Levi walked to the corridor outside the living room, and continued walking outside, which is the beach area. Because it is dark now, the beach space in Izumo Village is also in sync with the outside world, and you can also see the bright starry sky. As beautiful as the scenery in the illustration, this is a sight that cannot be seen in the outside world.

Li Wei sat down in the corridor and answered the phone. Li Wei knew why Yu Guangren called at this time. Although he didn't make many big moves during this period, he made a lot of mistakes. The handful of wagtails with the highest quality in the wagtail sequence were taken for themselves. Yu Guangren finally couldn't sit still for such a thing.

Now, it depends on what Yu Guangren will fart.

The call is connected.

Excuse me, it's Li Weijun himself who's answering the phone, right?

It's me, Yu. It's rare for a busy person like you to call me.

No, I'm afraid that my presumptuous call will disturb your rest, Li Weijun. After all, no one likes to be disturbed while resting.

So what do you say now? I am having dinner with a girl, and now you dare to disturb me?

I have no choice but to do this. After all, Li Weijun, you have gathered too much power during this period. In addition, the southern and eastern forces have been defeated by you. The current Wagtail Game has become seriously unbalanced and is about to stop running. It’s down to the point of going down.”

I just gather the girls I like. Does this also destroy the balance of the game? As for the southern forces and the eastern forces, you can check what kind of people they are. If I defeat them, it must be me. There is a reason, and such a reason must be justified.”

I know, I understand all of this. Hyou'aquan of the Eastern force is a scumbag who doesn't play by the rules and always likes to use dirty tricks to intimidate and induce. And Hayato Mikogami of the Southern force is a coercive person. It’s rubbish that the wagtails are feathering. These two people are not good people, and it is normal for them to be defeated by you.”

Yes, what I hate the most is all kinds of people who like to mess around. That is to say, Nishi Sanada in the West is decent, at least he is a person with a bottom line, so I haven't taken the initiative to find trouble with him until now.

Thank you so much. If you take away the Western forces, then the Wagtail Game will not be able to continue.

Don't worry, as long as the Wagtail game is played within the rules, I will abide by the rules and cooperate with your work. After all, you are the administrator of this game, and I still have to give you the administrator's face.

On the other side of the phone, Yu Guangren wanted to complain in his heart. It would be great if Li Wei really thought so. Anyway, so far, Li Wei has been dancing crazily on the edge of his bottom line, but Li Wei knows how to measure and does not cross the line. After crossing this line, plus defeating the invaders of the mysterious organization before and leaving the wreckage to MBI, he still deserves this favor.

During this period of time, apart from caring about the progress of the game, he spent most of the rest of the time in the laboratory, studying the wreckage. After this period of hard work, he also obtained some results, which can be used to analyze them. Some techniques perform reverse engineering. If the punishment team is allowed to come, it will not be easy to obtain these trophies.

The only thing he cares about now is whether his plan will be hindered. If Li Wei is determined to hinder his plan, then he will also be prepared for a fight and use all his strength to defeat Li Wei in the final decisive battle. .

Thank you for your understanding. There are not many Wei Yas who follow the rules like you. Most of the newly born Wei Yas are young people who don't know what the world is like. They always want to do something sexy, thinking that I You won’t notice their little tricks. It’s Li Weijun who makes people worry less.”

Yu Guangren felt that his words were a bit disgusting even for him, but now was not the time to offend Li Wei as the sedan chair was carrying people.

Then you have worked really hard. The reason why a game is a game is that everyone involved in the game must follow the rules of the game. People who always think about fouling to gain an advantage will not last long in the game.

Li Wei thought to himself that he was actually a person who broke the rules, but his method of breaking the rules was too clever and no one could detect it. For example, he used a person-finding and locating spell to locate other people, or used a thousand Zhihe came to monitor, and Song used hacking techniques to hack into MBI's internal servers from time to time. These things were all illegal in some cases. However, as long as this kind of thing is not discovered, it is equivalent to non-existence.

This kind of thing is like a closed-book examination of the tolerance test. In fact, it is more skillful to compare whose fouling techniques are better and less likely to be discovered. Those who know how to cheat are really awesome.

Yes, what you said makes sense, Li Weijun. I want to know what your recent plans are. After all, there are already a lot of wagtails around you.

