I don’t know who shouted, and everyone who was planning to start taking action after leaving the port area gave up the idea of ​​taking action. The threat Li Wei posed to them was too great. Even if they wanted to take action, they had to kill Li Wei first. Only after the Wei group is eliminated can they start fighting with peace of mind.

At this time, if their strength is damaged due to civil war, they will not be able to fight against Li Wei's powerful forces.

Levi also heard the voice. Although the other party used skills to change his voice, his perception still found the other party.

(Sanada Nishi, it’s quite interesting. He suppressed the potential risk of internal strife in just one sentence. We were all in the same formation of three wagtails. I was a public enemy, but he became a member of the ‘Allied Forces’. However, you How long can he persist? This stinky Wei Ya is not even qualified to be cannon fodder.) Li Wei is not afraid of being beaten, but Sanada Nishi's sudden attack is indeed quite amazing.

Li Wei carried Xiaocao on his shoulders and let her sit on his shoulders like a horse. Although Xiaocao was good in strength, her physical ability was not strong. Such a short run was still a bit difficult for her.

Xiaocao is sitting on my shoulder. We have to run a lot of distance next, Xiaocao has to save his energy. Levi said.

Yes! Listen to big brother. Xiaocao nodded and hugged Li Wei's head with both hands. Her orange-blond hair was blown up by the strong wind, making her expression look a little funny at this time.

Levi's team was the first to leave the port area. While leaving the port area, Xiaocao grabbed a few seeds from the jar he was holding and sprinkled them backwards. These seeds were specially customized by Levi. It can cooperate with Xiaocao's ability to maximize her characteristics.

Because Levi ran very fast, most people did not see such details in the drone footage. Ordinary people's dynamic vision has limits. Unlike a wagtail, as long as it stares hard, it can still Cameo turns up the speed camera.

After the seeds fell to the ground, they broke through the ground and burrowed down like living creatures. At the same time, the spores inside opened, and a large number of roots broke through the concrete and penetrated deep into the soil below.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

After Li Wei and others had already laid an ambush, the large army had just rushed out of the port. It was rare for Wei Ya, who was of ordinary physique, to be able to maintain such a running speed. Wei Ya, who had weaker physical strength, Now it has been carried away by its own wagtail.

The guy has disappeared. He must have gone to the target point. Don't panic. After the guy arrives, we will go directly to the target point! Sanada Nishi said loudly.

The rules of the object-finding competition are very simple and crude. Participants follow the official guidelines and arrive at a target location, and then the electronic map in their hand will unlock the next location. When someone arrives at a location, everyone's map will unlock the next location, so speed cannot be counted as speed. Only the person who reaches the end can have the last laugh.

.. .....

No one knows how many target locations there will be, so for the contestants, each target location is important.

But now the competition has just begun, and MBI cannot let the competition end so quickly. Therefore, although Li Wei is now in the lead, the other Wei Ya did not panic, but prepared to deal with Li Wei slowly. This kind of competition is not pure. In a competition of force, they also have a good chance of winning.

The relatively fast running team had already approached the spot where the seeds were scattered by the grass. When they stepped on the area directly above the spot where the seeds were scattered, a sudden change occurred.

A large number of vines broke out of the ground and turned into a huge cage, trapping everyone who could not brake in time.

In the online live broadcast room, this scene directly caused the barrage to explode.

This is the method of the goddess of life! It's so powerful!

This kind of ability can completely turn a desert into an oasis. This kind of ability is the most important to human beings.

The grass is so cute!!!

FBI, there is a lolicon here, come quickly!

At the scene, Xiaocao's ambush hand directly trapped more than a dozen participating teams. The obstacle network composed of a large number of vines directly blocked the entire road. The teams behind were afraid that there would be an ambush among these vines, so they could only Choose a detour.

Sanada Nishi, who ran faster, and his wagtails were all trapped in this cage.

Chapter 4. Each shows his or her special powers

At this time, Li Wei had taken advantage of this time to widen the distance between himself and the large army.

The port exit area behind has become a mess. At this time, the immortals across the sea are showing off their magical powers. Many wagtails are unwilling to wait. Although letting others take action and enjoying the results themselves can save energy, in this case, more will be wasted. Spend more time and make yourself more passive.

Considering this, some wagtails were unwilling to compete with their own kind to see who had better patience, so they decisively resorted to their own methods and began to destroy the vines that trapped them.

This scene was filmed by a drone in the sky. All the viewers who were watching the live broadcast on TVs, computers, and mobile phones intuitively saw the destructive power of the wagtail.

Some people have always wondered before, now that we are in a new era of scientific prosperity and everyone is equal, how can the wagtails bring humans back to the past, that mythical era where just listening to it makes people feel barbaric? But now, the wagtails He used his destructive power to give everyone the answer.

The Wagtails are like superheroes from Hollywood blockbusters, but there are some differences. After all, the superheroes in Hollywood blockbusters are just fiction, a false existence constructed with special effects. Although the current special effects technology looks real, But there will always be flaws. The Wagtails are super-individuals in the true sense. Coupled with the increase in emotional power they now have, their strength is more powerful than before, and the power they display becomes more exaggerated.

