Levi smiled and said: It's just a small skill. You will also come into contact with such power in the future. When the time comes, you will feel that it is quite simple to make such a thing.

On the floating island, Li Wei created the original terrain and the most basic buildings, but now, the floating island has been developed for such a long time, and has already undergone tremendous changes. The girls who have mastered the magic power have fully He used his imagination and creativity to make quite bold changes to the environment and architecture on the floating island.

Mana is a nearly omnipotent force. Even the girls who are Li Wei's dependents are far less powerful than Li Wei, but the power is greater when there are more people. When more people gather together, the gathered mana will naturally be huge. So they can do things like this.

Song said: Can we also learn this kind of technology? Isn't there such a thing as confidentiality?

In Song's view, the technology of artificial humans is very dangerous and involves various ethical issues. Anyway, it is very troublesome. If even such technology would be open to them, it meant that Levi really believed in them, which moved her heart a little.

Levi said: What's so secret about this? It's not a great technology. However, due to security considerations, such technology must be approved by me before it can be used.

The version of this technology that Levi opens to girls is a simplified version. The real complete version is the puppet clone technique used by Levi himself. With this technology, it is very simple to simply create a physical body. The real version The technical difficulty lies in how to integrate the soul into this body.

Clones, on the surface, look no different from normal people, but from the perspective of extraordinary vision, the three souls and seven souls of the clones are incomplete. Only three souls and fragile souls make the clones face all kinds of problems. When there is a mysterious existence that cannot be explained by science, it is vulnerable.

In other words, the cloned human has insufficient yang energy and is born with a weak body. The mere birth is a tragedy, just like a woman who knows that the fetus in her belly is deformed and wants to let it be born. It is quite inhumane. Although Levi is not a good person, he does not like such things, so on the floating island, this technology is strictly restricted.

Levi said: Okay, Yunnu can hear us inside, so don't disturb her rest. If you have anything to say, just wait until she comes out and say it slowly.

Song said: Okay, okay, I'm just curious about the technology of this thing. As for Yume, I have something to say to her, but I'm not in a hurry about this kind of thing.

At this time, Mei Zai entered the room and said, Li Weijun, we have a guest.

Levi said: Who?

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Mei Zai said: Crow Feather, I have brought her to the living room. In the next period of time, she will run around the world. She said she wants to see Yume before leaving again so that she can feel at ease.

Levi said: Then bring her over. If she wants to see it, let her see it.

Levi knew that Crow Feather still had some distrust in him. After all, no one would believe the resurrection of the dead until they saw it with their own eyes.

Song said: Then let's avoid it first. That guy Crow Feather may go crazy if he sees Yunnu.

Song knew quite a bit about Crow Feather. After all, they were colleagues who had worked together for several years. Even Crow Feather had some strange little habits, such as whether he wiped his butt with his left hand or his right hand when going to the toilet. , she knew it very well, and it was precisely because of the familiarity that she didn't want to stay here.

.. ...

And now, Crow Feather doesn't know that she is still alive, so it would be quite embarrassing to meet her at this time.

Song said: Mei Zai, I'll leave through the secret passage first, don't let that madman see me.

Mei Zai smiled and said: If it weren't for the fact that you owed her a large amount of money and you didn't pay it back for so long, would she be chasing you like this?

Mei Zai wanted to complain in her heart. Song was really brave. When he said he wanted to do research, he directly defrauded Crow Feather of 20 million US dollars and ran away. This was 20 million US dollars, not 20 million neon yuan. Crow Feather Yu's wife has been deceived, how can she not be red-eyed?

Coupled with the incident of marrying a girl later, Crow Feather, who was in a bad mood, would definitely kill Song when he saw her.

Song muttered in a low voice such things as research funding cannot be considered as fraud and it's just that the research was not successful in the end, giving the impression that no matter how you look at it, you feel guilty.

After learning that an old lady was coming here, the girls did not stay here and decisively left the room, leaving only Levi and Mei Zai still here.

Levi said: Bring her here, she won't believe it unless she sees it with her own eyes.

Mei Zai smiled and said: I think she will be very happy to meet old friends again.

