Sakurahara Momo sighed in her heart, people really can't just look at the surface. At the beginning, she really thought Hazuki Yasuo was a perfect gentleman, so she gave all her trust. The current situation can be said to be unfortunate and fortunate.

Levi smiled and said: It's a good thing that you can get rid of the shadow of the past. When I saw you two a few days ago, you looked worried. Now that you can smile naturally, aren't you more beautiful? ? Girls just have to smile more to become more beautiful.

Levi's words made Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue blush a little. Levi was very familiar with this aspect. However, they didn't hate Levi like this. At least they didn't have to worry when chatting with Levi. Quiet.

Sakurahara Momo smiled and said: Thank you Li Weijun for your help. It is precisely because of your help that we can laugh like this. By the way, your school's flower dance festival will be held in a while. You have already prepared it. Are you ready?

Levi smiled and said: You have to ask our president.

Akino Sakura said: This year, the Flower Dance Festival is completely different from previous years. Moreover, I would like to invite you two to participate in our school's Flower Dance Festival. The festival is held on a Sunday. I think it shouldn't matter to you. Something about that, right?

Kusami's expression changed slightly, and she said in a soft voice: Can outsiders like us also participate?

Akino Sakura smiled and said: Aren't we friends? Isn't it normal to invite friends to a party? It's just a small number of external school personnel, which is completely fine. However, you have to ask Li Weijun to help you two prepare suitable dresses. That’s all.”

Sakurahara Momo said: You want a dress? It's not good to let Li Weijun spend money. We are just here to visit.

Sakurahara Momo has already owed Levi a huge favor, and how to repay this favor is still a problem. If she has to owe a new favor now, she doesn't know how to repay it.

Levi smiled and said, I'll take care of the dress. Tomorrow I'll ask professionals to measure your figures. I promise to make a dress for you that's beautiful and close to your body.

Sumireko Sanshiki and Sakura Akino looked at each other, and both saw the plan was successful smile on each other's faces. Sumireko Sanshiki and Sakura Akino had already discussed in private to bring the two lovely girls Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue into the big family. Akino Sakura had no objection to such a thing. On the contrary, they were happy to see it work out, so the two hit it off and made such a plan.

Akino Sakura gently kicked Levi's feet under the table and said: The production of dresses also takes time. We will find a custom clothing shop later, borrow their scale, and measure the body data of the two of you first. Come out, in this case, the dress can be made from the moment we get the production data today, and you two can get the dress earlier.

Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue were a little embarrassed. Akino Sakura and Sanshiki Sumireko invited them to participate in the festival so enthusiastically that they really couldn't say no.

Moreover, both of them are quite interested in Nishigi Tsutaka's Hanamai Festival. Not only can they visit the site, but they can also participate in the festival in person. Such a thing is very rare.

Because there are some conflicts between the two schools, there is relatively little communication between the student body. As the president of the Gladiolus High School Student Council, Sakurahara Momo participated in the Flower Dance Festival, which can also alleviate the tension between the students of the two schools to a certain extent. body contradiction.

The student body is very emotional. The conflicts between the student bodies of the two schools are very boring to the student union members of both schools, just like the conflict between the fans of two football clubs. In fact, It's not an irreconcilable conflict, but students are easy to get into trouble. If they are provoked a little bit, they can easily be coerced into doing irrational things.

Students from both schools were scolding each other on the Internet, and with someone stepping up the tempo, the situation became what it is now.

Akino Sakura and Sanseki Sumireko have already made a complete plan. Of course, such things are hidden from Li Wei, but what they don't know is that Li Wei knows their plan, but this Things were good for him, so he pretended not to know. If he wanted to enjoy the flowers, he had to learn to play dumb.

Sakurahara Momo looked at Akino Sakura's uniform, showing a surprised expression, and said: Speaking of the dress, Sakura, you actually changed your uniform? When did this happen? The new uniform looks better than the old uniform. Too much.

What Sakurahara Momo said is true. Before, Nishiki Tsutaka's uniform was considered ugly among all the high school students. They had already become famous for their ugliness. Now there is such a huge change suddenly. Sakurahara Momo is now Afterwards, I was still a little unable to react.

Akino Sakura took the drink she ordered from the waiter's hand and said with a smile: It's just happened in the past two days. Now all the girls in the school have changed into new uniforms. I used to be a little envious of Gladiolus Gao's uniforms, but now I don’t have to be envious anymore.”

