Akino Sakura smiled and said: Most girls have free-spirited personalities and are not interested in the work of the student union. Classmate Li Wei, are you interested in taking a position in the student union?

Levi smiled and said: Is there such a good thing? There are certain thresholds for entering the student union, right? Is it really okay to just let me join?

Akino Sakura said: Members of the student union naturally need to assess their ability, but you don't need to, Li Wei, because everyone knows that you are a genius, and most things will not be difficult for you. Let you join the student union directly. Others The staff had no objections.”

Levi smiled and said: Okay, then I will join the student union. In this case, I can see you, senior, every day.

Levi's words made Akino Sakura's face turn red. She didn't expect that Levi would be such a talkative person. However, facing Levi's teasing, she didn't feel any resentment in her heart.

Chapter 4. Akino Sakura’s invitation

In fact, Li Wei has no interest in the work of the Student Union. After all, the work of the Student Union is of a strong service nature. In other words, it is to do various errands for the student body. On the surface, it seems quite powerful, but upon closer inspection Inside, you will find that a lot of the work of the student union is thankless and has no dedication. The work of the student union is torturing yourself.

The most lacking thing in the student union is the staff to hand over various lines of work, but among the high school students in Neon, those who do not join the club would rather go home directly than join the student union and become an official. There is a reason why the student union has become what it is now.

No one is a fool. Students who are willing to join the student union are all those who can find their own position in the student union and obtain certain benefits at the same time. They just rely on using electricity, which is something that no normal person would do.

Levi smiled and said: Senior, you are waiting for me here. You haven't had lunch yet, right? If you don't mind, how about having a casual meal together?

444 (remarks entered)

Akino Sakura's face suddenly turned red. Facing Levi's invitation, even her skin revealed a faint cherry pink color.

Akino Sakura ran away and said loudly: It's too fast! It's too fast! I'm not ready yet! Ahhh!

Levi looked at Akino Sakura's fleeing back and smiled. If Akino Sakura was a Q-version villain at this time, smoke would have started to appear on her head and her eyes would have turned into mosquito-repellent incense eyes.

Akino Sakura's character looks like a high mountain flower on the surface, but she is actually like the sister next door. She has a pretty good personality and occasionally goes off the rails. She is a cute girl.

Levi smiled and said: Then it's time for me to go back upstairs. After all, they are still waiting for me.

Levi's spiritual perception was released. In the rest area on the rooftop, the girls were chatting. The huge food box was already placed on the coffee table, but because he hadn't arrived yet, all the girls were in no hurry. Open the food box.

It has to be said that Neon Girls are quite traditional in some places. Just like in the current situation, if Levi, the head of the family, is not present, everyone will wait for Levi.

In the past, there was a saying, which was to live in a big and beautiful house, marry a neon wife, and hire a chef from Chongguo. Neon's society is very divided. Ordinary people and wealthy people are residents of two different worlds.

Ordinary women from the lower class are willing to learn all kinds of traditional etiquette in order to marry rich men, and they just have to copy the three obediences and four virtues from ancient China.

However, in neon tradition, women's status has always been low, so in daily life, they will give face to the head of the family in various details.

When Levi opened the door to the rooftop, the girls all stood up.

Welcome back, my lord. The girls stood up and said in unison, as if they had been rehearsed.

Li Wei smiled and said: Why are you so grand? It's not ancient times anymore. There's no need to talk about ancient things. Those are just dregs, specially used to torment people.

Sanada Sugiha smiled and said: We know that your husband is not a person who likes to worship the ancients, but we still have to express our gratitude. Being able to meet your husband is the greatest luck in life for us, so we hope to be able to give your husband You bring the best experience.”

Li Wei smiled and said: I still like you to be more free and lively. After all, you are at your current age when you are the most energetic. You don't need to learn those lifeless things. Besides, you and I are equal, so there is no need to praise me. High and mighty.”

Levi's words made the girls feel warm inside.

Neon men, due to the influence of the social environment, more or less have the problem of machismo. The core of machismo is that women are just appendages of men. Even if they are protected and respected, they are also arrogant.

