Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 172 I found you a father (6K)

"They may not be beautiful to ordinary people's eyes, but they can still be considered good works. After all, compared to a perfect being like you, they are indeed as ugly as maggots."

Seeing Zheng Shu looking at the Deadpool behind him with a look of disgust, General Wang spoke slowly, not caring at all about the looks of the Genji Heavy Industries survivors who wanted to eat him alive.

Zheng Shu was not in a hurry to take action. Although he didn't like listening to the villain's chatter, he might be able to get some information from the king. After all, the opponent was just a stand-in. If he subdued him first, he wouldn't gain much. information.

"So, he should be one of yours too." Zheng Shu tipped Fengjian Liuli on his shoulder to indicate.

"It seems that the child is still a little disobedient, otherwise there should be only corpses left on the ground when you come over." General Wang shook his head, acting like a parent who is worried about his child's disobedience.

Zheng Shu watched Wang Jiang's performance expressionlessly, and the members of the eight Sheqi families behind him also became quiet, silently recovering their physical strength. At this point, they can also see that the other party's actions today seem to be aimed at the commissioner of the headquarters, and it can be seen from the conversation just now that if the commissioner of the headquarters is killed by the other party, they will not escape death. .

Although I have seen the impressive power of the commissioner of this department before, the other party's actions are actually aimed at him. It is impossible that the strength of this commissioner Zheng Shu has not been investigated clearly. Otherwise, how would he have the confidence to stand here and talk about it? And talk?

Considering that the special bullet just now couldn't even break through the opponent's scales, then the man in front of him who can control the Deadpool Legion is probably a super hybrid like his young master.

Therefore, they must restore their physical strength as much as possible. When the headquarters commissioners fight with each other later, they may not care about them at all. They need to face the remaining Deadpool army by themselves.

"So what do you have to rely on? Although your strength seems good, you are not as strong as this guy." Zheng Shu kept using words to seduce, trying to get the king to reveal more information.

"I am very honored to hear your praise. After all, he is also my crowning masterpiece."

On the contrary, General Wang changed his appearance from when he first appeared. He didn't want to talk too much and directly took out a pair of clappers from his pocket. He looked at Zheng Shu with "kind" eyes and struck the clapper with both hands: "Come on, my child, come to me."


The crisp banging sound echoed through the floors, covering up the burning sound of the surrounding flames. There was a strange beauty in such an environment.

The survivors of the Sheqi Eighth Family raised their vigilance after seeing Wang Jiang take out the bangzi. When he started to knock the bangzi, many people had already taken the initiative to press their ears, fearing that the other party would do something to them based on the sound. harm.

Bang bang bang.

Everyone was extremely nervous.

Bang bang bang.

Some people began to wonder.

Bang bang bang.

A few people at the back even started to feel bored because they couldn't see what was going on in front.

Zheng Shu just watched the king in front of him knocking for several minutes. After realizing that the eight members of the Sheqi family behind him not only lost their previous vigilance but even started to become distracted, he yawned out of boredom and was ready to end this. A battle.

In front of him, the Deadpool pretending to be a general seemed to be stuck in some kind of loop. He had no other reaction at all and could only keep banging his clapper. It seemed that some preset settings were caused by unexpected circumstances. Good action logic is thrown into disarray.

Zheng Shu stepped forward, and a whirlwind blew up in the corridor.

In the eyes of others, this period of time seemed to have been pinched off, and cracks burst out in the surrounding ground at the same time. The vibrations came first, and then the sound came out.

By the time they reacted, the mysterious man who took out his clapper to play music had already been pressed into the cement wall at the end of the corridor by Zheng Shu with one hand on his mask.

The king lost his reaction instantly, and even with his physical strength, he fell into shock for a short time due to such a strong impact. Everyone in the Sheqi Ba family looked at the bangzi that fell on the ground with confused eyes. They originally thought it was some kind of weapon or a prop used to activate the spirit spirit, but now it seems that this thing really has no other purpose besides playing music. the use of.

Zheng Shu looked at the head he was holding in his hand. The Noh mask was as tightly connected as if it were growing on the other person's face. Through the mask, he could see the other person's teeth that were completely blackened with toner, and he could feel it in his hand. When he came out, the opponent's head was also covered with scales, and he was basically a completely alienated Deadpool.

Herzog sent such a guy to carefully plan to get himself here, and the last resort was to use the sound of bangs to control himself. It seems that because of his previous fighting ability, this guy had some strange misunderstanding about himself.

