Other participating groups that were still operating outside, after noticing the sleet and snow falling from the sky, also cautiously narrowed the scope of their activities.

Some participating teams that had not collected enough cold-proof items directly chose to stop at this time and find a safe place to spend the night.

Because of the special prop incident during the day, the trust within the alliance has been destroyed. Each participating team is wary of others, so they do not camp in one place, but each choose their own safe place.

At this point, the loose alliance was completely cooled down, and many Wei Ya began to fight on their own. Some chose to rest and camp at this time, and some were ready to continue moving forward at night, looking for new coordinates and collecting objects. , while looking for important special props.

At night, Levi planned to watch the fire from the other side and decide whether he needed to intervene based on the next situation. If the referee team will release special props next, then he will take advantage of the chaos to take action. If there are no special props, then he might as well stay in the cabin above the wooden dragon's head, enjoying the warmth and the embrace of the cute girl.

The size of the wooden dragon determines that the area of ​​the hut above his head will not be too large, only a few square meters. After piling up all kinds of logistical supplies, the living area left for everyone is only enough to accommodate Zhang. It's just the size of the bed.

Levi took out quilts and blankets from his consciousness sea space and covered the entire inside of the hut, which was equivalent to a very warm tatami. Now that the outside world has begun to cool down, this kind of warm hut is undoubtedly the largest. enjoy.

Levi sat cross-legged on the quilt, holding a piece of white paper, and began to fold it slowly. Akijin lay behind him, with the impressive headlights pressed tightly against Levi.

Akitsu said softly: Sir, why don't you use such reconnaissance methods during the day?

Levi scraped gently under Akijin's chin, and Akijin showed an expression of enjoyment like a cat, rubbing Levi's neck with his cheek.

Akitsu is a goddess of ice and snow in front of outsiders, but when she is around Li Wei, she will show a childishness that is inconsistent with her appearance.

Levi was not disturbed by Akijin's sudden attack. He was used to having girls around him suddenly attack him when he was doing things. He was experienced and would not be shaken by such things. The confidence brought by the thousands of flowers made him more determined when facing temptation.

Moreover, Xiaocao was still watching curiously. If he didn't restrain himself at this time, he might teach the children bad things. After all, Xiaocao was only a few years old.

Levi said: During the day, the visibility is very good, so there is no need to use this kind of auxiliary means. At night, everyone has to rest, so you have to keep an eye for surveillance.

Yue raised his hand and said: Monitoring this kind of thing, Yue can do it too!

Levi said: Since you tend to get sleepy at night, I asked you to monitor the situation below. Maybe you will fall asleep soon. So you should rest honestly at night and leave the monitoring to me. .”

Qiu Jin said: I can also help you, Sir, to share some of this kind of thing.

Akitsu can sense the rain and snow she sheds, and the rain and snow fall on the ground. She can know what is happening on the ground through the feedback of the rain and snow when it hits the ground units, and can feel the enemies moving against the rain and snow, as well as the movement of the ground. Various architectural details.

This ability is somewhat similar to the Rain Tiger Free Technique in Naruto, but because of his limited energy, Akitsu is unable to conduct precise reconnaissance of a certain area around the clock like Pain. After all, Payne is cheating, and it would be difficult for Akijin to maintain such a perception for a long time without cheating.

Levi said: I know your ability, but it is too hard to use that ability. Now is not a critical moment, so there is no need to do so.

Levi's spiritual perception is more powerful, but this is his secret, and he does not intend to expose it even to his partner. He has always had his perception turned on. He actually knows very well what is going on below. Now he folds a thousand paper cranes specifically to cover his perception. He can detect the changes in the forces below in time, and can It turns out that the reason for the change of things is put on Qian Zhihe.

If you want to cover up a big secret, you can reveal your smaller secrets that won't have much impact on you, and use this method to distract your attention.

And this can also make girls think that his perception skills are limited and cannot be used at will. Levi habitually hides his trump cards for himself, so that he can catch his opponents off guard if something unexpected happens.

Li Wei had already folded the paper crane. He pushed the window slightly open and threw the paper crane out through the gap in the window. The Qianzhi Crane entered the invisible state the moment it left the window, and was not discovered by the drone not far away. The Qianzhi Crane followed the wind and quickly reached high altitude. At the same time, in the room above Mu Long's head, A screen suspended in mid-air appeared in front of several people, and the content was exactly the picture of the paper crane looking down.

This was the first time that Yue saw Levi display such a spell. With an expression of surprise on his face, he said, This is really a convenient ability!

Yue joined Levi's camp relatively late, so she is not as clear about Levi's abilities as other girls. Seeing the current situation, she will still be like this. Xiaocao and Qiujin had seen such magic before, and they didn't show any strange expressions.

Chapter 4. Disgraceful black hands

Li Wei switched the perspective of the paper crane. The original black and white picture turned into a picture similar to thermal imaging. The buildings on the ground were seen through, and they could clearly see the figures inside.

Jie said in surprise: It's amazing. Li Weijun has such an ability. If anything happens, won't we be able to take the lead?

