Levi said: I have a house here in Tokyo. I have an apartment in Chiyoda District. Whether it is the environment or public security, it is much better than here. And the apartment is very big. If I live alone, it will be quite empty. , if you move here, you can also make the house more popular.

Eh? Move here? Jinchengzhai Qianye said in surprise.

Li Wei said: The rent is ten thousand yuan a month, and you can help me cook when I am not free. What are the conditions?

Chapter.Good intentions

Hearing Li Wei's words, Jinchengzhai Qianye fell silent for an instant, and his eyes became quite dangerous at the same time.

Levi looked at the cute girl with bulging cheeks like a pufferfish and said, Don't look at me like this. I have already achieved many people's life goals ahead of schedule. By the way, the house is fully paid.

Jinchengzhai Qianye grabbed Li Wei's lapel with both hands, and his voice became louder unconsciously, and said: Brother, please help me! Is it so profitable to study art?!

Jinchengzhai Qianye only knew that Li Wei was very rich. He was not only a leading artist in the illustration industry, but also a master of the US stock market. However, she did not expect that at such a young age, Li Wei already had his own wealth. Real estate, especially this real estate belongs to Chiyoda Ward. An apartment in Chiyoda Ward cannot be bought without tens of millions of neon dollars.

Li Wei smiled and said: It's just that I am special. I am a special case. Those who resemble me will live, and those who imitate me will die. Whether it is painting or stock trading, there are only a handful of people who can achieve my level.

Jinchengsai Qianye said: The rent of ten thousand moons, if it is Chiyoda's apartment, is simply unreasonably cheap.

Levi said: Of course I know this price is unreasonable, because it is a special friendly price for you. If it were anyone else, I would not want to rent out my house at all.

Jinchengzhai Qianye was surprised and at the same time felt a little warm.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: Li Weijun, your kindness is a bit heavy for me. If I accept your kindness, I will be in debt.

Levi said: It's wrong for you to think that way, because I need someone to take care of my life, and I don't have many friends here in Neon. I'm very satisfied just having you by my side to talk to. And , I am a relatively lazy person in daily life. If you have free time, you can help me tidy up the house and cook for me, because I often draw and forget the time, and I have to operate in the US stock market at night. I often Eat takeout, if you are by my side, at least my life can be normal.

A scene of Li Wei's personal creation in his room appeared in Jinchengzhai Qianye's mind. In the scene, Li Wei was growling with hunger. After he stopped painting, he walked to the living room and saw a cold pot and stove in the direction of the kitchen. , he was so hungry that he could only turn on his mobile phone and order takeout. Thinking about it, I suddenly feel that Levi is quite pitiful. Although he has achieved financial freedom at a young age, his life rhythm is upside down. In addition to his personal life, if something unexpected happens, there will not even be anyone who can help him. Not found.

Jinchengzhai Qianye took a deep breath and said, I will pay the rent properly, and I will take good care of your life. But having said that, do you mind if I intervene in your life?

As a Neon person, Jinchengzhai Qianye knows the people living on this island very well. Neon people are very entangled in some aspects. They want to get feedback from socializing with others, but also want to maintain Absolute independence from anyone. Therefore, most neon people's social interactions are superficial. Everyone appears to be respectful on the surface, but in fact, privately, they all look like social phobia patients who hate social interaction.

Neon people neither want to interfere in other people's lives, nor do they want others to interfere in their own lives. It was precisely because of this that Jinchengzhai Qianye asked Li Wei to determine whether Li Wei really wanted to do this or was just impulsive.

Li Wei naturally knew the other party's concerns, and said with a serious expression: Qianye, you seem to have forgotten something. I am not a Neon person, so many times there will be errors in judging me with the common sense of a Neon person.

Jinchengzhai Qianye finally came back to her senses. Her thoughts were indeed a bit strange. Perhaps Li Wei's character was too gentle, which caused her to have the illusion. However, there is a difference between Levi's gentleness and Neon Man's gentleness. Neon Man's gentleness pays attention to details, while Levi's gentleness is not just about details. When she needs help and shelter, she can He stubbornly supported her for a while, and she saw the shadow of her father in Levi. Although he was not as majestic, he was closer to him.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: I hope that our friendship will not change because of material things.

Jinchengzhai Qianye knows where her bottom line is. She hates money worship, and even hates that she will become a money worshiper. Although money is a good thing, not all money can be held in hand. The bottom line is , as long as you give up once, you will never be able to pick it up again.