Levi uses a large number of puppet clones to monitor the Internet and live TV platforms, so he also has a good understanding of the public's emotions.

The power displayed by the wagtails has been admired by many people, but there are also some people who are afraid of such power. Although this idea does not occupy the mainstream, there are still a lot of people.

But it is a pity that whether it is worship or fear, they are all the same kind of energy that can be used for Yu Guangren's plan, and they are all emotional energy.

Wagtail itself can cause topics, and topics can bring traffic. As long as there is traffic, Yu Guangren's goal is achieved. As for how the traffic comes from and what kind of content it is, these are not important to him.

Soon, Levi brought the three girls to the first location. He decisively activated the virtual button that popped up on the electronic map. The coordinates of the third location had disappeared. At the same time, the coordinates of the third location also popped up. .

The coordinate location, or should be said to be the coordinate location, because two locations appeared at the same time.

Yue looked at the prompts given on the map and said: This is too cunning! Two locations are given at the same time, which means that one of the two locations must be fake. If you are unlucky and encounter If it’s a fake location, then the trip will be in vain.”

Akitsu said: And the straight-line distance between the two locations is three kilometers. If you make a mistake, it means you have to run an extra three kilometers. The team that was lagging behind before can use this opportunity to catch up.

Levi said: After all, the strength of our group is much stronger than other teams. This is also for the sake of balance. Moreover, Yu Guangren must be controlling the process of the game behind the scenes. He wants to win as many people as possible It creates drama and gimmicks, so once we lead too much, we will be in trouble. And when our advantage is not big, there won't be so much trouble.

It is normal for a performance-like game like this to have someone who controls the game and guides the game. In this way, the progress of the game can be effectively controlled, so that someone will not be let down. Fang crushed everyone sideways, making the game unspectacular.

Yue jumped up to the commanding heights and observed the surrounding environment. No other wagtails appeared in her perception.

Knot jumped down, returned to Levi, and said, Although I feel like I've been fooled, I still have to take action. Where should we go next?

Levi pointed to the point on the map and said: Then let's go to this place. This place has the shortest straight line distance from us. Whether it is true or false, we have to go there first. If it is false, then we will go directly The next place.”

Xiaocao patted his barren chest and said proudly: Now, leave this kind of thing to Xiaocao.

Xiaocao took out a seed from his jar and threw it over his head. The seed took root in mid-air and began to grow gradually. The grown plant magically floated in mid-air and gradually turned into the shape of a dragon.

This divine dragon is quite huge, with a length of more than thirty meters, hovering above everyone's heads.

This move is Xiaocao's unique skill. She can catalyze seeds into various plant monsters, and these plant monsters also have certain autonomous abilities and can respond to the various needs of the controller. In addition to this move, it requires advance It can be said that it has no shortcomings except that it cannot be produced on the battlefield.

Akitsu said: Yu Guangren does not allow us to use various vehicles, but he does not prohibit us from using the Wagtail's ability. This is something he did not expect.

Levi had already exposed his blanket at the banquet before, and now people all over the world know about this. It is precisely because of this that Yu Guangren added a rule on the first day. All contestants will not bring vehicles to participate in the competition, whether it is bicycles or motorcycles, cars or helicopters, which naturally includes blankets.

Levi knew very well that this rule was directed at him, because his blanket had mobility far beyond that of conventional walking machines. If there were no restrictions, then other participating groups would not be able to play at all.

At this moment, a referee wearing an MBI uniform stepped on the pedal and slowly lowered the height.

Levi said: This is not a vehicle, but the product of Wagtail's ability. There is no problem with this.

The referees looked at the huge wooden dragon floating in the air. This majestic behemoth seemed quite scary just from a distance. Now, looking at it up close, it gave people the feeling that they would be eaten at any time.

The referee said with some embarrassment: This is indeed not cheating, well, it is not cheating.

The referees stepped on the pedals, raised the height, and were as far away from this terrifying behemoth as possible.

Xiaocao said: If you sit on the wooden dragon, you can save your leg strength.

Although Li Wei had the ability to travel, such a secret was not suitable to be exposed now, so Xiaocao chose to reveal his new ability.

Originally, Xiaocao did not have the ability she has now, but after following Li Wei, her abilities began to grow again, such as the ability to change plants into animals-like creatures, which were the new abilities she gained after following Li Wei. ability. This ability is a very high-end ability to control life.

Chapter 4. Targeting and tacit understanding

Within the MBI headquarters building, Yu Guangren is staying in his private office, monitoring the competition site through a large number of drones.

As the commander-in-chief of MBI, he naturally has privileges. There are a large number of drones shooting in the sky above the competition venue, but only part of the views will be made public and used for various live broadcast purposes. Some of its special drone perspectives can only be seen by MBI-related insiders. These special perspectives are important intelligence support used by event organizers to analyze competition materials and control the competition behind the scenes.

