Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: In fact, not many people come here usually. Even if they accidentally make a sound, it won't have much impact.

There are very few people using Nishiki Tsutaka's library. It has almost become her personal private space. She has not seen so many people come at once for a long time.

Normally, she would be the only one in the library, and no one would come to read for two or three days. She quite enjoyed the quiet atmosphere, but if she stayed alone for a long time, she would occasionally feel a little lonely.

Levi followed behind Sumireko of the Sanse Yuan and whispered: Miss Administrator, there shouldn't be many people here usually, right?

Sansekiyuan Sumireko said softly: Well, as an administrator, I am usually quite free.

Li Wei smiled softly and said: I saw that the books here are neatly organized, and there are basically no gaps on the bookshelves, which means that basically no one borrows books and leaves. But even if no one comes, Miss Administrator, you You also keep this place in order, you are a competent administrator.

Sumireko Sanseki and Levi stopped in front of a bookshelf. She put her feet up and wanted to take down the two books on the top of the bookshelf. However, because she was not tall enough, her fingers could only barely reach the books. , it is somewhat difficult to get it down.

Levi stood behind her to prevent her from losing her balance and falling backwards, with her raised hand already holding Izu Dancer.

Li Wei smiled softly and said, I can do things like getting books by myself. Thank you, Ms. Administrator, for bringing me here. That's enough.

Sumireko Sansekiyuan was startled by the sudden sound. She lost her balance on her tiptoes, fell backwards, and then leaned on a solid chest. A strong male aura hit her face, making her She was a little flustered inside. This was the first time she had such close contact with a man.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko turned around, trying to distance herself from Levia, but she tripped and fell backwards. Just when she was about to hit the bookshelf, strong big hands wrapped around her waist. Pull her inward sharply.

Levi gently used force to hold the rustic girl wearing black-rimmed glasses in his arms. The two of them were close to each other. Time seemed to have frozen at this moment. The two of them maintained this posture. Know how long has passed. Levi sniffed the faint fragrance of the girl. Each girl had her own unique fragrance. The girl's body had a light and elegant fragrance similar to pansy, which was refreshing.

Sanshiyuan Sumireko raised her head and looked at Li Wei's smiling face. She saw cunning and doting in Li Wei's eyes, which made her panic inside and dared not look into Li Wei's eyes again.

Sansein Sumireko lowered her head and whispered: Um...can you let me go first? Thank you very much for holding me, otherwise I would have knocked down the bookshelf, and it would be very difficult to clean it up by then. trouble.

Levi laughed softly and said: Actually, it's my fault. If it weren't for me standing behind you, you wouldn't be scared. I am the one who should say sorry.

Levi let go of the girl's slender waist and took a step back, keeping a certain distance between the two of them.

After being let go by Levi, Sumireko Sanseki felt a sense of loss in her heart. She felt that she was simply inexplicable, and she actually:;;『?』:.,;?.',!『,?:,』!. :!'?.,?:,?!Backup::?,!;'.:;' I will have this feeling for a boy I meet for the first time, but I can't control myself. heart.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Li Wei looked at Pansy Ko and smiled softly: Miss Administrator, you have beautiful eyes. I saw the bright stars in your eyes. And you must not be short-sighted. Why do you wear such glasses? To disguise yourself?

Sumireko Sanseki grabbed her glasses. She was afraid that Levi would take off her glasses, and in that case, her disguise would be exposed.

Sumireko Sanseki said in a low voice: Why are you so sure that I'm not short-sighted? Wearing such big glasses doesn't mean there's something wrong with my eyes.

... ...

Li Wei smiled and said: Miss Administrator, I don't know why you wear glasses, but I know very well that there is no problem with your eyes. Because of my personal hobbies, I also have considerable research on medicine. Personally, It’s not myopia, it can be seen from the focus of the pupils.”

Sansekiin Sumireko covered her face and whispered: There is a reason why I disguise myself. Can you please keep it a secret for me?

Levi smiled and said: Although I don't know why you do this, Ms. Administrator, but if I just keep it secret for you, it's not a problem at all. By the way, I don't know what your name is, Ms. Administrator. I always call you management. Miss Yuan, it feels weird.

The shy, rustic girl hesitated for a moment and whispered, My name is Sumireko Sansekiin.

Li Wei smiled and said: My name is Li Wei, and I am an international student from Chongguo. Pansy Pansy, a very nice name, reminds me of the beautiful pansy.

Pansy Pansy can only smile bitterly. Pansy is indeed her niece. People have called her that since she was in elementary school. She has been cute since she was a child, but because she is too cute, her There is a lot of right and wrong around us. All kinds of messy things happened during the Chinese period, which was really disappointing.

In order to stay away from right and wrong, she chose to disguise herself and then study. Now that she is a high school student, her high school career is as calm as a lake. She thought that this peace can last until graduation, but now, Levi appears, letting the lake in her heart rise. It made waves.

Chapter 4. Little accident

Levi looked in the direction of Masanya Camellia and the other girls. They were actually doing the test at this time and did not notice any movement here.

Sansein Sumireko said in a low voice: Everyone has their own secrets. I think you, Li Wei, are the same way. You also have things you don't want others to know.

