Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 112 Funeral and Bone Bottle

Not a short time has passed since the incident of King Sala Tree.

The Bangkok operation caused an uproar in the international community after all. The missile attack on a prosperous city of a country, even the level of American hegemony in the world, was severely criticized.

For this, the United States had to pay a "huge" price, and they donated some resources to Bangkok as compensation. In addition, they also claimed that the captain of that fleet committed suicide because he could not bear the sin. In the spirit of putting the dead first, they would no longer pursue the charges of other members of that fleet.

Zheng Shu learned from the school forum that under the protection of the Gattuso family, the captain used a stand-in to perform a trick of Escape from the Golden Cicada and then retreated safely. Now he is probably receiving a large sum of compensation from the family. Kim, spending her final years peacefully on a nude beach somewhere.

Unlike other countries, the founding time of the United States was still too short after all, and during the process of founding the country, those mixed-race families also gained the greatest benefits.

Therefore, although there is no official information about mixed-races, mixed-race families actually control the country's biggest lifeline and all rights. Those mixed-race families can do whatever they want in this country.

As for the Sala Tree King caught by Zheng Shu, Angers even made a special trip and transported it directly back to Kassel College on his own special plane.

After all, this is an extremely precious living dragon, and it is at the next generation level. It is no exaggeration to say that no dragon of this level has been captured in human history. According to Angers, if he hadn't stopped the group of people in the school, the vice president and several professors would have arrived by now.

The reason why he came here personally was to prevent the shameless guys from the secret party from relying on their power to stop them halfway. After all, for those guys, if they really stopped them halfway, they could quarrel with other families to waste time. , give priority to researching it yourself. After the mutual wrangling is over, my family will probably have done enough research, and then they can use it to reap a wave of benefits.

Of course, now that Kassel College has obtained this second-generation seed, it is also using wrangling methods to delay time. The equipment department and the vice-principal are working day and night to study the living Salo Tree King.

But these have nothing to do with Zheng Shu. Since Anger asked him what reward he wanted for capturing the Sala Tree King, Zheng Shu thought for a while and asked him for a private alchemy room. Laboratories and a vast collection of alchemical materials including gold and silver.

Although he was curious about when Zheng Shu became interested in alchemy, Angers did not have many restrictions on his very satisfied student and immediately assigned him an alchemy room as his private laboratory. .

Not only is it equipped with neat alchemy equipment, but it also gives him a withdrawal quota worth 100 million US dollars. He can use this quota to withdraw any alchemy materials available in the academy.

Of course Angers was so cunning that he would not pay the money himself. He directly distributed the 100 million to other secret party elder families.

Although there is no trace of the second-generation species yet, this group of mixed-breed families paid the money very happily. For them, if they can get rid of a second-generation species for US$100 million, they are completely willing to pay. Qian wiped out all the dragons in one fell swoop.

In short, with the support of this group of enemies, Zheng Shu can finally try out his own ideas.

He practiced in seclusion in the alchemy room for more than two months. During this period, all the meals were delivered to his door by a dedicated person. At first, Angers kindly asked if he wanted to find some alchemy teachers for him, but Under Zheng Shu's strong resistance, the matter dropped.

Before Angers and the people from the Psychology Department wondered whether Zheng Shu died in his room, he finally came out of the alchemy laboratory and ended his research.

"So, this is the result of your more than two months of seclusion?"

Angers looked at the alchemy weapon on his desk, his words full of curiosity.

"That's right. This is a phased achievement. The main reason is that there were rumors on the forum that I had been completely transformed into Deadpool and you silently dealt with it. A few days ago, I also discovered that there was a bastard on the forum who sent me an online act of silence without permission. , that’s why I came out of seclusion to show my face this time.”

Zheng Shu recalled the looks in his eyes from the students he met on the road, as if he had seen a ghost, and the muscles on their faces twitched uncontrollably. He didn't know which unscrupulous, smoking bastard was actually spreading rumors about him on the Internet. already dead. The news was also spread in a decent manner, saying that in order to resist the attack of the Salo Tree King, his own dragon blood was greatly intensified, causing it to exceed the critical blood line and be dealt with by Angers.

Seeing that Caesar had already issued a speech of silence for him on his trumpet, Zheng Shu finally couldn't help but ran out of his alchemy laboratory.

If he didn't show his face again, Zheng Shu suspected that those guys would even build a tomb for themselves and bury them.

Of course, in addition to this reason, it is also a very important reason why he finally achieved his goal of studying alchemy in the first place.

After hearing Zheng Shu's words, Angre's expression was a little subtle, but it soon changed back. He picked up the alchemy weapon on the table and looked at it curiously.

This is a gauntlet made of metal. It is silver all over, with lines of alchemical formations drawn in gold on it. At the base of the gauntlet, there is a tiny spike extending from a tube on the arm. When it comes out, it looks like a small pile driver with a gas tank-like device on the back of the upper gauntlet.

