"This guy...is very wrong."

Zheng Shu looked at Odin in the distance, his eyes downcast.

In the battle just now, it seemed that he had the absolute upper hand, but Zheng Shu could clearly feel that as the battle progressed, Odin's attributes in all aspects of his body were rapidly improving.

At the beginning of the battle, his claws could easily tear through the opponent's scales, skin and muscles, and even cut off the bones. But now, even with a full blow, Zheng Shu could only barely cut through Odin's body. Scales and skin, and will be blocked by bones.

"He is evolving? No! He is adapting to his own strength." Zheng Shu made a judgment after experiencing the feeling he felt when he attacked just now.

It's not that Odin has the ability to evolve infinitely, he is simply and constantly developing the power within his body. Just like Herzog in the original work had to go through long and fierce battles to continuously develop his own power after stealing the White King's power, this is what Odin is doing now.

Zheng Shu looked at Odin in the distance. He had stopped growing in size, but the aura on his body was still increasing: "The Black King's egg?"

"That's right." Odin didn't hide anything. "It's a pity that you got rid of the trap too quickly. My swallowing of the Black King's power was not perfect, so that a large part of the power was immersed in my body."

As he spoke, Odin raised his sharp claws. After several evolutionary iterations, the scales on his arms had lost most of their cyan color and became as blue as the sea below.

He glanced at Zheng Shu in the distance, and the muscles on his body tensed slightly: "Fortunately, having you as a sparring partner can help me adapt to my body quickly."


The three-meter-tall humanoid dragon ejected at a speed that was not suitable for its size, and rushed in front of Zheng Shu in the blink of an eye.

The sharp claws thicker than ordinary people's thighs carried the power of splitting mountains and seas and fell towards Zheng Shu's head. The thick elements wrapped around the claws glowing with metallic light, turning into twinkling golden thunder.

Zheng Shu's pupils trembled rapidly. Odin's lightning-fast offensive seemed to be in slow motion under his field of vision. Zheng Shu just raised his hand, gently rotated his wrist, and tossed it forward casually.

Power: Basic power control.

The temperature of the brain rose rapidly, and Zheng Shu's computing power reached the extreme in an instant.

Although there was no special external performance, Odin's seemingly lazy push made Odin feel like all the hairs on his body were standing on his head. He instinctively changed from attack to defense. His steel-like wings and hands were stretched forward, and his limbs were crossed to block his body. Protect the vital points of the body.


The finger pointed on Odin's body and made a dull sound. The terrifying power sneaked into Odin's wings and exploded a bowl-sized dent. The remaining power poured into the body along the crack, and the spider web-like cracks began to appear. The contact point is the center and slowly spreads outward.

After a brief stalemate, the humanoid dragon, which was ready to charge, was pressed to the surface of the sea little by little. Its huge feet stepped on the sea as if it were stepping on solid ground, and was pushed backwards by an unstoppable force.

Boom, boom, boom!

A thunderous heartbeat came from Odin's body, deafening. The rapidly rising body temperature instantly evaporated thick steam from the water in contact with it, and surging power roared within the dragon's body. Odin roared angrily and used all his strength to deflect Zheng Shu's arm and swing it towards his side.


Zheng Shu's arm touched the water, and the remaining strength in his arm instantly poured into the sea. Silently, a nearly 100-meter-long canyon opened in the calm sea.

The next moment, the condensed power could no longer maintain its restrained state and released a devastating explosion.


The power poured into the sea expanded instantly, and a long and narrow "crack" suddenly opened on the sea surface. A hundred-meter-long water wall rose into the sky. From dozens of kilometers away, you could see the water wall rising straight into the sky like a sharp sword.

The upper body was slightly numb from the terrifying force. Odin stared at the cyan humanoid dragon not far away, not daring to lose his attention even if he was splashed by the water mist from the explosion.

Odin suddenly felt that he might be a little too optimistic.

I originally thought that after devouring the Black King's egg, his power essence had far surpassed that of his opponent. Even though he was at a disadvantage at first because he was not used to the power, Odin always believed that the final victory must belong to him.

But now, Odin found that the other party's power seemed to be more terrifying than he imagined.

Pressing down his slightly trembling arms, Odin glanced downwards, his eyes full of solemnity.

The scales on both arms were covered with spiderweb-like cracks, telling how terrifying Zheng Shu's blow just now was. Just a brief moment of contact caused heavy damage to Odin's hardest wings and arms. .

You must know that Odin even applied the powers of the four monarchs to his wings and scales to improve defense. Although due to the incomplete power of the Black King's egg itself and his own load limit, the powers he can use are only half of the other monarchs. The power.

But after all, they have been rivals for so many years, and Odin can ensure that the power he releases is no different from the same level of power released by other monarchs.

