Levi didn't want to expose all of his abilities yet, so he didn't teleport directly back to Izumo Village. Now, after calculation, there are only a few Wagtails he wants to get most, and with the technical support he secretly provided, , MBI’s efficiency in Wagtail adjustments during this period was much higher than in the original plot. So far, most of the wagtails that have definite roles in the anime have already appeared, and most of the remaining wagtails are characters that appear in the comics. If you are an Otaku who has only watched the first two seasons of the anime, you will only be confused when faced with some of the new characters that appear in the comics.

Right now, there are only four wagtails that I want most. The heroines of the original plot No. Knot, No. Luhuo, No. Fenghua, and the little lolita No. Xiaocao. Fenghua is now playing all over the world. World Travel, people are still floating in Europe, and it will probably take a while before they come back. The remaining three people are still undergoing adjustments in their respective research institutes, and have not been sent to the Eastern Imperial Capital yet. .”

Levi got on the tram and returned to Izumo Village leisurely in this way. As long as he was not in a hurry, he was willing to take various means of transportation. Doing so would make him feel like he was still a human being, not a human being. Weird things outside of people.

Levi is always paying attention to the wagtails he likes. After all, there are huge differences within the wagtails. The wagtails that can catch his eye are among the few in the entire sequence.

Now, Yui and Shikaho are still making final adjustments in their respective research institutes. Yuzu is now in Saga, Shikaho is in Fukuoka, and Kokusa is in Kyoto.

Levi has secretly provided technical support for the research institute where they are located. Compared with the time of the original plot, they can appear on the battlefield earlier. During this time, the three of them can complete the adjustment. By then, Levi will be able to He would try his best to gather the wagtails he wanted, and as for Fenghua, he would also find ways to get them to come back as soon as possible.

The way to get Fenghua to return to Neon as soon as possible is very simple, that is, if the European branch of the Snake Organization becomes active, Fenghua will suffer a little bit. This can let her know that not only Neon is unsafe, but also Europe is even more dangerous. of insecurity.

When Levi returned to Izumo Village, as soon as he entered the gate and entered the entrance hall, he saw Tsukiumi wrapped in a blanket and resting against the shoe cabinet.

Hearing the footsteps, Yue Hai blinked and saw it was Li Wei, with a smile on his face.

Levi sat at the entrance to change his shoes and said, Why are you waiting here alone and not playing with others?

Yuehai said: It is a wife's duty to wait for her husband to come home. I asked Senior Matsu where you have been before, and she said that you went to settle the score with the mastermind behind your assassination. I was a little worried.

Levi smiled and said: What's there to worry about? You know, it's the other person who should be afraid, not me. How long have you been waiting here?

Yuehai smiled and said: It's just a while, I just fell asleep.

Levi saw Yue Hai's heart through mind reading. The girl lied. She had been sitting at the entrance for almost half an hour. If he hadn't come back now, the girl would have continued to sit here until he came back.

Levi said softly: I'm just sitting here wearing a swimsuit and a blanket. What if I catch a cold? Go to the beach to bask in the sun.

Yuehai took off the blanket on his body and said with a smile: Don't worry, my body is very good, and I am a wagtail with the ability to control. I can affect the surrounding temperature to a certain extent. I want to make I have a cold, so at least you have to throw me to the North and South Pole.

Li Wei put his arms around Yue Hai's shoulders and said: My secret, I think the uranium girls have already told you, but I still have to tell you personally here. I am not from this world. Of course. After I completely solve the problem of Wagtail Game, I will leave this world. You must be prepared to say goodbye to your relatives and friends in this world. Of course, if you don’t want to leave, that’s okay. It’s not Everyone can cut themselves off from their past.

Yue Hai said: What are you talking about? I will go wherever you go. Do you still need to say such things?

Yuehai bumped her elbow lightly on Li Wei's waist, and then leaned into Li Wei's arms, enjoying the time the two of them had alone.

Chapter.Enjoy life

There is a unique fragrance on Yuehai's body. Levi's sense of smell is very keen. He can distinguish the different fragrances on each girl. Yuehai's body has a body fragrance similar to the sour and sweet smell of oranges. It is very unique. This is probably related to her control ability.

Levi can blindfold his eyes, turn off his perception, and only use his sense of smell to determine the ability of each of his partners through smell. The so-called knowing a woman by smell, Levi is a master in this area.

Thousands of flowers are passing by, and the flowers and leaves are fragrant all over his body. Levi is a very greedy person. For beautiful flowers, he is not just limited to smelling the fragrance and leaving. He will carefully transplant the flowers into his own garden. This is already It was his instinct as a gardener.

