The uranium girl ran over, took off the volleyball with some difficulty, and said: When we play volleyball, we always accidentally hit the ball out of bounds. I'm really sorry.

Levi sat up and said with a smile: It would be fine if the direction coming here is not towards my face.

Levi looked into the distance and saw Yuehai who turned away with a blushing face. This girl, who is like a big cat, is a little dissatisfied with the current situation of so many girls around him, so she always plays some little tricks. Of course, Levi resolves them all.

The uranium girl placed the volleyball on the sand, sat down on it, and used the volleyball as a chair, sitting in a very bold posture.

The uranium girl said: I heard Song say, Levi, you picked up another girl?

Levi estimated that the volleyball coming towards his face was probably because Yue Hai knew about such a thing, which was why it happened.

Li Wei said: Song Zhen is a big mouth, I guess everyone else knows it.

The uranium girl nodded and said: He is still a celebrity, No., the boss of the first generation punishment team, the elusive drunkard Fenghua.

Levi wanted to complain in his heart. It seemed that everyone else already knew about Fenghua's characteristics, so he probably told Song about it, but Fenghua probably wouldn't mind such a thing. If it were anyone else, Songtie would definitely get beaten.

The girl's white and tender toes tapped and dug into the gravel. Sitting on the volleyball, she was restless, her body swaying and constantly moving left and right in place.

Uranium Girl said: To be honest, the wagtails that will be edited in the future all owe a favor to the previous elder sisters. We felt a little embarrassed last time when Mutsu was beaten and sent back to MBI.

Levi knew that Mutsu was also a member of the first-generation punishment team. Another person would not have been able to destroy Mikogami Hayato's forces so easily. After all, Mutsu was the big daddy opposite, and Mutsu's strength was due to his strength. Only Zhong Gua Lao was able to suppress it easily. In a normal battle, the other Wei Ya forces would not be able to confront Hayato Mikogami.

Levi said: The Wagtail Game is like this. No matter how good the relationship was before, when it comes time to take action, we still have to take action. Anyway, after we clear the game, the Wagtail Game will no longer exist. By then, There will no longer be such meaningless battles.”

Uranium Girl said: Now, we don't have many advantages. The eastern and southern forces have been defeated, and only we and the western forces are left. That person seems to be named Nishi Sanada. It is said that his reputation is not very good. He is a Lolicon.

Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. He couldn't say much about this thorny issue, but he could understand Sanada Nishi in the west. Lolita and other things were indeed cute, but the three around Sanada Nishi were really cute. Loli? Just a female imp. No, she's a bitch and carries a gun.

Those little guys were as capable of playing tricks as cats. Levi could only say that people raise different things, and it was only someone with a personality like Sanada Nishi who could bear the tormenting of several buzzing humanoid alarm clocks around him.

The uranium girl said: Sister Fenghua doesn't know when she will wake up. We have all agreed to hold a barbecue party for her. Knowing that she likes drinking, we also specially searched for gourmet tablecloth menus to help her find good wine.

Levi said: Oh, this treatment is different for the elder sister..

Chapter 4. Guess

Levi said: I always thought that there were not many people who would respect your lawless character. I didn't expect that you would still think of holding a party for her. However, I don't know if she is awake now. If she doesn't wake up, your reception dinner will have to be postponed.

The uranium girl said: If you postpone it, just postpone it. This kind of thing is prepared for Fenghua.

Tsukiumi didn't know when he came behind Uranium Girl, grabbed the volleyball with both hands, pumped hard, and pulled the volleyball out, and naturally, Uranium Girl sat down on the sand.

Yue Hai said: Uranium girl, if you don't come, then someone else will have to take over for you. You are the leader of the game after all, why did you slip away halfway?

The girl suddenly fell down and sat on the sand. The big rabbit jumped violently and the white patches made Li Wei a little dazzled. Even though the girl was usually very humorous, she still had a lot of charm as a woman.

Levi's eyes moved down and he saw those delicate little feet that were like white jade. He felt a little warm inside. Although he had mastered extraordinary power and became powerful, it did not make him lose his desire as a human being. On the contrary, On the contrary, human desires have been intensified.

Whether it is appetite, desire for enjoyment, or emotional desire, and possessiveness, they are all strengthened, so after getting it, Levi desires more.

However, Levi is not a strong desire in every aspect, at least he doesn't have much interest in things like ruling the world. He is quite motivated to manage a daughter country like Floating Island. After all, this is his back home, but if he is given a country, even if it is just a small kingdom with a population of only tens of thousands, he is too lazy to manage it.