But Neon women are already used to this kind of thing. After all, when the whole society is like this, you have to get used to it even if you hate it, because Neon women have no choice. And Levi's respect for them, the way he regarded them as equal beings from the bottom of his heart, was what touched them the most.

Levi smiled and said: Now that I'm here, there's no need to wait any longer. Let's start lunch.

Levi came to the sofa, sat down, and turned on the switch on the outer layer of the food box. The food box unfolded like a treasure box. The food this time was a product of the gourmet tablecloth, and the food box also had a special preservation spell. It works, so when the food box is opened, the rich fragrance bursts out instantly, giving the girls a full impact.

Lunch time was spent in a happy place, with delicious food and beauties complementing each other. Although this was not the first time for Levi to experience such a battle, such a situation was still a kind of enjoyment for him no matter how many times he came.

During the lunch break, Levi directly pulled out the folded part of the sand, turning the sand into a big bed, and then shared the lunch break with the girls.

When school was over in the afternoon, Akino Sakura came to the class where Levi and others were. The students in the classroom were a little surprised when they saw the sudden arrival of the student council president. For ordinary students, the student council president is the person at the top of the student body in the entire school. In addition, Akino Sakura has a pretty face and a good figure, so she is the goddess in the hearts of many boys.

Because school had just ended, the students had not yet left the classroom. At this time, Akino Sakura walked in and attracted everyone's attention.

Akino Sakura came to Li Wei, showed a dignified and graceful smile, and said: Classmate Li Wei, could you please come with me?

Levi said: Okay, I will make arrangements first.

Levi whispered to Hinoki Hina next to him: If you want to go back, just contact the driver directly.

Hina Yutachi said in a low voice: Let's not leave in a hurry. Sunflower has its own affairs to deal with. We will wait until Sunflower and Li Weijun have finished handling their affairs before we go back.

Levi said in a low voice: Okay then, I will follow the president out first. If you need anything, call him.

Levi turned around and smiled at Akino Sakura: President, let's go out.

Akino Sakura nodded and left the classroom with Levi. When the two left the classroom, the whole classroom was boiling. Sanshikiin Sumireko had returned to her true appearance. Now Akino Sakura is no longer the most beautiful in the school. A girl, but with the blessing of being the president of the student union, for ordinary students, she is still a very attractive person at the top of the social food chain. However, such a great beauty was related to Li Wei, and the boys in the class were wailing in their hearts.


After Levi left the classroom with Akino Sakura, Hinata Aoi said to the other girls around him: I have to make a break with Ruyue Yulu. I have to know why he is so malicious to me. Such a hidden danger must be It needs to be resolved as soon as possible.”

Mayamaya Camellia said: Then let's follow you. If there is any problem, we can respond immediately. That guy Ruyue Yulu seems to be a pretty good person on weekdays, but he knows people and faces but doesn't know their hearts. It's always better to be on guard. of.

Ri Xiangkui nodded and said: Li Weijun said that there are guards ambushing people everywhere in the school. Just where we can't see, there are guards protecting us. I'm not worried about safety issues. of.

Mayama Camellia said: Hikuori, you must be soft-hearted. After all, we are old friends who have known each other for such a long time, but I didn't expect that the other party has such great malice towards me. This kind of thing must be very uncomfortable.

Hinata smiled. This smile was very sincere and not forced. She said: If it were before, I would indeed be sad, but now I won't.

Hinata Kui's heart has been filled with Levi, full of happiness, and can no longer hold anyone else, so for her, as long as Levi treats her well, she has no pursuit. As for friendship, Can you compare with Levi?

How could an old friend who had known her for several years compare to Levi? On one side was her lifelong happiness, and on the other side was a so-called old friend who had become malicious to her. She knew very well how to choose.

Noharuna said: Let's just follow behind. I'm also very curious about what happened to Kisaragi Yuro. I heard someone said before that she saw Kisaragi Yuro kicking the trash can and smashing it. He was severely deformed, and his expression was ferocious, and he was cursing something. From then on, I knew that Ruyue Yulu had another personality hidden under the appearance of a good old man. He would be malicious to Sunflower. I personally think it is very Normal things.”

Mayamaya Camellia said: Is there such a thing? Why didn't I know?

