Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 145 Lu Mingfei’s Sexual Orientation

Zheng Shu only briefly imagined his future development, and then quickly gave up this fantasy.

With his current strength, even if he showed his dragon body and relied on endless instant noodles to provide energy for maximum output, he would not be able to turn even one cubic micrometer into absolute zero.

The rules of the physical world are like this. The closer you get to the limit, the energy consumption required will increase exponentially.

Unfortunately, apart from the power of active control of this particle, Zheng Shu did not have the ability to control metals like the King of Bronze and Fire.

He guessed that this thing was probably a talent, just like the Nibelungen control talent of the King of Earth and Mountains. It did not belong to the orthodox technological world, but was more of a mysterious ability.

After testing his current state, Zheng Shu restrained his strength with satisfaction. Different from when he first became Hela, the strengthening of the template of the King of Bronze and Fire brought him a lot of mental power, allowing him to control himself. for more sophisticated control of power.

But after looking around, Zheng Shu's expression changed: "Holy shit, how long have I been asleep?!"

The interior of the Nibelung was in a mess. Because of his test just now, the elements in the entire Nibelung were on the verge of riot. However, for Zheng Shu, he saw that it was not these appearances, but a more "internal" situation. .

With the help of Hela's talent, even without using alchemy, he could clearly see that a large number of elements inside the Nibelung were lost, and the alchemical structure that made up the Nibelung even had some distortions. The entire Nibelung was The structure is on the verge of collapse.

According to normal reasoning, even if this Nibelung was born with flaws, at least hundreds of years would have passed for the outside world to reach its current situation.

Without thinking more, Zheng Shu directly used the enhanced Hela talent to break through the Nibelung space barrier and returned directly to his alchemy laboratory.

What came into view was not the ruins that Zheng Shu had imagined, but it was still not much different from when he left. The only surprising thing is probably that there is a person who looks like him inside the alchemy laboratory, sitting on the floor of the laboratory playing with a game controller.

Zheng Shu took a sneak peek and found that the game controller was the one he often used every day, and the other party was currently teaming up with the "very powerful Fenrir" and seemed to be very addicted to playing.

After noticing Zheng Shu's aura, he hurriedly turned off the display screen. When he turned around, he had a serious look.

"You're back, much faster than I thought." Norton said very seriously while controlling the alchemy body.

Although his tone was still full of the majesty of the Dragon King, the game controller hidden behind his back and the cable connected to the display looked extremely funny.

Sensing Zheng Shu's gaze, Norton also felt embarrassed for a while, and could only find a reason to defend himself: "I didn't expect that during the hundreds of years I was sleeping, human beings would actually develop to such an extent. This kind of remote The ability to communicate was originally only reserved for high-level alchemists. But after these few days of testing, I probably understand the principles of these artifacts."

"It seems that Old Tang is your true character." Zheng Shu blinked and did not say these words because the other party had done him a big favor.

Although he was still anxious when he came out of the Nibelungs, Zheng Shu calmed down after observing the surrounding environment. He discovered that he might have made a mistake.

"About how long have I been missing?" Just in case, Zheng Shu still wanted to confirm.

"Huh? Soon, it will only be about three days. To be more precise, it will be about two days and a dozen hours." Although he was a little confused about Zheng Shu's question, Norton was not concerned about the fact that he no longer put his eyes on the game controller. Also relieved.

"In less than three days, it seems to be much faster than I expected, but why did the Nibelungen become like that." Zheng Shu touched his chin and fell into thought.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Taking advantage of Zheng Shu's thinking, Norton quickly placed the controller next to the monitor.

Although he was a bit self-deceiving, after losing this "flaw", even with the isolation of his alchemy body, he could clearly feel that his entire dragon had become more relaxed.

"Uh... let's go back to the Nibelungen. I'm a little weird looking at your face now." Zheng Shu felt that the experience of talking to himself was a bit uncomfortable.

When Zheng Shu returned to the Nibelungen around him through the golden portal, the bodies of Constantine and Norton were already waiting here.

The two of them looked quite leisurely and contented, kneeling opposite each other in front of a low tea table, drinking tea and reading at the same time. The tea table was also filled with various snacks, which Zheng Shu had prepared for them before leaving.

After taking a look at the status of the two of them, Zheng Shu found that although Constantin looked very calm, Norton seemed a little guilty. It seemed that this guy was playing games outside without telling his brother.

Ignoring Norton's eyes, Zheng Shu calmly sat down in front of the coffee table, poured himself a cup of tea, and then told the problem he encountered.

In the library classroom, the 3E exam for new students is being taken.