After saying that, Mei Zai left the room.

Chapter 44. Rebellious request

Not long after, the door to the room was opened, and Mei Zai entered the room with Crow Feather. After Mei Zai brought the people in, he retreated.

Crow Feather looked at the slightly sci-fi environment around him and the space that obviously did not meet the internal volume of the building, and said: Space technology? I didn't expect you to have such a trump card. That guy Yu Guangren seems to have overturned unjustly.

Crow Feather is very curious about Levi. After all, Levi has exposed very little information so far. MBI's intelligence department even has to guess when sorting out information related to Levi.

When Li Wei said that he could resurrect a girl, Crow Feather's inner curiosity was already on the verge of exploding. Now, she is even more curious about Li Wei.

Li Wei said: You are lucky enough to jump out of the car halfway. I don't intend to let go of ambitious people like Yu Guangren easily. If the relevant personnel do not jump out of the car in time, they may also be accidentally injured. .”

Crow Feather smiled and said: So, my luck is indeed very good. Where is Yume now? I want to see her.

Crow Feather didn't beat around the bush with Li Wei at all, and directly stated his purpose straight to the point.

Levi knocked on the outer wall of the culture cabin. The originally opaque metallic outer wall became transparent in just a few seconds, revealing the situation inside. Yume, who was soaking in the nutrient solution at this time, curled up slightly, with a calm and peaceful smile on her face. She now looks about fourteen years old, much younger than when she disappeared. .

Crow Feather suddenly lay down on the outer wall of the training cabin, with his face almost touching it. Looking at the smooth girl in the training cabin, she showed such a gaffe.

Li Wei did not laugh at Crow Feather, but said calmly: The nurturing time of this body is not over yet. She will officially wake up until tomorrow. By then, you are welcome to come and play with her at any time.

Crow Feather showed a regretful expression on his face and said: Tomorrow, what a pity. I have to catch my flight abroad tonight and go out to perform my mission. It will probably take some time before I can come back.

Crow Feather took off a pendant from her neck and said, When she wakes up, please Li Weijun, please give something like this to her. When she sees this, she will know that I have been here.

Levi nodded, took the pendant, and put it into the storage space.

Levi knew why Crow Feather suddenly left Neon at this time. After all, MBI was able to find all kinds of information about the Snake Organization because he was deliberately letting it go. As Yuguang Renbei started the Wagtail Game, In the third stage, the historical mission of the Snake Organization has been completed. Therefore, it is necessary to find a suitable reason for the Snake Organization to gradually withdraw and disappear into the dust of history. As for the driving force behind the Snake Organization's withdrawal from history, Levi felt that the Crow Feather in front of him was quite suitable. Crow Feather's combat effectiveness was strong enough, and it was reasonable to wipe out the Snake Organization.

Levi said: Although she hasn't fully woken up yet, she can hear the sounds from the outside world. Say something to her, otherwise, you will have to wait for a while before you can talk to her.

Crow Feather took a deep breath. Although she looked calm on the outside, she started to cheer like a little girl in her heart. She sorted out the words in her mind and found that what she wanted to say to Yume was really There are so many that I probably couldn’t finish them in three days and three nights.

Jie Nu, I won't let you run away again this time. When I come back, I will definitely defeat you. Crow Yu said with a serious expression. At this time, she was like a vindictive child. The human race feels slightly funny.

Crow Feather said softly: Li Weijun, can you please take a moment to speak?

Li Wei nodded and took Crow Feather to another room. After the space expansion of Izumo Manor, there are many internal rooms, and there are also internal fast transmission channels that can jump across rooms and teleport from one location to another. Arriving at another location, the two of them had now entered a small reception room.

Levi said: You don't have to worry about being heard by others when you speak here. If you want to say anything, you can say it here.

Crow Feather was curious and shocked at the same time about Li Wei's magical methods. This retro and luxurious reception room reminded her of the palace of the ancient nobles of the Chong Kingdom.

Crow Feather drove the messy thoughts out of his mind and said: I would like to ask, Li Weijun, since you have the ability to resurrect the dead, can you prevent me from falling into a state of suspended animation after leaving the original Wei Ya? s things.