"You...will regret it for the rest of your life..."

Zheng Shu's attack seemed to have triggered some preset program. The king in his hand fainted briefly and then, regardless of his own tattered body, he squeezed out these words intermittently from his throat.

Zheng Shu was still a little curious, but found that the general Wang had completely lost his breath and his body had gone limp.


Affected by the shock of this attack, another top steel plate fell to the ground and was inserted into a piece of rubble in the corridor next to it.

"Let's go first." Zheng Shu raised his head and glanced at the ceiling, threw away the king general in his hand and returned to the crowd.

He picked up Kazama Ruri, who had been thrown to the ground by him just now, and stretched out his hand to greet everyone from the Sheqi Eighth Family to leave the building.

After leaving the building of Genji Heavy Industries, as expected, many members of the Sheqi Eight Families were already surrounding. They set up a cordon on the outside to prevent others from approaching, and the inner layers were set up using vehicles as bunkers. At the defense line, Zheng Shu even saw a few people carrying a heavy machine gun and placing it on the ground.

Seeing Zheng Shu carrying Kazama Ruri out of the building and stepping on the flames, the support team members from the Sheqi Ba family shook their hands and almost fired. Fortunately, the other people who followed Zheng Shu and ran out made the support team feel relieved. .

"You should take care of things here first. I have to leave beforehand." Zheng Shu looked at the support team that was cautiously gathering around him, and turned to give instructions to the leader of the action team.

After saying that, he carried Kazama Ruri and walked towards the outside of the blockade. The team leader looked at Zheng Shu and hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't have the guts to call him down.

If it were someone else, even if he helped them, he would have to put down the Kazama Ruri in his hand and assist them in the investigation before leaving. But facing a vicious person like Zheng Shu, the team leader doubted that if he really dared to make this request, next In an instant, he and the supporting people around him will become part of the sacrifice in this attack.

Ignoring the surprised looks from the people around him, Zheng Shu carried Fengjian Liuli out of the encirclement. Suddenly his ears twitched and he looked in the direction of his hotel.

Mia was lying in the hotel bathtub taking a bubble bath.

She was very happy these days. Not only did she no longer have those dragon-slaying courses that gave her a headache, but she also no longer had the servants in the family who used to urge her to get up every day. She could not only sleep until she woke up naturally but also have fun every day. Very enjoyable.

In addition, many things that were previously considered unladylike behavior by servants can be tried here without restraint.

Like now, in addition to taking a bubble bath, Mia also took her computer into the bathroom and watched TV shows while taking a bath. There were drinks and snacks on the stand tray next to her, and she only needed to reach out. arrive.

She casually took a snack from the shelf next to her and stuffed it into her mouth. Mia stretched her thighs leisurely. The computer wrapped in a plastic bag on the bathtub baffle in front of her was playing the latest popular Japanese drama.

If this kind of behavior was in the family before, she would definitely be reprimanded, but now not only no one will reprimand her, if she needs anything, she can just tell the hotel front desk and they will prepare it for her.

With such a wonderful life, Mia even felt a little happy and unhappy for a while.

At this time, Mia heard someone knocking on the door of the hotel room. When she hurriedly dried herself and put on clothes and opened the door, she found that there was no one outside, only a delicately packaged box on the ground.

There is also a note on the box that reads: Dear Miss Mia, this is the gift Mr. Zheng Shu bought for you.

After Mia read the content on the note, her expression immediately changed. Without caring about her own image, she ran to the center of the room and picked up a piece of jewelry on the table.

When she held the jewelry in her hand, the box also emitted a violent bright light, and then an explosion occurred.


The huge noise startled the entire hotel, and surging flames shot out of the windows, which looked extremely bright in the night sky.

The originally luxurious suite was pitch black, with cracked walls and ceilings full of burn marks left by the flames. The sofas and chairs were piled apart in the corner due to the high temperature. The floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room that overlooked the entire Shinjuku disappeared. The mighty night wind blew in through the huge gap.

This is what Zheng Shu saw when he came back.

Mia sat unscathed in the center of the living room. There was a flow of air around her that formed a protective shield that completely covered her within a one-meter radius, blocking the attack of explosions and debris. What formed this protective shield was the jewelry that was emitting cyan light in the palm of her hand.

Sensing Zheng Shu's approach, the light emitted by the jewelry in Mia's hand began to fade, and the protective shield surrounding her also gradually weakened, and finally turned into a breeze and dissipated.