Yuehai said: Uranium girls say that you have a very special independent world, a world that belongs to you alone. We will all go there eventually, right?~

Levi said: Yes, this is a small world linked to my hometown. No matter where I go, I can enter that world. And there is an absolute safe haven there. I built it into a fairyland paradise. The existence of the world is just like those mythical heavens, a beautiful utopian world with only beauty and no ugliness. Of course, it is not very suitable to say utopia, because this so-called utopia has been established by me, - he is indeed existing.

As Yuehai listened to Levi's description, she yearned for that kind of world in her heart, an absolutely perfect utopian world. It should be said that all human beings would yearn for it. After all, the real world is not perfect and has all kinds of problems. .

Levi said: I have taken adventures in various different worlds, and my world has also taken in some unlucky survivors. Some of them were persecuted in their own worlds and had no way out, and some were in their own worlds due to various reasons. And destroyed, homeless, so I provide these poor people with a paradise-like environment so that they can live a carefree life.

Yuehai said: I didn't expect you to have such a kind heart.

Levi said: I'm not a bad person. Isn't it normal to do something good? Just like here, I am very dissatisfied with this so-called wagtail game that plays with the fate of the wagtail, so I plan to save the wagtail. I've done things like this many times.

Levi didn't lie, or rather he didn't lie completely, half truth, half falsehood. Indeed, his floating island is a perfect utopia, but not everyone can enter there. First of all, it must be a woman who can catch his eye, and secondly, it must not have any major problems or touch his bottom line. , does not involve issues of principle. Only after meeting all the conditions can you enter the floating island.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. Girls who pass all conditions have full human rights on the floating island, and Levi will treat them very gently. But there is another situation, that is, the first review did not meet the standards, but the second round of review barely passed, and the girls in this part are either villains or some characters with serious problems.

Girls who have gone through strict vetting are equal to citizens. Even Li Wei, as the owner of the island, will have the most basic respect for these girls and will not do anything to insult the dignity of the girls. Those who fail to pass the review can only be regarded as waiting for citizenship and cannot enjoy full rights.

Of course, these special girls were basically hidden in his special pleasure palace, allowing him to live a far more absurd life than that of King Zhou of Shang and Emperor Yang of Sui.

Unlike ordinary people who feel empty after enjoying the ultimate pleasure, Levi will not feel such a sense of emptiness. On the contrary, this intense enjoyment will only make him feel more comfortable. It is precisely because of this , Li Wei is also consciously filling his pleasure palace, but even if it is a foot-washing maid who specializes in serving him, his requirements are very strict, and not everyone can enter.

After all, apart from the lack of dignity, foot-washing maids' food, drink, and accommodation are not much different from girls who are waiting for citizens. However, in order to take care of the dignity of girls who are waiting for citizens, Li Wei cannot do it anytime and anywhere. Let the other person satisfy their desires. But these foot-washing maids are different. Li Wei comes and goes as soon as he calls them, and does not need to consider their feelings.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

But it is strange to say that these foot-washing maids, after being so tormented by Li Wei, developed an extreme sense of dependence on him, as if they were shaking their vaginas.

Levi and Yue Hai came to the beach. Under the sunny blue sky, the girls were playing beach volleyball on the beach.

On the floating island, the beach volleyball area was also overcrowded. Levi didn't understand why girls liked beach volleyball so much and never got tired of playing it all day long. However, he doesn't dislike such things. After all, sports like beach volleyball are also a good sport for him to watch. The enjoyment of beach volleyball is not limited to volleyball itself. Watching the girls play volleyball is a pleasure in itself.


Yue Hai set up an awning with his hands and saw several girls laughing and joking in the distance, and said, These guys really have no sense of urgency.

Levi said: With me here, what sense of urgency is needed? Anyway, the Wagtail game is now under my control. What we have to do is to complete the entire game process. You just need to treat this as a special event. Just adventure activities.”

Yue Hai said: Other wagtails will probably be quite envious of us. After all, we have already stood at the finish line early.

Levi patted Yuehai on the shoulder and said, Go and play with them. I'll find a place to lie down and bask in the sun.

Yuehai was not polite, Lu trotted to the beach volleyball net. When the other girls saw her coming, they rearranged their groups and started playing again. The physical fitness of the wagtails is far beyond that of normal human girls, so the volleyball battle between them involves blatant cheating using their own special abilities.

Levi came to the rest area not far from Li's volleyball net. Mei Zai and Song were lying on beach chairs, doing their own things. Mei Zai was holding a thick classic literature book and reading quietly, while Song was holding a handheld game console and playing the single-player game Warrior.

