The two of them looked at each other at the same time, their eyes filled with disbelief. It took several seconds for Chu Zihang to react and walked over quickly.


Seeing Chu Zihang's cry, Chu Tianjiao moved his lips.


The man who was originally very verbose in Chu Zihang's impression could not even say a complete sentence now.

The scene of the reunion between Chu Tianjiao and Chu Zihang as father and son was very touching. At least Zheng Shu was moved to take several photos and a video, planning to use this as a high-definition version of Chu Zihang's dark history if necessary later.

Angers was very patient. He glanced at the agitated father and son and did not interrupt their reunion. Instead, he turned to look at Zheng Shu next to him.

"Zheng Shu, is he the Chu Tianjiao you mentioned? Judging from Chu Zihang's reaction, I believe a little bit of what you said, but there are still some things I want to confirm."

"No problem, principal, just ask."

Ange sat back behind his desk and motioned to Zheng Shu to sit on the chair in front of him.

"How did you find this Chu Tianjiao?"

Ange's first question was as Zheng Shu expected. He took a piece of snack from Ange's table and stuffed it into his mouth very familiarly. Feeling the explosively sweet sugar content, Zheng Shu frowned with dissatisfaction. frowned.

"To put it simply, after I jumped into the sea because of some inexplicable attraction, I returned to my hometown after a few days of twists and turns, where I found a new Nibelung and a bird named Odin’s guy.”

Zheng Shu explained part of the truth in an understatement, and by the way, used Spring and Autumn writing to skip some of the most important things, allowing Angers to shift the focus of his thinking to Odin.

Faced with Zheng Shu's words, Angre thought for a moment and poured a cup of tea for Zheng Shu and handed it to him to relieve the sweetness in his mouth.

"I remember that you built a lead box specifically for isolating signals, right? I won't criticize your behavior in order not to be blocked by the school. Can I understand that you have experienced this before? Anomaly there.”

"Yes, it's just that I didn't have enough strength before, so I didn't dare to go."

Zheng Shu's eyebrows relaxed immediately after taking a sip. The bitter taste of the tea just offset the sweetness of the snack, so that his mouth no longer felt like it was stuck with sugar.

Angers didn't have much doubt about Zheng Shu's remarks. Mixed-bloods themselves would have some psychic vision due to various reasons. For example, when the dragon bloodline of mixed-bloods awakened, basically every mixed-race would be affected by it. Disturbances of psychic vision.

What's more, it was a Nibelung, and it was completely normal to have spiritual vision because certain conditions were met.

As for Zheng Shu's reckless behavior of going alone to challenge an unknown enemy, Ange said he understood it very much. After all, he was like this before.

For young and frivolous but powerful hybrids, they never think that there is anything in this world that can stump them.

However, many people will eventually be awakened by reality, and in the process they all pay the price for their frivolity, and many of them pay the price with their own lives.

But there are still a small number of lucky people who are good enough to maintain this mentality.

Under this kind of logical thinking, Zheng Shu made a lead box that can isolate signals in advance. Not only did Angers not doubt it, but he even believed what he said. He even responded to his strong request to return to China this time. Got an explanation.

A very young hybrid, after confirming that he has gained enough power, will naturally restore the face he lost before - even if no one knows about it.

Angers naturally figured out the reason for Zheng Shu's behavior. After all, it is very common for people to lose control of themselves when they are in a state of spiritual vision. Blindness in the eyes is considered the most basic state. In severe cases, people may even lose control of themselves. Incontinence and some neurotic behavior.

"So, not only did you survive Odin's attack, but you also found an opportunity to save Chu Zihang's father. Very good! Very good!"

Angers was very satisfied with Zheng Shu's achievements this time, and even rarely praised him directly.

Not only was he able to escape alive from Odin, who was at least the next generation, but he was also able to save a person. Even if he personally leads an elite team, he may not be able to do better than Zheng Shu.

"No, principal, you misunderstood."

Zheng Shu, who was eating snacks, suddenly raised his head after hearing Ange's speculation.

"In fact, I directly killed Odin and the group of dead waiters next to him, and then after breaking Odin's mask, I discovered that underneath the mask was actually Chu Zihang's father, so I brought him back. .”

As he spoke, he picked up the backpack next to him, took out a fragment of the mask and threw it on Angers' table. Although it was shattered into pieces, the gorgeous lines on the fragments and the exquisite alchemy circle inside made Angers confirm in an instant that this was a genuine product.

As soon as the fragments of the mask came out, the vice-principal next to him who was still content with himself immediately jumped to Ange's desk like a vicious dog attacking his food. However, he did not touch it rashly, but took out a white pair of masks from his clothes. After putting on the gloves, he picked them up carefully.

Manstein and Guderian, who were slower to respond, immediately stood up and approached the vice principal, watching eagerly as he carefully inspected the mask.

After carefully inspecting it for a long time, and even taking out many props for in-depth inspection, the vice principal was satisfied and handed the fragments to the two professors who had been waiting for a long time. He sat back on the sofa again, took out his bottle of wine, and returned to his decadent cowboy appearance.

"It's true. It's an alchemical creation at least three thousand years ago. Because it's severely damaged, I can't fully analyze its function. Judging from the magic circle that can be solved, this thing can at least suppress the consciousness of the wearer when it's complete. function."

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a contemporary Flamel. The vice-principal was able to analyze so much information based on just one fragment.

"Judging from the lines, it is indeed the style of ancient Northern Europe, and it is very consistent with the origin of the name Odin, but we don't know why his Nibelung roots appeared in Asia."

Manstein on the side also expressed his preliminary conclusion at this time. Because he did not bring any specific research tools, he could only draw this bit of information for the time being. However, he had no intention of returning the fragment to Angers. Instead, he and Guderian sat back on the chair with the fragment and continued to study it with interest.

No, why would anyone rumor that the protagonist of this book is Nantong? ? ? I'm convinced, I'm just not good at describing women.

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