Levi said: Me too, I don't want the relationship between us to change because of material things. To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the place you live in now is too bad, I wouldn't let you move. I don't want someone to move. I called your number the next day, but no one answered no matter how many times I called. I am very afraid of that situation, afraid that things will be like those in criminal investigation dramas.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said with a smile: Li Weijun, are you thinking that the phone cannot be connected? Maybe I have encountered an accident. There is my corpse next to the phone. The corpse cannot get up to answer the phone.

Levi said: This is the worst imagination in my mind, but looking at it today, it may be more than just imagination. I can't control what happens to others, but you are the only one. I don't want to see you get hurt even a little bit.

A faint blush appeared on Jinchengzhai Qianye's cheeks. From a female perspective, Li Wei's words sounded like love words between lovers, which made her feel shy inside. However, this feeling of being cared about is really great, especially when the entire society is extremely indifferent, you are lucky to have someone who cares about you.

Of course, her relatives will definitely care about her, there is no doubt about this, but her relatives are now in Hokkaido, which is far away from Tokyo. If she encounters any trouble in Tokyo, her relatives can not only comfort her Apart from two sentences, I can't do anything else.

Jinchengzhai Qianye found that she had a good impression of Li Wei. This feeling was between a man and a woman. This made her a little scared when she was shy, because she could feel that Li Wei regarded her as a friend. , once this relationship gets closer, the distance between the two parties will get out of control, and no one can say what it will eventually become.

Jinchengzhai Qianye felt that she had to exercise restraint. Although Li Wei was indeed very good-looking and was completely superior to her aesthetics, she still needed to know more about Li Wei, whether as a friend or as a couple. They all have to understand each other.

Chapter. Rent withdrawal

Li Wei saw Jinchengzhai Qianye's heart and sighed inwardly that the other party's parents had very successful family education, so they were able to teach such a girl.

However, this ultimately benefited him, so Levi didn't care about such things. Everyone has their own small thoughts, but many things are based on deeds without regard to intentions. If a person, even if he has evil thoughts in his heart, has done good deeds throughout his life and has not broken the precepts until his death, then he is a good person.

It is a pity that many people are too harsh on good people. If an individual has done good things in his life and only does one bad thing, he will be criticized by others. It is really unfair for a wicked person who has done evil things throughout his life to be regarded as a prodigal son who has turned around and abandoned evil to do good just for doing one good deed.

It is precisely because he can see through people's hearts that when dealing with others, Levi not only pays attention to the other person's inner thoughts, but also pays attention to the other person's actions. After all, there are many people who don't mean what they say, as long as the other person does not do anything evil. Okay, if you can restrain your inner evil thoughts very well, then you can deal with this kind of person, and he will not kill the boatman with a pole. He is not a black and white kid, and he must distinguish right from wrong in everything. , the adult world is chaotic gray, and there is no absolute right or wrong.

Levi said: What furniture here needs to be taken away? Then I will drive the car over.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: There are not many things that need to be packed here. We only need to pack the bedding and daily utensils. Most of the furniture here is left by the landlord and previous tenants.

Jinchengzhai Qianye was also a little lucky in his heart. He had a friend like Li Wei, and he had a place to go when he encountered special circumstances. If she didn't know Levi, then even if the place where she lived was robbed, all she could do was repair the broken door lock. As for the poor security environment here, she could only continue to endure it.

A slightly stooped little old man came over. When the residents who had been robbed saw the old man, they immediately surrounded him and began to chatter about their experiences.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said to Li Wei: That old man is the property owner here. He is an old man living alone whose wife died young.

In Neon, there are special laws and policies to protect the rights and interests of renters. In this regard, there is still room for improvement in the country. For example, the landlord directly throws out the tenant's belongings, enters the rental house without the tenant's consent, and deliberately cuts off the electricity of the rental house. These behaviors are unregulated in China, and the relevant provisions are in There is a gap in this area, so renting a house in China often depends on your appearance. If the owner you meet is a good person, it will be easier. If you meet a bad person, the rental experience will be lost.

Although Li Wei doesn't like Neon, he has to say that Neon's provisions for protecting renters are indeed very complete and there is no ambiguity. Therefore, even if the landlord wants to evict people, he has to do so at least three days in advance. Four months of preparation gives renters enough time to find a new house, but in China, such a thing can only be thought about.

Li Wei said: It is said that things are born from the heart. Your parents are responsible for your appearance before the age of thirty. After the age of thirty, you can only be responsible for yourself. This old man has a strong character and his attitude towards tenants should be It’s not much better, if there weren’t regulations restricting him, he might really be able to do things like drive people away.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye showed a surprised expression, because what Li Wei said was very true. It took her more than half a year to see clearly what kind of bad character this old man was, but Li Wei saw through the old man with just his eyes. Nature, this ability of insight, is far from what ordinary people can possess.