Levi said in a low voice: This is a problem that everyone has. Although I am very curious about why you pretend to be short-sighted, Sumireko, but I know that even if I ask, you won't tell.

Sanseyuan Sumire wanted to leave, but she only felt pain in her ankles and her whole body tilted sideways. Levi quickly grabbed her and pulled her into his arms to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Sanseiyuan Sumireko frowned slightly. She was unlucky enough to sprain her foot. Just now, because her attention was all on Levi and it didn't hurt too much, she didn't know that she had sprained her foot. .

Sansein Sumireko was held tightly in Li Wei's arms and pressed against each other. This situation made the girl's face turn hot. This was the first time she had experienced such a situation, and she had no experience in how to deal with it.

Levi hugged Sansein Sumireko like a princess and said, Please forgive me for being rude. Now Sumireko, your feet can't walk. I'll take you to the school doctor's office now. I don't have any medicines on hand. , there is no way to deal with your ankle injury. If you don't take the time to deal with the sprain, it will take longer to recover from the injury.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko was startled by Levi's sudden action, like a frightened kitten. She hugged Levi's neck tightly with both hands, fearing that she would fall. She hadn't realized that she looked very close to Levi in ​​this way.

Sumireko Sanseki blushed and whispered, Don't hug me. It would be bad if others see you.

Levi said: Then use the one on your back.

Li Wei felt a little pity in his heart. If he could carry the girl to the school doctor's office in the way of a princess, if such a scene was seen by others, it would become an established fact and make everyone think, Sansein Sumireko Have a relationship with him.

However, considering that the girl had experienced disgusting things like being teased and forced to accept a boy's confession when she was in China, Li Wei would also respect her opinion. If she recited it, it would not be easily misunderstood. .

Sumireko Sanseki nodded. She felt that her ankle had started to hurt, and the pain was getting clearer and clearer. If it was not dealt with in time, she might need to take sick leave. Although this kind of thing didn't matter to her, But she didn't want to leave campus temporarily because of such a thing.

Levi crossed his body, squatted down on one knee, stretched his hands back, turned his head and said, Sumireko-san, come up.

Sansein Sumireko hesitated for a moment, but still lay on Li Wei's back. Li Wei stood up without any difficulty.

The tall Levi not only has a safe mind, but also has broad back muscles that are so solid that he seems to be able to bear even if a mountain comes down on him.

Levi carried Sansein Sumireko on his back and arrived at the rest area. The rest area was located on the side of the door. If he wanted to go out, he would definitely pass by here.

Mayama Camellia was thinking hard about the test questions. When she raised her head, she saw something that surprised her. Levi was actually carrying the library administrator on his back.

Levi said: Acamelia, Haruna, Sui, Sugiha, Kotomi, just now the administrator accidentally sprained her ankle while trying to help me get books. Now I have to send her to the school doctor's office. If you don't have anything else to do, If so, you can go back first. If the library is unattended, it can only be closed temporarily.

The girls were all a little surprised. However, accidents are everywhere in life, and any situation is possible.

Mayama Camellia said: Do you need our help?

Li Wei smiled and said: I can do it personally. I also have a considerable understanding of medical aspects. If it weren't for my age and internship experience, I would be able to obtain a medical practitioner certificate.

Several girls remembered this. Levi was a genius whose personal abilities were far beyond ordinary people. It was normal for him to know a little bit about all aspects of knowledge.

The girls all started to pack their things and prepared to leave the library. After they all packed their things and put on their backpacks, people came to the door. Sanada Sugiha took the key from Sumireko Sanshikiin's hand and opened the library. The door is locked.

Sanada Sugiha smiled and said: Sumireko-san probably needs to rest for a few days before coming to school. The library is temporarily closed to the public, but you can leave the key with me first and I will come over to clean it.

Although Sanada Sugiha looks like a delinquent girl, she is actually a warm-hearted person who likes to help others, but she has a slightly short temper.

Sanshiki Sumireko showed a surprised expression, because Sanada Sugiha was dressed like a bad hottie. Although she was very beautiful, she felt like she was not easy to deal with. But now, the other party actually offered to help her clean the library, which made her feel incredible, because what she hated the most was hot girls. In her opinion, hot girls were people who were extremely self-centered and did not consider other people's feelings at all.

Sansein Sumireko said softly: Thank you.

Sanada Sugiha smiled and said: It's nothing. This is my compensation for helping Li Weijun. After all, Sumireko, you got your leg sprained because of Li Weijun. In the next few days, you need to rest, and the library will definitely not be able to control it. Although I don't know how to organize books, I can still do simple cleaning.

Noharuna smiled and said: Let me also help clean the library. After all, although the library does not look big, it is still quite troublesome to clean. For you personally, it will take too long.

Hanada Sui smiled and said: Why don't we all come to help? There is strength in numbers. If everyone joins in, we can clean up the entire library inside and out. Sumireko-san, when you come back, will you I saw a clean library.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko felt a little moved in her heart. The girls in front of her were all dressed up in fashionable and gorgeous clothes. They looked like bad hot girls. But now, she knew the truth, that is, people should not be judged by their appearance. Several girls were Not really bad hotties.

