From the moment they didn't object to Levi measuring their bodies, their attitudes had changed.

Levi could feel that the two girls no longer resisted him at all, and he knew that the time was ripe.

None of the three people spoke, and the room became quiet again. Levi looked at the two girls, his eyes seemed calm, but full of love, which made both girls dare not look into Levi's eyes.

Levi said: I was hesitant before about whether to tell you, but now I have made up my mind to tell what is in my heart. Cherry, Yue, I like you.

Both girls raised their heads with surprised expressions on their faces. Neither of them expected that Levi would make his words clear here. In this case, there would be no room for mediation between the two parties.

Kusami Yue's heart was complicated, she was both happy and worried. She whispered: Li Weijun, you already have President Akino Sakura and Pansy by your side, why do you still need to confess to us?

Levi smiled and said: Because I am a very greedy person, and I don't want the girl I like to leave me, so I choose to satisfy my greed and want you to stay with me forever.

Kusami Yue said in a low voice: This is too greedy. Li Weijun, you already have two girls by your side. Aren't you still satisfied?

In fact, Kusami Yue could no longer refuse Levi in ​​her heart, but now she was accustomed to being harsh. At the same time, she also wanted to know why Levi would provoke them when there were already girls around.

As a neon girl, Kusami Yue has a good understanding of various phenomena in neon society. She knows how difficult it is for ordinary men and women to find a suitable partner, but for those rich men and women, their private lives But it's quite confusing. Those wealthy men often have red flags flying in the house, and they even have three wives and four concubines, and a house full of children and grandchildren.

Neon is a modern country on the surface, but because the privileged ruling class was not liquidated after the war, the customs of the old society are still retained in many places. Rich men have multiple partners. In Neon, the entire Normal things that society has silenced.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Kusami Yue knew that she was just a side room by Levi's side at most, but even if she knew such a thing, she still couldn't refuse Levi, because her affection for Levi was already overflowing. If she missed it As for Li Wei, she would rather live alone for the rest of her life.

Levi smiled and said: The girls around me are not just Sakura and Sumireko, but even so, I still hope that you can join my family and become an eternal part of my life. I love you, and I can't stand you not being by my side. I couldn’t see you in those days, and I thought about it day and night. I didn’t want to suffer such torture, so I mustered up the courage to confess to you. No matter whether you accept or reject, at least I can get the answer, even if I fail in the end. , it can also cut off my thoughts.

... .....

Sakurahara's mind seemed to explode. In just a short moment, her mind was like a revolving lantern, with a large number of pictures flashing through her mind. She had already made up her mind.

Sakurahara Momo took a deep breath and said with a serious expression: Li Weijun, I am willing!

Eh?! Kusami Yue next to her finally showed a shocked expression like a normal person. Now she was very shocked inside. She didn't expect that Sakurahara Momo would accept Levi's confession so decisively.

Senior, you just agreed like this?! Kusami Yue was so shocked that her voice trembled.

Sakurahara Momo put a hand on her heart, with a reassuring smile on her face, and said with a smile: I really can't deceive my heart. I like Li Weijun, very, very much, even in my dreams. Being able to meet Li Weijun. Do you know how surprised I am now that Li Weijun would confess to an ordinary girl like me? Moreover, I am afraid that after rejection, I will never have another chance. I don’t want the second half of my life to be full of regrets. So, I want to seize my own happy future!”

Sakurahara Momo's words made Kusami Yue fall into silence. Kusami Yue realized that this was only a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and if it was missed, it would probably be missed for a lifetime. A being like Li Wei would never turn back, so she had no choice but to agree.

Chapter. Increase in family members

Kusami Yue quickly said: I am willing too!

Sakurahara Momo is not the only one who wants to seize her own happy future, but she too. Just like what Sakurahara Momo said, things like fate are often missed if they are missed. Therefore, she, like Sakurahara Momo, does not want to live in regret for the rest of her life.

Levi opened his hands, hugged both girls into his arms, kissed them heavily on their faces, and said with a smile: I will let you know what true happiness is. You will hand over your future to me. I, I am naturally responsible for your future.

Kusami Yue said softly: I know that I can only be a side room at best, and I know what I should do.

I feel pity for Kusami Yue's current weak appearance, and Sakurahara Momo on the other side also looks sensible. Both girls understand that the position of the main wife is not their turn. .

Levi gently pinched the cheeks of the two girls and said with a smile: I don't have any internal hierarchy here. You are all equally important to me. You are all my partners, there is no hierarchy. So, don’t worry about these problems.”

Modern times have always advocated equality for everyone, but no organization or country can achieve true equality for everyone. Where there are people, there must be classes.

However, Levi's floating island has almost achieved this goal. His companion body has reached an internal balance. There is no distinction between superior and inferior. Everyone enjoys it equally. To the outside world, floating is Sky Island is already a utopia. It may not be perfect, but it is always moving towards perfection.

Levi moved his hands down, hugged the slender waists of the two girls, and said, Maybe you will not be used to it now, but when you know the situation of the big family, you will like this big family.