Are you asking me to slow down the collection of wagtails? If that's the case, then there's nothing to say.

How could it be? I am the game administrator. I just want to know how many wagtails you have there so that I can register them. After all, I am already preparing for the third stage of the game. So the scraps need to be collected in advance, and this is something that applies to everyone.”

This kind of thing is easy to handle. I will ask the wagtail below to make a document and send it directly to MBI's mailbox. There is no need to talk about this kind of thing again. Next, I will play the game according to the rules, so for those who do not follow If you follow the rules, I will hit you hard, so don’t think that I stole the punishment team’s mission when the time comes.”

Li Wei used force to intimidate in a rather obscure way, but Yu Guangren was also an old fox, and he immediately understood what Li Wei meant. In his heart, he felt that Li Wei was really overbearing. If others can't foul, he can just foul himself. Even They have already begun to threaten him as the game manager. But the current situation requires the overall situation to be the top priority, so even if you are threatened in a subtle way, you can only pretend not to know and continue to accompany Smiley.

Hang up, I still have to have dinner with the girls. At this time, I don't want to spend time on the phone with a man.

On the other side of the phone, Yu Guangren was suffocating and felt that his blood pressure had suddenly risen. The only thing he could do was to gasp for air and take deep breaths to suppress his dizzy feeling.

I'm really bothering you.

Listening to the blind tone from the phone, Yu Guangren raised his phone high and wanted to throw it down, but thinking of the trouble of changing the phone, he could only sigh and sit on the office chair like a salted fish. . The only good news so far is that Levi has no plans to overturn the table for the time being, which makes him relieved. If Levi doesn't mess around, the plan to ascend to the gods can avoid a lot of twists and turns.

Chapter. Skilled comfort

After Levi hung up the phone, he continued to enjoy his food. In the evening, he was planning to return to the floating island for a short vacation to relax.

After all, considering the impact on the Wagtail girls around him, he has not started to eat meat yet. This feeling of smelling meat but not being able to eat it is very difficult for Li Wei, a Qiu who loves meat but does not enjoy it. For a famous mountain car god, this is very torturous. Therefore, he needs to return to the island for some repair and adjust his mood before returning to this world.

The flow rate of time on the floating island is almost the same as that of the outside world, so even if Levi stayed on the island for a month, it would only take a second in the outside world, and it would not affect his plan at all. . Of course, this difference in time flow rate can be adjusted according to his needs. It can be adjusted to be proportional to the outside world, or it can be paused or fast-forwarded.

After dinner time, the girls all dispersed to do what they liked, while Levi returned to the corridor. He liked the bright starry sky very much, although the starry sky above his head was fake. If he used his perception ability to explore upward, The naked eye can see through its essence, but if you only look at it with the naked eye, it is so beautiful that it is almost dreamy.

Mei Zai came behind Li Wei. She hesitated and sat down next to Li Wei. Meiya still wears her favorite kimono. Except for sunbathing on the beach, she maintains this traditional style most of the time. And she does have the quality of an ancient beauty.

Mei Zai said: That phone call must have come from Yuguang.

Li Wei smiled and said: I didn't expect your ears to be so smart, that you can hear me from such a distance.

Mei Zai said: Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I can't let go of the wagtail game.

Li Wei can understand Mei Zai's feelings. After all, Mei Zai's own experience is very special. Although she is an immortal, she has not lost her sensitivity to emotions because of her immortality. Even for her, this batch of wagtails, He doesn't have much to do with her, just like a distant relative.

It can be said that even if this batch of wagtails died, the impact on her would only be an emotional one. However, she did not lose her feelings because of her immortality. Instead, she cared more about the people around her.

As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. Because she cares, she feels nervous. She is afraid that Yu Guangren will come up with some conspiracy. Although Li Wei has already mastered some wagtails, and most of those in the outside world have found their own reed buds, as of now, some wagtails are still in a state of adjustment and have not been harvested. After MBI launched it, what she was worried about were these Wagtails that were still under MBI's control.

After all, Yu Guangren could do such a nasty thing as implanting a poison sac under the heart of a wagtail. There was nothing he couldn't do. It was precisely because of this situation that she felt worried.

Levi, who is proficient in mind reading, naturally saw her inner thoughts, but it was impossible for him to reveal his plans and trump cards to Mei Zai, so in this situation, he could only use words to comfort her.