That was the power of four monarchs. Even if it was only half of the power, it would be at least equivalent to the combined defense of three complete monarchs after the mutual increase. As a result, the guy in front of him used the pure power of the king of the earth and the mountain. It breaks the defense, which is not scientific at all!

Is it possible that this guy is stronger alone than the four monarchs combined?

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Odin immediately activated the talent of the Lord of Water. A large number of elements were sucked into his body like a siphon. The cracks on the scales slowly healed. The surging energy surged through the scales, and even a meter of water appeared around his body. What a thick elemental energy barrier.

This energy barrier is not made of word spirits, but a defensive alchemy performed by Odin using his own scales as a medium and the elements in the atmosphere as energy sources.

It is theoretically impossible to complete such an operation. The portrayal of alchemy requires a very stable mentality, which is simply impossible to maintain during a fierce battle.

But Odin has lived from ancient times to the present. Over the endless time, he has developed this protective alchemy into an instinct.

When he was Li Wuyue, such protective alchemy could only last for a moment because the consumption was too huge. However, he also relied on this moment of protection to survive Rhine's explosion.

Now, relying on the cooperation of the four monarchs, Odin can quickly absorb elements in the atmosphere to provide additional energy for his alchemy, and use almost cheating methods to make the permanent side of his body able to survive for a short period of time. A barrier against nuclear explosions.

Looking at Odin who was crazily stacking his armor in front of him, Zheng Shu shook his arm and moved his fingers unconsciously.

Odin's condition was more troublesome than he expected. After swallowing the Black King's egg, he not only gained the power of the four monarchs, but his mental power was also greatly increased, although it was not as strong as the enhancement. Zheng Shu is the White King template, but Odin's mental power is enough to make him immune to the direct influence of Zheng Shu's power.

In this way, Zheng Shu could only use other methods to indirectly influence his power. Both the instant burst power and the destructive effect were greatly reduced, and the computing power required was also higher.

In addition, the turbulence of elements around him continued, and Zheng Shu could not use the spirit of speech to strengthen his brain's computing power.

Otherwise, the battle should have ended just now.

Feeling the defensive power of the barrier in front of Odin, Zheng Shu grinned, and his thoughts began to move. The power of material reorganization acted on his body. The scales on his arms and claws squirmed, and their color changed from the original blue-gray. Gradually it turned pale white.



The next second, Zheng Shu suddenly disappeared from the spot, as if omitting the intermediate process, and came to Odin in an instant. The surrounding air seemed to have no reaction, and only made a deafening sound after Zheng Shu showed his body.

He held out his hands, and the pale white scales on his arms made Odin feel a trembling fear in his heart.


As if the space was being cut open, a terrifying force that was invisible to the naked eye swept across the sea, and the protective barrier originally formed by the fusion of massive elements was quietly torn apart.

The scales that evolved through many iterations were torn apart silently, and the destructive power shattered all of Odin's defenses, penetrated his body, and poured into his whole body centered on the wound.

However, the defensive barrier composed of alchemy finally brought Odin a moment of resistance, giving him a chance to react, and he was able to move his body slightly to avoid the beheading that went straight to his heart.

However, the terrifying power coming from his body still made it difficult for him to resist, and Odin's huge body was blown away like a discharged cannonball.

His huge body drew a straight ray in mid-air and blasted diagonally into the sea. The terrifying speed made the originally liquid seawater seem to turn into a solid. The tall and burly humanoid dragon rolled and bounced uncontrollably on the sea surface. , friction created thousands of meters of white-wave ravine, and did not stop until it hit a rock protruding from the water.

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this guy?!" Odin, who had always maintained a confident smile, finally couldn't help but be broken.

After returning to the water, he suppressed the vomiting feeling in his body and shook his head that was knocked dizzy. Odin just stood on the water and looked at the young man suspended in the distance, feeling incomprehensible shock in his heart.

The overall strength of both parties is obviously about the same, so why do I feel like a helpless child in front of him?

Most importantly, how old is this guy? !

Recalling the situation in the information, Odin felt complicated emotions welling up in his heart.

Envy, jealousy, fear, shock and disbelief...

As a monarch, he has not had such emotions for a long, long time.

According to the information, his body is only 20 years old!

How could he be so strong? !

Recalling the hardships I suffered during this endless time, looking at Zheng Shu's god-like appearance in the distance, the jealousy and unwillingness in my heart were like the bite of a poisonous snake.

How much have I suffered? How much have you suffered and how much have you abandoned to gain the strength you have today? !

Why can a guy like him just crush me so easily? !

Why can he easily obtain the power I dream of? !

Looking up at Zheng Shu, who was still motionless in the distance, Odin's eyes flashed with inexplicable fire. He originally thought that he was born noble, and that as soon as he was born, he stood at a destination that other creatures could only hope to reach in their lifetime.

But the existence of this guy in front of him makes Odin's lifelong belief look like a joke!

