horizon, with a strange smile on his face.

He yanked off the tarpaulin covering the pillar, revealing a bronze pillar with green rust growing inside. There are no other decorations on the pillars, only dense dragon inscriptions engraved on them. The density of the dragon inscriptions has even reached the point where any hybrid will have spiritual vision after seeing it.

"Bronze pillar!" Zheng Shu guessed the origin of this pillar just by looking at it. It was the bronze pillar in the world of dragons on which all the past and future were engraved.

Although it doesn't look magical at all, it doesn't even have any energy fluctuations, as if it's just an ordinary metal pillar. But Odin would take out such a thing at this time. To say that it only has the function of recording would be a bit insulting to people's intelligence.

The light in Zheng Shu's eyes flashed, and his speed increased again, trying to stop Odin's movements.

Unfortunately, the distance between Odin and the bronze pillar was too close, and he just touched it with his hand.

Yan Ling: Time zero.

A low voice came, and the lengthy dragon text was read out by Odin in an instant. A huge word spirit field spread rapidly from the bronze pillar. As soon as Zheng Shu reacted, he found that the field was close to him.


Zheng Shu's mental energy surged out violently, frantically disturbing the elements around the atmosphere, trying to prevent the formation of the Spiritual Realm.

Unfortunately, with the blessing of the bronze pillar, the composition of the Word Spirit Realm seemed to be freed from the limitations of the elements. The rapidly expanding Word Spirit Realm quickly enveloped Zheng Shu without any influence, and the elements that were previously disturbed by him were also destroyed in an instant. The field is blocked.

So... time stopped.

The fallen leaves stopped in the air, and the petals swayed in the wind kept dancing. Even Zheng Shu, who charged at more than ten times the speed of sound, looked as slow as a snail outside the realm of words and spirits.

As the former perfect King of Sky and Wind, Odin's ability to control the Word Spirit: Time Zero is naturally far greater than Angers. In the realm of Word Spirits he released, time can even be called stagnant.

Because his own time was affected, Zheng Shu himself did not feel that he was slowing down, but in his vision, Odin's movements became extremely strange. Being able to keep up with his movements was already the ultimate level of his mental strength. Improved results.

However, faced with such a good opportunity, Odin did not choose to attack Zheng Shu, because his other hand had to be in contact with the bronze pillar and could not leave at will.

In addition, using bronze pillars to activate the Word Spirit was an extremely huge drain even for the Dragon King, causing Odin, who was already weak in physical strength, to almost faint. And as long as his hand is still on the bronze pillar, he will spend a lot of energy every moment to maintain his spirit.

It's a pity that the surrounding elements are also excluded from the Word Spirit Realm. Odin has no way to restore his physical strength by absorbing elements the way he did before.

It seems that using this method is Odin delaying time by drinking poison to quench his thirst. After his physical strength is completely exhausted, Zheng Shu will still return to normal, and by then he will have no ability to resist at all.

But it was naturally impossible for Odin to choose such a stupid way to die. He had made full preparations long ago.

Squatting down while keeping his hand in contact with the bronze pillar, Odin groped around his body with his other hand, and sure enough he found something like a box inside a bush.

Grasping the box with one hand, Odin easily pulled out the box weighing hundreds of kilograms with one strong pull.

Feeling the familiar scent of blood inside, Odin couldn't help but have an impatient expression on his face.

When Odin and Li Wuyue devoured each other, their memories merged together, and the newly born Odin discovered that the secret party had actually obtained an egg of the Black King.

So in order to seize this egg, Odin made a plan a long time ago. This naturally includes how to safely swallow the Black King's power after seizing the egg.

Odin searched for many methods, but none of them were very safe. Finally, when he contacted Herzog, he found that the other party had a very good idea - to cultivate a suitable hybrid as a filter to make him a black man. After becoming the carrier of the King's power, he extracted the Black King's power from the hybrid's body.

After such a filter, although a small part of the power will be lost, the security will be greatly improved.

In order to ensure the safety of this filter, he arranged the filter in that eastern country, where even the secret party could not interfere. Odin himself hid in the Gattuso family and transformed into Pompeii, creating another backup filter just in case.

In order to keep the filter under his control reasonably, Odin placed it within the Chen family, one of the best mixed-race families in the country.

Odin's plan went very smoothly. After several years of planning, he successfully snatched the Black King's egg. At the same time, the growth of the two filters was also very smooth. He only needed to wait for the preliminary processing of the Black King's egg to be completed before proceeding to the next step. plan.

But the appearance of Zheng Shu forced Odin to speed up his pace. He only completed most of the preliminary processing steps for the Black King Egg and hurriedly started the plan. However, although there were some minor accidents in the middle, luckily the overall plan was still perfect.

Now, the Black King's power has been fully demonstrated in his body. Just as Odin expected, the Black King's power is huge but very chaotic, so that the power he can now exert is gradually declining.

What he has to do now is to take out the filter from the box, use medicine to fix her life state, and then inject his own blood into the filter's body, using the blood as the medium to transmit the Black King's power. (Note 1)

The Black King's spiritual body has been sealed in the North Pole by Kungunir. The remaining spiritual power in the blood will remain in the filter's body after such a filtration. At that time, he only needs to infuse the blood in the filter back to himself. You can truly get the power of the Black King in your body.

Thinking that his plan was about to succeed, even with Odin's ambition, he couldn't help but show an impatient look.

He no longer hesitated, and roughly dragged the box that was as tall as one person to his side. He pressed the mechanism next to it and opened the lid, revealing what was inside... what was inside...

Doll? ? ?

Odin's smile froze on his face, and he stared blankly at the human-sized silicone doll inside the box. The makers also installed an electric skeleton inside the doll in a very naughty way, allowing it to move from time to time, creating the sound of someone being locked in a box.

There is a round alchemy jewelry hanging on the neck of the doll, with a drop of blood sealed inside. The magic circle engraved on the alchemy jewelry continuously emits the breath in the blood, creating the breath of life of a living person.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Just when Odin was in a daze, Zheng Shu's "voice" came into his mind like a ghost, and that mean voice sounded particularly unworthy of beating.

Odin turned his head sharply and saw a faint red light lingering on Zheng Shu's body. He didn't know when he was standing behind him, and the "voice" just now was transmitted to his mind by his mental power. .

Thank you 01 Shuyou Wang for the reward, thank you for your support.

Book club group number: 221679130

Note 1: I have said in the previous chapter that in the setting of this book, the power of dragons can be transmitted through blood.

The monthly tickets this month are a little less than last month, probably more than 940 but less than 950, which is embarrassing. Even with double monthly tickets, there are so few. It seems that I am really embarrassed. But I still want to thank the readers who have been supporting me, thank you for your support.

So according to what was agreed in advance, for the sake of calculation, I will just calculate it as if I owe 19,000 words this month.

The double monthly vote for May seems to be at the beginning of the month, so if you want to rush for an update, you can start voting today. It is still the same as before. This month's monthly vote determines how many more words will be added next month.

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