Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 126 Solve a problem (6.3k)

Zheng Shu reached out and tapped on the bronze statue, using the vibration feedback to find the location of the Dragon King's palace.

After closing his eyes and waiting for a while, Zheng Shu suddenly raised his head and looked at the bronze statue in front of him. After careful observation, he found a heavy door that was closed behind the bronze statue. Judging from the marks on the door, the bronze door should have been closed not long ago.

It seems that the Dragon King's palace had always had its door open before, but because he came here, it was urgently blocked with a bronze statue and the door.

But what's the use? Zheng Shu's previous performance has shown that such defense can only delay him for a little time at most.

After moving his shoulders a little, Zheng Shu punched the huge bronze statue with a fierce punch. The violent power surged out, and under the guidance of power, he easily destroyed the joints of the main structure of the statue.

The terrifying power spread along the water around the statue, and the entire water area rippled as if boiling. The hundreds of tons of bronze statues instantly shattered, revealing the door with snake-like patterns engraved on the back.


He punched again, but this time his fist did not directly touch the bronze door. In front of his fist, several alchemy formations struggled to support the protection.

Zheng Shu raised his eyebrows in surprise. From the touch point of view, at that moment, his attack seemed to be directly spread to the entire Nibelung.

No matter how powerful his attack is, it has no meaning to the entire world. It seems that the alchemy skills of the King of Bronze and Fire are not lies, and he can even take such outrageous defensive measures.

After carefully observing the state of the alchemy circle, Zheng Shu punched a few times mercilessly. Although it still seemed to have no effect, cracks began to appear in the wall behind the circle, and the entire alchemy circle The stability also began to decline, becoming blurry like a TV with poor signal.

No matter how effective the alchemical array is, the materials used to carry it and the array itself have limits. Failure to penetrate it only means that the energy output is not high enough.

With such a simple idea, Zheng Shu's fists continuously bombarded the defensive array. It only took a minute or two for the wall supporting the array to shatter into pieces, revealing the bronze door that had been protected behind it. .

Just as he was about to smash the bronze door with his fist, Zheng Shu suddenly noticed that the temperature of the surrounding water was rising rapidly. In just a moment, thousands of tons of water in the hall were heated to a boiling state by unknown forces.

boom! !

When the temperature reaches a certain limit, a large amount of water is evaporated into steam in an instant. The terrifying expansion ratio of water vapor even triggers a huge explosion, like a nuclear bomb that explodes directly in the water, even with the Nibelungs and Bronze City. With the double defense, the moisture inside the entire Bronze City was drained out in an instant by the terrifying shock wave.

After the explosion, the interior of Bronze City, which was originally flooded by the river, became dry. The entire hall seemed to have turned into a huge oven. Zheng Shu could even see the broken bones nearby that were blown to pieces quickly turning brown. blackened.

As if knowing that the attack just now had no effect on Zheng Shu, the enemy in the dormitory launched another attack. The blazing wind blew in his face, the bright light could be seen even through his eyelids, and his nose was filled with a strong burning smell.

The source of the light was the bronze door directly in front of Zheng Shu. The black bronze was heated and lit by high temperature in an instant. Even with a welding gun, it would take several hours to melt through a small hole in the metal door. In an instant, it became A dazzling liquid.

The next moment, a pillar of fire like a volcanic eruption spewed out carrying hot liquid bronze, spraying towards Zheng Shu directly in front with extreme high temperature and an impact that destroyed everything.

Yan Ling: Jun Yan.

Compared with this Jun Yan, the Jun Yan released by Chu Zihang was as harmless as the glimmer of fireflies.


A figure covered in red bronze fell to the ground, completely lifeless.

The original majestic hall had become a mess, and a large hole had been melted through the bronze door in front. The edge of the hole emitted a dazzling light, and the bronze melted into red-hot molten iron, which was poured on the ground drop by drop.

After a long time, it seemed that it was finally confirmed that the enemy had lost his life, and a figure slowly walked out of the palace.

He is not tall and can even be called short. Although some muscles can be seen on his body, he still looks very thin. His whole body was burning with terrifying flames, and wherever he walked, the metal ground would instantly melt, leaving behind red footprints emitting high temperatures.

The face looked like broken stones, with lava flowing in the cracks. As time went by, these cracks were constantly healing, and the pupils were burning, exuding a brilliant golden color.

Walking next to Zheng Shu, the burning figure looked at the bronze that was cooling and condensing on his body. After waiting for a while and finding that Zheng Shu had no movement or breath, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, I'm so scared..."

A weak voice came from the mouth of the burning figure. It was hard to imagine that the words in this person's mouth, which exuded huge intimidation, were so weak.