A surge of anger boiled in his heart. Odin looked at Zheng Shu, who was slowly descending and floating on the water, looking down. A ferocious red light ignited in the depths of his eyes that had transformed into dragon heads.

Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to Odin's attitude towards him. He had been dealing with his panel from just now.

[The special factors in the exposed sample are too chaotic to form a strengthened template. 】

This is the feedback Zheng Shu got when he commanded the panel to obtain the template from Odin just now after he came into contact with him.

Because just now he suddenly remembered that since Odin has swallowed the power of the Black King, he should also be able to obtain a template similar to the Black King from him.

Unfortunately, the information given by the panel let him know that his idea failed, but Zheng Shu also obtained a lot of information from this information.

"The special factors are too confusing", which means that Odin did not actually fully digest the Black King's egg. It seems that his early escape from the Nibelungs still had a certain impact on Odin's plan.

The other problem is Odin himself. Zheng Shu has discovered from the previous battle that he and Odin are almost the same in terms of strength, but in the previous battle he was still able to overpower Odin.

The way Odin uses his power feels special...primitive.

"Just like the Xia Mi we met at the beginning." Zheng Shu came to a conclusion silently in his heart.

Odin's control over his own power is actually quite delicate, and he also uses various practical skills very well, but the way he uses his power seems too backward and rough. It feels like he is using instinct to release power.

"If I remember correctly, Pompeii should have obtained a doctorate in geophysics. At least he should know the most basic knowledge of physics..." Zheng Shu glanced at Odin in the distance, and suddenly recalled Xia Mi, the Dragon King hidden among humans.

The situations of the two are very similar. Both have experienced modern scientific education, but they are still very rough and primitive when using power. Two consecutive Dragon Kings behaved like this. Zheng Shu does not think this is a coincidence.


Grasping the key points of the problem, Zheng Shu easily came to a conclusion.

This result did not surprise him at all. After all, these dragon kings had died not once or twice because of their own personalities. If their personalities were really so easy to change, they would not have gotten to this point.

At this time, Odin had readjusted his state, and the anger in his heart prompted him to take the initiative to attack Zheng Shu.

Massive elemental turbulence swept across the world. Odin jumped up from the sea with the distant and deep flames on his body, and rushed towards the rising Zheng Shu with a heaven-destroying momentum.


The shock wave spread in a spherical shape visible to the naked eye, knocking a hole out of the clouds in the sky, and it took more than ten seconds to reach the sea surface.


The originally destructive shock wave had attenuated in power across a long distance, and turned into a howling wind when it reached the sea surface. But even so, the sea level was still blown up by huge waves.

This time, the two of them did not break up like before, but were always entangled.

From a distance, they looked like just two slightly larger humanoid creatures, but the aftermath of the confrontation between the two sides was like two mountains colliding with each other, constantly setting off huge waves tens of meters high, like natural disasters.


Odin jumped high, and the three-meter-tall humanoid dragon slashed down with his arms. The scales on his arms stood up and grew and twisted, growing into a huge machete in a short time.

Zheng Shu, who had just finished swinging his fist, had no time to dodge and could only raise his hand to block.


The harsh sound of metal collision came from the place where the two people were fighting. Relying on the attached energy shield, Odin finally broke through the pale scale protection on Zheng Shu's arm and slashed him hard on the arm. However, a A terrifying counter-shock force traveled upstream along Odin's arm.

Fortunately, Odin, who had suffered some hidden losses in the previous confrontations, was mentally prepared this time. He bounced his arm high in the direction of the force, swung it in a wide circle, then added more violent force and slashed at Zheng again. Dawn.

clang! clang! clang!

Odin's fighting skills honed in endless time finally came into play. With the help of the enemy and his own strength, the swords he opened and closed fell like raindrops. The airtight attack even suppressed Zheng Shu for a while.

Seeing that his attack finally worked, Odin's spirit perked up, an ear-splitting sound of blood flowing in his body emitted, and his power became more and more violent.

Zheng Shu put his hands in front of him, constantly resisting the falling attacks. Looking at the wildly attacking dragon in front of him, the violent red light in his eyes gradually rose.

Finally, after being suppressed to a certain limit, Zheng Shu also broke out.


Instead of using his arms to resist the attack, he simply took the attack forcefully and clamped Odin's arm with his own muscles. Zheng Shu stepped forward, and terrifying power burst out within a square inch.

A faint light bloomed on the claws that had turned pale white, and the five fingers were gathered together, pressing against the waist and abdomen of the humanoid dragon like a pointed cone.


The penetrating power penetrated into the body, and Odin's eyes were bulged out. His whole body folded and flew out, shooting straight into the sea.

After temporarily repelling the enemy, Zheng Shu took a deep breath, and the blood in his body flowed rapidly. The huge bone-deep wound on his shoulder quickly closed and healed, and he returned to his original state within a short time.

(PS: There is one more chapter.)

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