Yu Guangren’s request to the event controllers is not to allow one side to have an absolute advantage, but to make the game as watchable and suspenseful as possible. When necessary, various conveniences can be provided to relatively weak teams.

Seeing Xiaocao using seeds to transform into a wooden dragon, Yu Guangren's expression changed instantly. Because he was the only one in the entire office, Yu Guangren did not lower his voice.

Is this impossible?! I am very aware of Kusano's ability. As a special end editor, I am also paying attention to it. She must have not mastered this ability before. Why, why in such a short period of time, Her abilities have changed so much. Could it be that she is Levi?

The more Yu Guangren thought about it, the more likely it seemed. After all, Levi himself was not an ordinary person. A fierce man who could tear apart snake tissue and mechanically transform people with his hands, could he be an ordinary person?

Yuhiro felt that his conjecture should be correct, otherwise, there would be no way to explain the changes in Kusano's abilities. After all, it is never a simple matter to activate Wagtail's abilities. It requires all kinds of conditions to be met. start. And Li Wei must not have those complicated conditions around him, so he guessed that the person who strengthened or changed Wagtail's abilities was Li Wei.

Originally, I thought I had paid enough attention to this team, but I didn't expect that such changes would happen. There must be more variables in the game. If they continue to mess around like this, the game will be over soon. This is terrible. no, sorry!

Yu Guangren decided to create more obstacles for Li Wei. Even if there was no way to prevent Li Wei from winning, he still had to create as many opportunities as possible for other teams to make the game dramatic. . Levi can win, but not too easily.

Yu Guangren picked up the phone at hand and ordered the people below to find ways to create more obstacles for Li Wei.

At the competition site, Li Wei and others sat on the head of the wooden dragon. The wooden dragon quickly climbed up to an altitude of several hundred meters.

Although Xiaocao's wooden dragon is located in the sky, it does not have the ability to move. The principle is to float against gravity. This kind of anti-gravity floating can only allow the wooden dragon to climb to a height of one thousand meters, and its traveling speed can only be as fast as an old-fashioned propeller fighter plane from the war period.

Xiaocao also hid her clumsiness. Considering that she might compete again in the future, she also kept her trump card. Just like the current wooden dragon, it was far from her limit. At the same time, she could also create plant monsters with real walking abilities. But in this kind of hidden object competition, there is no need to expose all the cards.

A three-kilometer straight-line distance is nothing to Mu Long.

Just when the wooden dragon was just starting, the ground in the distance suddenly cracked, and a large number of buildings were torn apart. These torn buildings turned into a huge arm and grabbed towards the wooden dragon.

After the overall strength has increased, there are already people who can have this level of field control ability. Levi said with emotion.

Xiaocao controlled the wooden dragon to climb quickly and avoided this exaggerated attack. The giant hand that grabbed the air collapsed instantly, and a large number of building fragments fell downwards. Just when Xiaocao breathed a sigh of relief, the giant hands that had turned into fragments regrouped. At the same time, from another direction, another giant hand composed of building fragments came towards this side. Two giant hands came from two direction to encircle the Li Wei people.

The wooden dragon was as nimble as a loach. It rushed out from the gap between the two giant hands, opened the distance, and quickly moved away from this place.

Among the ruins on the ground, Wei Ya and Wagtail, who had been hiding, came out of their hiding places.

The long black wagtail panted heavily, as if an ordinary person had finished a thousand-meter run, and said tiredly: Sir, I can't restrain them, they are too flexible.

It doesn't matter, that kind of monster is not something we can control. At least, we have got some information, right? Take the time to rest, we give up all the first few coordinate points, we only need to do it in the second half of the game Just use your strength. The black young man said calmly.

The young black man had intelligence support provided by MBI. Because he only had one wagtail, the information he received was not only abundant, but also very detailed, including the general capabilities of the three wagtails in Levi's team. Seeing this kind of material gives many people a toothache, because Levi's team is really too strong. If it is based on the rules of the battle arena, just pick it up and it will have the ability to wear three. Ordinary participating teams will compete with Levi's team. , it’s just giving away the head.

On Li Wei's side, he ignored his opponent who was sneaking up on him. He didn't have any killing intent on the other side. He was also aiming at the tail of the wooden dragon. It was just a wave of tentative interference. He could do the best and it didn't matter if he couldn't hit him.

Levi had no interest in this kind of temptation that didn't even have murderous intent. Moreover, he was rushing to the next location and had no free time to tangle with the master and servant here.

Soon, Levi arrived at the predetermined coordinate location. As expected, this coordinate was a false coordinate, and the remaining coordinates were the real coordinates.

Li Wei thought with malice that both of these two coordinates might be true and both of them false. As long as he arrives first, no matter which coordinate he arrives at first, that coordinate will definitely be false. But if someone else arrives first, then no matter which coordinate he arrives at, it will be true.

Li Wei knew very well that Yu Guangren was targeting him, and Yu Guangren also knew very well that Li Wei knew that he was targeting him. This could be regarded as a tacit understanding between the two parties.

It turned out to be fake coordinates. It seems that we can only go to the next place. Levi said calmly.

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