Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 129 Xia Mi is also here (with additional updates)

After several hours of running around, it was already late at night when Zheng Shu and Ange arrived at the station. Ange used his authority to open an extra CC1000 train to take them to school.

The black train cut through the hazy heavy rain like a sharp knife and drove out of the red pine forest, leaving behind the roar of the wind and the roar of the rails.

Zheng Shu's luck was not very good. It was the rainy season when he was at the Three Gorges. It was still raining after he came here. He didn't see any sunny days for more than a week. He felt like he was going moldy.

The entire state of Illinois was covered by large clouds of rain. When he first arrived, it was still drizzle. After he closed his eyes for a while and took a nap on the train, he opened his eyes again and saw only an unusual amount of rain falling violently and a strong wind. Falling leaves, circles of ripples in the water channels, and heavy rain flowing from the sky. When you close your eyes and listen, it feels like the whole world has been flooded by rain.

On the way back to Kassel College, Angers also wrote a mass email and sent it to the mailboxes of all students. According to Angers, since he agreed to teach Professor Mans, he would naturally do his best. .

On the platform in the distance, there were already people waiting quietly on the platform with umbrellas. When the black train slowly slid into the station, they immediately surrounded it excitedly, guarding Angers and him with vigilance. The bone bottle in the hand.

"The next train will bring Lu Mingfei here. If you want to pick him up, you can wait here for a while. I remember that Chu Zihang should be coming back in the same car."

Looking at the black train leaving the platform, Angre said something to Zheng Shu before leaving, and then hurriedly left the platform under the protection of a group of sturdy men.

Because of Zheng Shu's influence, Kassel College obtained the bone bottle much earlier than in the original work, and Lu Mingfei came to the school much earlier than in the original work.

In the original work, Lu Mingfei happened to catch up with the Freedom Day when he came to Kassel Academy. He also attracted everyone's attention because he killed Caesar and Chu Zihang during the Freedom Day. Later, with the help of Lu Mingze, he saw through the map of Bronze City, which also confirmed Lu Mingfei's S-class identity.

But this time, Zheng Shu calculated the time and found that there was still more than half a month until the day of freedom. It seems that because of his participation, Professor Mance found the Bronze City in advance, which forced the principal and Lu Mingze to advance their plans.

Thinking like this, Zheng Shu found a seat on the platform and sat down. There was nothing to do when he went back now anyway. He wanted to see what would happen after the protagonist entered the school this time.

Sitting on a chair on the platform, he played a game on his mobile phone for a while. When the lights of the train shone onto the platform, Zheng Shu realized that two hours had passed unknowingly.

Looking at the train slowly stopping next to the platform, Zheng Shu's eyes suddenly became strange. At the same time, the fluctuation of Constantine's will also came from the entrance of the Nibelung he carried with him.

"Something's wrong, it seems to be Jörmungandr's aura."

In order to prevent Constantine's presence from affecting the subsequent plans, Zheng Shu stuffed him into the Nibelung he carried with him under a half-forced and half-induced situation. However, in order to make Constantine feel at ease, he gave him The other party has the authority to observe the outside world.

Listening to Constantine's spiritual message from the Nibelungs, Zheng Shu twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly. As the complete Hela, he is more sensitive to the aura of the Dragon King, who is also the king of the earth and the mountain, so he knows that Constantine is right.

As the compartment door opened, Professor Guderian was the first to step off the train. Behind him, in addition to Lu Mingfei who had passed out and was being carried, and the slovenly Fingel, there were also Chu Zihang and Xia Mi.

After Zheng Shu saw Xia Mi's figure, he almost lost his expression.

"Ah, Zheng Shu, why are you here? Did you receive the news that your friend is coming over?"

Professor Guderian seemed to be in a very good mood and took the initiative to say hello to Zheng Shu. However, Lu Mingfei, who was being carried on a stretcher behind him and had fallen into a coma, made the situation here look very strange.