Because there is not enough motivation, Levi can try his best to satisfy the needs of the girls on the floating island, because the girls are all his partners, and the palms and backs of these hands are all flesh. As long as they open their heads, all the girls will Only by receiving the same benefits can the most basic fairness be maintained.

In this kingdom, except for the queen and princess, everyone else has nothing to do with him. Why should he create better living conditions for these irrelevant people?

The uranium girl lay down as if lying on the beach, and she didn't mind getting her head touched by sand. However, the beach and ocean here were very clean, and it was a private space for her own enjoyment, with no outsiders at all. Therefore, there is no garbage or impurities on the beach, and it is no problem to lie down and roll on it.

The girl said: We are talking about how to hold a party for Fenghua. Li Weijun doesn't know our plan yet, so I will tell you. By the way, have you decided on the wine?

Levi said: Does Fenghua particularly like drinking?

Yuehai held the volleyball under her arm and said: She is very famous, but what she is most famous for is that she is a very good drinker, and her wine is very bad. She starts playing tricks on others when she is drunk. Anyway, she is traveling in Europe. When I came down, I gained many friends, and similarly, I gained many enemies.

Fenghua's personality is like a cat, elusive, and she also has the ability to play tricks like a cat. In other words, she is a fun-loving person, but this fun-loving person can not only take advantage of others for fun, but also has the ability to play tricks on others. I don’t mind becoming someone else’s entertainment and being laughed at. She is a fun person who can afford to lose. Unlike some people, she can only find fun for others. Once she becomes a fun person, she will immediately break her guard and cause trouble.

According to Levi, his understanding of Fenghua was obtained from reading its deep memory. Relying on his powerful multi-threaded thinking ability, Levi had already completed the memory reading during the time he was treating it. To be honest, after getting rid of the secret, he and Fenghua still have a good compatibility. After all, they are both fun-loving people.

However, Li Wei has too many secrets of his own. Although confiding secrets can relieve his inner pressure, these secrets of Li Wei are top secrets that only he knows. It is said that emperors are lonely, so they There is a saying about being a loner. Li Wei, who was above the emperor, had more secrets to keep, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Li Wei said: Fenghua's experience seems to be very rich. However, it is also understandable that as long as people are floating outside, they will inevitably encounter many people and many things. However, I have always been dissatisfied with her words. I only heard her name but didn’t see her in person, and I didn’t expect that she would come from Europe.”

The uranium girl said: Speaking of which, isn't she always floating outside? Why did she think of taking Neon back?

Levi said: I can't give you an answer to this kind of thing. You have to ask her herself.

Uranium Girl said: Now is not a good time to return to Neon. The wagtail game is going on now. She originally ran to Europe, but today the emperor is far away, and MBI has nothing to offer in Europe. She can be said to be very free in Europe. If she returns to Neon at this time, she will inevitably be involved in the wagtail game. Once she is involved in the game, some things will be beyond her control.

Levi said: '. If you say that, it's very strange. She should know about the wagtail game, but since she knows, why does she come back to this mess again?

Levi was pretending to be confused. He could understand Aizen's perverted thoughts. This feeling of everyone being kept in the dark and being fooled gave him an addictive feeling. Levi knew that his thoughts were very bad, but such things were indeed unstoppable.

Why do so many ordinary people yearn for rights? Isn't it because after having rights, they can be above others and play with the fate of others? To a certain extent, villains similar to Levi are very common no matter which world they are in.

Just like some domestic official TV dramas, Li Wei finds the various power struggles in them quite interesting. However, these TV dramas are limited to viewing angles and censorship, and some sensitive things cannot be broadcast. A few years ago, you could still see that type of officialdom novels, but you can’t see them now.

However, Levi no longer needs that kind of novel to satisfy himself. He has begun to take action on his own, using his own methods to control the fate of others. This kind of bad thing is a rare moment of relaxation and relaxation for him. Entertaining and handsome.

Uranium Girl said: I can't explain this kind of thing clearly, but there is an old saying, whichever is the lesser of two evils. This shows that there is also danger in Europe. Fenghua should have made a decision after careful consideration. This is the choice now.”

Chapter 4. Being in the situation

Yuehai showed a curious expression and ran away with the volleyball in her arms. Who knew she ran back again and sat down next to the two of them, with a you guys keep talking expression on her face.

Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. It seems that all girls are so good at hexagrams, let alone Yuehai. Even the girls on the floating island, despite their usually reserved appearance, are actually astonishingly good at hexagrams. It is difficult to keep things related to him secret. Therefore, when facing his partner, Levi did not dare to mention his core secret, otherwise, the girls on the entire floating island would know it in less than two days. Don't think such things are exaggerated. Reality is often much more absurd than stories. Reality does not need logic, only novels do.

Levi said: Perhaps, it has something to do with the Snake Organization. I heard Song say before that she investigated through the Internet and found that there was some strange information on the Internet in Europe, which involved the Snake Organization. The Snake Organization is very powerful in Europe. They are huge and have a large number of powerful people cooperating with them. Maybe Fenghua returned to Neon at this point in time because of the Snake Organization.

Uranium Girl said: This does make sense. I looked through the information given by Senior Shimatatsu and concluded a common point from it. The snake organization is only interested in wagtails that have not yet fledged. If the wagtails have already fledged, , even if it is the target they are hunting, they will give up directly.

Yuehai showed a surprised expression and said: Is there such a thing? All the targets who were hunting just gave up. They were too decisive.

Uranium Girl said: Only the people of the Snake Organization know the secret inside. Generally speaking, the Snake Organization has no interest in the Wagtail Game, and they have not seen any battles between Wei Ya and Wei Ya. People intervene. But every time MBI releases a new wagtail, they become active and try to capture it.

Yuehai's voice increased unconsciously, and she said, Aren't the wagtails that have not yet fledged in danger?

Uranium Girl said: An Xin, MBI is not a vegetarian. The Punishment Team is directly used by Yu Guangren as a nanny. The unfeathered Wagtail is surrounded by people from the Punishment Team, ordinary mechanical transformation people of the Snake Organization, with strength and Wagtails don’t have much advantage over them, so not many wagtails fall into the opponent’s hand.”

Yuehai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what the uranium girl said.

Uranium Girl said: Senior Song has a complete set of information. You can take a look at it when you have nothing to do. You can understand the latest situation now and not be discredited.

Yuehai was a little embarrassed. In the past, she had habitually exercised her strength and did not pay much attention to intelligence. People around her were not aware of such a problem, so no one reminded her. It was only now that the uranium girl said this that Yue Hai realized what his problem was.

If this continues, and people around her are talking about important things and suddenly ask her what she thinks, and she looks like she doesn't know what to say, that would be embarrassing.


In Meizai's room, Meizai was flipping through a book when she heard a rustling sound coming from the direction of the bed. She raised her head and saw Fenghua taking her hands out of the quilt.

It's good that you wake up, Fenghua, it's been such a long time. Mei Zai closed the book in her hand and said with a smile. long have I been sleeping? My head feels a little bloated. Fenghua sat up and protected her forehead with one hand. Now, she felt that her body had been healed, but she still felt a little dizzy and nauseated. .

It's been almost an hour, and it's still night time. Meiya smiled.

Fenghua breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that she would only sleep for a few days and nights, but now she only slept for a few hours, which had little negative impact on her body.

Looking at you, you look quite embarrassed. With your strength, you should be worthy of those tin cans. How could you get yourself into this situation? Meiya stood up, took a cup of hot water from the pot, and put it on Fenghua On the bedside table next to it.

Fenghua felt that her throat was burning, which was a warning from her body due to lack of food. Fenghua quickly grabbed the cup and drank it all. She almost choked because she drank too fast.

Huh... I'm alive. If it's right, those tin cans are no match for me at all, but there are too many people on the opposite side. More than a dozen people are swarming up. I can't deal with so many enemies of this level at the same time. Fenghua put down her cup, with a bitter expression on her face.

Do you know who the person who attacked you is? Meiya took a stool and sat down by the bed.

I don't know. Although there is a lot of darkness hidden in Europe, I am confident that I know a lot about it. But this is the first time I have seen those guys. I have never thought that there are other existences besides wagtails. He has this level of power, but there don’t seem to be many opponents,” Fenghua said.

As a well-informed person, Fenghua has a little dabble in all aspects of knowledge. She also knows a little bit about machinery. Generally speaking, mechanical creations can be mass-produced in large quantities to reduce costs. However, it seems that there is no way to mass-produce those iron cans. Therefore, although the number of iron cans chasing him is quite large, it is not like Like those science fiction movies, it has reached an overwhelming level.

Fenghua has watched the movie Mechanical Enemy. The male protagonist is chased by a large number of robots. That exaggerated number is the number of mechanical enemies that should be there. However, the tin cans that are chasing her are the most numerous. Sometimes there are only more than ten units, and most of the time two or three units operate as a small team. It seems that facing such a small team, she is confident that she can win.

