In addition to that Eastern country, which is unable to be penetrated by the Secret Party due to its excessive control over the grassroots and high-level officials, Japan, which is adjacent to this country, is also a country that cannot be completely controlled by the Secret Party.

Of course, on the surface, there is also a branch of Kassel Academy in Japan, so in theory it is also controlled by the secret party. But Angers knew that because of the country's unique social structure, the mixed races in it had their own faction. In fact, the secret party could not command them at all.

Even the network system has their own developed artificial intelligence "Kaguya", which completely cuts off all the tentacles of the secret party, including Norma.

It is no exaggeration to say that after so many years, with the current situation of the Japanese branch, it is impossible for Angers to surrender even if he goes there in person. For people in that country, Xia Ke Shang is engraved in their bones.

"Well, Mance, you take the Monyach to the waters of Japan and turn on the radar to search. By the way, you can find the location of the sunken ship. Note that it is best to do this in secret. You now No one knows his whereabouts, so it is a good opportunity for us." Angers thought for a moment and decided to send Mance to explore the way first.

If the Dragon King wanted to devote all his power, he would need a huge amount of energy and material. In Angers' view, it was impossible for the King of Bronze and Fire, who had already killed a brother, to resist the temptation of revenge.

Unless he works with local authorities, the best place to recover is the ocean. Given the mental state of the crazy people in the Japanese branch, no normal person would choose to cooperate with them. Otherwise, in the process, if they are not careful, they will not cooperate but deliver goods to their door.

"Schneider, you arrange the execution department to send manpower to the Three Gorges area in the next six months. Although it is now blocked, the probability of the Dragon King returning to the Three Gorges is still very high. Of course, additional manpower must be sent to other areas. Let them search as much as they can.”

To be on the safe side, Angers asked Schneider to pay attention to the intelligence of another country so that he could react in time if any accidents occurred.

After briefly discussing the specific follow-up work content with the two of them, Angers also asked the final question.

"This is the arrangement for now. Do you have any other opinions?"

"Yes." The vice-principal who had been silent suddenly raised his hand.

"Leonardo, what's the matter?" Angers nodded gently.

"This meeting seems to have nothing to do with me. Why did you call me here? You must know that my time is very precious. There are all kinds of horny little girls who want to get close to me every moment... …”

"Yes, that's the reason." Ange interrupted him with a cold face, "If you continue like this, the image of our school will be completely destroyed by you alone. In order to restore the image of our school a little bit, One point, I decided to take you with me as much as possible in school work from now on. Also, please note that I also gave up the invitation to the ball in Paris and came here to have a meeting with you in the middle of the night. "

"Nonsense, I think you're just jealous of me!" The vice-principal slammed the table.

Professor Schneider and Professor Mance next to them looked at each other and confirmed that they would not be able to stop for a while, so they left their seats as usual - in order to complete the principal's task, they had to prepare well.

Zheng Shu stretched hard to relieve his mental fatigue.

After he relaxed, he found that there was still a faint sound of breathing in his alchemy laboratory. He turned around and saw that Mia had fallen asleep on the mountain of materials.

After taking a look at the translated information in front of her, Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction. Since getting Mia's help, Zheng Shu's research speed on various materials has suddenly accelerated. Of course, the price is that Mia's originally smooth face has thick dark circles under her eyes.

Because Zheng Shu blocked the light, the brightness changed slightly. Mia, who had been sleeping lightly, immediately woke up. After seeing it was Zheng Shu, she helplessly climbed onto the information.

"I can't do it anymore. I really can't do it. I haven't had a good sleep for several days in a row. Please forgive me! I thought it only required physical labor, but I didn't expect that it actually requires mental work. Even if you are an animal, It can’t be used like this.”

Looking at Mia who was lying on the documents, Zheng Shu's eyes twitched unconsciously. After spending more than a month with her, he discovered that Mia's true personality was different from what he felt at the beginning. The impression is completely different.

Zheng Shu originally thought that Mia would be a social butterfly, but she didn't expect that this girl is completely a homebody. Her biggest hobbies are watching TV dramas and eating snacks. Her biggest hope in life is to marry a rich man and live there for the rest of her life. Stay at home when not working.

