Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 174 Dealing with the Corpse Guard Group (6K)

At this time, the helicopter in the sky no longer dared to leave the field around Eriyi casually, because the strong wind around the Kotorei field could easily break its rotors.

As Eriki stood up, the sea level also rose. It was a huge iceberg, getting thinner as it went down, and the top was as smooth as a mirror. A silver-blue shimmer flows on the surface of the iceberg, and there are groups of corpse guards frozen inside. The ice edges as sharp as teeth grow rapidly below.

Eriyi used the power of her word spirit to lift the frozen sea surface into the sky. There were cliffs made of ice all around. Under the cliffs were swords made of ice. She was muttering something silently in her mouth, but No one could understand her language.

"Wait a mininute."

A voice suddenly came from beside Eriki. The people on the helicopter were surprised to find that a figure appeared behind Eriki at some point. Even they who had been observing from high altitude did not realize how the other party was approaching. .

The iceberg frozen by the power of the word spirit is full of death orders. Any creature that comes close will be affected by the word spirit: Judgment and be frozen or killed, but this figure is not affected at all. Just as calm, it looks like walking on ordinary ice.

Eriki was frightened by the sudden sound beside her and paused like a rabbit. Then she heard that the sound was very familiar to her.

She turned back to look at Zheng Shu behind her, with a puzzled look in her eyes. Although Eriki can now speak freely after being baptized by dragon blood, years of habit have made her more accustomed to using her eyes to convey the information she wants.

"Sorry, there are three friends I know under the sea, so I hope you can wait a moment until I rescue them before unleashing the final attack." Zheng Shu understood Eri Yi's eyes.

Eriki didn't hesitate at all and immediately nodded in agreement.

The conversation between the two of them left everyone on the helicopter dumbfounded. Not only were they amazed at Zheng Shu's strength, he could ignore Eri Yi's words, but Zhisheng had never thought that Eri had theoretically lost her mind. Li Yi can actually have normal conversations with people now.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but show a look of regret. If he had known this, he should have discussed it with Eriki from the beginning, so that he would not be immersed in pain and regret like now.

At the same time, he also had some doubts about Tachibana Masamune's teachings to him. He has been following his father's guidance for so many years, but is his father really completely correct?

At this time, Zheng Shu had completed the communication with Eri Yi, jumped under the iceberg, and followed the bulging ice as sharp as a blade to the bottom of the iceberg.

Here, a Xumizuo that had just sunk was frozen at the bottom of the iceberg. A metal safety line as thick as an arm stretched out from the Xumizuo and extended to the bottom of the sea.

At this time, corpse guards were still climbing up the iceberg along this safety rope. The dense corpse guards were hanging on the safety rope, looking like ants hanging on a rope covered with honey. All corpse guards who climb onto the iceberg will be killed by the power of Yanling the moment they touch the iceberg.

Seeing Zheng Shu coming down from the iceberg and smelling the breath of flesh and blood emanating from his body, all the corpse guards became more active and excited, and crawled on the safety rope a little faster.

Because there were still many people watching, Zheng Shu did not let go of his Dragon King pressure for the time being. He stuck his feet into the iceberg and "stand" upside down under the iceberg, looking at the group of excited corpse guards below. Zheng Shu simply raised his fist, and then punched downward!


The fierce wind of fists instantly shattered the group of corpses on the safety rope below, but clever power control made the remaining ones almost non-existent, and no trace of power could harm the safety rope.

Before the people on the helicopter could marvel at Zheng Shu's strength, they saw him grabbing the thick safety rope with both hands.

"This guy...does he want to...f*ck!!" Before Wu Yao finished speaking, Zheng Shu's actions proved his thoughts.


The muscles under the clothes swelled slightly. Zheng Shu let out a soft cry, and alternately grabbed the safety rope with both hands and pulled it up. Everyone in the helicopter was dumbfounded. With the all-metal safety rope, the weight of the submarine may be hundreds of tons. The wreckage was quickly pulled up from the bottom of the sea like a tug of war.

Along with it, in addition to the wreckage of the submarine, there were also a large group of corpse guards and a huge corpse guard king.

The Deliaste had stopped surfacing because it was surrounded by corpse guards.

A terrifying behemoth appeared in the observation window. It was a black dragon swinging its long tail in the sea water. It was the thing that was struggling in the crack just now. It was the corpse guard concocted by the pure-blood dragon clan. At the last moment, it finally broke through. The seabed escaped.

Its golden pupils are like two searchlights, its decayed body is covered with ancient armor, and the armors are layered and connected with bronze chains. Only the ribs are left in its abdomen, swimming like a swarm of ghost-toothed dragon vipers - this The monster's body is the nest of the Ghost-toothed Dragon Viper.

