The moment they sat down, a seat appeared under them. It was as comfortable as an ergonomic chair, lifting them to a certain height. This kind of riding experience was better than the first class cabin on a passenger plane. Be comfortable.

Levi smiled and said: Are you ready? We are about to take off.

The girls responded, and Levi controlled the white clouds to slowly rise into the sky. As the height increased, the girls also became a little nervous.

Akino Sakura said: It's broken, won't the people below see us?

Levi smiled and said: Don't worry, the outer layer of the clouds is blessed with invisibility spells. No matter it is the human eye or various modern technological detection instruments, there is no way to detect us. No matter where we go, we will be like ghosts. Like this, we come and go without a trace, and the people below don’t even know if we have passed by.”

There is no extraordinary power in this world. Levi can be said to be a me-only existence, so if he just uses the invisibility spell, he dares to travel carelessly on the white clouds. In the real world, if he doesn't do it well, With a full set of hidden magic blessings, he would never dare to fly on the clouds to the sky.

After all, the real world is too deep, and Levi doesn't want to overturn his career with a promising future, so in the real world, he will keep a low profile as much as possible and be an ordinary rich man.

However, Li Wei, who sneaked into the underworld through a puppet clone, obtained a lot of important information, which made him more determined to keep a low profile in the real world. Now, he may not even be able to pass the Ten Palaces of Yama and King Ksitigarbha. So being low-key is not a bad thing.

Although the Ten Palaces of Yama and Ksitigarbha are both high-end beings in the system of gods and Buddhas, they are not ordinary cats and dogs. Being able to confront such beings head-on is enough to show the strength of Li Wei.

But now, Li Wei's biggest disadvantage is his lack of power. With his harem, how can he fight with the Heavenly Court and Buddhism, which have many soldiers and generals? A head-on confrontation is seeking death, so low-key education is the right way.

The height of the clouds is getting higher and higher, facing the setting sun, overlooking the city below.

Levi controlled the clouds and stabilized the altitude at about a thousand meters above the ground. This was not the first time he had taken a girl for a ride, but this method was so effective. It was more fun than driving on the river. If there are too many, it’s nothing to go for a ride on the ground. If you want to go for a ride, it’s in the sky. This is the true sense of the ride train.

Levi said: Should we make the bottom transparent? If the bottom is transparent, you can directly see the scenery below.

The girls hesitated for a while, and finally agreed to Li Wei's suggestion. The bottom of the cloud turned into transparent mode. When all the girls looked down, they felt that their legs were weak. There were also chairs supporting their bodies. If they were standing, , my legs were so weak that I couldn’t even stand up.


Some ordinary rich people own helicopters, but it is very troublesome to apply for routes for things in the sky. On the Neon side, people who can fly freely in the sky are the beautiful garrison here. Rich people from Hong Kong still need to go through a lot of procedures if they want to go to heaven.

The riding experience of this kind of cloud is much better than that of a helicopter. After all, helicopters inevitably make noise, and safety is also a problem. There are also many rich people around the world who have died due to helicopter crashes, just like reality. In the world, a certain basketball player who won many championships died like this.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko lowered her head and looked at the scenery below through the transparent floor. This was her first time to experience such a feeling, so it was very novel. It was a bit embarrassing to say that she had never ridden on a tram before. , when she traveled with her family before, she took the Shinkansen. This was her first real trip to heaven.

Sumireko Sansekiin whispered: This is the first time I have done something like this. I really hope I can learn how to do it in the future. It is the first time I have observed the city I live in from this perspective. It feels completely different from the ground.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: Looking at this height, both people and vehicles are as small as ants. The entire city is as exquisite as an ant's nest, but humans are much more powerful than ants, at least ants will never be able to build something like this. Spectacular city views.”

Hearing Akino Sakura's words, Levi thought of an interesting UP owner he followed in the real world. That person specialized in ant nest art. He poured aluminum that was burned to a liquid state into the ant nest, then allowed it to cool and solidify, and then painted it again. Dig it out and rinse it, and you will be able to get a mold of the ant kingdom with a complex structure. He found the complex three-dimensional city structure very interesting.

Although human cities are spectacular, after all, they can only be built on a flat surface, similar to the underground kingdom of ants. With human's current technology, whether it is the real world or the world here, it is still a little behind.

Levi smiled and said: Everyone, sit tight. Next, we are going to Egypt.

Eh? Is it so far away? Hinata showed a surprised expression.