"That's right. I just completed a task. I heard from the principal that Lu Mingfei was on the next train, so I waited here for a while. What's going on with him?" Zheng Shu pointed to the person lying on the stretcher. Lu Mingfei still looked a little scared in his coma.

"I was so frightened when I gave him entrance counseling that I passed out immediately." Professor Guderian spread his hands. "Students who received entrance counseling in the past were also surprised, but such a big reaction like his is really unprecedented. No To think he has such a great fear of dragons.”

"That's it." Zheng Shu looked at the unconscious Lu Mingfei with a strange light in his eyes, "Then, professor, what are you going to do next?"

"It's just a coma caused by excessive panic. There is nothing serious about his body. Let's carry him to my office first. Judging from Lu Mingfei's attitude, his trust in the existence of dragons is very low. He may need to be given some treatment. To find some empirical evidence as evidence, I plan to ask Masashi Toyama to come over and watch over to prevent him from passing out again. I won’t talk to you anymore, I’m going to the office first.”

Professor Guderian waved, and Fingel, who was carrying a stretcher next to him, followed him out with the unconscious Lu Mingfei.

After watching Guderian leave, Zheng Shu turned his attention back to Chu Zihang. He looked at Xia Mi calmly behind Chu Zihang. Because they had sorted out their emotions, neither of them showed any special expressions.

"Lao Chu, this is... the new school girl behind you? How come you brought her here? I remember, isn't this work supposed to be done by professors?"

"Well, this is Xia Mi, this year's freshman." Chu Zihang still maintained a paralyzed face and nodded expressionlessly.

"I discovered it when I went on a mission. She has good potential and her bloodline rating should not be low. Because other professors are busy and no one has free time, Norma arranged the mission for me to bring her back."

"Oh, so it's Xia Mi." After hearing Chu Zihang's introduction, Zheng Shu immediately walked up to Xia Mi with a smile and stretched out his hand. "This is our first meeting, Xia Mi. My name is Zheng Shu. I am a senior above you. If you have anything you don't understand, you can come to me directly."

"Senior Zheng Shu, I still need your care after our first meeting." Xia Mi also extended his hand to shake Zheng Shu's hand very politely.

The moment the two people came into physical contact, Zheng Shu's spirit immediately came into contact with Xia Mi's spirit.

"You are mentally ill, why did you suddenly change your plans and come here?!"

"When did I say that my plan was to come next year? Didn't you beg me to cure Chu Zihang quickly? Now that I'm here, you're still not happy?!"


On the surface, the two shook hands with each other, with polite and reserved smiles on both sides' faces, and their words were full of decency.

In fact, at the moment when the two parties came into physical contact, relying on the Dragon King-level reaction speed and mental strength, the two exchanged hundreds of curses. The reason why Zheng Shu let go of his hand so quickly was because he realized that he might not be able to scold Xia Mi if he continued like this, so he disconnected the "voice chat" very shamefully.

"Okay, Lao Chu, you can take the junior girl to get familiar with the school. I'll go see when Lao Lu wakes up."

Zheng Shu quickly said hello to Chu Zihang, found an excuse and left in a hurry, completely ignoring Xia Mi's disbelieving look behind him.

Seeing Zheng Shu leaving the platform, Xia Mi secretly felt hatred. He had clearly had the advantage just now, but he didn't expect this guy to break the spiritual link without respecting martial ethics. He showed no dignity of the Dragon King.

But when Chu Zihang turned his attention, Xia Mi returned to his original playful, lively and quirky look.

Lu Mingfei looked at the rich blood-red sky outside the car window. Every drop of water was like a bright red torrential rain. The plain white and blue ice covered the mountains that pierced the sky, as well as the lying dog on the mountain. dragon.

The giant dragon crawled quietly, its wings hanging down to the foot of the mountain, and its blood stained the entire iceberg red. Groups of people were climbing up along the dragon's wings. Those who climbed to the top surrounded the dragon's head. They nailed sharp iron awls to the dragon's skull and beat the tail of the awl vigorously, drilling away one at a time. From a hole, white slurry will gush out like a fountain, and it will evaporate into rich white gas in a moment, and those people will cheer and shout loudly.