Li Wei said: I think so too. Although it is already night and normal people will rest, today is only the first day of the competition. The energy of Wei Ya is still strong. There will definitely be people who can't help but want to fight against them. People around me are doing evil things.”

Jie said in confusion: They are already at a disadvantage. If they don't stick together tightly at this time, they still have to fight among themselves. Don't they want to win the game?

Levi said: This is because they want to win the game too much, so this situation occurs. People cannot be absolutely rational. This is human nature.

Regarding human nature, Levi was a pessimist. He always believed that the shining of human nature is just an exception, the darkness of human nature is the majority, and other people are hell. Moreover, there is an old saying in Chongguo that there are all kinds of birds in the forest. Never think too well of others.

Being able to become Wei Ya is just because of the Wei Ya factor in the body, which has nothing to do with the quality of the person. Therefore, everyone has the Wei Ya body. In the original plot, there were many scumbag Wei Ya, even Li Wei The development of the plot has been changed, and the entire plot has been changed beyond recognition, but this still does not change the reality that Wei Ya's body is mixed with a lot of scum.

It is impossible for these people to ignore the opportunities before them. Night is a fig leaf for sin.

For these people, it is normal to find ways to deal with potential competitors while other Wei Ya are resting, because it is in their interests. As for what to do when they face Li Wei later , for this kind of thing, many people will adopt the mentality of taking matters into their own hands and not think about such problems.

Sure enough, when Levi and others were watching the surveillance footage, someone couldn't help but attack others around them.

It was Wei Ya with two wagtails beside him. He pretended to be camping and resting, looking harmless to humans and animals. Then, he used the special ability of his wagtails to release a gas that could make people unconscious.

The other Wei Ya and his only Wagtail, who were not far away from him, immediately attacked. The unlucky Wei Ya who made that move was still in a coma when he received a football kick on the back of the head. Although there was only a picture and no sound, this football kick directly caused the comatose Wei Ya to fall into a deep coma. state.

Wei Ya, who was making a sneak attack using dirty tricks, felt that it was not safe, so he kicked the opponent's head again, and then squatted down to test the opponent's breathing. After confirming that there was no dead person, Wei Ya, who was playing dirty tricks, took his two The wagtail left there, decisively packed up his things and ran away.

Li Wei looked at this scene and said: When the referee team is not present and there are no drones nearby, to carry out such a sneak attack, it turns out that Wei Ya is full of talents and all kinds of rotten people.

Although it was a bit unkind to laugh at this time, Li Wei really wanted to laugh. That Wei Ya who carried out the sneak attack was also a talent to a certain extent. It was probably not the first time he had done such a thing.

Li Wei asked his puppet clone outside the court to search for information, and soon found the information about Wei Ya, who was engaged in sneak attacks. Then, Li Wei understood why his opponent was so proficient. This Wei Ya who was engaged in sneak attacks was an extreme person before becoming Wei Ya.

In other words, this young man is the heir of a Yakuza organization, and the two Wagtails he partners with are also problem children with unusual thinking. These three people can be said to have similar personalities. Before participating in the competition, this young man took advantage of With the power of his two wagtails, he wiped out the old enemies of his organization one by one, and unified the underground world in the eastern part of the Eastern Imperial Capital. He is also a well-known existence in the Yakuza world.

This young man has been learning how to become a qualified leader of the Yakuza since he was a child, waiting to inherit his family's organization after his father becomes incapable of doing so.

Li Wei didn't expect that this person was actually a professional. No wonder his hands and feet were so deft. After all, the opposite party should have done this kind of thing often.

Yue said with a weird expression: Isn't it a foul if he does this?

Levi laughed and said: The referee didn't see it, and the drone didn't see it either. Who would know that he committed a foul?

Jie was stunned for a moment and said, That person is so cunning!

Levi said: As I said just now, someone will definitely do something evil at night. From a knot's point of view, you will think that person is very cunning, but from a game point of view, this is the use of tactics. For them, as long as they can achieve their goals, the process is not important. Moreover, as long as they fail to grasp the current situation, they will not admit what they have done.

This is human nature. It is the same for everyone regardless of race or country. Especially when faced with decisions of major interests, any gentleness, courtesy and humility are fake. People will do all kinds of things that exceed the lower limit for their own interests. Come on, it's just like that Yakuza young man who just found an opportunity to do something evil. This kind of thing is the norm.

Yue sighed. She knew that she had thought of things too simply. In a competition like this, for Levi, where she was, the artifact was just the icing on the cake, so Levi did not have the same sense of urgency as others. But those ordinary Wei Ya are different. They are not as powerful as Li Wei, so they will do whatever it takes to win.

Dignity is the privilege of the strong, but not everyone is strong, so people will always make mistakes when they are dishonorable.

Levi rubbed his knotted head and said softly: I know it's still difficult for you to accept these things. The world is not always gentle. I will protect the tenderness in your heart. You don't need to force yourself to accept these things. , because I will take care of all these things.

Jie nodded. She knew that she had passed the age where she could be willful. She was very satisfied that Levi was willing to tolerate her in this way.