Levi smiled and said: For ordinary people, it is indeed very far, but for me it is only a matter of less than a second. We will teleport directly.

If you go directly there, even if the acceleration has been reduced again and again after being interfered by the spell, it will still have a certain impact on the girls. If you go directly there, it is the most comfortable way to travel.

The girls only felt their eyes dazzle. When they reacted, the surrounding scenery had changed dramatically. At this time, they were above the desert, and the pyramids could be seen below. Due to the time difference, Egypt was now It's daytime here, so visibility is very high.

Levi smiled and said: The largest one below is the Pyramid of Giza. It is also the largest and most well-preserved pyramid in the world so far.

There are certain differences between the world here and the real world, and history is also specious, so some landscapes are different from the real world, just like the largest pyramid, the world here is different from the real world, and neon is On the other side, the character printed on Wan Yuan is Fukuzawa Yukichi in the real world, but in this world it is a young man named Sawada Yoshitoyo printed on it.

Hinata showed a surprised expression and said, This is my first time traveling abroad. I didn't expect to travel in such a way. This is really amazing.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: In the past, my family had thought about traveling abroad, but after checking the guide, I found that traveling abroad is very troublesome, and there are also various troubles such as language barriers and local gangs. So I gave up the idea of ​​going out.”

Sansein Sumireko said: Senior, where were your family members going?

Akino Sakura said: Hetalia.

The girls all understood that if it was there, it might not be a bad thing not to go there, because the Hetalia mafia was very rampant and there were a lot of thieves, and there were people missing there, most likely they were picked up by the locals. The criminal organization is tied up.

Hetalia can be said to be the successor of Rome. Although it appears to be relatively loose, there are many scenic spots and historic sites on its land. In addition to the large Colosseum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Hetalia in this world , there are many other monuments, if you are a travel enthusiast and are not afraid of the mafia, you can go and see them.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko said: I heard that the mafia there is very rampant, and even the mafia family members have been mixed into the political circles. It is a real snake and rat nest. It is best not to go to such a place. Not going.

Sanada Sugiha said: That's right, I saw the news before that in Hetalia, due to the merger of two mafia organizations, their cargo warehouse was exposed, and people found more than a dozen missing people inside. With foreign girls, a lot of poisons and weapons, that place is not exactly friendly to tourists.”

The clouds lowered their height and stopped at a height of only a few dozen meters above the ground. People could clearly see the details of the pyramid, and there were bustling tourists below. Attractions like this are very busy on weekdays.

Sanada Sugiha said: It feels like there's a lot of chaos down there.

There are a large number of locals making a living in various scenic spots in Egypt. Tourists from all over the world can enjoy the experience of being better than others as long as they are willing to spend money. Egypt in this world has experienced many wars, so it is still very backward until now. Its GDP is very low, and most goods can only be imported. Fortunately, Egypt is everywhere A country with ancient monuments depends on its mountains and its mountains. With a large number of tourist attractions, local people can earn rewards by serving foreign tourists to support their livelihood.

For only ten dollars, you can hire four local people to carry and fan your sedan chair. If you add ten dollars more, you can hire two more butlers to help you carry your luggage and bring food. It's quite cool to follow these people. matter.

However, because of poverty, the security here has never been very good. I still don’t have the courage to rob openly on the street, but all kinds of petty thefts are inevitable, and entering complex alleys, the risk will not be as high as that of Black Tully. How much difference is there?

Hearing Sanada Sugiha's words, the other girls cast their gaze downwards. Just as Sanada Sugiha said, it was indeed a mess down there, with a large number of sedans and temporary servants huddled together, and the big army was moving very slowly. .

Because this is a desert area, there is a risk of quicksand everywhere, so neither locals nor tourists dare to leave the roads built by the local authorities. It is normal for everyone to huddle together on the hardened roads.

Levi smiled and said: Happiness comes from comparison. People down there are suffering from the high temperature and huddled together, but we can enjoy the beautiful scenery here without getting too hot. For me, this is happiness.

The girls all nodded, saying that happiness comes from comparison, they are okay.

Chapter. Away from home

The clouds bypassed the pyramid. Not far away, there was a Sphinx that was not much smaller than the pyramid. However, the nose of the Sphinx in this world was still intact and had not been damaged. destroy.

The girls all showed expressions of surprise. Some even stood up and came to the outermost part of the clouds, leaning on the shield and looking down. Now, they have gradually adapted to the feeling of being in the sky, even Sakurahara Momo. He and Kusami Yue also began to be curious about the outside environment.

