"Don't worry, Mom, we will start the midterm exam this month, so I have been reading in the library every day recently. It doesn't feel too difficult to study. I hope I can pass the exam with all 'A's like last semester."

"Don't worry, Principal Angers is a gentleman who pays attention to appearance. He once graduated from Cambridge. Now he is dedicated to educating people. He is a very good teacher."

"Although Professor Schneider looks a little scary, he is actually a very kind person at heart. He originally burned his face because he was rescuing students, so he can only wear half of the mask..."

Seeing Chu Zihang's serious nonsense, Zheng Shu and Lu Mingfei looked at each other, and finally turned their heads to Chu Tianjiao.

"Is this how Chu Zihang and his mother always describe Kassel College?"

Chu Tianjiao proudly puffed up his chest when he heard this:

"Of course, no matter what expression he doesn't like to show, Chu Zihang has been kind-hearted since he was a child, and he doesn't want to let his parents worry. When I bought spicy sausages and went home, this kid's face was already flushed after eating it. She was blushing, but she still comforted me by telling me that it tasted good, just so that my parents would not be disappointed."

"No, this kind of thing is not worth being proud of at all." Lu Mingfei complained in a low voice.

Although Zheng Shu did not speak, he nodded in agreement with Lu Mingfei's complaints.

Turning his head and looking at Chu Zihang, who was still talking softly to his mother, Zheng Shu felt that it was quite hard for him to have such a pair of parents in his life.

In fact, from the beginning, Su Xiaoyan was not very satisfied with Chu Zihang's study at Cassel College. In her heart, she always felt that with her son's grades, he could go to a prestigious school like Harvard.

As a result, in the end, Chu Zihang went to Kassel College, which could not be found even if searched online. At a glance, he knew it was an unknown pheasant university in the United States.

Ever since Norma unlocked the Kassel College information for Chu Zihang, Su Xiaoyan could also browse the Kassel College website from the Internet, so she was absolutely horrified after seeing the photos of the main professors, thinking that she The child went to a mental school.

...Although this perception seems to be correct.

"Old Zheng, what have you been doing recently? I haven't found you in the dormitory." Seeing Chu Tianjiao fall into Su Xiaoyan's beauty again, Lu Mingfei felt a little bored and randomly found a topic.

"Nothing, I've been reading those papers in the laboratory. If you want to help, you can come with me."

"Forget it, I still don't work as hard as you." Lu Mingfei smiled dryly and declined Zheng Shu's invitation.

Although he didn't know what Zheng Shu was researching specifically, he had helped the other party when he moved the piles of documents. There was so much English written on it that Lu Mingfei felt dizzy just by looking at it.

"What about you? How have you been lately? Have you mastered your speech spirit?" Zheng Shu seemed to have remembered something, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Hearing Zheng Shu's question, Lu Mingfei let out a long sigh and said with a sad face: "It still didn't work. I triggered several spiritual visions later, but there was nothing very useful. I heard from Fingel that basically all the other freshmen My speech spirit has been activated, but I haven’t activated my speech spirit yet.”

"That's it, do you want me to give you an idea?" Zheng Shu covered his mouth with his hand, looking very serious.

But under his palm, the corners of his mouth had curled up uncontrollably.

"Really? That's great! I knew you had a solution, Brother Zheng." Lu Mingfei's face was filled with surprise.

"Hmph, call Brother Zheng if you have anything to do, and Lao Zheng if you have nothing to do, you kid has learned the lesson badly." Zheng Shu sneered, "I'm telling you, spiritual vision depends on your spiritual world for its existence. So it’s essentially your thing. Don’t be fooled by the phenomena in the vision, and act tougher. Have you read Xianxia novels? Just treat the things in the vision as inner demons. Only if you are strong enough, can you They pry the harvest out of their hands!”

Zheng Shu's performance earned Lu Mingfei's respect. As for whether this method is useful, given the relationship between Lu Mingze and Lu Mingfei, as long as Lu Mingfei is a little tougher, he will definitely be able to obtain one or two strange speech spirits.

As for how the other party will trick Lu Mingfei after he treats Lu Mingze toughly, that is not Zheng Shu's business. Anyway, Lu Mingze cannot trick Lu Mingfei to death. The most he can do is make him suffer a little. .

Zheng Leziren Shu looked at Lu Mingfei, who was already planning how to deal with Lu Mingze toughly during the next spiritual vision. He planned to find a way to break into the other party's spiritual world next time, and then witness something. The place where all the fun happens.

Because everyone was thinking about their own things, the room became quiet for a while. It was not until Chu Zihang said goodbye to his mother that other sounds appeared again.

After closing the computer, Chu Zihang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he basically writes an email to his mother every day, he still chatted a lot after seeing each other for a long time.

Just as he was about to turn around and say a few words to his two friends, a violent explosion immediately came from the window.