Chapter. Secrets of the past

He put down the game console and said with some surprise: I thought you would use more time, Li Weijun. It would be good if you can get back before dinner time.

Levi sat down, took out a bottle of Coke from the small refrigerator nearby, and poured himself a full glass. It was quite enjoyable to have a glass of iced Coke while lying on the beach and enjoying the sunbathing.

Li Wei said: It's right across from the Eastern Imperial Capital, and it's the very famous Bing'e Spring in Weiyati. With this distance, it's very convenient to go back and forth.

Song asked curiously: Is he dead?

Levi said: How could I let him go so easily? I used my ability to directly extract all the reed bud factors from his body. Now he can no longer become a wagtail.

Wagtails and Wei Ya are attracted to each other, which is the kind of genetic factors inherited from ancient times. Wagtails and Wei Ya are equivalent to two branches on an evolutionary line. Wagtails are pure blood, and Wei Ya is a mixed blood, and ordinary people are outsiders to the two, so ordinary people cannot become Wei Ya, nor can they become feathers.

Song said: It still doesn't feel satisfying enough. It just deprived him of his qualifications as Wei Ya, but the power and money he possesses can still allow him to do many things. However, now he can no longer really intervene. It’s a game, and if you want to win the final victory, the most basic condition is that you are Wei Ya.”

If you are not Wei Ya, no matter how much advantage you gain in the game, you will ultimately be unable to pass the level of Mei Zai. Therefore, the most basic format for the final dialogue is that it must be Wei Ya and there must be a Wagtail. owl.

Li Wei said: I cast a spell on him. Now Bing'equan has become frail and sick, and he will suffer from various diseases. Now he is a disabled person. I think there is no hope within AGN. If a useless person comes to lead them, it is estimated that things will change within AGN soon, and they will choose a new commander-in-chief.

For example, the current situation of Mikogami Hayabusa and Hyoge Izumi can be said to be completely ruined. Ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to participate in the game. This is the tragedy caused by the lineage theory.

Yu Guangren's words are also a tragedy. He ambitiously wants to become a god, but the reed bud factor in his body is recessive and cannot activate the ability to become a wagtail, so he can only use the wagtail game to let others While he was working hard at the front, he stayed at the finish line, preparing for the next wave of harvest, and using the power of others to achieve his own goals.

If the Wei Ya factor in Yu Guangren's body is dominant, then he doesn't need to play any wagtail games at all. He can surround all the wagtails and use wheel fighting to let all the wagtails take turns to challenge Mei Zai. , use this dishonorable method to win.

If he had a dominant Wei Ya factor, he would definitely do this. The flexible moral bottom line of a conspirator is not something ordinary people can imagine.

Song said: AGN is indeed a big force. Although it is a small bean compared to MBI, for ordinary people, it is still a behemoth that cannot be resisted. Even if Wei Ya, who is Bing'equan, is lost, they think If you want to cause trouble, you are capable.

Li Wei laughed and said: AGN that has lost Bing'equan is nothing more than ants huddled together to keep warm. It doesn't even have the space to participate in the game, and it can't make any waves.

When Levi makes absolute statements, he will conduct investigations in advance to avoid being slapped in the face in the future. At least according to the investigation of his puppet doppelgänger. Except for Bing'equan, no one else in AGN has Wei Ya's quality. Just like the Yuguang people, the special blood in their bodies is in a recessive state and cannot be activated.

This is a problem that even technical madmen like Yu Guangren cannot solve. AGN itself is not good at technology. It is strange that they can break through such limitations. However, ordinary people cannot do it, which does not mean that Qi refining like Li Wei Shi can't do it. But as long as Li Wei is in his right mind, he will never do anything hostile.

Song said: Now, we are already the dominant family. MBI will never sit back and watch such a thing. They will either increase the strength of the punishment team, or they are secretly interfering to cultivate new Wei Ya. Anyway, they will not let We have an absolute advantage.

Song picked up the game console again, archived his previous progress, and said: Unfortunately, their efforts are meaningless. Cultivating new Wei Ya, this is the original plan of Yu Guangren. Unstable factors. As for expanding the strength of the Punishment Team, as long as he is not an idiot, he will not plant such unstable bombs under his own hands. There are now two teams of Punishment Team Wagtails, and three secret operations Special Operations Troops Wagtails. This is the limit of what he can control. If we continue to expand the strength of the Punishment Team, once the Punishment Team rebels, he will not be able to make any effective counterattack.

Li Wei said: I'm not sure. Yu Guangren is a cunning fox who knows how to keep his back. He has studied wagtails for so many years. The method of controlling wagtails is not just as simple as implanting a poison sac under the wagtail's heart. Let you go. When he left MBI, didn't he steal an artifact from him? After so many years, it was enough for him to use the power of the artifact to make big news.