Levi put his hand on Mei Zai's shoulder, gently hugged her, and let her lean into his arms.

Li Wei said softly: Don't worry, the Yuguang people are calling because they want to collect information on the wagtails here. Even if the other side wants to make small moves, they don't have the ability. Now Izumo Village is the heart of the matter. , extending outward for kilometers, I have already deployed perception techniques. If there is any disturbance on the opposite side, I can detect it. As for the satellites in the sky, they cannot see through the reality here.

Mei Zai nodded, Levi's words made her feel reassured. Before meeting Li Wei, she was very lonely. She was under all the pressure personally and couldn't find anyone to talk to her. After all, she was an immortal species. She could only continue to wait alone with her own mission. Go down, waiting for the game to start and the end of the game, it seems that you will never see the end.

But now, Mei Zai has someone she can rely on. Although she has not known Li Wei for a long time, she can already completely trust Li Wei. After all, Li Wei has done enough things for the Wagtails. , and he didn't expect Li Wei to do more things.

Mei Zai whispered: I have exhausted my luck in life to be able to meet you.

Levi said: This is the so-called joy of suffering. After all, you have suffered too much. Every time you play a game, you witness a tragedy. You have not become insensitive. This is already a good result. Now , it’s up to me to end it all, this time will definitely be the last Wagtail Game.”

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Levi already has quite a lot of experience in how to coax girls. In addition, he has a mind-reading tool, so he can provide targeted comfort and let the girls around him feel his care and enthusiasm. .

And his strong memory also prevents him from forgetting information about every girl around him. Even if it is a relatively ordinary girl on the floating island, she can remember everything about the other person clearly. This kind of memory allows him to transform into the sun. , spreading your warmth to every girl.

The uranium girl opened the paper wooden door leading to the beach, but when she saw Levi and Mei Ya sitting in the corridor and leaning against each other, she stopped instantly. The person behind them bumped into her directly, and also As a taijutsu-type wagtail, her physical fitness is there. If it were anyone else, she would have been knocked forward.

The uranium girl held the watermelon in both hands and took a big bite without making a sound. Several girls behind also saw the scene in the corridor, and all of them showed surprised expressions.

After all, Mei Zai always regards herself as the eldest sister, behaves quite maturely on weekdays, and her relationship with Li Wei is also divorced. They are not sure what the relationship is between the two, but now it seems that the relationship between the two is The relationship is indeed extraordinary.

Mei Zai didn't realize that there were still people peeking at her and Levi at that time. Her own perception ability was quite strong, but after Levi's transformation and expansion, the space of Izumo Village has greatly changed with the external environment. The difference, so in such an environment, her perception ability is no different from that of ordinary people, so naturally she cannot detect the people behind her.

The uranium girl said in a low voice: I didn't expect to see such a good show. Tsk tsk, it's so beautiful but not honest.

Guang whispered: Since Mei Zai and Li Weijun have this kind of relationship, why hasn't she become an immortal?

The uranium girl whispered: I heard Li Wei say this, it seems to be to completely end the Wagtail game, and at the same time end Mei Zai's fate. Anyway, it's quite complicated. I just played games before, and this aspect of things didn't matter. I didn’t hear much. Shi.

Chapter. Beautiful changes

Uranium Girl whispered: I was playing the game at the time, and I only heard half of it. It seemed to say that if Mei Zai becomes an immortal, the decisive battle will be triggered in advance, which is equivalent to directly entering the final step of the game stage, and this will also determine the outcome of the game. The life and death of most wagtails. I don’t know the specific situation. If you are interested, you can ask Mei Zai directly.

Guang whispered: Let's forget about this kind of thing. Miss Mei Zai is quite sensitive to this kind of thing. I don't want to get in trouble with her on this kind of thing. Anyway, Li Weijun will solve this problem sooner or later.

Xiang whispered beside him: Yes, we just need to do our own things well and each perform their duties.

The girl was lying at the door, looking at the backs of Levi and Mei Zai with curious eyes. The two were leaning against each other in an intimate posture. Levi's hand was placed on Mei Zai's waist, so that she could lean against him as closely as possible. For girls, such a scene is a rare scene that is rarely seen in daily life.

Dannanlu left at a trot and ran back before a while, pushing aside the other girls and pointing the camera of his cell phone at the two of them.