Levi is not going to tell the two girls his real secret yet. Only when they get along well and the two girls have very deep feelings for him will he tell the fact that he will eventually leave this world. Levi did this to other girls before. He waited until those girls couldn't live without him before he showed off his cards. Now, the tactics he uses are similar.

Sakurahara Momo whispered: Li Weijun, it's time for us to go out now.

Levi let go of the two girls and smiled: The data has been measured, it's time to go out.

Levi counted the time and spent almost half an hour measuring the two girls' bodies. The time spent on actually measuring their bodies was not that much. Most of the time, he was testing the two girls' bodies with various body movements. Bottom line, at the same time, he also uses this method to cultivate girls' affection for him.

Levi took the two people out of the room and went to the lobby outside. In the seating area of ​​the lobby, Sakura Akino and Sumireko Sanseki were chatting and laughing with the clerk. When they saw the three people coming out, they all stood up.

The clerk Yuekawa came to Li Wei and said softly: Mr. Li Wei, have you measured your body measurements?

Li Wei smiled and said?:;!;??For future use;;!!:.!?.: Thank you for your tool, it is very easy to use. I have obtained the data. I:;, !:,::''..:?『.!'.?:?!』!;;!;?I won't borrow your place in vain, and I will pay the dues.

The clerk Yuekawa said quickly: Sir, there is no need to be so polite. You are just borrowing the place. We can't help you with anything. You don't need to pay any price, sir.

Li Wei looked at the other party's real appearance and knew that the other party was acting with him, but he would not expose the other party's performance. He said calmly: Okay, if you need services in this area in the future, I will come. Looking for you.

Levi held the hands of Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue, came to the front of Sansein Sumireko and Akino Sakura, and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: Um... Sumireko, Sakura, this time, you need two more A sister.

Hearing Levi's words, Akino Sakura and Sansekiin Sumireko laughed out loud.

Sansekiin Sumireko smiled and said: I have known for a long time, husband, that you like Sakura-senpai and Tsukimi, and they also like you very much. The current situation is just a matter of time. Moreover, I know Sakura-senpai very well Sister and Tsukimi, they are both good girls, if it were the two of them, I wouldn’t have any objections.”

Akino Sakura smiled and said: The increase in the number of family members means that the family is becoming more prosperous, which is a good thing.

Levi pretended to be relieved and said, As long as you don't mind.

Sansekiin Sumireko smiled and said, Leave the sunflowers and camellias to us.

Sanshikiin Sumireko already had a complete set of response plans. Since she wanted to bring Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue into the big family, she must have made a complete set of plans to ensure that the two new members of the big family People will not be rejected by the original old members.

However, Sansekiin Sumireko also knows very well that as long as the new members are not bad people and have bad tempers, Mayamaya Camellia and the others will not be too repulsive, because they are already a little overwhelmed. Li Wei, it is also a good thing to be able to share the firepower with multiple people.

Levi said softly: Sorry to trouble you, Sumireko.

Sanseiyuan Sumireko Bingxue is smart, but also a little protective of her shortcomings. She is like an advanced version of Shuang'er in The Deer and the Cauldron. This kind of smart girl will give priority to the benefits of the entire family when doing things and stand at the front of the family. From the perspective of the owner, it can be said that it is the existence of IKEA.

Sumireko Sansekiin smiled and said, Senior Sakura and Tsukimi have helped me in many places before, so now I want to help them too.

Sanshiki Sumireko knew very well that it was Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue who protected her at the beginning. Hazuki Yasuo's attitude towards other girls was purely to use, but for her, he wanted to completely possess her. Sakurahara Momo at the beginning Wakusa Mizuki's actions inadvertently protected her from the clutches of the devil. It was precisely because of this that she had enough time to study and escape from the environment that made her feel depressed and suffocated.

If she had not left there, she would not have met Levi. Although it is said that drinking and pecking has its own fate, she will not forget this favor, and it is even possible. Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue have changed The important turning point in her destiny was that with the help of two people, she was able to meet Li Wei on Nishiki Tsugao's side and completely change her destiny.

If we were to be serious about this kind of favor, she would never be able to repay it in her lifetime. She was a person who hated owing favors to others. It was precisely because of this that she thought of including Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue into the big family. This is a way to repay the favor I owed you.

Chapter 4. Family gathering

Levi smiled and said: It's already this time, it's almost dinner time, have you figured out what to eat for dinner?

Sakurahara Momo said: Li Weijun, if I want to go back too late at night, I must say hello to my family first.

Kusami Yue said: Me too, I have to go home before half past midnight, no matter what the reason is.

Both girls have very strict upbringings and are not allowed to stay overnight without special reasons. However, the number of families with strict upbringings like this is much less than before.

Because today's Neon people, the relationship between family members has become quite weak, and they usually live their own lives. When Li Wei was studying abroad in Neon in the real world, he often saw news about various old people dying alone. , the old man has been dead for two or three years, and his family just discovered that the old man was gone. It can be imagined how weak the concept of family affection is in Neon people.