Zheng Shu lay motionless on the ground, pretending to be a corpse, until Constantine came to him...

He lightly held Constantine's completely alienated claws.

Constantine was immediately horrified.

The terrifying power instantly gathered under the blessing of Bronze City, and the air was filled with a heavy burning aura, and the air above his head seemed to be ignited.

Close to the effect of an air explosion from a napalm bomb, flames as surging as the ocean were launched from above the head, carrying a powerful shock wave towards Zheng Shu on the ground.

After another shot of Jun Yan, the cooled and hardened bronze on his body was melted again, revealing the unscathed Zheng Shu underneath. He had almost no damage except that the diving suit on his body was torn.

Seeing that his attack had no effect, Constantine's eyes showed panic. Before he could make the next attack, Zheng Shu had already turned over and stood up. Constantine, who was holding his ankle, was also pulled down by a terrifying force, and then he was lifted up by Zheng Shu's ankle while standing upside down.

Zheng Shu, who had transformed into a dragon-like form, reached a height of two meters. He was lifting Constantine, who was less than 1.6 meters tall, like a large doll.

Regarding Constantine's continuous attacks, Zheng Shu didn't even bother to hide. As long as it was not a word spirit of Zhulong's level, other word spirits would at most feel a little hotter with his current defense.

After several consecutive attacks, he found that he had not caused any damage to Zheng Shu. The flames on Constantine's body became lower, and tears began to accumulate in his eyes, although these tears were quickly wiped out by the high temperature on his body. Evaporated, but Zheng Shu still noticed the change in his mood.

Subway, old people, mobile phones.

Although these dragon kings are extremely powerful, their psychological problems are also terrifying. If ordinary people are psychologically cracked, this group of dragon kings probably only has a hole in their psychology.

Zheng Shu was a little helpless. Constantine's performance made him feel like he was bullying a child, even though this "child" was old enough to be his Cretaceous ancestor.

And it's him. If an ordinary person takes one attack from Constantine, he will basically be saved from being cremated.

"Panel, help me copy the enhanced template."

[The user has come into contact with the carrier containing the unknown factor and started testing the sample]


[The test is completed and a reinforced template has been established based on the carrier sample]

【Notice! ! According to the detection, the enhanced template has certain defects and needs to be completed through unknown methods]

"Okay, don't cry yet."

After copying Constantine's template with a panel in his heart, Zheng Shu lifted his ankle and shook it hard. Although he looked very thin, Constantine was also a Dragon King after all, so he wouldn't be so weak because of this. Shake and die.

"I'm not crying, my brother will avenge me!"

"Yes, yes, your brother is the most powerful."

Seeing Constantine's stubborn expression, Zheng Shu agreed very perfunctorily, and then carried Constantine upside down and walked deep into the palace.

At the end of the passage, the first thing that caught Zheng Shu's eyes were two huge corpses of pure-blood dragons. Looking at the aura emanating from the corpse remains, it is estimated that these two should be next-generation species level beings.

"Samson and...the dragon attendant?"

Looking at the two corpses in front of him, Zheng Shu tried hard to recall the content of the original work, feeling a little unsure in his heart. No wonder he felt that the blood level of the guard dragon he met was a bit low. As a Dragon King's tomb guard, at least he had to be the second generation. However, the dragon he met turned out to be only the third generation.

It now appears that the real Dragon Attendant died before he broke into the Bronze City, and relying on the aura of the Nibelungs to cover up, Samson also gave his life behind.

Continuing to walk forward, Zheng Shu saw another hut at the end. With his dark vision, Zheng Shu could clearly see that it was a hut made of bronze. The ancient residence was simple and practical, and it was impossible to analyze the age in terms of architectural style. Because the layout here is too simple.

There is only a rattan bed and a low bronze table with a pottery vase. In the corner is a bronze statue of a maid kneeling and holding a palace lantern, but the palace lantern has long been extinguished because no one has refueled it for a long time. .

Zheng Shu stood in the center of the house and looked at the bed made of hard vines. There was a huge brass jar standing on it. The jar was full of complex and incomprehensible patterns. The flames shone on Constantine. There is a faint glow scattered below.

But now the top of the jar has cracked, and the thing hatching inside is being held by Zheng Shu.

Behind the jar, there were several tentacles made of flesh and blood that extended outside the house and connected to the two dragon corpses outside. This was also the reason for the death of the two next-generation species.


Zheng Shu understood the specific situation just by observing the surrounding alchemy array. It seemed that Samson and the Dragon Attendant judged that their two sub-generations were no match for the enemy the moment he invaded with Nibelung roots, so they could only Using his own flesh and blood as a sacrifice, he awakened the king they had been serving in advance.