Compared to those elite hybrids who want to save the world at every turn, Mia's wish can only be said to be quite down-to-earth.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu himself used to be such an otaku, and he understands this mentality very well. So he made a deal with Mia. As long as he could help him translate the information within this period of time, he could let Mia use her own name to deal with the family members. In addition, he was also willing to put himself Part of the credits were transferred to her so that she would not have to take the exam.

Facts have proved that Zheng Shu's method is quite effective. The information that originally took several months to be translated was completed in less than a month due to Mia's explosive potential.

In the past few decades, the other party had to translate dozens of papers almost every day. If the hybrid's physical strength was not far beyond that of ordinary people, he would probably be lying in the morgue.

Seeing that Mia had almost completed the work, and that her own physical strength and energy had reached the limit, Zheng Shu also fulfilled the initial promise very generously.

"I have applied to Norma to transfer part of my mission credits to you. However, you must note that the mission credits can only be used to offset part of the elective grades. You have to work hard on the required courses. In addition, you can now apply to you The family has responded to the progress of the mission. If you don’t want them to trouble you anymore, you can make it more difficult for me. If there is any need, I can also cooperate with you within a certain limit."

Looking at the mobile phone that Zheng Shu pushed in front of her and staring at the communication records with Norma on it, Mia even felt like tears filled her eyes.

It's not easy, it's really not easy. Who knows how much energy she has spent on these things this month.

Because this guy is simply an animal, Mia thought she could be reserved at first, but she didn’t expect that the other person didn’t treat her as a human being at all. He completely treated her as a living translation machine and kept squeezing her brain power intensively. .

In the end, Mia even wished that the other party had some physical desire for her, so that at least she could rest her brain.

In this short month, she had no memory of how many documents she had translated. Mia just felt that if she took the PhD exam for a related degree, she should be able to pass it easily.

Seeing Mia's back dragging her body away stiffly like a zombie, Zheng Shu closed the door of the alchemy laboratory and looked down at his hands.

As Zheng Shu's thoughts moved, lines similar to metal began to appear on his arms. When the complete transformation was completed, his entire arm had turned into silver metal.

"The hardness is good, but the energy conductivity is a bit poor, and the toughness is also a little bit worse..."

Zheng Shu kept pinching himself with his other hand, the arm that had turned into silver metal, carefully feeling the advantages and disadvantages of the material, and then constantly adjusting it based on what he measured.

After spending so long, of course Zheng Shu couldn't simply want to get a doctorate. Now that he has figured out the nature of the Dragon King's power, he will naturally think of how to use it.

This more than one month of study has allowed him to master a lot of advanced technologies. There are many materials that can only exist in the laboratory and require a lot of money to produce. For him, as long as he fully understands the structure and principles, his mind will move. can be reproduced.

Of course, during this process, Zheng Shu also discovered that although these papers were written with great assurance, at least half of the experiments could not be reproduced, and most of the remaining half were missing the most critical steps.

But even so, relying on the various information provided by these materials, Zheng Shu's own combat effectiveness has been further enhanced.

But simply changing the physical properties of one's skin to improve combat effectiveness is already the most obvious method. If really necessary, he can also simulate things like magnetic field rotation and nuclear blasting fists.

Unfortunately, even though he has once again strengthened the strengthening template of the King of Bronze and Fire, and his mental power has been greatly strengthened, the output and accuracy of his talent are still a little far from the level he needs. Unless he is prepared in advance, Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve such a fast conversion in actual combat.

The main problem now is that the computing power of Zheng Shu's brain cannot support him to accurately operate a large number of particles in a very short period of time. If you want to quickly improve your computing power, the best way is to enhance your mental strength.

Zheng Shu sat back on the chair and stared at the world map on the wall in trance.

"When it comes to spiritual power, the most famous one in the original work is naturally the White King who was born with spiritual attributes." Zheng Shu's eyes moved and his vision focused on the Sea of ​​Japan on the world map.

"Speaking of which, with my current strength, I can go look for it and give it a try..."

The Japanese plot starts tomorrow, and the Dragon plot will end in about a month.

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