Miyu whispered: The flash will expose us. If Mei Zai gets angry, it will be very scary. It's better not to take pictures.

Mi Ji also nodded and said softly: That's right, I don't want to be punished by running circles around the beach.

Miji had a fight with Akitsu before, and the two of them accidentally broke down the stairs at home. Meiya showed her normal side, scaring the two girls into running laps honestly. Running laps on the beach was different. Since they couldn't put their feet firmly on the flat ground, it was quite uncomfortable to run. Although the physical exertion on the two of them was not great, it allowed them to experience the uncomfortable feeling.

After that, Levi used magic to repair the damaged stairs, just like before they were destroyed, with no trace of damage visible at all.

Song chuckled beside him and said, It doesn't matter. I have already uninstalled the camera ringtone and flash on my phone. Now, secretly taking pictures is not a problem at all.

Song gave a thumbs up with a proud expression on his face.

In Neon, because of the emphasis on personal privacy, the camera function, flash and shutter sound of the mobile phone cannot be turned off. This is a feature of Neon's locally produced mobile phones. But Song is a very skilled technician, so it is not difficult for her to circumvent such restrictions. The mobile phone Dannan is holding now is a special version modified by her.

Dannan lowered her body slightly, and the mountain peaks fell slightly under the influence of gravity. Her slender waist made the other girls looking at her from behind feel a little envious. In addition, Dannan's calves were slightly tense due to inner tension at this time. , so the curves of the legs were perfectly displayed, which made the shorter Miji and Miyu bite their handkerchiefs and show envy and jealousy.

Dannan is one of the taller people in the team, with a height of close to 1 meter. Miyu is only 7 meters tall, while Mi Ji is even shorter, only 3 meters tall. To increase their height, the two of them always go out. I will wear higher heels to increase my height. Therefore, the two sisters are jealous and envious of the big sister type wagtails who are tall and have good figures.

Dannan, who is a bit natural, often exposes his child-like appearance unconsciously. Just like now, he is completely unaware of the heavy blow his good figure has caused to the hearts of his companions.

Dannan bit her lower lip lightly to keep her hands as stable as possible. Although her phone also had a camera anti-shake function, she wanted to take as good-looking photos as possible. Once she decided to do something, she would A true character who will do his best to get things done.

After pressing the virtual shutter button on the screen, Dannan kept fine-tuning the angle, using the light from the room to keep the figures of Levi and Mei Zai in the photo frame.

After taking a dozen photos in a row, Dannan stopped holding his breath and took a long breath.

Song took the mobile phone from Dannan's hand and adjusted the picture he had taken before. Several girls gathered around him curiously, wanting to see what the effect of the photo was.

And just when everyone's attention was focused on their mobile phones, Daoyin's pitiful voice sounded behind everyone.

What is everyone looking at? I'm curious. Can you show it to me too?

Hearing this voice, the hairs on the girls' hair stood up instantly, like a mouse meeting a cat, and they all stood up, while Song stood there, neither moving nor staying.

Seeing Mei Zai's playful smile, Matsu suddenly panicked.

Song, can you give me the thing in your hand? I'm very curious and want to see it. Mei Zai showed a gentle smile.

However, in Matsu's view, she saw a vague appearance of a ferocious ghost behind Mei Zai. What she was most afraid of was that Mei Zai appeared with such a temperament. Every time she did something strange, Mei Zai They will all have such a temperament, appear behind her without anyone noticing, and then let her experience pain.

Song Lao handed the phone to Mei Zai honestly. When Mei Zai saw the photos on the phone, a surprised expression appeared on her face and said: I thought you were doing something strange again, but this time , but I wrongly blamed you, I'm really sorry. But having said that, the photo was taken well.

Mei Zai slid her fingers across the screen of her phone and looked at the photos. A blush gradually appeared on her face. After all, such a private matter was actually seen by her sisters. Even she would feel sad in her heart. Somewhat embarrassed.

Song looked at the red glow on Mei Zai's face, and the surprise in her heart was not shown on her face. After stealing the artifact from MBI, Mei Zai took her in. The Mei Zai at that time was quite different from now. The difference was that Mei Zai at that time was more cold. Anyway, it was hard for her to imagine that Mei Zai would be tempted by a certain man.

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