"How do you use this thing?"

Ange put on the gauntlets with some curiosity. With a few soft clicks, the metal blades on his hands and feet began to move. The gauntlets that were originally a few sizes larger soon became the same size as his arms.

Angers moved a little and found that the weight of the gauntlet was not too high, just slightly heavier than his own folding knife, and it was very flexible to move without any discomfort.

"After grabbing something with your hand, the joints of the hand will automatically lock to prevent the enemy from escaping, and then the spike at the base of the palm will continue to destroy the grabbed object like a hammer drill. The practicality is not too high. , although the destructive power is good, if you are facing Deadpool or a dragon, you will easily be killed by the enemy during use."

Zheng Shu introduced his work with some interest.

After Angers listened to his explanation of this alchemical weapon, he reached out and grabbed the corner of the table in front of him. With a "click", the joints of his fingernails locked instantly, and he held it tightly like a hydraulic press. That corner of the table.


Before the impact drill on the heel of his hand started to work, Angers crushed a corner of the solid wood table with a width of hand due to the grip provided by the hand armor.

The room suddenly became quiet. Zheng Shu looked at the corner of the table that Anger had broken off and said teasingly:

"Principal, you can't rely on me for this. This solid wood table is too expensive. Even if you sell it to me, I can't afford it."

Ange ignored Zheng Shu next to him. He carefully looked at the piece of wood he was holding in his hand. With a little force, the huge grip force came from his glove again. The solid piece of wood was directly crushed into sawdust and fell to Ange. On wool carpet in hot office.

As soon as he let go slightly, he felt the changes in the strength of his internal limbs. The gauntlet that he had clenched crazily immediately changed its form, and with a few clicks, it returned to its original flexible appearance.

"Very good stuff. I didn't expect your talent to be even better than I thought."

After Ange finished experimenting with most of the functions of this alchemical weapon, he turned to look at Zheng Shu, feeling increasingly satisfied with the student who had picked it up.

The two exchanged some pleasantries, and then Zheng Shu said goodbye and left the principal's office.

After going to the cafeteria to pack a dinner, Zheng Shu strolled back to his alchemy laboratory, receiving several pairs of eyes along the way that looked like he was seeing a ghost.

Returning to the laboratory, he locked the doors and windows, knocked on the wall and sensed the vibration. He found that no monitoring equipment was installed in his laboratory. Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction.

He used the computer next to him to send a message to Fenrir, saying that he had something to do today and would not play games for the time being.

Zheng Shu reached out and swept away the messy workbench to a relatively clean area, then stretched out his finger to press on a fingerprint lock next to it.


With the sound of verification, the drawer under the workbench was opened, revealing the things carefully stored inside.

In a quartz glass chamber, there is an egg-like jar stored. The whole body is made of gold, and the surface is covered with incised patterns. It depicts a pair of snakes guarding a giant tree. The inside of the pattern is filled with silver material, which looks like a different kind of beauty.

This is the bone bottle, a guarantee that allows all dragons to revive again even if they die. Just add a little bit of the dragon's own body tissue into it, and when the dragon dies and forms a cocoon, it can be resurrected from the bone bottle.

The alchemy weapon shown to Ange was completed by Zheng Shu in less than three days. In the past two months, he had mainly been studying the production of bone bottles.

Obtaining the production method is actually not difficult. After he strengthened the Hela template, the production method automatically appeared in his mind. The most troublesome part was the materials and production process.

Let’s not talk about the material for now. Looking at its golden appearance and silver pattern, you can tell what the main body of this thing is. It can be said that most of the US$100 million in materials quota was used by Zheng Shu to purchase gold and silver.

Of course, theoretically, if his alchemy skills advance further, he can also use bronze to make his own bone bottle. But to reach that level, probably only the King of Bronze and Fire has such alchemy technology.

Each chapter today is 3,000, totaling 6,000 words, which is an extra chapter.

I found that many readers said that the plot seems to have changed recently. I re-read it myself and found that it was not a problem, but a problem with the rhythm.

I thought about it for a long time and found a ridiculous but very possible reason. I have updated a lot these days. In order to catch up with this update, I did not control the rhythm when writing. To be honest, for someone like me who types very slowly, 4,000 words a day is a completely different feeling than 6,000 words a day. Because I am still accustomed to using the 4,000-word method to calculate the plot, so writing 6,000 words will become a bit watery.

The weekend has passed, so I’m back to the regular 4,000-word update. I’ll see if the writing rhythm can be better. If this is the case, then if I want to write more in the future, I will have to change the way I calculate the plot.

In addition, although it has not been a week yet, including the two updates I have already added, I still owe about two chapters. Judging from the growth progress, I owe at most three chapters. I will pay it back slowly later.

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