Xiao Zhizhi sighed, maybe this was fate. Destiny pushed her to the forefront of the times, but at that time she did not have the ability to stabilize the situation. Although she saved Neon by taking the initiative, she put herself at risk. What a mess.

However, even if it happens again, she will still cause the White Knight incident, because her relatives are still in Neon, and she will never give up on her relatives. No matter how many times it happens again, she will never change herself. idea.

Chapter. Thoughts of Revenge

Levi said: I have collected a lot of information about the mastermind behind the White Knight Incident. I have made a detailed list of the key figures who caused the incident.

Xiao Zhizhi showed an expression of surprise. These people were the ones who had made her take the blame for so many years. It would be unreasonable for her not to take revenge and go back. All clay figurines have a fire nature, let alone a living person like her.

In the past, she wanted revenge but couldn't find anyone to take revenge on. She didn't like to implicate innocent people. Even if she wanted to take revenge, she would have to cause trouble for the rightful owner. Bullying innocent ordinary people is not a hero.

But things are different now. Levi has made a list. This list may not be complete, and there may be fish that slip through the net, but it is enough for her. With this list, she can go there one by one and kill all the people on the list to vent the grievances she has suffered over the years.

Levi continued: Sister Shu, if you need it, this list will be given to you. I think you should-need this thing.

Xiao Zhizhi was so excited that he kissed Li Wei hard on the face and rubbed his cheek with his own, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Thank you very much. I have been looking for the people behind the situation that brought me to this situation. Now that I have found them, I will never let them go again. Xiao Zhishu said in a brisk tone. .

Xiao Zhizhi is still confident in her own strength. The reason why she was beaten by the Subjugation Machinery last time was because she did not wear her strongest armor, but chose a suit that would make it easier to break into the atmosphere. She uses armor on the road. The characteristic of that armor is its strong concealment, but in terms of maneuverability, defense, and firepower, it cannot compare with the armor she holds.

In the past, she had never been intercepted when entering the atmosphere, so she did not have the habit of wearing heavy armor when entering the atmosphere. Now she is learning from the mistakes, and no matter what she does in the future, she will use her strongest skills. Put on the armor to avoid unexpected situations like before.

After all, not every time she is in danger, Li Wei can arrive in time. If she wants to avenge those people, she must ensure that she has an absolute advantage in force. In this regard, she is quite confident. When others While people are still playing third-generation machines, she has already started playing fourth-generation machines. While other countries are still thinking about how to circumvent restrictions, she has begun to research more advanced technologies and manufacture products that completely break through the existing constraints. Top notch body.

It can be said that as long as she is given enough preparation time, she is confident that she can achieve the level of Orima Chifuyu. Orima Chifuyu relies on technology to survive, and she relies on technology to crush her opponent. When the technological gap between the two sides When it reaches a certain level, it will be a one-sided result. Just like the plate armor knights of the European century, when facing ordinary peasants and soldiers, they can rely on their defense to open unparalleled weapons. But now, if any soldier comes back, as long as he has a rifle in his hand, let alone a shuttle, bullets are guaranteed. Killing a plate armor knight is an absolute crushing brought about by the difference in technology.

Nowadays, the mainstream of the world is still the first-generation aircraft. The third-generation aircraft are already considered top-notch products. The fourth-generation aircraft in many countries only exist on drawings. At this time, Xiaozhizhizhi has already manufactured the fourth-generation aircraft. When she came out, even the blueprint machine had already begun to launch plans. This huge gap was enough for her to open Wushuang.

Oribara Chifuyu said: You are just a human being. Don't rush out recklessly. If you really want to take revenge, I will fight with you. After all, with your poor control skills, no matter how good the armor is, it will be in vain in your hands. blind.

Oribara Chifuyu and Shino no Hoshi were both victims back then. Shino no Hoshi was still able to use his skills to gain the initiative and at the same time find ways to investigate the man behind the scenes. She doesn't have that ability, so she can only be led by others and doesn't dare to act at will.