The girls left with the test booklet. They had to be busy finishing the test questions today, and there was no rush to clean the library at this time.

Li Wei carried Sansein Sumireko on his back and walked calmly down the corridor, heading towards the school doctor's office. It wasn't long after school ended, and some students who had not left could still be seen in the corridor. The students looked at When it came to Li Wei, who was carrying Sumireko Sanseki, his expression was more or less surprised, and many girls showed envy or jealousy.

The shy Sumireko Sanseki could only bury her face in the back of Levi's neck, not daring to let anyone see her face.

Chapter 44. Inside the school doctor’s office

Levi chose a road with relatively few people and took Sansein Sumireko to the school doctor's office. Levi opened the door of the school doctor's office and said, Is there anyone there?

At this time, the school doctor's office was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

Levi said: It doesn't matter if the school doctor is not here. I have some confidence in my medical skills. Although it is a bit difficult to perform surgery, normal bruises and injuries are not a problem for me.

Levi walked into the school doctor's office, found an empty bed that had been cleaned up, put down the three-color courtyard viola, and then began to rummage in the medicine cabinet. Soon he found what he needed and returned When he arrived at Sumireko's side, he began to treat her sprained ankle.

Li Wei's movements are very skillful, like an experienced old doctor. Sanseyin Sumireko thought Li Wei was bragging before, but now she understands that there are real geniuses in this world. Under Li Wei's With the treatment, she felt the pain in her ankle subsided quickly.

After Levi fixed the medicine with a bandage, he said: The twist just now was a bit serious. Although it has been treated, it will take four to four days of rest before it can fully return to normal. During this period, try not to let it go. Land on the injured foot.”

Sansein Sumireko nodded and said with a smile: Li Weijun, you are like a real doctor. You are obviously only a high school student, but you have mastered such skills.

Levi wiped his hands and said calmly: I know many skills, and medical skills are just one of them. What I'm best at is painting and cooking, followed by martial arts and mysticism. Medical skills are what I'm learning about martial arts. It’s a skill you can learn along the way.”

Sansein Sumireko no longer knows what to say. This level of medical skills is no longer inferior to those of professional orthopedic surgeons, but such superb skills are just incidental to Li Wei's learning other skills. The ability to learn.

If you say this, most people will be jealous of it. After all, it will take an ordinary person a lifetime just to master a skill.

But those geniuses are able to crush ordinary people's lifetime efforts in a very short time. Such a gap can make most people doubt the meaning of life.

At this moment, the door to the school doctor's office opened, and a young woman wearing a doctor's white coat, a tight shirt and a hip-hugging skirt walked in. With this look, you could tell she was the school nurse.

Levi glanced at the young female school nurse. She was an adult woman with a chaotic private life. Although she looked pretty good on the outside, the rotten inside made Levi lose any interest in her.

The young female school doctor came to Li Wei's side and saw Sumireko Sansein on the hospital bed. She squatted down, unwrapped her ankle wrapped in gauze, and checked the condition.

After a while, the female school doctor who had completed the examination wrapped the gauze again and said: Classmate, is this the treatment you did for her? The technique is very professional, just like an old orthopedic surgeon who has been working for decades. , people can’t find fault with it.”

Levi smiled and said: Thank you, I just have some understanding of this aspect.

The young female school doctor said: No need to be modest, powerful is powerful. Even if you let me deal with this kind of injury, I can't handle it to such a level. If it were me, I could only do the most basic treatment. , and then sent her to the hospital, but now, she only needs to go home and rest for three or four days, and even the medical expenses can be saved.

Neon's hospitals are not cheap either. A small examination costs several thousand yen, and a full set of examinations costs 100,000 yen. If you add various treatments and hospitalizations, the cost will only be higher. There is no corresponding medical insurance. Except for those rich people, most ordinary people will feel pain.

Therefore, Neon people are generally used to going to the pharmacy to get medicine to solve minor problems. They only go to the hospital when they can't solve the problem themselves.

The female school doctor continued: Female student, there are crutches here in the school doctor's office. You can use the crutches for the next few days. Try not to put the injured ankle under pressure, so as not to worsen the injury that is still recovering. You can here It’s time for a break, but the school doctor’s office will close at noon, so you have to go home before it closes.”

Sansein Sumireko nodded and said, Thank you very much, teacher, for reminding me. I will go home after taking a rest.

The female school doctor looked at Li Wei and said: This classmate, you should be her boyfriend. It's up to you to send her home at this time. You must take good care of her. Only when she has a good rest will her injury heal. It can get better quickly.”

The female school doctor's words caused a faint blush to appear on the face of Sumireko Sanseki. The female school doctor misunderstood the relationship between the two people, which made her feel a little shy. She looked at Li Wei secretly, and Li Wei's side The face was very good-looking, and she thought in her heart that if it was the boy in front of her, he would not be able to pay for it.

Li Wei smiled and said: She and I are not in a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. Teacher, you have misunderstood. This kind of thing is very serious. If word spreads, it will have an impact on the girl's reputation.

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