No wonder Constantine's strength is much stronger than in the original work. In the original work, he was forced to wake up and was in a very weak state, and even the power in his own body was unstable.

But this time, two extremely powerful next-generation flesh and blood were sacrificed. Constantine returned to his full strength as soon as he recovered. If it weren't for his birth defect that caused him to have no dragon body, Zheng Shu really wouldn't be able to be what he is now. Capture him easily.

Coming out of the bronze hut, Zheng Shu immediately let go of Constantine's hand. As soon as he broke free from the restraints, Constantine rolled away from Zheng Shu regardless of the majesty of his Dragon King.

Seeing that there were elements gathering around Constantine and preparing to release the spirit again, Zheng Shu snapped his fingers and directly imprisoned his elemental control. Although he is still inside the Bronze City, Zheng Shu has not done anything after staying in the hall for such a long time. Except for the control of the core area that has not been seized by him, the entire Bronze City has basically been controlled by Zheng Shu. in hand.

The feeling of being forcibly disconnected from the surrounding elements made Constantine's breath stagnant. Then he found that the enemy opposite him had lost his figure, and then his vision began to spin. When he reacted, he had fallen to the ground. , the severe pain coming from his back made his eyes darken, and he briefly lost consciousness.

Zheng Shu didn't hold back much in his attack this time. Constantine was dazed on the ground for a long time before recovering.

"Are you awake? I've eaten all your rice."

As soon as he opened his eyes, Zheng Shu's head popped out of his field of vision. Constantine still wanted to resist, but he found that the power in his body was suppressed to the limit, and his original connection with the Nibelungs was also disconnected.

Faced with the only connection with his brother being severed, Constantine, who was extremely weak when he was created, could no longer maintain the courage in his heart, curled up on the ground and cried.

Zheng Shu scratched his head, a little dissatisfied that Constantine didn't pick up his joke.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. I haven't killed you yet, so you should see that I have no ill intentions towards you. Come, let's talk about cooperation. I can let you and your brother live safely together. .”

"I just... have a weak personality, I'm not stupid... just give up! I won't tell you my brother's location even if I die."

"But don't you know where your brother is now?"

Zheng Shu's rhetorical question directly knocked Constantine down, and the flames on his body dimmed visibly.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Shu snapped his fingers and used Hela's talent to temporarily create a small Nibelungen around himself and Constantine that was independent of the current Nibelungen.

After ensuring that his next conversation would not be overheard by anyone, Zheng Shu told Constantine about Lu Mingze's plan according to the original plot. Although he did not say who was behind the implementation of the plan, Judging from Constantine's violently fluctuating breath and fearful expression, he already knew the identity of the other party.

The Dragon King's intuition told Constantine that the other party was not lying. As a Dragon King, the most valuable thing about him was his own strength and bloodline.

Constantine originally thought that the other party wanted to hunt Norton through himself, so he was very resistant, but through Zheng Shu's explanation, he felt that the other party might have discovered the location of his brother.

Although Norton has not recovered his memory now, relying on the extremely weak connection between the twins, Constantine can be sure that his brother's condition is the same as what the other party said.

"Then...what do you want to do? What do you want to get from me?"

Hearing that Constantine, the stubborn dragon, finally gave in, Zheng Shu smiled like a brother.

"Elbow, come into the house with me!"

Back in the bronze hut, Zheng Shu pointed to the nearly 1.6-meter-tall bronze bone bottle on the bed and asked, "Can you make a fake version of this thing?"

Looking at his own bone bottle, Constantine felt a little strange: "Yes, yes, but how far do you plan to cheat?"

"Probably to the point where it can awaken your brother's memory and make it impossible for others to tell it's fake."

"The second request is very simple, but as for the first one...according to your statement, my brother is currently in the disorientation period after waking up. I am not completely sure whether his memory can be awakened. Generally speaking, only a strong enough stimulus can. Let his memory be restored." Constantine looked a little embarrassed.

"That's fine. Anyway, after you two brothers are reunited, you will have plenty of time to let him recover his memory." Zheng Shu nodded, stretched out his hand and scratched his shoulder, and one of his arms fell off.

Although an arm was cut off, there was no sign of bleeding from the wound on the shoulder. As Zheng Shu summoned a piece of compressed instant noodles in his stomach, Hela's self-healing ability began to take effect. Zheng Shu was like Like a Namekian, a new arm with mucus suddenly stretched out from the broken shoulder.

After moving his newly grown arm a little and not noticing anything strange, Zheng Shu shook his hand vigorously to shake off the mucus on his arm.

And the arm he cut off turned into a wriggling mass of flesh and blood under the command of his thoughts.