Levi gently pressed Yue's shoulders and asked her to sit down on the soft quilt.

Levi said softly: Everyone, please rest first. Leave the vigil to me. I will wake you up when you are needed.

Akijin directly threw Levi down, pressed him under him, and said, Sir, there is nothing important to do now anyway, so why not rest with us first.

Xiaocao watched this scene with her eyes wide open and an excited and curious expression on her face.

Levi gently held Qiu Jin's chin and pushed her up. Although he also liked this kind of thing, it was very troublesome when there was a child around.

Xiaocao showed a disappointed expression, there was no good show to watch.

Chapter 4. Like an old father

Li Wei also felt a little regretful in his heart. He had a beautiful woman in his arms, but he couldn't do anything. He felt a little regretful in his heart. Why did he bring a minor like Xiaocao with him this time? If the three people around him were all big girls this time. , then he doesn’t have to be like this at all and still have to pay attention to whether he will teach bad children.

Xiaocao is the most curious right now, and she learns everything quickly, so much so that Li Wei doesn't even dare to say a curse word in front of her, because Xiaocao is an overly smart child, and she has a super strong learning ability. , if not taught well, it is easy to go astray.

There are many problem children in our country who have gone astray due to inadequate education. A child is just a blank piece of paper, and an adult is the person who draws on the paper. What the child will eventually become depends on what kind of person the person who writes the pen is.

Anyway, Levi doesn't want Xiaocao to become a bad girl who talks dirty and has no sense of propriety. Now, he is like an old father who is worried that his daughter will learn bad things. He is worried. Now Levi has experienced in advance what it is like to raise a daughter.

The two and three girls lay down obediently, and Li Wei covered them with quilts. Especially Xiaocao, who liked to kick the quilt, was covered tightly, leaving only his cute little head outside.

Xiaocao was wearing a bear-shaped nightcap, blinking her big eyes, holding the edge of the quilt with her two small hands, looking like an overturned kitten.

Xiaocao's orange-gold legs are as long as her height. She is usually taken care of by a few attentive sisters. She is of very good quality, but because the silk contains excessive vitality, she always looks... It's a little fluffy, giving her a slightly messy look. This messy look makes her look like a big Persian cat.

The thin bear nightcap was stuffed to the brim with long stuffing. This amount was enough to make most women feel jealous.

Brother, what should I do if I can't sleep? Xiaocao said softly.

Levi gently poked her face with his fingers. The delicate and elastic skin felt very good. This was the reason why Levi liked pinching Xiaocao's face very much.

Levi smiled and said, Then what do you want to do now?

Xiaocao said cautiously: I want to see Tom and Jerry.

Levi raised his eyebrows and said, Then you have to promise me first that you can only watch for half an hour, and you have to go to bed when the time is up.

Xiaocao pursed her thin lips and whispered, Ten more minutes.

Levi smiled and said: If you bargain with me, then you won't have to watch the cartoon.

Xiaocao nodded quickly and said: Half an hour, half an hour, I promise I will sleep well.

Levi looked at Xiaocao's sly eyes and knew that this girl would not sleep even if the time came, and she might even act coquettishly in front of him. However, he also enjoyed the feeling of being relied on. Although he always had to worry about being an old father, looking at Xiaocao's cute appearance, he felt that his heart was healed.

Levi can understand why so many people like girls when they have children, because compared to naughty children, little cotton-padded jackets are much more comfortable. Although little cotton-padded jackets can occasionally be naughty and leaky, they are still better than naughty children with snot and tears. powerful.

However, so far, Levi has not thought about actually having children with his partners. He is not mentally prepared to be a father, and he does not have that much energy to take care of his children.

Levi is not a good father. He is just a eccentric otaku. When he feels lonely, he goes to the floating island to spend time and wine. When he feels bored, he likes to stay alone in the study and play games. With a character like his , there is no way to be a good father.

The relationship between Xiaocao and Li Wei is actually a bit twisted. To Xiaocao, Li Wei is like both a brother and a father. The same is true for Levi. Sometimes he treats Xiaocao like a sister, and sometimes he treats Xiaocao like a daughter, experiencing what it's like to be an old father.

Xiaocao has not yet realized that the relationship between herself and Li Wei is so complicated.

Levi took out the tablet from his consciousness space, opened the Tom and Jerry cartoon, and put it in front of Xiaocao.

Xiaocao took Li Wei's hand and said with a pitiful look: Brother, can you watch with me?

Levi looked at Yu and Qiujin beside him. Both of them had begun to snore. These two girls were both the type who had some problems inside, so he was not surprised that they would fall asleep instantly.

Yui is a careless Madagascar, who often does things carelessly, while Qiu Jin is a female hooligan who often forgets to wear fat pants. It's not that she deliberately acts a hooligan, she just simply forgets to wear them.

Therefore, Li Wei usually treats these two out-of-line girls as little sisters. Although these two girls are mature physically, they still have more or less problems mentally.

Levi squeezed into the bed and put Xiaocao on his lap, while he leaned against the wooden wall cushioned with pillows, letting Xiaocao lean on his arms.

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