Jinchengzhai Qianye thought of the movie he once watched, The Godfather. There is a thought-provoking saying in The Godfather that has been quoted by many people. People who can see the essence of things in half a second and people who can't see the essence of things in a lifetime are destined to have completely different fates.

Jinchengzhai Qianye carefully recalled the abilities displayed by Li Wei. Whether it was his sensitivity to numbers or colors, they were far beyond ordinary people. In particular, he could see through the old man's essence with his own eyes, which was very similar to The Godfather. 》The old godfather, both are full of masculine charm.

However, the Godfather is just a fictional character after all, but Levi is a real person. She has never thought that there are people like the Old Godfather in the real world. But if she looks carefully, Levi has She really has an indescribable temperament of a superior person. Generally speaking, it would take at least several decades to develop such a temperament. How did Li Wei possess such a temperament? At this point, she very curious.

Levi said: `. I'll go talk to him about the cancellation of the lease. Qianye, just bring your piggy bank and other special valuables. I have spare bedding and daily necessities in the apartment. There is a large supermarket not far away, if you need anything, just go there and replenish it.”

Jinchengsai Qianye nodded. Li Wei had already said this, so she followed the other person's wishes. Moreover, Chiyoda District is the most prosperous area in Tokyo, so it is very convenient to buy anything. If she thought about it carefully, there was nothing else she needed to take away except the piggy bank.

Li Wei squeezed the people away and made it clear in a few words that he wanted to help Jinchengzhai Qianye cancel the lease. However, Li Wei also made a start. After Li Wei said that he wanted to cancel the lease, one after another Several people wanted to quit the rent, and the old man's face changed.

Levi could feel the old man's bad mood. After all, Neon's legal provisions on renting are more biased towards renters. Therefore, when a renter proposes to quit the rent, as a landlord, he cannot refuse, and he must not refuse in any way. obstruction by any means.

Although Chongguo has crushed Neon in all aspects, it is indeed weaker than Neon in the rental market. As a proud Chongguo native, Li Wei has to admit this.

Since there was no need to clean up all kinds of messy things, Li Wei took Jinchengzhai Qianye with him, took a small amount of important items, and decisively left this chaotic area.

Jinchengzhai Qianye leaned against Li Wei's back, feeling the cool breeze blowing by. She had mixed emotions. She didn't expect that she would live with Li Wei. Although they did not live together as boyfriend and girlfriend, they just lived together. This matter itself is easily misunderstood by outsiders.

Chapter.Financial path

When the locomotive entered the bustling Chiyoda District, Kinjosai Qianye looked around curiously. Tokyo is a giant city with a population of nearly 40 million. There are huge differences between the thirteen districts. Those who are lagging behind in development The area and the area with the best exhibition are simply like two worlds.

Jinchengzhai Qianye knows that this world is not fair, and some things will not be rewarded even if they work hard. Just like those areas with backward development, it is not that they have not struggled, but their self-rescue has all ended in failure. .

Different from the area where she rented a place before, after entering the Chiyoda District, she felt that everything around her smelled of money, and everything was so prosperous. The so-called lavish flowers gradually became charming, and that was probably it. . Because the prices and consumption in Chiyoda District are very high, she has never been here. After all, she used to be very frugal in spending money. Naturally, she would instinctively avoid such a high-consumption area.

Chiyoda District is really amazing! Jinchengsai Qianye said with a sigh.

Li Wei smiled and said: If you want to see the most beautiful city scenery, if you have a chance in the future, I will take you to travel to Chongguo. I will take you to see the Magic City, which is larger than Tokyo, and what is called 'cyberpunk' The city's three-dimensional urban mountain city.

Jinchengzhai Qianye was very curious about what Li Wei said. In her mind, Li Wei was a well-informed person, and the scenery that even Li Wei would sigh must be very charming.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: Traveling abroad is very expensive, and I still have to save money to buy a house. Before the plan of buying a house is completed, I will not spend money randomly. And I don't want to go into debt easily, so I want to save money. After you have enough money, you can directly buy a piece of land of your own.

Li Wei's thoughts on Jincheng Zhai Qianye are understandable, because the housing prices in Neon have not changed significantly for many years. Except for a few core areas, Neon's houses and land only have residential value. , has no hype value at all. Since Neon officials took the initiative to burst the real estate bubble, Neon's real estate industry is still in a state of collapse, but this is not entirely a bad thing for ordinary people who want to buy a house.