With a crisp sound, a crack suddenly appeared in the jewelry in Mia's hand, and then the jewelry shattered into several parts along the crack - in the explosion just now, this alchemical creation had exhausted all energy of.

"It seems that the effect of this alchemical creation is good. You should not be hurt." Zheng Shu looked at the broken jewelry in Mia's hand, and was very satisfied with the contrast between the intact area around Mia and the mess in the room.

This jewelry is a by-product of his research on alchemy. Its function is very simple. It can seal a word spirit with a low sequence number and release it at a critical moment.

The word spirit sealed on the jewelry Zheng Shu gave Mia is the dust-free land. Although the serial number level of this word spirit is not high, its defense power is absolutely superior. In addition, Zheng Shu installed a sensing system on the jewelry. Once When it senses that certain values ​​around it exceed a certain normal range, it will immediately trigger an autonomous protection for the user.

If such a convenient alchemy creation were put up for auction, it would be possible for those wealthy people who cherish their lives to sell it for tens of billions.

It's a pity that Zheng Shu has now passed the stage of needing money, and with his current combat power, this thing is useless, so for him, this kind of jewelry is just a good little toy.

But before coming to the Japanese branch, Zheng Shu gave this jewelry to Mia just in case, so Zheng Shu dared to leave Mia alone in the hotel and go out unscrupulously.

Seeing Zheng Shu carrying a person on his shoulders and rolling in from the window, Mia finally recovered from the attack just now, the corner of her mouth twitched a few times, and finally let out her first cry: "My computer! "

The power of the bomb explosion was not small, and the entire room was affected, and the bathroom was no exception. The originally neat bathroom was in a mess, the huge bathtub was completely broken, and the hot water inside also flowed out. Thanks to the water, there were not many signs of burning inside the bathroom, but the computer Mia placed in the bathroom could not withstand it. The impact of the shock wave has broken into two pieces.

"It's okay. If the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come. Your computer looks very outdated. It's time to get a new one." Zheng Shu patted her shoulder and tried to comfort her.

"It took me a long time to save enough money to buy that!" Mia looked away from the bathroom sadly. After seeing the situation in the bedroom clearly, her legs softened and she knelt down.

"My clothes!"

The wooden wardrobe near the door of the bedroom has been completely burned through, and the clothes hanging inside have no longer returned to their original colorful colors, but have been replaced by smoky black. A set of plush sweaters that were originally pure white and stain-free was the worst. You can smell the overwhelming smell of burning protein from afar.

In addition to the clothes hanging in the cabinet, the clothes that had not been unpacked and piled nearby were also blown away. Zheng Shu could even imagine the scene of the girl scattering her flowers at the moment of the explosion.

"Okay, don't be sad. Didn't all these clothes cost me money? They didn't cost much anyway. I'll give you the time to go shopping and buy again in the next few days."

"Wow...ah, oh yes." Mia, who was howling, suddenly stopped crying after hearing Zheng Shu's words. After thinking about it, she felt that what he said seemed to make sense.

"Then what should we do now? The other party has already come to our door. We can't continue to stay in this hotel, right?" Now that she has solved the problem of asset loss, Mia did not ask why someone suddenly came to attack her.

Mia knew very well that no matter what the purpose of her attacker was, she could only stand on the same front as Zheng Shu. As for thinking that she was attacked because of his involvement, Mia never thought about it from the beginning.

There is no good thing in this world that can be enjoyed without paying a price. Mia has always seen this very clearly.

"Let's move the position temporarily, but there may be some troubles recently, so I have to find a good bodyguard for you." Zheng Shu thought for a moment, and looked at Kazama Ruri who was still being carried on his shoulders. The idea was, "Let's go, we can just deal with this guy's affairs."

Zheng Shu has almost guessed the plans of Herzog and Yuan Zhisheng. If he thought well, Yuan Zhisheng and the others should have stuffed the trio of Lu Mingfei into the submarine and let these three people Help them explore the embryo in the Japanese Trench.

Calculating the time, if he rushed over now, he might still have time to stop them from entering the Japanese Trench. However, Zheng Shu originally wanted them to release a nuclear bomb in Takamagahara to scare King Bai away, so he had no intention of stopping it. Under Lu Mingze's care, the trio will be fine.

As for Yuan Zhisheng's trick to trick him away, Zheng Shu said how could such a generous person like him argue with him.

It's just that now that Kazama Ruri is in his hands and Eri is no longer so easy to control, there is only one super hybrid left that Herzog can control, so I'm afraid he will have to feel aggrieved when the time comes. Childish.