Lu Mingfei nervously copied the answers amidst the chaos of the demons. This group of mixed-breeds had various postures after falling into spiritual vision. It was like the mixed-race next to him had been telling Lu Mingfei about his story after falling into spiritual vision. Tragic childhood.

Lu Mingfei had no choice but to deal with him and copy questions at the same time. The only thing he was lucky about now was that Fingel was really reliable. As he said, the school's question bank had not changed at all.

When Lu Mingfei nervously copied the eighth question, he suddenly found a person sitting on the desk looking at him. He thought it was a hybrid who had fallen into spiritual vision. When he looked up, he was stunned.

It was a good-looking boy with dangling legs, wearing small white square-topped leather shoes, a black suit, a white silk scarf, and a pair of light golden eyes.

"Why did he show up again?!" Lu Mingfei was shocked.

Zheng Shu told him that this was the phenomenon of spiritual vision when he turned on the spirit of speech, which meant that he also fell into spiritual vision without knowing it.

Lu Mingfei turned around and looked around. He didn't know when the mixed-races around him had moved away from him. Even the one who had been pestering him just now had lost track of him. Looking at the mixed-races dancing in a group of demons, he just It was like watching a strange stage play.

It seems that just as Zheng Shu said, this little boy is his own psychic phenomenon.

For a moment, Lu Mingfei fell into inexplicable panic.

He considered himself to be a person with a very normal sexual orientation. The women at the Regent Hotel could also testify to his gender, but why did he always see a little boy during his spiritual vision?

In the past few days at Kassel College, Lu Mingfei also understood the meaning of "spiritual vision". He knew that everyone's spiritual vision saw different things, but the basic rule was that they would see what they cared about most deep in their hearts. things.

In most cases, what ordinary people see through spiritual vision are some messy things, and some of them are regrets or fears in their own hearts. The question is what does it mean to see a little boy like this? Is it possible that he is really a pervert? !

When Lu Mingfei fell into inexplicable panic, the boy waved slowly towards Lu Mingfei with a faint smile. The afternoon sun shone on his back, and his long shadow was cast on Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that he could not refuse such an invitation.

He could only walk towards the boy step by step, and finally held the boy's hand.

The boy led Lu Mingfei to the window, lightly rolled onto the window sill and sat down, with his legs dangling outside.

Lu Mingfei looked at the boy carefully and had to admit that he was the most beautiful child he had ever seen in his life. Recalling Zheng Shu's explanation to him, Lu Mingfei decided to say hello first: "Hi, my name is Lu Mingfei."

"My name is Lu Mingze." The boy's eyes looked into the distance.

Lu Mingfei thought he was joking, and then recalled that this was his spiritual vision. Could it be that people deep inside him were so strange.

After a slight hesitation, Lu Mingfei did not question the name, but asked the next question.

"Why did you show up again?"

"This time I didn't show up on my own initiative, but you summoned me. Why did you see me? You have to ask yourself. But at least one thing, this shows that the person you care about most in the deepest part of your heart is me. I am very honored." Lu. Narusawa turned to look at the people in the classroom, "They are all very sad, aren't you sad?"

"No, why? Does 'spiritual vision' have to be sad? Then why don't I feel sad when I see you?" Lu Mingfei felt that his spiritual vision was a bit strange.

"Human beings are actually very stupid things, and so are you. The only difference between you and them is that you deliberately make yourself stupid." Lu Mingze said lightly, "The reason why you are not sad is because I It’s cruel to feel sorry for you, isn’t it?”

Lu Mingze smiled slightly at Lu Mingfei, and his smile looked very bright in the sunshine.

Unfortunately, facing such a scene, Lu Mingfei not only did not feel warm, but also felt a bunch of goose bumps on his body: "Um...are we discussing love between men now? Your lines are a bit scary. "

As soon as he finished speaking, before Lu Mingze could react, he suddenly heard a banging sound coming from the classroom door.

Seeing the trembling classroom door, Lu Mingfei, who had experienced such a scene once, was no longer afraid, but rather looking forward to it.

"Someone is disturbing us." Lu Mingze's eyes showed disgust, "I hate that guy very much and don't want him to get involved, so you should go back."

As Lu Mingze said this, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked Lu Mingfei.

Without warning, Lu Mingfei immediately lost his balance and fell to the window sill. He suddenly realized that he was not sitting on the second floor window of the library, but on the rooftop of an obelisk, and there was no grassy ground below. It's a group of canine-like rocks, and the only result of hitting them is to fall apart.

He struggled to grab something, but there was only air around him.

Looking at Lu Mingze who was standing above silently waving goodbye to him, Lu Mingfei used all his strength to yell out his last words: "I... will never like men!"

Six thousand completed today.

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