Lu Mingfei listened to the distant sound of the hammer hitting the tail of the iron cone, and felt that he was about to lose the power to breathe.

"This is the oldest emperor that has never been recorded in history. The day he died, everyone cheered." A boy spoke in a calm voice.

The boy looked to be Chinese, about thirteen or fourteen years old. He was wearing a black evening dress, with a glow flowing on his young face. He looked like just a child, but there was a strange silence and sadness on his face. His golden pupils were filled with flame-like light, like a mirror reflecting fire.

The boy seemed to enjoy the sound of those iron awls hitting each other very much. He closed his eyes and admired them silently, showing a smile.

"How wonderful..."


A sudden shock interrupted what Lu Mingze wanted to say, and he looked to the side with extremely angry eyes. Lu Mingfei followed his line of sight and saw that the closed door at the end of the train carriage seemed to be being hit by something.

After a moment of silence, the carriage door shook again.


boom! boom! boom!

As if he had found his target, things behind the door began to collide rapidly. The car door, which was completely made of metal, made a harsh sound of metal deformation. There was clearly glass on the door, but when Lu Mingfei looked over, it seemed as if there was an infinite amount of light on the opposite side. It was as dark as ever, and only a terrifying black shadow could be seen banging against the car door, as if there was a violent beast behind the door.

He swallowed hard. In the immediate danger, Lu Mingfei didn't care about the magnificent scene in the distance. He quietly moved his body back and glanced at Lu Ming next to him. Ze.

Lu Mingze's face was very ugly now, and his whole body was trembling slightly, not because of fear, but because of anger. He clenched his fists tightly with both hands, and the golden light in his eyes became brighter, as if it was about to turn into flames. Squirt out.


With a crisp sound of metal breaking, the crazy banging outside the car door finally calmed down. A small gap was opened in the middle of the two doors. Through the gap, Lu Mingfei could see the seemingly endless void outside. of darkness.


A hand suddenly stretched out from the gap, making Lu Mingfei scream in fright, and he shrank his body behind the table, trying to hide himself. But after he calmed down, he realized that those hands were not the ferocious claws he imagined, but more like the palms of ordinary people.

As the palms began to exert force, the gap in the middle gradually expanded, but the doors on both sides remained motionless as if they were stuck. As a result, the palms could only "tear" open the metal doors bit by bit like tearing paper.

When the gap was torn to a certain size, Lu Mingfei's horrified eyes saw the palms retreating and disappearing. After a while, a human head suddenly appeared in the gap and stretched his head in along the gap.

"Are you ready? I'm coming in..."

"Zheng Shu?!"

Looking at that person's face, Lu Mingfei's expression immediately became happy, and he jumped up from his chair as if he had come to life.

Just as he was about to leave his desk, Lu Mingfei seemed to think of something again, and his face suddenly became wary. He retracted his body behind the desk again, staring at the man who looked like Zheng Shu behind the car door. Head.

"Who are you? What are you? Don't even think about lying to me. I've watched a lot of movies. Don't think you can fool me with Zheng Shu's appearance. You must be waiting for me to pass by and start talking. The tongue popped out and penetrated my head."

Listening to Lu Mingfei's analysis, Zheng Shu rolled his eyes in amusement: "You are the alien. Your whole family is alien. In my image, I should at least spit out an atomic breath from my mouth to kill you. "

"Are all these disguised monsters so smart now?"

Just as Lu Mingfei let out a sigh, Lu Mingze, who had been unable to hold himself back for a long time, roared angrily, and his originally delicate face became twisted and terrifying, no longer the calm demeanor at the beginning. Lu Mingfei next to him was stunned.

"Traitor! How dare you appear in front of me!"

Following Lu Mingze's roar, the compartment door that had been stuck suddenly opened automatically. Zheng Shu felt that the power that had been blocking him from entering this spiritual world disappeared.

(Additional update today)

Thank you to the old hunter book friends who passed by Chuanhuo for the tip. Thank you for your support of this book.

This chapter is four thousand words

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