Now, it's Momo Sakurahara and Tsuki Kusami who are envious, because Nishiki Tsutaka's new girls' uniform is really good-looking.

Chapter.Campus Storm

Sakurahara Momo said: To be honest, our school's uniforms are not very good, but it is too troublesome to change the uniforms. This kind of thing, if we are at Gladiolus High, it is just an issue for everyone to discuss. And then there’s nothing more to it.”

Sakurahara Momo knows very well that there is a big gap between public schools like Gladiolus and private schools like Nishiki Tsuta. Not only is the teaching content much worse, but the overall facilities and environment of the campus, as well as the overall personality of the students. Family conditions are quite different.

Precisely because they can't keep up with Nishiki Tsuta in every aspect, Gladiolus students are jealous of Nishiki Tsuta's students. Now that school uniforms are here again, this feeling of jealousy will become even more intense.

School uniforms are expensive for students in most schools. It is very normal to pay three to four hundred thousand yuan for a school uniform. Ordinary families will feel pained by such expenses.

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: We were able to complete the change of school uniforms in such a short period of time, and Li Weijun took the greatest credit, because he paid for the change of school uniforms personally, so the girls Only then will they be willing to change their school uniforms. After all, serious school uniforms are very expensive.

The serious school uniforms are a complete set, including different outfits for the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, so that students can easily change and wash them. And those COSPLAY props, because the fabrics and workmanship are very economical, there is no need to consider comfort. Basically, there is no need for lining, so it can be so cheap.

Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue both looked at Levi with surprised eyes. Although they knew that Levi was rich, even for a rich person, such a thing seemed weird and ridiculous. Anyway, in the eyes of these two people, it was normal. Human beings cannot do such things.

Li Wei smiled and said: Because I really can't stand the ugly old school uniforms designed by the previous school. I came to Neon from Chongguo just to experience the colorful campus life of Neon high school students. Who knows? You know, the school uniform alone can teach me. The girls’ uniforms used by Nishiki Tsugao were just better than the sportswear-style uniforms worn by Okikuni. They look like a sack when put on them. What do you call that?”

Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue didn't know what to say when they heard Levi's complaint. Although Nishiki Tsugao's girls' school uniforms were indeed ugly before, they were not the most ugly girls' uniforms among all Gaodang. Levi complained like a sack, the designer of the last school uniform would have cried~.

However, as Li Wei said, the high-end girls' uniforms made by Nishiki Tsugao really don't show off their figures. Although the girls' uniforms with Gladiolus heights are not good-looking, they can at least show off their figures. Is there any clue? You can see it with your eyes.

Now, the school uniforms worn by Sakura Akino and Sumireko Sanshiki are so beautiful, they look like the uniforms of an aristocratic school. Both the workmanship and the fabric look very expensive. Moreover, the two girls are beautiful and beautiful. After wearing such school uniforms, they can be said to be the best in their clothes, giving them the feeling of being the eldest lady of an aristocratic girls' school.

Kusami Yue whispered in a voice that only she could hear: I'm so envious. It would be great if we could also wear school uniforms like this.

Her voice was very small, like a breeze. Even Sakura Akino and Sumireko Sansekiin, who had become practitioners, could not detect it. However, Levi, who had excellent hearing, heard Kusami Yue's small voice. I said to myself that girls all love beauty, at least most girls do.

Pedestrians chatted about recent events, and Sakurahara Momo told all about her school. During this period, Gladiolus High was in a state of turmoil. With Hazuki Yasuo as the Uzumaki Heart, all kinds of things were going on. During this period of time, the melon-eating party is contented. Various scandals and scandals about campus celebrities are the best food for the curious students.

Levi already knew these things, but he still pretended to be excited, nodding from time to time, and occasionally saying a few words.

Li Wei knows that girls are all hexagrams, even Sansein Sumireko and Akino Sakura. It should be women's nature to say hexagrams.

Sakurahara Momo's mouth felt a little dry as she spoke. She took a sip of the drink and moistened her throat. She then told all the recent events in one breath, and she talked for more than ten minutes without realizing it. She is now very passionate about Hazuki Yasuo's revenge. There are some things that people don't want to know unless they are done by themselves. As long as they are done, they will leave traces. Once someone is looking for them, they will be easily exposed. Ye Tsukiho's problem lies in the unclean ending.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Although Hazuki Yasuo is very scheming, after all, he is only a high school boy, and his maturity is limited. Although it is a dimensionality reduction blow for his peers, but in the face of the well-equipped Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue, as well as the With the support of the two girls, Li Wei's little tricks didn't work at all. Instead, the more he did, the more mistakes he made, so much so that even his own personality in school was almost gone. Can't hold on anymore.