Noharuna said with a smile: Because no one would believe such a thing. Instead, it would be considered as a rumor. After all, the good-natured person Ruyue Yulu behaves on weekdays is very deceptive. At least most people do. For being a pure good guy.”

Hanada Sui said: It's unreliable to say that he is a pure good person who can do things like kicking a trash can to vent his anger. I think he must have been disguising himself, just like Sumireko, Sumire Zi disguises herself to avoid trouble, while Ruyue Yulu disguises herself to establish herself as a good person.

Ruyue Yulu has good connections in the school, because he is a well-known good old man, and he is also an important member of the student union. For the sake of their own activities, the club members must respect Ruyue Yulu as much as possible.

Thinking about it this way, the girls understand why Ruyue Yulu wants to disguise herself, because the benefits of being a good person are too great. Maybe Ruyue Yulu also enjoys this feeling of being respected, so she suppresses herself for a long time. He was so angry that he disguised himself as a good old man.

Hinata walked up to Ruyue Yulu who was packing her schoolbag and said with a smile: Shower, can you come out? I have something to say to you.

Ruyue Yulu, who was packing her things, was stunned for a moment, and after she came to her senses, she quickly said: Okay, Sunflower, what's the matter with you that you can't talk about here? You're not willing to go home with me after school these days. I I thought you had changed.

Hinata said softly: Yes, I have changed. People will change. Until now, the only person who has not changed is you.

Hinata Aoi walked in front, Ruyue Yulu quickly packed her schoolbag and followed. The girls also left the classroom one after another. After leaving the classroom, they accelerated their pace towards the predetermined location. They soon caught up with Hinata Aoi Ruyue Yulu who was walking in front, and then hung far behind.

Hinata Aoi and Ruyue Yulu came to a relatively remote place. Not many people come here on weekdays. It is a good place to say things that are not convenient for others to hear. From time to time, boys and girls here will also regard it as a confession. A place like this, even if you fail to express your love and lose someone, it will not be known to outsiders. The other girls hid in the dark and looked at the two people in a confrontation with curious expressions.

Ruyue Yulu had a good old man's honest smile on her face and said: Sunflower, you called me here, don't you want to express your love to me?

Ri Xiangkui sighed and said: Such cold jokes are really not funny, and my heart can no longer tolerate other people. In this life, except for Li Weijun, my heart can no longer accommodate anyone else except him. .”

After hearing Hinata Aoi's words, Ruyue Yulu's expression became gloomy. Now he hates hearing about Li Wei the most. The more beautiful the girl in front of him is, the more heartache he feels. The girl who was his childhood sweetheart was taken away by others. This kind of thing, as long as it is a leader, there is no way to accept it calmly.

It's a pity that Ruyue Yulu knows that he can't afford to offend a rich man like Li Wei. He doesn't even dare to have the idea of ​​revenge against Hinata Kui, because he is not a bachelor who can feed himself and the whole family is not hungry. He also has his own Family members, if they really do something irrational, it will bring harm to them.

As one of the core officers of the student union, Ruyue Yulu is very clear about the operating rules of society. Although he has not left school yet, his knowledge of society has surpassed most of his peers. He has also seen the dark side of the student union and school leadership, and knows The world is not as bright as it seems on the surface. As an ordinary person, he is very small and powerless. However, any character can manipulate him casually. It is precisely because of this that he maintains his persona of a good old man. Not just for self-satisfaction, but also for self-protection.

Now Hinata has become a rich wife and a big shot that he can't afford to offend, relying on the big tree of Levi. Therefore, even if the relationship between the two parties was originally childhood sweethearts, from now on, there will be no relationship.

Ruyue Yulu was silent for a while and said: . Sunflower, when did you fall in love with him?

Ri Xiangkui said: I have liked Li Weijun since the day he learned it.

Ruyue Yulu clenched her fists and said: I have been with you for several years, don't you have any feelings for me at all?

Sunflower sighed and said: Unfortunately, no. In my opinion, Huashi, you can be a good friend, but you can never be a qualified lover, because you are a good old man who never thinks about yourself. , if you don’t even love yourself, how can you know how to love others? And I also understand now that even the skin of a good old man is just your disguise. To be honest, you are quite scary, Huashe, for being able to live for such a long time Suppressing yourself for time, pretending perfectly, and being able to do this kind of thing, you can already be considered a ruthless person.