However, the opponent was very fast and had an air advantage. Although she could defeat a canned team head-on, she would be held back until reinforcements arrived, and then she was trapped in a predicament of being beaten. .

After suffering the first loss, Fenghua only dared to engage in guerrilla warfare with the opponent. If he couldn't attack, he would retreat immediately. With the help of this flexible tactic and the powerful mobility brought by her ability to control airflow, she was able to dodge around the encirclement and was chased for so long without being caught.

Mei Zai covered Feng Hua with the slipping quilt and said: That is an organization called Snake. We have collected some information related to the other party. It was an organization that developed during the war. It is said that it is related to the organization that collapsed before. The Three Empires have certain connections. They are an organization that has mastered many black technologies, and the elites in Europe have considerable say. However, this organization is very well hidden, and it was not until recently that its existence was revealed. Even I was... It was only during this period that I learned about the existence of this organization.”

Chapter 4. Wonderful first meeting

Although Mei Zai has lived for a very long time and can be said to have lived along with the history of mankind until now, she is not an omniscient and omnipotent true god, so there are many things that she does not know.

It was like a behemoth like the Snake Organization that had just surfaced recently. She had never heard of it before. She had no interest in things other than her own life. For her, grasping the small happiness at hand That's the most important thing. What does the mysterious organization in Europe have to do with her? At least until the attack on Wagtail came out, she had no interest in this organization.

Fenghua rubbed the back of her head and said, I hate trouble the most, but now it seems that trouble like this is simply unavoidable.

Don't worry, as long as you stay here honestly and don't run around, the other side won't dare to trouble you. Moreover, the other side is only interested in unfledged wagtails. Once you feather, you will be among them. It's okay to hang around in front of them, as long as you don't take the initiative, they won't cause trouble for you. Mei Zai said.

Is there another thing like this? Fenghua showed a surprised expression, because this kind of thing feels weird just thinking about it.

Yes, I was surprised when I summarized this information, but this is the fact. The Snake Organization has also deployed a considerable amount of combat power in the Eastern Imperial Capital, but they will never take the initiative to intervene in the wagtail game. They don’t have any interest in Wei Ya’s battle, even if it is a good opportunity to catch Wagtails, they will just watch from a distance. Mei Zai said.

Fenghua frowned slightly, this kind of thing was a bit troublesome. She couldn't just find someone to be her Wei Ya for her own safety. After all, Wei Ya was, to put it bluntly, a love relationship. This kind of relationship must be determined with great caution. After all, once such a thing is entrusted to someone else, then The only one who will suffer is yourself.

Mei Zai looked at Fenghua, and she knew the other party's concerns. Although Fenghua usually gave people the impression of being an unruly big sister, she actually knew that Fenghua had a seriously insecure character, but something that could make her feel safe To be honest, men are very rare. In addition, the other party must have Wei Ya's genetic factors before the two parties can conclude an feather contract, so it is difficult for her to find Wei Ya who is suitable for her.

Mei Zai stood up and said: Although your wounds have been healed, the energy lost has not been replenished. You must have a good rest for the next period of time and cannot fight with others~

Mei Zai prepared to leave Feng Hua alone. After all, there are some things that cannot be completely calmed down and thought about when other people are around.

In her heart, Mei Zai intends to recommend Levi to Fenghua. After all, Levi is a man who can perfectly meet all Fenghua's requirements. Fenghua's lack of sense of security is not a lack of money or status, but a safety issue. .

As a member of the first-generation Punishment Team, Fenghua has experienced too many battles and seen all kinds of dark things, so the fear in her heart is also very deep. The thing that Fenghua fears is very simple, that is death. Because she has seen too many deaths, the fear of death will penetrate deep into her bones.

As a No. 1, Mei Zai knows her juniors very well. Fenghua hid her inner fear under the absurd appearance. The reason why Fenghua suddenly quit the punishment team more than ten years ago is almost because of The reason for his escape was to go to Europe, just to avoid the dark side inside MBI and to avoid the Wagtail Game.

Fenghua, who was chased from Europe to Neon by the Snake Organization, can be said to have just emerged from the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den, which only aggravated Fenghua's inner fear. As a sister, Mei Zai will naturally find ways to solve the problem from the root when faced with such a situation. In her opinion, as long as Fenghua can find the right Wei Ya, all these problems can be solved.

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