Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 140 Endgame and Encounter

"Everyone is replaced with live ammunition!" Ange's voice rang out from all the students' communication channels.

Everyone has no time to care or think about it. Angers has endless prestige in this academy and is the true leader.

Hundreds of guns were instantly replaced with live ammunition, aiming at the dragons that had lost their arms in the dark night. In the next moment, hundreds of bullets slid into the barrel of the gun, and the firing pin fired the primer.

Because he was shot by the Philosopher's Stone, the rare spiritual condensation in the bullet instantly "melted" into a massive alien spirit that ran rampant in the fake Constantine's body. The realm that the Dragon King was born with was instantly shattered, and he would be destroyed in a short time. Metal and flame cannot be commanded within the time limit, and even if Constantine in the Nibelungen tries hard to adjust, he cannot make the realm appear around the double again.

The bright gun flames ignited the entire dark campus in an instant, and thousands of bullets hit the body of the double. After losing the power of the word spirit to command the metal, he could only use his own scales and wings to stop it.

The students kept changing their magazines until all their reserves were empty. They didn't dare to stop, because amidst such explosive barrage, the dragon always stood firm and did not fall down.

Until the last bullet left the barrel, the entire campus was filled with the pungent smell of gun smoke. Everyone looked at the figure still standing on the lawn with its wings spread. The same question came to everyone's mind - - What a terrifying vitality this is.

The avatar was damaged like a corpse nailed to a cross, with countless bullet holes covering his body. No matter how tough his dragon bones were, after losing the power of the domain, it was just a relatively good one. Just the material. All the bones and joints on the open wing membrane were shattered into powder and falling piece by piece. The body no longer shed light, but turned into a pale grayish white.

After waiting for a long time and confirming that the enemy in front of him was dead, someone finally boldly stepped forward to check.

At this moment, the gray-white light on the corpse quickly turned into a terrifying red. Then, blazing flames surrounded his body and rose into the night sky. The flames exploded high in the sky, as if a pair of wings were spreading there.

The light of the flame was so dazzling that it suddenly appeared in such darkness, and everyone blinked unconsciously.

"Quick, quick, quick! Take this opportunity to give me the 'corpse', otherwise they will see that something is wrong." Zheng Shu's mental fluctuations echoed in the Nibelungs, and Constantine also quickly transformed the ones around him The fake corpse was placed on his hand through the golden portal.

Under the cover of bright firelight, Zheng Shu worked hard to distort his figure. While letting Constantine continue to maintain the pillar of fire that reached the sky, he quickly exchanged the substitute with the fake corpse.

"Done! It's so hot, so hot. The temperature of your flame is a bit too high." Zheng Shu maintained his invisibility and quickly slipped away from the corner next to him, facing the Nibelungen in his mind as he ran. Among them, Constantine complained.

"You said you should try to increase the brightness of the flame as much as possible. Since there is no metal to use, I can only increase the brightness by increasing the temperature."

Constantine replied casually, his eyes fixed on the unconscious Old Tang. Since just now, Old Tang's soul fluctuation has begun to fall back to a level that is close to being able to undergo segmentation surgery. The timing is very difficult to grasp, and Constantine must always tighten his spirits.

Sitting in the bell tower of the church, Angers drank up the coffee in his cup. The sudden burst of fire pillars below attracted his attention for a moment, and he continued to turn his attention to other locations.

Unfortunately, after a long time, he didn't get what he wanted to see.

"Your plan seems to have failed this time." The vice principal sat on another chair. Next to him was a sniper rifle that had been packed.

"It's strange. Dragon King Norton should reveal his angry self after seeing such a scene." Angers put the cup on the table, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "Leonardo, it seems that this time We are not the only ones involved in this matter.”

After a moment of silence, the vice-principal asked the question in his mind:

"Ange, did you originally know that the four kings of the Dragon Clan have twins sitting on each throne? With your ability, it is impossible not to realize that the person who was sent in just now was from eighty years ago. You could have easily wiped out the brother who escaped from the copper jar and fell in the Lop Nur desert, but why didn't you do that? What on earth did you want to do?"

"Because, I'm a little tired of it." Ange said lightly.

"What are you tired of? This dragon-slaying life, or yourself?"