When Lu Mingfei and the others saw this monster through the observation window, the submarine they were riding in was also discovered by the monsters. It was like thousands of lights being lit at the same time. Those were the eyes of the ghost-toothed dragon vipers. , the sleeping little fishes all woke up, and the endless dragon power pressed into the cockpit. The terrible sense of oppression can completely destroy the spirit of ordinary humans.

The king in the corpse guard roared silently, and its long tusks were as transparent as crystal.

Xumizuo has not responded to their call so far, and they have no way to escape.

Lu Mingfei fell into despair. He could only pray that his death would be painless. After all, the teeth of the ghost-toothed dragon vipers looked a bit too sharp.

The King of Corpse Guards slowly opened his ribs, and the ghost-toothed dragon vipers residing inside came out in full force and pounced on the submarine, biting furiously. The sound was like thousands of silkworms eating mulberry leaves.

What can be seen out of the porthole are the densely packed golden eyes of the vipers. The teeth on the plexiglass are intertwined with each other. Terrible sounds are coming from all directions. Not only are these vipers biting the plexiglass, but they are also biting the plexiglass. Drilling holes in metal bulkheads.

Now there are thousands of Aphrodisiac vipers swimming in the interlayer between the outer shell and the inner shell of the submarine. These fish that can bite everything are eating, whether it is fiber optic cables or buffer materials, they are regarded as food.

Although there was a problem with the original submarine's shell, most of the circuits were still running. But now the lights on the operating table are extinguishing one by one, and the air pressure gauge, water pressure gauge, and Abe gauge have returned to zero, because the Ghost-toothed Dragon Viper He ate everything he could eat.

The submarine, called the Deliaste, had been eaten, and the last layer that could protect Lu Mingfei and the others was only the metal inner shell.

"Nice to meet you." Chu Zihang sat quietly in the cockpit and looked at Lu Mingfei and said.

"I'm very happy too, including Caesar. I'm actually very happy to meet you." Lu Mingfei murmured.

Caesar was still lying unconscious next to him. Lu Mingfei thought that this might be a kind of happiness.

Finally, the porthole collapsed, and the seawater filled the cockpit with huge pressure. Lu Mingfei felt that his ribs were about to be broken. The air in his lungs was looking for gaps to escape. Thousands of ghost teeth Dragon vipers poured in from the breach in the porthole and pounced on him.

The sea water suddenly became hot. Chu Zihang used his last strength to prepare to release Jun Yan, but it was not to save himself, because when the ghost-toothed dragon viper was burned, they would also be reduced to ashes, but Chu Zihang's strength was All enemies are killed, this is what he has always done.

If it weren't for the fact that he was really uncomfortable right now, Lu Mingfei would even want to give Chu Zihang a thumbs up. Although being blown up by Jun Yan sounds like a tragic death, compared to being bitten to death by the Ghost-toothed Dragon Viper, Lu Mingfei I still hope to die a happy death.


At this moment, the Deliaste, which had been stagnant, suddenly rose rapidly, even causing a bubble of water around it.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were caught off guard and were pressed to the bottom of the cockpit by inertia. Most of the incoming ghost-toothed vipers were also carried away by the fast-flowing water, leaving only a few remaining in the cockpit. internal.

The sudden increase in acceleration caused the high pressure Lu Mingfei was experiencing to rise again. The lack of oxygen and high pressure had already brought him to the brink of death, but Lu Mingfei actually still had the last trace of consciousness left. In his daze, he heard the angry roar coming from the deep sea.

"It must have been the huge corpse guard king shouting, after all, the duck that reached its mouth ran away." Even when he was on the verge of death, Lu Mingfei did not forget to complain about himself.

Suddenly, Lu Mingfei felt that the pressure on his body suddenly decreased a lot, and the surrounding environment immediately became brighter. He immediately realized that he had left the ocean and was above the sea.

Seeing that Zheng Shu had pulled the submarine out of the sea, Hui Liyi stretched out his knife and slashed through the air to separate the lifeline from the submarine.

Immediately afterwards, the originally suspended iceberg suddenly sank with Eriyi, and huge waves were stirred up into the air dozens of meters high. The iceberg was like a huge ice cross gun, with a sharp "cutting" "The will cuts through the sea water straight and falls to the bottom of the sea.

Lu Mingfei in the submarine also felt a strong chill falling from the sky. He raised his head and saw a silver-blue ice cross gun falling with a violent current.

The entire sea water is filled with the breath of that ice weapon. Its breath is bone-chilling cold, and in the cold it carries the will to cut through everything.