... .....

Everyone pushed against the wall and broke the hammer of thousands of people. Now it is not only the unlucky ones who were cheated by Hazuki Yasuo, but also those outsiders who were unhappy with Hazuki Yasuo and started to slander him. In addition to his own dirty information In addition, he also fabricated a lot of dirty information about Hazuki Yasuo. Now Hazuki Yasuo has no way to control the situation.

In a sense, Hazuki Yasuo is the author of You are the only one who likes me? ! 》The final BOSS of this work, with his extraordinary abilities and perfect character, put huge pressure on the original protagonist of the plot, Kisaragi Yuro. If it were not for the protagonist's aura, Kisaragi Yuro would have no way to compete with Hazuki Yasuo.

After all, Kisaragi Uro's character is just a good old guy, while Hazuki Yasuo is completely an advanced version of him. His character has reached the level of a perfect gentleman, and his appearance and ability far surpass Kisaragi. Rain and dew, after all, are still as dark as the rain and dew like the moon, not as dark as Hazuki Yasuo's.

Akino Sakura looked at the clock on the wall in the store and said: Unknowingly, it has already been this time. Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue, let's find a place to measure your body data first. I remember There is a shop here that specializes in custom-made clothing, and you can borrow measuring tools from them.

At this moment, Akino Sakura is in a state of disbelief.

Chapter. Be friends with rich people

Kusami Yue said: It's a bit bad for Li Weijun to spend money like this. After all, he just spent a lot of money to change the uniforms of the girls in the school.

Li Wei smiled and said: This is considered a favor between friends. Don't refuse it in a hurry. I think with your personal financial resources, customizing a dress should not be a problem. The main problem is time. A typical custom shop is There is no way to complete the production in such a short time. What I am saying here is mainly so that you two can get your own dress quickly.

Sakurahara Momo wanted to complain in her heart. What Kusami Yue wanted to say was not in this regard, but for a rich man like Levi, he would do whatever he wanted to do directly, and would not do it like ordinary people. He was hesitant, so it was not strange for him to be so straightforward.

However, custom-made dresses are really expensive. If you want to make a custom-made dress just to attend a festival, it is really too luxurious. The average student is reluctant to spend such money. After all, a dress, even if it is a reduced-price student version, The starting price is 100,000 yuan, which is already a huge amount of money for students.

Sansein Sumireko stood up and said with a smile: While it's still early, let's go over there and measure our figure first. A private custom shop like that closes relatively early. We You have to get there before they close.”

For this plan, Sanseki Sumireko and Akino Sakura spent all their own money and bribed the store over there to let them cooperate with them in the show. The store opposite was not interested in such a sudden change from the sky. Naturally, I will not refuse the pie that comes down.

The money spent by the two girls was also given to them by Li Wei, but the amount was very huge for ordinary people. It is precisely because of this that the two girls spent money together to be able to play with money. Make trouble.

Sakurahara Momo hesitated for a moment and said, Well, thank you for your kindness. It's really shameful that you even have to prepare evening clothes.

Levi smiled and said: This is help between friends and a little thought from me. You don't need to think so much.

Sakurahara Momo smiled bitterly inwardly. Being friends with a rich man sometimes really made her a little uneasy. After all, even if the rich man only showed a little bit of leakage between his fingers, he could make ordinary people feel full. Just like her now, she just goes to whoring for free. An evening dress. Moreover, for a wealthy person like Li Wei, the custom-made evening gown must be a very luxurious style. It is bought by purchase. It is definitely expensive. Anyway, a student like her can never afford this level of consumption. .

Levi waved in the direction of the bar, and the waiter came over.

Hello sir, is there anything I can do to help you? the female clerk in maid uniform said respectfully.

Check out. Levi took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to the female clerk.

The female clerk bowed slightly and walked to the bar with her bank card in hand. However, she kept looking at Levi from the corner of her eyes. After all, Levi was too handsome and had great lethality for women. The female clerks in the store actually had their eyes on Li Wei, and they were still talking about Li Wei in a low voice. They all thought that the four girls were the little girlfriends of the young man Li Wei, but their guess was very close to the truth. , after a while, their guesses will become reality.

After a while, the female clerk returned the bank card. Levi took the bank card and left the coffee house with the four girls.

Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue are still a little uncomfortable with things like Levi's checkout. After all, in Neon, when friends get together and eat in restaurants, most of them are AA-style. The price of this coffee house in a prosperous place is relatively high. Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue just plan to spend a lot of time here to feel what it is like to be a mature adult. Who knows, Levi, a rich man, can treat them directly .

However, considering that he and others would be able to get a dress and a drink, it was already a very small amount.

The pedestrians did not walk for long before they stopped in front of the slightly remote custom-made clothing store. Although the store was located in a relatively remote location and was not located on the busiest street, Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue, Looking at the dresses displayed in the shop window, I feel a little nervous. The price tag is simply not something ordinary people can afford.

Levi looked at the dresses displayed in the window and said: The design is pretty good, but the fabrics are still a bit too rough. Sure enough, a custom shop like this cannot produce truly top-notch works. The place is suitable as a place to measure the figure.”

Levi's words were quite arrogant. Sakurahara Momo looked at Levi and sighed inwardly, the rich are just different from ordinary people, and they can't even look down on such high-end dresses. However, she felt a little uneasy in her heart. She didn't know how expensive the dress Levi wanted to make for her would be.

Pedestrians pushed the door and entered the store. The interior of the store was antique and made people feel like they had traveled through time and returned to Europe in the 10th century. This was a top tailor shop specializing in tailoring clothes for nobles. Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Tsukimoto Some are not used to this high-end atmosphere and seem a little timid.

Although the lighting provided by the warm-toned lighting is not too strong, it enhances the overall atmosphere and makes everything here look very high-quality. It has to be said that Neon Man also has two skills in creating atmosphere. The products in this store can be priced so high. Even if such personal design is done well, such an atmosphere can also make people feel comfortable. Guests believe that this place is synonymous with luxury.

Inside the shop, a young girl with freckles on her face walked out. She was wearing something similar to a bartender's uniform and looked a little flustered.

Sumireko Sansekiyin smiled and said: Miss Tsukikawa, is Teacher Lily here? I have two friends here who need her help in measuring their figures.

The girl called Miss Tsukigawa was a little flustered and quickly bowed and said: I'm really sorry, Teacher Lily had a car accident this afternoon and is currently lying in the hospital. The doctor said she will need to recuperate for more than a month before she can return to normal. .”

Sansekiin Sumireko showed a surprised expression and said, Ah? Is Lily-sensei okay? How could there be a car accident?!

The girl said: When the teacher was crossing the road, he was knocked down by a bosozoku's motorcycle. He had to take a break for a month.

Sansekiin Sumireko said: Miss Tsukigawa, can you take the measurements of my two friends?

The girl was startled and waved her hands quickly and said: No, no, no, no! An apprentice like me who has just started learning can't even do things like measuring the body! It's just an ordinary body measurement. It's okay. If it's very precise, I can’t do the dress data!”.

Chapter.Creating opportunities

The freckled girl kept bowing her head and apologizing, and the scene seemed a bit awkward. Levi said: Miss Yuekawa, right? Don't apologize in a hurry. We can do this ourselves. You can lend us the tools in the store. Do you want to get off?

The girl raised her head, looked at Li Wei's face, her face turned a little red, and said hesitantly: The tools in the store are indeed very complete, but it is really unseemly to let customers do it themselves.

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said, It's enough if you can lend us the tools. Li Weijun happens to know how to design clothes. There shouldn't be any problem with measuring your figure, right?

Levi showed a confused expression and said, Eh? Isn't it your responsibility to do this kind of thing?

Sansekiyuan Sumireko smiled and said, I don't know how to tailor.

Akino Sakura said proudly: Me too.

Levi covered his forehead, sighed, and said, Don't say such things with a proud expression on your face. I'm a male. Isn't it embarrassing to measure a girl's figure? Although I do understand. Fashion design and tailoring, because of my hobbies, I have made clothes before, but this is the first time I have encountered a situation like this.

Sakurahara Momo and Kusami Yue both had blushing faces. After all, such a thing was too exciting for them. Moreover, they had some inexplicable expectations in their hearts. If it was really caused by Li If Wei measured their bodies, such a thing would not be unacceptable.

It would be a lie to say that I don't have a good impression of Levi. Levi is like warm sunshine, making people want to get close to him unconsciously. Naturally, the same is true for the two of them.

Sakurahara Momo turned her head slightly and whispered with a blushing face: If it is Li Weijun, it is not impossible.

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