Li Wei already knew Crow Feather's plan in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be surprised and said, Are you planning to betray your own Wei Ya?

Crow Feather said: That's right, because we are in a relationship of mutual use. My Wei Ya is a person who wants to take revenge on the world, and I was similar to him at that time, so the two of us concluded a contract. It's a big ticket to make this world feel pain. But now that Yume has been resurrected, I don't need to do such extreme things anymore, so I want to get rid of my shackles and regain my freedom. Only in this way can I Stay by Yume’s side.”

Li Wei crossed his arms, pondered for a moment, and said: There is a way, and it won't have any side effects, but if you do this, it will be equivalent to breaking up with Yu Guangren. MBI knows this, so you will do it completely There is no place for it.”

Crow Feather said: This kind of thing doesn't matter. As long as I can stay with Yume, it doesn't matter if I fall out with MBI. The power in Yu Guangren's hands is not enough to pose a threat to me.

Crow Feather does have this confidence, because she is the sharpest knife in Yu Guang's hands. After Mei Zai left MBI, she was the backbone of MBI's high-end combat power. Therefore, she is not worried that she will be killed. Because she has the ability to flip tables.

Levi said: I can help you with this, but you owe me a favor.

Crow Feather smiled and said: This favor is very precious. I will keep it in mind. As long as you need it, I can help you solve all kinds of problems that are inconvenient for you at any time.

Li Wei said: I don't need anyone to do the dirty work. I'm not a conspirator like Yu Guangren. There are so many enemies to deal with. I accept your idea, but I think it needs to be used You should have very little time.”.

Chapter 444. The exit of the Snake Organization

Levi himself has too many secrets to keep, so it is impossible for him to expose his secrets to others. Even if there is any dirty work that needs to be handled, he will not leave it to others. The puppet clone is What exists for this kind of thing is just like the previously powerful Snake Organization, which is a false organization supported by his personal puppet clone.

Crow Feather said: My purpose of coming here has been achieved. I still have some things to deal with, so I have to leave first.

Levi smiled and said: Then let me take you out. This is a special independent space. There is no passage directly connected to the outside. If there is no one to guide the way, it will be more troublesome to get in and out.

Li Wei sent Crow Feather out of Izumo Manor. Looking at Crow Feather's back, Li Wei sighed inwardly. People often lose their minds when facing feelings. However, even he is like this, so he is not qualified to say it. Crowfeather's.

Levi, who has watched both anime and manga, and has also specifically compared the differences between this world and the first two, knows in his heart that Crow Feather's feelings for Yunu are very sincere, and Yunu's choice back then, to be honest, It hurt everyone who cared about her, and it was precisely because of this that it caused a wave of hatred for Yu, and made some wagtails do it. It was Yu who killed Yu's daughter, so in the original plot, at certain times, Yu Will be inexplicably hostile to some wagtails.

It is said that the predecessors planted trees for the next generation to enjoy the shade, but sometimes, the predecessors owe money and the later generations pay back the debt. This can also be regarded as the price of a new life for the knot. After all, it is not that Li Wei has such skills. The knot is to a certain extent. She said that it is really no different from death. This account will be recorded on her head, which is normal.

Mei Zai appeared behind Li Wei and said with a smile: I didn't expect you, Mr. Li Wei, to be soft-hearted.

Levi turned around, flicked Mei Zai's forehead, and said with a smile: I'm not a hard-hearted person. I already know about Crow Feather. I have such ability. It's not a big deal to win over them. Why bother? Why not?

Levi is a very chaotic person. Whether he does good things or bad things, it all depends on his mood. When he is in a bad mood, he will not hesitate to destroy the world. When he is in a good mood, let him learn to help others. Grandma can cross the street no problem.

Li Wei still had some sympathy in his heart for Crow Feather's good friends, the pair of poor friends, so he was willing to help them. And there is another important reason, that is, both Crow Feather and Yume are cute girls. If these two people are rough men with beards, then he will not bother to care about such things. As a person Although he is a good-looking animal, Levi is so unreasonable most of the time.