The King of Corpse Guard raised his head and roared silently. The shadow of the ice cross spear was reflected in the huge golden pupils. This half-dead creature realized that the disaster was right in front of it, but it had no way to dodge and could only curl up and tremble slightly. . The Ghost-toothed Dragon Vipers also stopped attacking, scrambling to get back into the huge body of the Corpse Guard King to avoid the attack.

The Ice Cross Spear penetrated the back of the Corpse Guard King without any hindrance. The huge dragon actually had no resistance at all and the Ice Cross Spear took it and sank into the abyss of the ocean. It could only swing feebly in the water for a long time. tail, but could not stop his own whereabouts.

On the way to its fall, other corpse codes within the range were broken into two pieces in an instant. This was an absolute will to kill, and its power was second only to the Dragon King's exclusive word spirit, and it did not allow anyone to resist at all.

A light shadow jumped from the tail of the ice cross gun. The girl, wearing a red and white witch costume, easily jumped onto the helicopter high in the sky.

Seeing the arrival of Eriki, everyone except Minamoto Chisei shuddered unconsciously. They had just seen very clearly from the helicopter how Eriki was able to solve this group of capable people with one person. A group of corpse guards that destroyed a city, not to mention that among them there was also a corpse guard king whose strength was close to that of the third generation species.

With a configuration of this level, even if all eight Sheqi families came out in force, they would have to pay a heavy price to win. However, such a military force could be easily handled by the seemingly petite girl in front of him with one person.

At this moment, Crow, Yasha and others finally understood what the so-called super hybrids were. They were existences that exceeded the limits of ordinary hybrids. In essence, they were no different from humanoid dragons.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yuan Zhisheng greeted Eriki as usual, but there was a hint of imperceptible bitterness in his eyes.

He had seen Zheng Shu's actions and knew that his behavior was equivalent to betraying the trio. Originally, they could still drink and chat together, but after today they could only fight each other.

Eriki nodded happily towards Yuan Zisheng, and quietly sat on the seat of the helicopter, as beautiful as a doll. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, others on the plane would never have believed that this delicate and petite girl contained such terrifying power.

"Where are those people from the headquarters?"

The crow's words awakened Yuan Zhisheng, and he immediately looked down, only to find that the commissioner of the headquarters, Zheng Shu, and the trio were missing, leaving only the wreckage of a submarine that had been torn open on the sea. .

"...Forget it, don't worry about them for now. Gather the remaining forces of the eight Sheqi families and notify the government to ask them to evacuate the residents along the coast. Although most of the corpse guards have been wiped out, there are likely to be sporadic corpse guards. Follow the tsunami to the shore and send people to search along the coast to avoid casualties as much as possible." Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a moment and gave the order.

Someone from Genji Heavy Industries had contacted him just now. He already knew that the headquarters of the Sheqi Eight Families had been attacked. Under the current situation, the Sheqi Eight Families no longer had enough power to blockade them. They could only hope that the remaining The corpse guards were all destroyed in the tsunami.


The black water wall and the black reef collided with each other, and the dozens of meters high water wall shattered with a sound like thunder.

As time goes by, the tsunami has reached Atami Castle in mainland Japan.

The first thing to be destroyed was the red torii gate standing in the sea. The vermilion beam was raised high on the top of the white waves, like a small boat folded from red paper. The waves hit the high cliff, and the sea water in the sky was like a countercurrent waterfall. , turning into a heavy rain in the sky.

Looking down from the cliff, the buildings in the city were floating in the tide like matchboxes. The violent tide crashed on the breakwater built against the mountain, smashing cars, motorboats and houses together. Facing such a shocking wave, humans standing in front of it realize their insignificance.

Zheng Shu stood in the sky out of thin air, watching the tide surge below. The sea breeze brought countless babies-like cries to his ears, as if there were thousands of babies crying in the sound of the tide. They cried so loudly that It was so heartbreaking, like a steel knife scraping against a blackboard.

Zheng Shu observed the situation below. Residents in the entire harbor had been evacuated, and the fishing port was empty. After all, it is a city that lives by the sea, and the people living here have rich experience in dealing with such natural disasters.

And this time, in addition to the government's evacuation, there are also other forces involved.

Zheng Shu glanced at several fishing boats docked in the port. He felt the presence of explosive materials inside, and there was also a completely unmanned warship docked deep in the fishing port. It was the St. Louis of the U.S. Navy Stationed in Japan. No. 1 battleship, I don’t know when it was sent here.

It seems that someone has made preparations in advance, and the other party has even predicted the location where the corpse guards will land. Zheng Shu can do this kind of behavior that is almost predicting the future. Zheng Shu doesn't have to think about it to know whose handiwork it is.