After all, the house price-to-income ratio here in Neon, calculated in Tokyo, is less than the average. However, in the Magic City and Tianzi City in China, the house price-to-income ratio is more than 4. You can imagine how exaggerated the house price is. Ordinary people would never want to take root there. In Tokyo, there is a huge internal gap in house price-to-income ratios. The real house price-to-income ratio in core areas is above, while in areas with relatively lagging development, the house price-to-income ratio is only around 10 to 100, which is the kind of thing that ordinary people can get on the bus just by gritting their teeth. , if you don’t pursue convenient transportation, as long as you don’t take root in a few core areas, the pressure of buying a house is not that great, but you will have to spend more time commuting every day.

Li Wei said: Then you have to work hard. Apart from the core area, the land prices in other areas are still within the acceptable range of ordinary people. If you want to learn stock investment from me, maybe you can do it faster. I have saved enough money to buy land.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: Forget it about investing in stocks. For people like me who are not sensitive enough to numbers, it's okay to make small investments. If you make big investments like you, Li Weijun, I will soon invest my principal. If I lose money, if it is US stocks, I will die faster.

Jinchengzhai Qianye also did simulation trading in school. She was not sensitive to numbers and could not compare with her senior brothers and sisters. No matter how much or how little they earned, they always maintained a profitable state. As a result, she She went up and lost % of her principal in just one week. To her, the U.S. stock market was a killing ground, full of dangers.

The volatility of U.S. stocks under the T+ mechanism is terrifying. A large number of institutions are fighting in it. It is not easy for individual investors to be hyenas and vultures and follow institutions to pick up some scraps to eat. Because of the huge fluctuations, individual investors It is difficult to grasp the timing of buying and selling. Take a stock with a single-day increase of % as an example. Although the increase stopped at % at the close of the market, the fluctuations therein, calculated from the buying point, It is very likely that it was falling by % in the past, and then rising again, rising and falling again and again, and finally stopped at the positive % node. Not to mention individual investors, even institutions dare not say they can handle this kind of roller coaster-like rise and fall. Therefore, the U.S. stock market is a hell for individual investors who are not very skilled.

In order to prevent individual investors from being cut off on a large scale, domestic A-shares implement a T+ and price limit system to avoid excessive speculation as much as possible. The % price limit and % price limit allow individual investors to think carefully and flee. The opportunity, T+ and no upper or lower limit for the U.S. stock market, allows individual investors to experience the feeling of reincarnation of heaven and hell within ten minutes. People with heart disease will have a heart attack in minutes because it is too exciting. However, the T+ mechanism itself is also quite unhealthy. It is a congenitally disabled mechanism. It can only be said that the national conditions are such that this strange and imperfect mechanism is more suitable for the domestic stock market.

The bruised and bruised Jinchengzhai Qianye who played in the simulation of the US stock market returned to the Neon Stock Market. The Neon Stock Market implements a single T+ system. This system means that after an individual investor buys a stock on the same day, You can sell this stock at any time before the close of the day, but if you buy this stock for the first time that day, you can only wait until the next day to sell it.

This system directly suppresses the high-intensity T-doing in the U.S. stock market. The so-called T-doing means high-intensity buying low and selling high on a stock. Experts in this area will sometimes be successful in just one stock. Buy and sell online dozens of times, using this method to make excessive profits. However, the risk of doing T is also very high. For ordinary individual investors, one out of ten people will lose money if they do T. The one who makes money has a high probability of being lucky and will lose money sooner or later.

Relying on the single-time T+ system with certain limits, but not particularly restrictive, Jinchengzhai Qianye was able to achieve certain gains in the simulated trading of the Neon stock market. With this experience, she used a small amount of money to Through practical operations, I earned some money that could improve my life, but due to the small capital, I could only earn some money. Although she obtained a good rate of return with a small amount of gold, she did not rashly invest more gold to be on the safe side. She only had 100,000 yuan rolling around in the market. Regardless of profit or loss, the amount of money she controlled would not exceed this amount. limit.

Li Wei saw Jinchengzhai Qianye's inner thoughts. The other party's caution was correct. The reason why he was able to treat the stock market as a vegetable garden for harvesting leeks was because he cheated and directly used divination to predict the direction of the stock market, and then used divination to predict the direction of the stock market. By repeatedly doing T on a stock, through this method, he can earn an income equivalent to %~% of his principal every day. This is something that others cannot learn, because if he doesn't cheat, even Mr. Ba can do it. There is no such thing.

Chapter. Arriving home

The motorcycle drove into the underground garage of the apartment. The two took off their helmets and got off the motorcycle.