Of course, it was impossible to kill someone under Zheng Shu's control. The most he could do was suffer some hardship. Zheng Shu said that he had absolutely no intention of taking the opportunity to retaliate.

"So you came to my place?" Uesugi Yue looked at the Kazama Ruri on Zheng Shu's shoulders, and his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

"That's right, didn't we agree at the beginning? As soon as we find traces of him, I will notify you to protect him. Now that I have brought him here directly, you can't say that you can't protect him, right?" Zheng Shu looked confident. It was as if Uesugoshi still owed him a favor.

Mia, who was standing behind Zheng Shu, acted taciturn in line with Zheng Shu's words, but the roving eyes in her lowered eyes betrayed her mood.

"You did say you wanted me to protect him at the beginning...but...this...oh!" Uesugi Yue hesitated for a moment, but ultimately did not refuse Zheng Shu's proposal.

Seeing that Uesugoshi had agreed, Zheng Shu immediately let go of the suppression of Kazama Ruri's spirit. After catching Fengjian Liuli, Zheng Shu had been using his mental power to suppress his brain to prevent him from suddenly waking up. Otherwise, with Fengjian Liuli's physical condition, no matter how serious the injury was, he would have woken up long ago.

After losing the suppression of her mental power, Kazama Ruri, who was lying on the tatami, quickly woke up.

However, he did not open his eyes immediately after waking up, but continued to maintain his original breathing and listened carefully to the surrounding situation.

Unfortunately, although his idea was good, except for Mia, the five senses of the remaining two people in this room were far beyond ordinary people. Kazama Ruri was discovered by the two of them as soon as she woke up.

"How do you say, what do you think of your son's quality?" came a voice, and Kazama Liuli, who was lying on the ground, recognized it as the voice of his target today.

"Very good. This guy has the same style I used to have, but he's just dressed a little too girly. It would be nice if he could be more manly." A strange voice came from the side. I had never heard it before, but it sounded like He is an ordinary old man.

"Although I really want to say that you are narcissistic, I have seen your photos and have to admit that you were indeed handsome when you were young." The target's voice seemed to reveal some reluctance.

"Hahaha, brother, don't belittle yourself. Your appearance is comparable to that of me when I was young. But why is this kid still lying on the ground after being awake for so long?" The unfamiliar voice sounded a little proud.

"Discovered!" Hearing the words of a strange voice, Kazama Liuli immediately knew that he had been discovered.

His body suddenly bounced off the ground and rushed towards the location where he heard the strange voice just now. The target's strength was too strong, and he had no confidence that he could succeed in a sneak attack. He had to first hijack the stranger next to him to see if he could escape.

During the process of bouncing up, Liuli also bit the capsule hidden in his teeth. The evolution medicine immediately penetrated into the body. His strength, which was already strong enough, increased again. The bones all over his body made a crackling sound. He was It entered the keel form in an instant.

Dynamic vision was raised to the limit in an instant. Kazama Liuli even had the illusion that time around him had slowed down. With the extra time, he could clearly see the appearance of another stranger in the room. He looks like an ordinary old man. Although he is tall, there are no signs of exercise on his body.

In addition to the three of them, there was a woman in the room. Kazama Ruri remembered the information she had seen. This woman should be the one who was attacked with a bomb by the king today.

As for the target person he focused on, Kazama Liuli had to admit that Zheng Shu was indeed strong enough. Even under such circumstances, his eyes could always follow him. However, with him and this old man, The distance was such that even if he set off now, it would be too late.

With this thought in his mind, Kazama Liuli suddenly saw a scene that made him feel horrified. The eyes of the old man who seemed to have been stagnated in time suddenly moved, and then the other person's eyes effortlessly followed the movement of his body.

"How is that possible?!" The shock in his heart made Kazama Liuli lose his mind for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he found that his vision had changed to lying on the ground.

He knew what happened. At that moment, he was subdued by the old man in front of him with his bare hands, and judging from the opponent's strength, he even had a lot of strength left.

At this time, Zheng Shu's head suddenly appeared in Fengjian Liuli's field of vision. He put his hands behind his back with a smile on his face: "Are you awake? I found a father for you."

The additional chapters are already being written, and they will be posted when they reach a certain number of words. I will probably be able to update an additional chapter tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

In addition, this month, it seems that there will be double monthly votes at the end of the month. After I pay off the debt this month, I will start the statistics of monthly votes and add updates next month, so readers can save their monthly votes until the end of the month and vote again.

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