Xiao Zhizhishu smiled and said: You are now a teacher in the academy. If you leave the academy, you will attract the attention of all parties.

Li Wei said: Let me take care of this aspect, and I will do the work of the chairman. Sister Qianfuyu, sister Shu, you just do what you want to do, and the rest Leave everything to me.

Oribara Chifuyu was moved in her heart and said, ;;?';'Be;.'Use!:?., Thank you, I will give you a surprise after I succeed in my revenge!!,'? ::』;;?,:??'',『',!!.'』.,!?:':Arrived gift.

Levi, who was proficient in mind-reading, naturally understood what Orima Chifuyu meant as a gift. He did not expect that Orima Chifuyu would be so proactive and actually wanted to treat himself as a gift. However, now that he has relaxed his suppression of his own charm, it is not unusual for Chifuyu Orimaru to make such a decision in a hurry.

Shino Nosuke looked at Orima Chifuyu's smile with amusement, and Orima Chifuyu felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Why are you looking at me like that? Oribara Chifuyu said with an unnatural expression.

I'm wondering what your gift is. You've always been bad at thinking of gifts. When you went to the hospital to visit your sick teacher in high school, even sending flowers could go wrong. Xiao Zhizhishu said with a smile.

That's not the case, that's all in the past. And why are you curious about such a thing? Chifuyu Orimaru didn't dare to look at the other party. She was afraid that she would be seen through by the other party. Although Shino Nosuke usually It gives people the feeling of being out of line, but Shino Zhizhi has a very unscientific intuition.

Xiao Zhizhi put his hands on Li Wei's shoulders and pressed his head from behind. The heavy headlights pressed on Li Wei's head from top to bottom and said with a smile: I was just thinking. , the gift you want to give Li Weijun, is it a kiss? Is it love? Or is it yourself?


Orimadara Chifuyu's heart trembled, and she secretly thought something was wrong. She didn't mention her thoughts at all, but Shinozou was keenly aware that this was really unscientific.

Oribara Chifuyu struck Shino Nobushi's head with a powerful hand knife, and the impact was transmitted downwards. Levi only felt the soft waves on his head. Sure enough, big sister-type beauties always give people Bring unexpected surprises.

Here we go again. Every time you are poked in a painful spot, you will do it out of habit. You are such a violent woman. No wonder no boy dared to approach you during the entire student life. Xiao Zhishu hugged Li Wei with both hands. neck and said in a coquettish tone.

Levi was keenly aware that Chifuyu Orimaru's face had a faint blush on her face. This big girl who looked very tough on the outside was not as tough on the inside.

Levi said: There are a lot of people on the list, and they are all helping the powerful and pay special attention to their own security, so it is troublesome to deal with them successfully. After all, as long as one of them is assassinated, Others will be in panic, strengthen the security around them, and the difficulty of assassination will only become more and more difficult. Therefore, I will take action with you later. With me here, even if there is any unexpected situation, I can ensure that the situation is under control. Inside.

Oribara Chifuyu said: This is a very time-consuming matter. What will happen to your studies?

Li Wei smiled and said: The chairman is very reasonable.

Levi's words surprised the two eldest girls. After all, they both knew a lot about the chairman.

Chapter. Restoring Identity

When Levi left Chifuyu Oribara's apartment, he was still in a daze. A certain big pink-furred rabbit didn't have the restraint of a girl at all. She was like a female gangster, taking advantage of him every chance she got. .

Shino Nobushi's outrageous behavior also stimulated Orimaru Chifuyu, who was usually a cold-faced strong woman. The two of them competed on how to tease him, so Levi It became a large toy for the two of them.

When Levi left, he felt that his face was numb, and neither of them had the habit of wearing lipstick. Otherwise, he would have had lip marks all over his face, but he didn't hate this feeling.

When Levi broke the rules and returned to the dormitory, Charlotte, who was wearing a cool nightdress, swooped over instantly like a nimble little rabbit, and was hanging on Levi's body in an extremely intimate manner.