It is said that whatever is lacking, make up for it. Neon society is indifferent and everyone is an island. That’s why anime and TV series emphasize love and friendship, family and bonds. The reason is that the real Neon people are too indifferent. , too lonely.

Levi smiled and said: The access control at half past o'clock is very reasonable. Don't worry, I will arrange a car to take you home after dinner time. You don't have to worry about the access control time.

Normal parents will control their children and will be scolded if they come home too late. That is to say, those bad girls who have been abandoned by their families will stay out all night.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: We've finished talking about the access control, now it's time to think about what to eat for dinner, right? The chef at Li Weijun's family is very skilled in cooking.

Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue are still a little uncomfortable with this situation. After all, raising a chef alone is something only those wealthy families do. The most wealthy people can do is stay outside for a while. It's just a restaurant, but raising a chef is much more expensive than running a restaurant.

Li Wei smiled and said: I have ingredients from all over the world, and the cooking styles from most regions in the world can be made by the chefs below.

Sakurahara Momo originally thought that people would finish the meal outside, but she didn't expect that Levi and Akino Sakura wanted to go to Levi's house.

Sakurahara Momo was also very curious about where Li Wei lived. She even wondered whether there might be a little imperial uncle hiding under Li Wei's bed.

However, Sakurahara Momo thought, does a rich man like Li Wei still need a little imperial uncle? Is there really such a need? He waved his hand, what kind of girl do he want? Thinking this way, Sakurahara Momo felt that it was incredible that she could be seen by Levi. It made her feel that she was just like the protagonist of those girls' comics. Prince Charming fell from the sky and brought her a happy future.

Every girl has had lingering fantasies, dreaming about a prince charming falling from the sky, or a black knight suddenly coming to her side. Just like a boy going through his period, girls are actually the same, but the content of their imagination is different.

Sansekiin Sumireko smiled and said: Then let's have lobster, butter crab and tuna.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: Add Mexican barbecue.

Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue were a little confused as they watched the two people beside them skillfully finish ordering. This was too skillful.

Sumireko Sansekiyuan smiled and said: Then let me tell the others and see if they can come. Today, two new members have joined our big family. It will be more memorable if everyone can come.

Kusami Yue is also a little curious in her heart. She knows that there are definitely not only two girls around Levi, Sumireko Sanseki and Sakura Akino. She will naturally be curious about the other girls around Levi. After all, everyone will get along day and night in the future. If If the person she is getting along with has a better temper, she will be able to relax a lot. Moreover, the girls who can be admired by Li Wei must be beautiful women. She also wants to see what kind of beauties those girls are and why they can be admired by Levi.

Levi said: Then you give the information to others, and I will call the chef here.

As for the ingredients, they can be represented by gourmet tablecloths, so no matter where the ingredients are, even if they are not in season, Levi can get them. No matter what time, the chefs below can get the top ingredients.

After Li Wei finished the call, Sansein Sumireko also spread the news. The other girls all said that they would rush over immediately. Although spending time with family is an important thing, now, the big family has a new member. Joining, this is the first meeting between the two parties. It is really unreasonable not to come at this time.

The pedestrians didn't have much time to wander outside before they took the car back to the villa.

When the car drove into the wealthy area, Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue both showed curious expressions and looked at the scenery outside the window.

When the two girls behaved like this, both Sumireko Sanshiki and Sakura Akino showed knowing smiles, because they were like this when they first came here, but now they are used to this kind of scenery. And because they have become long-lived practitioners, their mentality has also changed and become more peaceful.

Because for them now, time is meaningless and everything in the world is so short. Therefore, except for the people around them, there is no need to devote too much energy to external things. Good things are the same, bad things are the same. It's the same, it has nothing to do with them.

Sumireko Sansekiyuan smiled and said: To be honest, we come here often, but we don't know what kind of people the neighbors are.

Levi said: They are rich, but their foundation is not very clean. Most of the neighbors here are like this.

Levi's words aroused the curiosity of the four girls. Even Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue, who were looking out the window, turned their heads and looked at Levi with curious eyes.

Levi said: I bought the entire land and built many houses on it. Outside the scope of my land, the family living in front of us is the owner of a construction company. He has a close relationship with the Yakuza organization. There is a deep connection, many of the construction workers under him are extreme people, and they are all the kind with blood on their hands. The construction company is their official identity, but the real situation is that they are involved in pornography, gambling and drugs.

Levi's words stunned the four girls. They had never thought that such a villain could be lurking in such a place.

Levi continued: The family who lives in the house on our left is engaged in finance and funds. However, they do a lot of tricks and often cheat people. Because of their skillful methods and protective umbrella, they have been doing it until now. No one can do anything to them.

Akino Sakura said: This one is more cruel, killing people without blood in the true sense.

Levi continued: The owner of the house that lives on our right is not here usually. This is his real estate. He is one of the top dignitaries in Neon. In a word, there are people rushing to help him deal with it. Dirty work.”

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