In the comic plot, Yuhiroto showed his research results. Based on the magical alien creation of the artifact, he can forcibly stop the body functions of the wagtail. This ability to attack the wagtail is not only beautiful, but also beautiful. No one is immune.

Of course, the original No. and the current No. Yui are not immune to such threats, but except for Yui and Meiya, the other wagtails, even the elite individuals of the Punishment Team, are not immune.

Mei Zai is not affected because she is the complete wagtail queen, and Yu is not affected because Yu entrusts her wagtail base to Yu, so Yu has become the most special existence of all wagtails, with its special resistance. Second only to the Wagtail Queen.

Here, we have to talk about something that happened more than ten years ago. Kamzuo Island was not invaded for the first time. More than ten years ago, when Yui and Lu Huo were only four years old, Amei, you see the country bribed A key person within MBI gained the ability to land on the island and sent a special force to infiltrate Kamizu Island.

After sneaking into Kamizo Island, the special forces collected as much information as possible. When faced with those instruments that they did not understand, they found ways to destroy them. If they could capture the wagtails, they would directly capture them. If they could not be taken away, they would directly read the information on site. .

Their methods were very rough. In order to speed up the process while reading the data of the knot No.., they directly destroyed the base of the knot.

The knot was instantly destroyed, and the base of the wagtail was destroyed, just like a human heart being crushed and exploded.

The special forces of Amei Kanguo were discovered by Yun Nu and Crow Feather, members of the punishment team, and were all killed. However, the kidnapped Lu Huo was seriously injured, and Yu died immediately.

In order to save Yui, Yui entrusted her wagtail base to Yui, and the two fused in a sense. Yume disappeared, but Yume was the one who survived.

Li Wei found that no matter which world he was in, Amei Youkan basically acted as a troublemaker. No matter which world he was in, he was disgusting and boring.

Because of the knot, when Levi leaves this world, he will learn how many floors a bag of rice needs to be carried, which is not mainstream, so that people in Amei Youkan country can feel the pain. He has to pay a price for hurting the girl he likes.

Chapter 4. Tragic end

This incident, in the anime, was placed at the beginning of the episode. For A Zhai, who has never been exposed to the original comics and only watched anime, the plot at the beginning of The Wagtail Goddess was baffling.

In other words, the animation production team is preparing for future animations, but if you want to achieve this plot, it will be at least the fourth or third season, but Wagtail Goddess is not Date Live Such a popular work, so the third season of the anime is far away, let alone the subsequent fourth and third seasons.

Of course, Li Wei could rely on his own financial resources to get involved and vote for an animation production team to animate the subsequent comics and produce the next three or four seasons. But after Li Wei thought about it, such a thing It's not necessary. He also has to avoid interfering with the real world as much as possible and keep the real world as authentic as possible.

Regarding the real world, Levi's attitude is to be an invisible observer and just blend himself into the ordinary.

The incident that happened more than ten years ago was also an important factor in the darkening of Crow Feather, a member of the Punishment Team. Crow Feather himself had a unique feeling for Yui, which was neither love nor friendship, but a more positive feeling. competitive relationship.

However, in order to save Yu's wagtail's damaged base, Yume integrated her wagtail's base into Yu's body, causing herself to disappear.

This incident made Crow Feather grieve a lot. Crow Feather believed that it was Knot who killed Yunu, so she was waiting for Knot to grow up, and then killed Knot with her own hands and forced Yunu out of Yunu's body. Let the never-ending battle between the two sides come to an end.

In the final analysis, it's the country's fault again, but the people in this country do a lot of immoral things. Such things are already a daily routine for the people in that country. After all, when they were scalping the Indians, they didn't care about the fact that the Indians had helped them take root in the New World. So Amei, Li Wei won't be surprised if people in the country do bad things.

After all, America's Thanksgiving Day is to thank the Indians for sacrificing their lives so that they could take root in the New World, and to thank all the Indians for dying. This holiday is so darkly humorous.

Again, the more something is lacking, the more emphasis is placed on it. Just like in Neon, the relationship between people is very indifferent, so Neon's animation works emphasize bonds, friendship, and love so much. , family affection, because Neon people really lack these feelings.

The reason why superhero comics in Amei Kankan are so popular is because people in Amei Kankan lack these things. Drugs are rampant, guns are rampant, ZZ is correct, cults are disguised as human rights organizations, and there are also complete The fallen church. It can be said that it is precisely because of the lack of justice and justice that superhero comics are popular in the country you are looking at. The principle is the same as that of the Neon Man.

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