You're back! Charlotte grabbed Levi's lapel with both hands, showing a pitiful expression like a wounded little animal. Coupled with her delicate, doll-like face, even Levi, who was surrounded by flowers, couldn't help but My breath is suffocating. This fairy is already so powerful now. I really don’t know how coquettish she will be when she grows up in a few years.

What's wrong? You look like a deputy god, has something happened? Levi picked up Charlotte like a princess and put her on the sand.

Charlotte spoke quickly: Today, the chairman asked me to go to her office to find her, saying that I can resume my female identity.

Li Wei pretended to be confused and said with a smile: This is a good thing, so that you can wear women's uniforms openly. Men's uniforms need to be corseted, which is quite a torture.

Levi looked at Charlotte's already small car lights. It had to be said that long-term corseting has a great negative impact on the body. Charlotte's original car lights should be larger than they are now. , but due to long-term bra binding, her headlights do not have much advantage compared to her peers in Asia.

Charlotte said anxiously: Although I no longer have to restrain myself when I regain my female identity, I will also be moved out of the dormitory here, so I won't be able to stay by your side!

When she met the chairman, he told her about such a thing. The chairman was a well-informed person. He should have known about what happened to the Denoa family, so he suggested that she return to female status. identity of. However, when she knew that to regain her female identity she would have to leave Levi's side, she no longer wanted to regain her female identity.

Li Wei pretended to be stunned for a moment and said: This is indeed a problem. Although there are only two male students in the college, so far, there has been no precedent for men and women to live together. If such a precedent is set, for The internal order of the college will also have a certain impact.

Charlotte said with aggrieved face: I know, this is the truth, but I just don't want to leave your side.

Charlotte found that she had become dependent on Levi, just like at night, if Levi was not around, she would not sleep well at night. The climate at sea is changeable. It may be sunny and windy during the day, but it may be stormy at night, with loud thunder outside the window and howling wind. Every time she encounters such a situation, she will quickly get into Levi's bed, Huddled in Levi's arms.

Levi put his hand on Charlotte's head and said in a gentle tone: There are always more solutions than problems. As long as you use your brain, you can always find a solution. Moreover, it doesn't matter if we are separated, as long as you call me, I will come to you.

Levi's words calmed down the anxious Charlotte. Charlotte recalled that Levi was not an ordinary person, but a superhuman being with extraordinary power. Even if the two of them were not together, he still had the power. A solution is always at her side.

After figuring this out, Charlotte's inner anxiety was reduced by most of it, and she calmed down.

After Charlotte regains her identity as a woman, in order to maintain order on the surface, Levi will not continue to be in the same room with Charlotte. This is the minimum rule. But to him, it didn't matter even if Charlotte rearranged her dormitory. Anyway, with his teleportation technique, no matter where Charlotte went, he could get to her as soon as possible. Moreover, the change of dormitories is usually carried out inside the dormitory building and not too far away, because the chairman also knows the relationship between Charlotte and him and will not do anything unnecessary.

The chairman has been re-educated by Li Wei, and she has become what Li Wei wants inside and out, so she can take Li Wei's thoughts into account in this matter.

Charlotte, the kitten, finally calmed down under Levi's comfort. Levi also listened to the other party's detailed description of the interesting things that had happened in the college during his absence in the past few days. While talking, the sleepy Charlotte fell asleep in Levi's arms.

After Charlotte met with the chairman, she received her own female uniform. Although Levi had never seen what Charlotte looked like in uniform, he could sketch it out in his mind just by relying on imagination. That’s a rough image. This girl will be even cuter if she grows her head longer.

Although short girls are also very cute, Levi still prefers longer ones because he personally feels that longer girls are more feminine.

The next day passed uneventfully, and Charlotte's new dormitory was decided. It was an independent dormitory on the fourth floor of Levi's dormitory building. Charlotte lived alone without roommates.

Not far from her was the room of Xiaozhi Zhihan and Cecilia. The two were now swapped together. The lives of these noisy and happy enemies were quite lively every day.