Chapter. Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped

Ruyue Yulu said with a distorted expression: What's wrong with pretending to protect yourself? Aren't you the same? The you now is the real you, Hinata Aoi!

Kisaragi Yulu doesn't even shout at Hinata Aoi anymore, which means that the friendship between the two parties has been decided. After this incident, it is impossible for the two parties to reconcile.

Hinata sighed and said: Don't think that others think like you, Ruyue Yulu. Now I understand why you have so much malice towards me. You guy, you used to treat me as yours. After all, I am your childhood sweetheart.

Ruyue Yulu gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Hinata Aoi said: If you don't answer me directly, it means that my guess is correct. For this, I can only say sorry for causing you to have fantasies that you shouldn't have, but now, your fantasies can end. .”

Ruyue Yulu's voice increased uncontrollably, and she said: Hixiangkui, you are just here for that guy's money. Don't pretend to be aloof. I am not a good person, and neither are you. What kind of character do you have? Are you talking to me in such a condescending tone?!

Hinata sighed again and said: It's really tiring to talk to a guy with a dark heart like you. Don't think that everyone is as dark as you. There are indeed dark places in this world. This is our There is no way to change the reality. However, not everyone is like you, and their hearts are full of all kinds of dark thoughts. You wouldn’t believe it if I told you anyway, and I’m too lazy to say anything more to you.”

Hinata Aoi first liked Li Wei as a person, and then started to like Li Wei's Qie. Although at first she fell in love with Li Wei because of his appearance, then she was shocked by Li Wei's talent, and now, He loved Li Wei deeply because of Li Wei's care and respect for them.

Ruyue Yulu said loudly: Hinxiangkui, you are just avoiding my problem, you unscrupulous bitch! You will do anything for money. Now, you have given yourself to that guy Li Wei!

Hinata gently placed her right hand on her chest, with a reassuring smile on her face, and said: Yes, I have given everything about myself to him, my soul, my body, everything. Something that belongs to Li Weijun. But what does this have to do with you? Or do you regard me as your own, so you feel jealous and angry because of such things? I am a person with an independent personality, and I have never been Your possessions and thoughts like this can only be owned by a guy with a dark heart like you.

Ruyueyu gritted his teeth, anger was gnawing at his heart, and reason and madness were at war in his mind. Recalling the daily interactions between himself and Hinata Aoi, he felt more and more heartbroken. If Levi hadn't learned from this school, then Hinata Kui wouldn't be like this. Ruyue Yulu thought in her heart that all of this would ultimately be Levi's fault.

Ri Xiangkui walked over and said: My body and mind belong to Li Weijun. Even if I become his property, it is still Li Weijun's property and has nothing to do with you.

Hinata Aoi could feel the soaring malice of Ruyue Yulu. When she was just an ordinary person, even if others had malice towards her, as long as they pretended well enough on the surface, she would not know what the other person was really thinking. But it's different now. All kinds of disguises are meaningless to her. As long as the other party has malicious intentions, she can sense it. Therefore, existences that are not apparent on the surface, such as Ruyue Yulu, no longer exist. No way to fool her again.

Ruyue Yulu could not suppress the malice in his heart, and he rose up and rushed towards Hinata Aoi, who had turned her back to him. However, before he could even take two steps, the huge force directly knocked him down.

Light and shadow flowed, and two future warriors who looked like they came out of a science fiction movie had already pushed Ruyue Yulu to the ground and cut his hands behind his back. The other person pressed his head with his hands, and Ru Yueyu howled in pain.

Ruyue Yulu felt that his hands were about to be broken. The severe pain made it difficult for him to stay awake. His head was pressed to the ground sideways. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the person who pushed him down. His whole body was wrapped in The armored future warrior was incompatible with the daily life of ordinary people. He didn't know where these two people came from, and he didn't even realize that there were people around him.

Ruyue Yulu said with difficulty: Who are you? Why are you attacking me?! Ahhhh, my hand, my hand is going to be broken, be gentle!

A mechanical voice came from under the power armor helmet.

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