Mei Zai said: In the next period of time, MBI will finally stop. Only when Crow Feather comes back will Yu Guangren really start the third stage. Although he is an ambitious person, he is not It will expand mindlessly.”

Li Wei smiled and said: Crow Feather told me that now she will not rebel easily. Even if she wants to rebel, she will only do it at the most critical moment. Before Yu Guangren reveals his weakness, Crow Feather will Yu will not act rashly, and this is also for the sake of those ordinary wagtails.

As a professional executioner who does dirty work, Crow Feather is naturally very aware of the backhand Yu Guangren left in the wagtails' bodies. She will not act rashly until this problem is solved. And she doesn't trust those ordinary Wei Ya. She is worried that those Wei Ya are scum who have been bribed by the Yuguang people. She is trying to solve the problem of the poison sac, which may expose her rebellious purpose, so Now, she can only move forward according to Yu Guangren's plan and wait for the right time.

Mei Zai smiled and said: Crow Yu has also become mature. I remember her before. She would not consider these things before. For her at that time, as long as it was something that had nothing to do with Yume, She won’t even care.”

Levi said: This is love. Love can make people weak, and it can also make people strong. Crow Feather has become weaker on the surface now, because she has concerns, but her future path is not It’s turned on.”

Mei Zai said: To be honest, I am very happy to see such a change in her. Li Weijun, when you leave, can you take Crow Feather and Yume with you?

Levi said: You have to ask them if they are willing to do this, not me. I don't have any objections. But when you come to my territory, you have to abide by my rules. I have to make this clear first.

Mei Zai smiled and said: Let's talk about this kind of thing later, but I believe that they will know how to choose. After all, they want not to be affected by the external environment. The best choice is to leave this place, which is sad for them. Place. Go to a new place and start your life over.

Levi thought of a saying, Escape is shameful, but it is useful. Many things have happened on the earth in this world, and these things are not pleasant things. It is normal for Crow Feather to feel uncomfortable. It is good to change the environment and mood, and to be out of sight and out of mind.

Levi put his arms around Mei Zai's slender waist, and the two leaned against each other. The relationship between the two had reached the point where it was only the last step. However, because there are a lot of girls around Li Wei now, rashly taking the final step with them alone can easily unbalance the mentality of other girls. In order to ensure the balance, Li Wei's fatness is now visible in front of his eyes. I can't eat enough, so I have to return to the floating island every once in a while to vent my energy that has nowhere to put it.

In the following period, everything was calm in the entire Eastern Empire, but all Wei Ya who participated in the wagtail game knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

As the mastermind behind the chess game with Yu Guangren, Li Wei knew very well what happened during this period. Ordinary Wei Ya could only seize this period of time, get along with his wagtail, and leave as much good things as possible. Memories, even if the Wagtail Game is eliminated in the end, they will not be full of regrets. In Li Wei's words, he looked at the strongholds of the Snake Organization on the map being pulled out one after another, showing a surprised expression. After Crow Feather released his initiative, his strength was even higher than before, like a machine. The puppet clone is no longer a match for her, and will basically be killed when they meet.

It is precisely because of this that in just half a month, the Snake Organization has lost seven sub-bases, and the number of casualties that can be counted has reached thousands. Of course, these so-called people are all consumed. It's just a clone of the production version of the puppet. It's just that Crowfeather and MBI couldn't distinguish this, so they regarded these as the results of the battle.

After ten sub-bases were wiped out, the Snake Organization seemed to outsiders to have been severely weakened. All outside personnel had withdrawn to the European region, and the backup and MBI were fighting at home.

Seeing the attitude of the Snake Organization, Yu Guangren did not intend to fight with the Snake Organization now, so he decisively transferred Crow Feather back and prepared to start the third stage of the Wagtail Game.

Chapter 44. Pre-war meeting

On the beach attached to Izumo-so, cute girls in swimsuits were sitting obediently in a circle around a large round table that was slightly inconsistent with the surrounding environment, conducting a not serious but important meeting.

Song looked at the people around him and said: According to MBI internal information, if nothing unexpected happens, the third stage of the Wagtail Game will officially start tomorrow. Everyone has rested for such a long time, I think everyone Are you ready for the fight?

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