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at the wide parking lot. At this time, most of the parking spaces in the parking lot were filled with cars. Although she has no research on cars, many cars give her the feeling that they are expensive. Luxury cars such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi are very common here, and some less common niche brand sports cars can also be seen here, and various cool-looking motorcycles are here. There are quite a few.

It can be said that the vehicles parked in the parking lot alone are enough to illustrate the financial resources of the people living here. Neon's car market has very low tariffs, so the prices of luxury cars are not that exaggerated, but luxury cars are luxury. The basic selling price of a car is there. Ordinary people who pursue cost-effectiveness will not buy luxury cars. Especially the unique license plate culture here in Neon. Whether it is awesome depends on the license plate rather than the car, so most people buy luxury cars. People do not do it simply for the sake of face, but for the pursuit of driving feeling and comfort, as well as other reasons.

Levi hung the two helmets on the hooks next to the trunk and said: Follow me. You can go directly upstairs by taking the elevator. The building above this apartment is filled with various shops. The building above is a large A gym, as well as a coffee shop and a small library. Starting from the third floor are the residents’ apartments.”

After all, it is a high-end apartment, and the access control is very strict. To take the elevator upstairs from the negative floor where the parking lot is located, you need to scan your face ID. Outsiders cannot go up through the elevator without the guidance of the residents. The stairs leading up are connected to the entrance hall of the apartment. If strangers cannot enter the elevator and take the stairs instead, they will bump into security guards. All public areas in the building are connected to surveillance cameras, even if they are If outsiders really enter the apartment, if something goes wrong, the apartment management can also use surveillance cameras to add clues.

The internal elevator is located on the inner floor of the apartment. To enter from the outside, you must walk through the lobby. This also eliminates the possibility of people without access control identification entering the apartment. The external elevator is an additional elevator and can only go up to the upper and third floors. It can be said that in terms of privacy and security, the apartment has done a pretty good job, and there is a dedicated property management team responsible for the maintenance of the apartment. Apart from paying a considerable property fee every year, there is really nothing to complain about in this apartment. place. For a rich man like Li Wei, problems that can be solved with money are not problems. To him, property fees are nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

From a shabby old-fashioned apartment to a top-notch luxury apartment in Chiyoda District, the huge gap made Kinjosai Qianye realize one thing, that is, having money can really be a great pleasure. She is not a person who is obsessed with money. , but she must accept the reality that having money can really make her feel comfortable.

Levi took Jinchengzhai Qianye's hand and carried her various things in the other hand. After brushing his face, he entered the elevator.

Levi said: I just wanted to be lively and convenient, so I chose the house here. The most important thing is that it is very close to Akihabara. For a homebody like me, this is a place where I can attack and retreat. A key place to defend.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: Li Weijun, you give people the impression that you are just a free agent, not an otaku at all.

Levi pressed the floor button and said: Because of the previous Miyazaki Haru murder incident, the entire otaku body has been stigmatized, and I can understand it. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, otakus are gloomy weirdos who are in pain when wearing clothes. A fat man wearing clothes and carrying a backpack, breathing in the heat and sweating.

The corners of Jinchengzhai Qianye's mouth twitched slightly. Li Wei's words can be said to be the best description of ordinary people's stereotype of otaku bodies. In the past, she also had such a stereotype. But as she grew up, she understood one thing, that is, individuals within the body are ever-changing and different. To stigmatize the entire body through simple and crude labeling is in itself childish and ignorant behavior.

And she herself is also a victim of stereotypes. Even at Ocha Women's University, some classmates asked her if her family had a pasture and raised many cows, sheep, chickens and ducks. It seems that from the perspective of locals in Tokyo, every household in Hokkaido is either a herdsman or a fisherman, and there are bears running on the road. Osaka people must be loud and ignorant of etiquette and like to run red lights. Osaka aunties are all dressed in vulgar curly leopard prints. People in Kyoto are all pretentious people who like to put on airs. They obviously have no money, but their words are very sour. Ma County is an uncivilized land, the horse people are rustics, and all the pictures of horses are in the wilderness. As for Okinawa? Aren’t they all Chongguo people there?

It can be said that in Tokyo, which is at the top of the contempt chain, the local indigenous people torture outsiders with their own stereotypes.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

From time to time, classmates will ask you if your family raises cattle. Even she, who is good-tempered, feels uncomfortable after hearing this too many times.

Jinchengsai Qianye said: Stereotypes are bad, although many people are used to using stereotypes to label others, or even directly judging people by their appearance or geographical location. Things like this are actually not the case at Ocha Women's University Very common.”

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