"Take it, when you make a new bone bottle, put this thing in it, remember to pay attention to the aura cover, don't let anyone discover this piece of my flesh and blood." He handed the ball of flesh and blood to the stunned Constant. Ding and Zheng Shu sat cross-legged on the ground.

"How long will it take you to make a new bone bottle? What materials are needed? If you don't have enough materials, you can tell me directly."

Faced with Zheng Shu's brutal self-mutilation behavior, it took Constantine a while to recover. Even if the Dragon King has super-fast self-healing ability, it is difficult to quickly repair limb-level injuries.

Taking the flesh and blood from Zheng Shu's hand somewhat unnaturally, Constantine briefly estimated the other party's needs and gave a relatively conservative time.

"Because there is no need to make a real bone bottle. If you just cover up the appearance and aura, it can be done within a quarter of an hour. There is no need for other messy materials. Even a real bone bottle only needs bronze. , this is my brother’s unique skill.”

Speaking of the latter part, Constantine puffed up his chest proudly, as if he was proud of his brother.

"Fifteen minutes? That's okay. Hurry up. If it's later, people above will probably come down."

Faced with Zheng Shu's urging, although Constantine was a little scared, he still mustered up his courage.

"You haven't told me what exactly do you want from us? Or, if I want you to help me save my brother, what do I need to pay?"

"Well..." Zheng Shu touched his chin with his hand and looked at Constantine carefully.

Facing Zheng Shu's gaze, Constantine felt that the non-existent hairs on his back stood up. This gaze reminded him of those people he had seen before who liked Long Yangzhi, and he couldn't help but shrink himself. Behind the bone bottle.

Seeing that the other party was about to cry again, Zheng Shu stopped teasing him: "First and most important, I need you and your brother to give up the title of King of Bronze and Fire."

Seeing that Zheng Shu did not make those excessive demands, Constantine secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then he became embarrassed again.

"If you want to take the title of King of Bronze and Fire, take it. I can swear that I will never appear in front of other people for the rest of my life, but I'm not sure whether my brother agrees with it or not. Devouring other dragon kings will gain unlimited The power in society has always been my brother’s pursuit.”

"You don't have to worry about this." Zheng Shu extended his thumb towards Constantine, showing his white teeth.

"With the level of control your brother has, his biggest purpose in devouring other dragon kings is probably to give you a safe world. As long as you tell him what you think, and as long as I guarantee that you will not be subject to prophecies and fates in the future. With the influence, your brother will probably be very willing to agree to my proposal."

Faced with Zheng Shu's statement, Constantine was a little skeptical. In his opinion, his brother had always wanted to compete for hegemony, so how could he give up his dream because of him.

But now he has no choice but to believe what Zheng Shu said.

Zheng Shu shrugged silently as he watched Constantine, who reluctantly used the Spirit of Words to melt a large piece of bronze and began to make a fake bone bottle.

As I said before, although these dragon kings are powerful enough, their natural character flaws make them particularly easy to be controlled by others.

An ordinary person, not to mention someone as cunning and cunning as Ange, would not easily believe Zheng Shu's lies, even if he had been beaten up by society.

While Constantine was clearly far superior to ordinary people in terms of intelligence and experience, Zheng Shu could easily deceive him as long as he used his brother as a breakthrough point.

That is to say, Zheng Shu really didn't have any bad intentions towards the two brothers, otherwise he would have to count the money for him if he sold the Dragon King in front of him.

After calming down, Zheng Shu carefully watched Constantine's production process. He had to admit that these two kings of bronze and fire had their own unique insights in alchemy. Just relying on the shaping of bronze, You can complete a bone bottle that Zheng Shu needs to consume a lot of precious alchemical materials to make.

Although the disadvantage of this technology is that it requires a large amount of bronze, which turns the bone bottle that was originally only the size of a human head into half a person's height. But compared with the consumption of other dragon kings in making bone bottles, Zheng Shu estimated that the bronze and fire kings were probably the twin dragon kings with the most "resurrection coins" among the four dragon kings.

"Perfect, the alchemy skills of you two brothers are indeed amazing." After carefully inspecting the fake made by Constantine, Zheng Shu couldn't help but admired it. Even if he knew in advance that it was a fake, he didn't find anything. The flaws and even the signs of distress look very real.

"Is this okay?"

After hearing Constantine's question, Zheng Shu casually put the bone bottle into his Nibelung.

"One more thing, I need you to give up this power of yours."

Facing Constantine's surprised face, Zheng Shu smiled.

This chapter has 6,300 words. In addition to the basic update of 4,000 words, the remaining 2,000 words are regarded as debt repayments, so I still owe 3,000 words.

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