Mayamaya camellia sighed and said: This is the Sphinx. I have only seen pictures in world history textbooks before. There are many high-definition photos on the Internet, but now I can appreciate the scenery immersed in it. , this is the first time.”

Hanada Sui said: This is good now. If you travel across the country in the way of ordinary people, it is indeed a very tiring thing, and there are also language barriers and safety issues. Just like now, come quietly, quietly When we leave, no one knows we have been here, which feels pretty good~

Hanada Sui is a girl who pays more attention to privacy. Some people like to show their lives. If they travel somewhere, then a large number of photos and videos will be left on the dating software. Everyone in his life circle will know that he is out there. -Going on a trip.

Hanada Sui would not do this, she preferred it like this, which gave her a secret sense of pleasure. However, considering that her hometown is in Kyoto, she lived with her grandfather and grandmother for a period of time when she was a child, and was influenced by the older generation of Kyoto people, so it is understandable that she would be so boring.

Masamayama Camellia said: I forgot to bring my camera here, which is a pity. If I use my mobile phone, I'm afraid I won't be able to get the best results.

Masanya Camellia took out her mobile phone. She looked at the message interface of her mobile phone. It now showed that she was not in the service area. However, considering that the traffic information in Egypt was not available, it was normal that there was no message here. Regarding the matter, mobile phones are not satellite phones and do not have such powerful communication capabilities.

Mayama Camellia, who was holding her mobile phone, jumped down from her seat and came to the edge of the clouds. The camera of her mobile phone was focused on the Sphinx below. Because the height of the clouds was not high now, she didn't even need to focus. Adjustment.

Compared with bulky cameras, although today's mobile phones cannot pursue the ultimate shooting effect, automatic zooming and lighting are more suitable for ordinary people with poor shooting skills.

Levi came behind Zhenshanya Camellia, held her wrists with both hands, and whispered softly in her ear: There are also skills to shooting with a mobile phone. The most important thing is to keep it steady first, and then do it manually bit by bit. Adjustment.

Li Wei also has a good understanding of photography. After all, if you want to get the best results from a well-made model, you not only need the quality of the model itself to be strong enough, but also the camera skills should not be bad. It is precisely because In this way, Li Wei accumulated a lot of photography experience, and Li Wei has always been in the habit of traveling and taking photos. The photos taken during the trip are also the inspiration for his painting creation.

Mayamaya Camellia feels the warmth brought by Li Wei, and her attention has shifted from taking pictures to getting along with Li Wei. For her, photos and other things don't matter. Now, the moment she is getting along with Li Wei, for her That's the most important thing.

It would be great if we could be like this forever, husband, will you always love me? Masanya Camellia leaned back into Levi's arms and whispered.

Li Wei said softly: The fear in your heart is all illusion, because now you have grasped the truth, I will be good to you now and always be good to you, so all you need to do is to leave everything to me with peace of mind. Know what to do.”

Li Wei has very high requirements for the girls around him. Girls who can catch his eye will not be bad people. Although Mayamaya Camellia has a bit of an impatient personality, she is a good girl who is enthusiastic and responsible. For everyone Levi will never let down a good girl.

For example, those bad women have done a lot of evil things, and Li Wei is their punishment. Naturally, Li Wei will not have any sympathy for those bad women, and he can do whatever it takes to make them happy. But for good girls, Levi's attitude is to hold them in the palm of his hand, because good girls deserve to be cherished.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

When watching the anime, Mayama Camellia didn't play much time because she didn't have many scenes, so Li Wei didn't know much about her at the time. Li Wei only knew that she played a role in the second half of the novel. There are so many, it can even be regarded as the real heroine of a certain volume. Audiences who only watch anime will only know this girl in a few scenes of the anime, and then leave a stereotype in their hearts, thinking that she is a fierce and fierce girl. Impatient girl.

But as Li Wei spent more time with her and secretly observed how she dealt with others, Li Wei could be sure that apart from poor cooking skills and a bit of a short temper, this girl had no other problems, and Cooking skills and temper are minor problems that can be corrected. Just like now, Mayamaya Camellia has become much more stable, and the previous impatience is no longer visible on her body.