When Charlotte was ready, the college changed her student status information and restored her female identity.

On a new day, the classroom is still noisy as usual. When there are no classes, the college will not restrict the students too much.

Yamada Maya came to the classroom early, but because there was no class yet, the students were not so reserved, and some students were still saying hello to her. Yamada Maya clapped her hands and said, Class is about to begin. I would like to take up a little of everyone's time and introduce you to a somewhat special school student.

A girl raised her hand and said: Sister Zhenye, are there still students from school who are learning from it now?

With a mysterious smile on her face, Yamada Maya said: In fact, you all know this student, but this time, you need to get to know her again.

Maya Yamada used she instead of he, which intrigued the students.

Chapter.True face

Yamada Maya waved, and Charlotte entered the classroom.

Although I have never seen this girl before, I don't know why, but I always feel indescribably familiar, as if I have seen her somewhere.

You said it, and it's true. I always feel that she is very similar to someone in my memory. This person must have left a deep impression on us, so that's why we feel like this.

Because there was no class yet, the girls in the classroom were chattering and discussing Charlotte who was standing on the podium.

Girls at this age are always open-minded. Whatever they find interesting in life, they will express their opinions freely. This is the so-called youth.

Yamada Maya already knows about Charlotte's special situation, so she doesn't have any negative emotions or impact on Charlotte's concealment of her true gender. After learning about the Denoa family, she felt a sense of sympathy for Charlotte. Although Charlotte is now suffering all the hardships, the hardships she has suffered in the past are not something that ordinary people can bear. .

Yamada Maya said: Everyone, please be quiet and let the new classmates introduce themselves.

After a long period of running-in, Yamada Maya has a tacit understanding with the students, and this also gives her a certain dignity. At least even during non-class hours, the students are willing to listen to what she says. This is what she had done before. Things she couldn't do.

Charlotte opened her mouth, her mind a little confused, but she was the daughter of a powerful family after all. She had seen many scenes, and she adjusted her mentality in an instant, and said calmly and generously: My name is Charlotte. Noah.”

Levi sat in his seat, looked at Charlotte, and smiled. The current Charlotte was quite cute, not much different from the image in his mind.

A girl raised her hand and said, Denoa, are you the younger sister of classmate Charles? Or should I say older sister?

Another girl said: Indeed, Charlotte-san looks a bit similar to Charles. For example, the face shape and body shape, he must have been born from the same mother!

Charlotte was a little embarrassed. Although her previous behavior was for self-protection, deception is deception, especially her disguised male identity, which allowed her to have a small number of fans in the academy. She is now like this , in their view, it can be regarded as betrayal.

Charlotte suppressed the random thoughts in her heart, kept smiling and said: Classmate Baihua, I'm sorry, I am Ciel.


The whole classroom was boiling, and even the class next door could hear the sound here. Because there was no class, some people ran to the door to see what happened in the class here.

Charlotte bowed in an aristocratic manner to everyone, stood up and said: I'm sorry, I deceived everyone before. Although there was a reason for doing so, deception is deception. Even if everyone hates me because of this, I'm fine with it. . However, I still hope that everyone can get along well with each other in the rest of my study career.

The girl whom Charlotte had previously called Baihua's classmate said: Then...Charlotte, why do you hide your true gender? It makes us happy in vain.

The cute girl next to her showed an excited expression, her face flushed, and she gasped, Isn't this better! I didn't expect Charlotte to be a girl, I'm fine!

Everyone else around me showed horrified expressions, and Juan was actually next to me. Although girls are far more accepting of this than men, not every girl can accept such a thing.

Seeing the different expressions of the people below, some of which were a bit unbearable for her, such as girls and girls, she felt a little hard to accept in her heart.

Charlotte's own orientation is very normal, and has not been distorted by pretending to be a man for a long time. For girls, she can appreciate the beauty of the other party, and can accept some ordinary intimate gestures, but she can cross the line more progressively , it is taboo for her.

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