The loud noise almost shattered the glass of the entire building, and flames tens of meters high erupted from the well in front of the Hall of Valor, lighting up the entire campus blood red.

A huge hole opened in the outer wall of dormitory No. 3 from top to bottom. The wall in the dormitory fell down. Chu Zihang calmly blew away the wall dust that fell on his notebook. Even Lu Mingfei faced this. The sound explosion also seemed very calm.

In the Hall of Valor, the well in front is the underground laboratory of the Equipment Department. It seems that another accident occurred. Maybe it was an explosion of refined sulfur, maybe a burst of mercury vapor pipe... In short, the firetruck drove to the burning wellhead with its siren on. After stopping, the energetic school workers skillfully set up water guns and sprayed hard at the mouth of the well.

Since the last time Chu Zihang lost control, the principal directly purchased two fire trucks to be on standby, just in case. As a result, for such a long time, Chu Zihang didn't lose much control, but the equipment department used it.

Since acquiring Constantine's "Dragon Cross", the frequency of explosion accidents in the Equipment Department's laboratory has become increasingly high, and has recently evolved to occur once every two days. Nowadays, people in Kassel College have become very accustomed to this kind of explosion sound, and no longer make as much fuss as they did at the beginning.

Soon other school staff from Kassel College came to the rescue. They looked relaxed and talked and laughed while working.

"It's sulfur flames!" the person in charge of the frontline firefighting suddenly shouted, "Everyone, please wear gas masks."

So this group of strong men who could run horses on their shoulders put on gas masks and continued to calmly put out the fire. Although as time went by, the number of fire trucks and water cannons continued to increase, but the fire was still gradually moving toward Dormitory No. 3. The district has spread.

The students were obviously in a very stable mood, and few of them even opened their windows to watch the excitement, which seemed like they were used to this kind of thing.

Of course, in addition to this, it is also because today is the prom day of the student union. The girls in lace and white dresses under Caesar should be dancing passionately in the Norton Hall. Most of the free students basically went there to see the lace and white legs.

The interns in the execution department are working hard in the library, doing internships under the leadership of several teachers - trying to break through the Pentagon's firewall, or cracking the encryption system of a certain satellite.

As for the remaining students staying in the dormitory, they have basically gone online as a group, discussing the fire, chatting, and even betting on when the fire will be extinguished on the school forum.

Oh, the handicap has actually opened...

Zheng Shu glanced at Chu Zihang's computer and saw the handicap opened by the administrators of the student forum. Thinking about it carefully, Fingel should be in this dormitory now. The reaction of the school forum was like this It’s no surprise that it’s quick.

Now that this kind of thing has happened, Zheng Shu and the other three stopped talking. Instead, they got behind Chu Zihang and watched him open the computer and enter the "Night Watch Discussion Forum."

As soon as Chu Zihang went online, the system reminded Chu Zihang that three friends, "Cambridge Knife", "Night Watch", and "Greenland Shadow", were online together. Obviously, no matter how calm the students behaved, such a huge explosion occurred at night, the school authorities The leaders were basically alarmed.

"What are those bastards in the equipment department doing in the middle of the night?! This caused me, a diver, to be blown up." The night watchman opened a main post, and it was obvious that this was the vice principal's account.

"Damn! You are the vice principal. When such a big thing happened, didn't you ever think of calling to manage the firefighting? Is your job just to drink and post comments in the comments section?!" The principal's trumpet account Cambridge Jackknife immediately replied below.

"Didn't I already post to support the comrades on the front line of fighting the fire?" The night watchman replied very quickly.

"Those bastards in the Equipment Department, sometimes I really want to throw an earth-penetrating bomb into their underground laboratory!" Principal Angers complained crazily, completely unable to look like the gentleman he usually is.

"Support the principal's resolution, please leave this work to the execution department!" Schneider, who was silent at first, immediately replied using his Greenland Shadow account.

"By the way, are all these people so active on the Internet? I always thought that Principal Ange was a conservative old man." Lu Mingfei clicked his tongue in surprise when he saw that the post was already quarreling.

He didn't expect that professors who usually seemed so serious would have another side.

"You should know that Ange dresses up so coquettishly every day. This old man is definitely a sultry person at heart." Zheng Shu replied casually, feeling a little strange when he saw the message Ange sent.

If I remember correctly, Angers just posted yesterday that he was going to attend a cocktail party in Paris. He spent most of the night hanging out with countless women who were more than a hundred years younger than him in scantily clad clothes, but he came to the Internet to follow a hot relationship. .

Touching his chin, Zheng Shu began to suspect that Angers had not left school at all, but was using the Paris cocktail party as a cover to do something secretly.

Glancing again at the vice president and Professor Schneider who were still arguing, Zheng Shu showed a look of understanding in his eyes.

There is only one thing in the school that can allow these three to sneak around - the Dragon Bone Cross.

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