The girls had all left their seats and came to the edge of the clouds. Looking down, there were also a large number of tourists at the foot of the Sphinx. Officials had specialized personnel to maintain order here. In order to protect these cultural relics, these tasks The personnel all have guns in their hands. Anyone who dares to touch these monuments directly will be pointed at the gun. Locals will get into trouble with shuttles. Although tourists from outside will not be killed, they will be hit by a few gun butts. .

Although such protection measures are a bit crude, they are indeed very effective. Foreign tourists look at these monuments from a distance, and no one dares to cross the isolation zone and touch the monuments with their hands. Li Wei thought of China in the real world. In the past few years, before the overall quality had been improved, some tourists had vandalized the monuments, leaving inscriptions such as someone visited here. Ancient monuments that lasted hundreds of thousands of years were suddenly destroyed. Being destroyed is really sad.

Those people can only eat gun butts in a place like this.

After the girls had taken enough photos, Levi smiled and said: Next we will go to Hetalia. After going to Hetalia, we will go to the North Pole to see the aurora.

Okay! The girls all cheered. The itinerary arranged by Levi was very suitable for their tastes.

Chapter. Nouveau riche style

Levi activated the transmission beacon again, and the white clouds instantly disappeared from their place and appeared in Hetalia on the other side of the earth. However, due to the time difference, people did not enjoy the most beautiful scenery.

The pedestrians who did not stay in Hetalia for too long went directly to the North Pole, and then enjoyed the colorful aurora there. Finally, before the two girls Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue's access time, Levi took Pedestrians returned the neon.

The short but wonderful journey made the girls very satisfied. Things like traveling are actually very cumbersome. There is nothing simple when traveling far away. There are all kinds of items to carry, and there are also things on the road. Cost and arrangement are all troublesome.

And for a trip like this, you can leave as soon as you want and come back as soon as you want. It is simple and easy, and does not require any fatigue at all. This is the most perfect trip in the eyes of girls.

After the trip, the lives of Li Wei and the girls returned to peace. Li Wei was enjoying the spring campus life every day, enjoying the envy of the boys and enjoying the welfare of the girls around him. The rain and dew and the big congratulations to the sun spread dog food in front of them, stimulating the two people and racking up points.

However, this kind of life is not permanent. Levi had a lot of fun teaching the two girls Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue to dance. The two girls, as they said themselves, had nothing to do with anything. He has a basic dance foundation, but he happens to be a novice with no foundation at all. The way he stumbles while learning is even more adorable.

Levi took some spare time to complete all the girls' dresses. At the beginning of the design, Levi solicited the girls' opinions. After revising it several times, Levi completed all the dresses according to the final draft. All the dresses were made.

What surprised Levi was that the colors of the dresses chosen by the girls were clear white or silver. When he asked them, the answer he got was that white has more of a wedding dress feel.

But having said that, when Levi was designing the girls' dresses, he also referred to the dignified and elegant style of wedding dresses, so it is normal for the styles to be somewhat similar. Although everyone uses silver-white as the main color, each girl's dress has its own characteristics in terms of decorations and other embellishments. Li Wei made a lot of adjustments in details based on their personal temperament, making each girl's dress unique. The dresses are all highly recognizable and not identical.

Normally, wearing shirts is just a small embarrassment. Much like a dance like the Flower Dance Festival, it can be said to be an important celebration that all students in the school pay attention to. At this time, wearing clothes is not as simple as embarrassment. It can even be Became the laughing stock of the students.

Finally, the time came for the Flower Dance Festival. Although it was already a week ago, because of this grand festival, most of the students, except for those who wanted to go to private schools, were in the school to participate in this novel celebration.

After several days of renovation, the school's basketball gym had completely changed its appearance. When the students entered the gym, most of them showed shocked expressions.

On the huge stage, Levi stood on it, holding a microphone in his hand. Although he could make a huge voice without a microphone, considering that he was pretending to be an ordinary person now, he still had to be honest.

Li Wei looked at the people below and nodded with satisfaction. He likes to be lively, and his spiritual senses are released. Li Wei counted the numbers clearly in an instant. There are more than 2,000 students in the entire school, and there are nearly 2,000 people in the school. Participating in this dance here, I have to say, it really gave him face.

However, there were not that many people who put on beautiful dresses, got ready to go to the dance floor, and danced with the boys and girls they liked. That is, there were more than 300 people. Most of the students came to watch the fun. .

However, it’s good to come and watch the fun. Just like what people in the entertainment industry often said in the past, those who are rich support the show for money, and those who have no money support the show for themselves. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to dance, as long as the people come.

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