As time went by, a huge object suddenly appeared on the tide. It turned out to be a deep-sea drilling platform, with the three characters "Xumizuo" painted in red paint vaguely visible on the outside.

This behemoth has been rolling under the water, and it was only lifted out of the water by the strong tide when it was close to the shore. A dense blue-gray back covered it, and the steel frame was filled with thousands of corpse guards.

They withstood the impact of the tsunami with the help of the protection of this floating platform, and sailed to the human world on this large ship. Now, the end of the journey is just ahead.

The corpse guards released their long tails and fell into the sea, like thousands of snakes leaving their nests. The world was filled with the cries of babies, which were the evil spirits grinding their teeth in excitement.

As the thunderstorms in the sky hit the sea, they also illuminated the dense shadows in the spring tide. Their long tails were entangled together, and the scales on the surface of their bodies glowed with a metallic luster. The tide sometimes threw them into the sky, and sometimes carried them away. Pressed to the bottom, they kept squirming and fought with the tide with all their strength.

These corpse guards formed an organization like a snake ball and kept approaching the shore. Their cries echoed on the vast sea, like the ghosts in hell singing in unison.

As time passed, the corpse guards finally rushed into the fishing port. Due to the tsunami, there were still many fishing boats docked in the fishing port. The searchlights on the breakwater had long been extinguished, and it was now pitch black on the sea.

The huge waves hit the corpse guards heavily on the ship's string. The corpse guards dug their sharp claws into the wood and nailed themselves firmly to the ship's side. In the gap between two tides, they twist their long tails and swim upward.

At this time, the second wave of waves fell from the sky. The new corpse guards clung to the previous corpse guards. They could not touch the side of the ship, so they grabbed the scales of their companions and climbed up. The corpse guards below fought back furiously. These cruel The creatures are climbing and killing each other, and body parts are constantly falling into the sea. This brutal sight will scare every ordinary person who sees it.

There is a red-masted sailboat moored in the middle of the fishing port. It is a scientific research ship. There are always several bald dolphins in the cabin to explore the migration paths of whales.

Now these white dolphins seemed to have a premonition of the approaching danger, and struggled to jump out. Several gray-blue shadows sneaked into the cabin silently, and the sails were blown off by the big waves, completely covering the entire cabin. .

Soon, the shrill screams of white dolphins were heard in the sea breeze, and then the white sails were stained red, and blood flowed from under the sails.

After a while, Zheng Shu walked out of the cabin. In his hands was a corpse that had lost its breath. In the cabin behind him, the white dolphins were still screaming miserably and huddled in the corner of the cabin in fear. Inside, in front of the cabin, the few brutal and bloodthirsty corpse guards had turned into wreckage.

Because the sea was now full of corpses, Zheng Shu did not release them into the sea. Instead, he used his power to temporarily strengthen the plywood around the cabin and completely sealed the entire cabin.

Many corpse guards who landed early were a step too late and failed to hunt the most delicious white dolphins and instead put them in the cabins of other fishing boats.

These fishing boats that had just returned had no time to unload their catch, so the cabins were filled with sharks, tuna and swordfish that were two to three meters long. These frozen large fish as hard as bricks were also rare for corpse guards. As soon as they saw the delicious food, they hugged the big fish from behind, inserted their sharp claws into both sides of the big fish's body and took out the bloody internal organs.

The corpse guards came in groups and bit at the blood vessels behind the big fish's head, sucking the fish's blood that was covered in ice. This is a bloody feast. The corpse guards are killing all the creatures wantonly. When they climb over the breakwater, they will probably enjoy human blood.

At this time, a corpse guard discovered Zheng Shu coming out of the cabin. It screamed like a baby crying, so hundreds of corpse guards paused their feast and turned around to look around, their golden pupils filled with the viciousness of cold-blooded animals. Following the smell of flesh and blood, they raised their heads and found Zheng Shu's position. The excessive excitement made the eyes of these corpse guards shine as bright as red gold.

In order to prevent these corpse guards from being completely wiped out because they were afraid of fleeing, Zheng Shu hid his Dragon King aura and instead focused on increasing his blood circulation speed to make his life aura richer.

Facts have proved that Zheng Shu's trick was quite effective, and all the corpse guards who saw him were immediately attracted to his attention. After only a brief pause, the group of corpse guards at the fishing port immediately twisted their snake-like bodies and howled towards Zheng Shu.

Zheng Shu's response to them was also very simple. He simply opened his palms to make a fanning motion.


The surging shock wave was like an explosion. The clusters of snake-shaped black shadows were scattered by the air waves set off by Zheng Shu, and some were directly blown into pieces.

Group number: 221679130

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