"It's both. I've lived for more than a hundred years. Thanks to the dragon blood in my body, I haven't died yet. All my friends have died in the past hundred years, and you are the only one left. Old man, we are two strange flowers in Kassel College that should have died long ago, but now we are still standing here, drinking wine while letting the dragon king's resurrected blood splash on our hands." Angers looked at himself His hand seemed to have blood residue on it.

"Because the younger generation has not yet been able to shoulder the responsibility of guarding the world. After all, the new generation of leaders we have been waiting for have not yet arrived." The vice-principal was silent for a long time. "That is not very accurate. I I'm very optimistic about that child Zheng Shu. As long as he is given a little more time, he can reach your height. What about you? You are very optimistic about that child Lu Mingfei. Is there any hope for him? "

"It's not clear yet. Over the past hundred years, although Lu Mingfei's performance today exceeded my expectations, whether it is Zheng Shu or Lu Mingfei, talented young people like them are not just one Two, but new stars are constantly falling, and our two old guys are not dead yet." Angers looked up at the sky, the stars were very bright today.

"I can't wait any longer, Leonardo, I can't wait any longer. I want to complete what I should do in the only time I have left. I want to resolve this war between humans and dragons once and for all. .”

"You...want to destroy the Dragon Clan instead of constantly preventing them from awakening?!" The vice-principal finally understood Angers's whimsical plan.

"Yes! I want to kill the four great monarchs and change their destiny!" Angers paused, "To kill the Dragon King, the only way is to force them to have no way to retreat and force them to risk their almost eternal lives to fight against humanity to the end. ."

"out on a limb?"

"That's right, I will force them until they have no way out. For an eternal life, as long as it lives, there will always be hope. Under what circumstances do you think they will feel that they have no way out." Angers' voice was low. .

The vice-principal sighed and understood the logic of Angers' plan: "When they no longer want to live, they will have no way out. That's why you have to kill Constantine. For the twins on the throne, , each other is the only pillar of their survival in the world."

"Yes, my plan was very successful. We actually killed Constantine. But it was also a failure because I didn't see the keel cross burning in the sky." A trace of coldness flashed in Angers' eyes. The murderous intention, "I don't know who is hindering me, but since he chooses to hinder my plan, he will become my enemy!"

On a hillside far away from Kassel College, a figure put down the telescope in his hand. Even from such a long distance, the pillar of fire rising into the sky was clearly visible.

After a moment of silence, the person took out his cell phone and dialed an unknown number. After a while, the phone was connected, and a voice distorted by a voice changer came: "How?"

"As you expected, Norton was taken away by him in the chaos, but Constantine's dragon bone cross seemed to be left behind."

"That's fake." The voice on the other end of the phone was very sure. He seemed to have understood all the truth even though he was not watching at the scene. "No matter how lifelike the corpse looks, it must be fake. He can't let go." Taking this chance is the only way he can evolve.”

"...Do you need me to test that dragon bone cross?" The figure was silent for a moment and asked his own question.

"No, it's impossible for him to find a defective product that will be exposed at the first touch. Even if it is tested, it won't be able to detect anything. You shouldn't have seen the target at the scene, right?"


"It seems that my enemy is still a bit too young. If he is like this, the old guy in Angers will doubt him sooner or later. Just in time, we can also ask Angers to help us test his situation, and you can continue with the original mission. "As soon as he finished speaking, the phone was hung up over there.

The figure looked at the hung up cell phone in silence for a long time, and finally turned and left before the sun was about to rise. As he walked, his long hair showed a faint golden color under the starlight.

"Why was I so impulsive just now!" Lu Mingfei walked dejectedly in the corridor of the school, his tone full of regret.

Although he was very handsome when shooting, this was the first time he had taken the life of a humanoid creature. After reacting, even if the opponent was killed with a sniper rifle, Lu Mingfei still felt a sense of pain. The indescribable feeling of nausea is the discomfort felt by a mind that has been bound by secular laws for many years after being shocked.

"I'm probably not suitable for this madman's school. Should I go through the withdrawal procedures now, but I don't know if the principal will kill me with a gun..."

At this time, a nearly transparent hand appeared in his field of vision. He looked up and his eyes were immediately attracted to the owner of the hand.

She was a petite girl with cold white skin. Under her school uniform was a low-collared white T-shirt. Her hair was light and almost pure. Her blond hair was braided and tied into a bun on the top of her head, revealing her slender hair. His neck was like an ice sculpture.

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