Professor Manns was anxious on board the Monyach. He originally planned to contact the principal and apply to dive with the "key" to rescue several of his students.

Unfortunately, just when he was about to take action, Norma sent a message saying that through sonar detection, drastic changes had occurred inside Bronze City. At this point in time, there was no possibility of a successful rescue.

The sudden change could only make Mance temporarily give up his rescue plan and wait for the changes in Bronze City to stop. However, as time went by, the changes within Bronze City not only did not decrease but gradually intensified, and now they have begun to have a huge impact on the external environment.

Therefore, he knew that the chances of his students surviving were getting slimmer.

Mance glanced at his watch and saw that the time had exceeded the maximum limit they had estimated. Even if Ye Sheng and Yaji did not die in the changes in Bronze City, they should have died due to oxygen depletion now.

Mance was silent for a moment, then pushed open the door and rushed out, standing in the storm staring at the undulating river surface in a daze.

"Captain?" The first mate and Thelma also ran out after him.

Suddenly there was a "buzzing" sound in the strong wind, and a huge light in the distance moved quickly on the dark water. After a moment, the call of the communicator appeared at the left front of the bow.

"Please note Monyach, this is the Maritime Safety Administration of the Yangtze River Waterway. Please turn on the lights and reply. Please turn on the lights and reply."

The third officer also boarded the deck at this time: "Captain, do you still have to wait?"

Mance stared at the water below in silence for a few seconds. He looked down at his watch and suddenly felt a little tired.

"...This is Ye Sheng. Yaji and I are both alive. I am talking to you through the current of the 'snake'. We have now left the palace of Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire. Please reply. Can you hear me?" Please reply!"

Just when Mansi was about to compromise, a sizzling current interference sound suddenly came from the communicator in the front warehouse, and soon, Ye Sheng's voice came from it.

After hearing the sound, Mance rushed back to the cabin and lay down in front of the console.

"I can hear it! It's very clear! Where are you now? How did you survive? We will go over immediately to respond."

"It's Zheng Shu! Zheng Shu saved us. Yaji and I have left Bronze City and are ascending. Attention! Zheng Shu said that there is a big guy behind who wants to stop us. He has sacrificed himself to stop us, and let Mo The Niach is ready to engage the enemy!"

As the distance got closer, Ye Sheng's voice became clearer and clearer. Mance fell into silence after hearing Ye Sheng's words. He did not expect that this student, whom he had no hope at all, could actually complete such a rescue. Unfortunately, from their words, it was revealed that this student, whom he had only met a few times, had died underwater. But now he didn't have time to be sad that he had lost a student, so he quickly arranged for his subordinates to respond.

"The signal light returns to the Waterworks Bureau. We are accepting rescue and everyone is preparing to evacuate immediately." Mance turned to look at the people next to him, "Selma, come here! Rescue people with me."

As the order was issued, he also heard a muffled sound from the stern of the ship. Mance subconsciously rushed out of the cabin and came to the deck to take out a flashlight and shine it.

A dark human head floated next to the lifeboat on the side of the ship, and then a pale face appeared.

"Aki!" Mance immediately recognized that this was his favorite student Shude Aki, that Japanese girl who finally returned to the human world after hours of being lost. Immediately afterwards, another human head popped up next to Yaji. It was her partner Ye Sheng.

"Quick! Pull people up!"

As Mance yelled, everyone in the cabin rushed out. After Yaji climbed into the lifeboat with Ye Sheng's help, he turned back and reached out to pull Ye Sheng up.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the lifeboat was quickly recovered and returned to the deck. As soon as the two people came up, the team doctor who had been prepared came forward to check the physical condition of the two people.

"It's okay, I'm just a little hypoxic and depleted. I'll be fine after a little rest." After a few urgent emergency checks, the doctor turned to Mance and nodded.

After Mance saw the doctor's secret actions, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, in addition to the basic physical examination, this doctor who graduated from Kassel College was also responsible for checking whether the two people had been infected by unknown sources. Spirits perform mind control.

Now after the doctor's confirmation, Mance was finally convinced that his two proud students were indeed back alive. However, after seeing the extra oxygen bottle next to the two of them, Mance fell into silence again.

He now regretted that he was not decisive enough. If he had jumped down with Zheng Shu, he might have been able to avoid Zheng Shu's sacrifice.

"Attention! There is something approaching quickly. The speed is too fast for the sonar to accurately image. It is about fifteen meters long and looks like a fish." The second officer who was still in the cabin suddenly said loudly.

"Fish?" The third officer was a little confused, "What kind of fish can swim so fast?"

At this time, the third officer suddenly saw a sharp water line behind the ship rushing straight towards them. The terrifying speed scared the third officer into a cold sweat.

"Abandon the anchor! Start the engine! Turn on the afterburner!"

As the oldest crew member here, the third officer reacted instantly and yelled into the cabin. He had been floating in the ocean for more than 10 years. When he saw the ripples caused by the underwater thing, he immediately realized that the thing was amazingly big.

Two anchor chains were cut off at the same time, and the powerful engine started instantly without preheating. The huge acceleration caused those still on the deck to grab each other and roll down.

"That's the big guy Zheng Shu was talking about!" Ye Sheng, who finally got up, couldn't help but sweat broke out on his forehead when he saw the ripples following the ship.

If Zheng Shu hadn't stopped the opponent for a while, with this guy's speed and size, he and Yaji would have had no chance of surviving.

"It doesn't matter, that guy is alive."

Mance returned to the cabin, cut a new cigar and lit it, vigorously moved his facial muscles, his face full of murderous intent.

"As long as it is alive, it will be beaten to death!"

Open the weapons cabinet on the bulkhead, and a sniper rifle is placed upright in the center. This sniper rifle itself is used to target moving equipment, and its power is already terrifying. However, the execution department is still not satisfied with its performance and has optimized the ammunition.

Mance filled the magazine with bullets that glowed coldly and had ancient patterns engraved on the warheads. The primer of each bullet was painted red, which was a unique sign of high-risk weapons.

"I like those crazy people in the equipment department who are engaged in weapon optimization. I heard that these bullets are imitations based on the samples studied by that boy Zheng Shu. Although they are not as powerful as the originals, they are perfect for avenging that boy. !”

Mance put the magazine into his gun and ducked out of the cabin.

"Will it be the Dragon King?" The third officer looked a little worried.

"That would be great, we are here to kill him!"

The xenon lamp illuminated the foamy water surface behind the hull very brightly. The dense foam could not cover up the sharp water line, as if there was a huge sharp blade cutting the water surface under the water.

Mance leaned on the bulkhead and put his feet on the railing on the side of the ship, turning his whole body into a triangle ruler supported between the cabin wall and the railing. Only in this way could he maintain balance in the violent bumps.

Through the infrared sight, Mance clearly saw the "fish" under the water. The thing was swimming fast, so its body temperature was much higher than the surrounding water temperature, which completely exposed it to Mance's field of vision.

"very good."

Mance said softly. He took a puff of his cigar and showed a cruel smile. He wanted to watch the body of the thing below rise from the water, so that he could see clearly what kind of thing dared to take it away underwater. The lives of his students.

More than 2,000 words, and I still owe 5,000 words.

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