Xiao Zhizhi didn't have much to pack, so she packed her luggage quickly, put on the IS armor in a special airlock room, and left the space station after the airlock door opened.

When the valve in the airlock chamber is opened, the optical invisibility of the space station will be broken. Although it is difficult to detect by major powers, there is no big mistake. After leaving the space station, the gate will quickly close, allowing the space station to restore perfect optics. Invisible.

After Xiao Zhizhi left the space station, she began to lower her altitude. The technological content of the armor she used was far superior to the mass-produced armor of many major countries. When it entered the atmosphere, it could float and slow down like a mayfly, so when it entered the atmosphere, it could float and slow down like a mayfly. When it breaks into the atmosphere, it will not quickly rub against the air in the atmosphere, and naturally it will not drag out a long tail flame, which reduces the possibility of being detected.

Of course, in such a state, the armor's optical camouflage system will burn out a lot of power when turned on. Even the armor she built for herself would be difficult to activate the optical camouflage system in such a situation, so when she broke into the atmosphere, she Still need to be careful.

Breaking into the atmosphere is troublesome, so most of the control of the Shino no Bunch armor is left to the AI. The AI ​​can complete this boring work and liberate manpower, and the Shino no Bunch can also focus on the surroundings. environment in order to maintain maximum vigilance against potential threats from the outside world.

Path selection, switch to semi-automatic mode, turn on the ephemera system, turn on the attitude control system, repeatedly determine the landing location, silently set the location, and prepare to enter the atmosphere. The AI's mechanical voice sounded in Xiao Zhizhi's ears.

The original AI was relatively dull and lacked the ability to respond to complex situations. However, after receiving support from Sophia's occult knowledge, the AI ​​that combined the advantages of two different systems was able to serve as a pilot in battle. It provides considerable auxiliary functions and can even do things like playing on behalf of others in a short time.

At the same time, Levi received permission from the academy's senior management to put on a brand new IS armor.

The existence of this suit of armor was specially manufactured for this mission. On the surface, it is positioned in the warehouse as a large firepower platform outside the atmosphere, specially used to clean up space junk in high orbits. In the future It was humans who started space colonization. This kind of positioning armor can ensure that there will be no space junk on the waterway.

From a nominal point of view, the positioning of this large armor is very reasonable, and what Levi has to do is to drive this big guy to the space environment circle, and at the same time clean up some space junk that no one wants, and provide it for the academy. The research department collects sufficient data.

The power of the IS armor itself is very sufficient, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is quite terrifying. It can rely on the power of a single machine to break through the limitations of gravity and go directly into space from the surface of the earth.

Even large armor that is three times the size of conventional armor can still do this easily.

On the launch platform, Levi, wearing large armor, was waiting for the final inspection by technicians.

Vector propulsion system passed!

Life support system passed!

The shield system passed!

The armor system passed!

After checking that the armor was intact, the staff decisively evacuated the launch platform. At the same time, the various cables connected to the armor were automatically loosened, and the staff quickly removed the cables to ensure that there would be no damage to the armor. cause negative effects.

Scavenger type, test pilot Levi, prepare. Levi said on the internal communication channel.

The clear space above is allowed to go out. In the test plan, you have the right to freely choose the timing of action. After completing the test, circle the earth three times and collect map data. In the command tower, Chifuyu Orimadara said with a walkie-talkie.

Understood, get out! After Levi said that, he activated the scavenger armor. The three-size-fits-all guy had flexibility and huge thrust that was inconsistent with his body size. The armor began to slowly rise into the air, and as the height increased The climb is getting faster and faster.

Soon, the armor gradually became smaller in the eyes of the ground personnel, and finally turned into a small dot and disappeared.

The line staff can rest now, and the next thing to do is the aircraft status monitoring personnel and command personnel in the tower.

Although Oribara Chifuyu was a little confused about letting her be the commander, this was the intention of the academy's senior officials, so she wouldn't object.

Although Oribara Chifuyu is a little confused as to why there is such a mainframe in the academy, she knows that things are not peaceful outside now. It is imperative that the academy takes some small steps to develop its own high-end armor.

IS armor is being updated at a very fast pace. If we do not ensure that we have technical advantages, it will be difficult for the academy to maintain its current situation. This is her last refuge. She naturally hopes that the academy will be stronger. Not threatened by external forces.

After Li Wei took off, he headed in the direction of Xiao Zhizhi. For this actual experiment, because of the instruction from the top management of the college, Li Wei had great autonomy and could freely choose the timing of various experiments, so After going to heaven, he has great freedom. He can go wherever he wants, as long as he doesn't knock down the satellites of other big countries.

Li Wei used the person-finding and locating spell to update the coordinates of Xiao Zhizhi in real time. At the same time, the mass-produced cannon fodder puppet clones disguised as subjugated machine industry also began to approach Xiao Zhizhi, preparing to lower her to the earth. Add some surprises to your journey.

At this time, Xiao Zhizhi suddenly heard the siren sound coming from the radar. She instantly became alert and saw a beam of light coming from the corner of her eye.

In the space environment, the particle flow was very fast, and she had no time to react. It was the AI ​​that controlled the armor to deviate from the orbit and avoid the attack.

The human body has its limits. The reason why Xiao Zhizhi is vigorously developing AI is to deal with the current situation. If she had controlled the armor purely manually, she wouldn't have been able to dodge the attack just now.

Xiaozhizhi saw the prompt on the radar, and secretly hostile IS targets appeared around her. Xiao Zhizhishu was surprised in her heart. She did not expect that her heart would be exposed and she would be beaten by such a large number of people.

Xiao Zhizhi did not panic. She left a backdoor in every IS core she sold. As long as she wanted to, she could instantly paralyze IS that was hostile to her. This was written in every IS core she sold. The core program within the underlying framework of the IS core is also the ultimate trick she left behind in order to prevent major countries from trying to kill the donkey.

They actually used IS to besiege me. It seems that I have been underestimated... Xiao Zhizhi activated the special device inside the armor, preparing to paralyze the besieger's armor here, but what frightened her was that the special device The device has been activated, but there is no lag in the opponent's movements, let alone paralysis.

In an instant, Xiao Zhizhi broke out in cold sweat.

Chapter.The action begins

It is normal for Xiao Zhizhi to feel fear in her heart, because her special device cannot work. There are roughly two situations, but no matter which situation it is, it is just bad or worse.

In the second case, someone has already developed a device that can shield her special device, which means that she can no longer control the life and death of all IS armors on the battlefield like before. The technical advantages she possesses , has been drawn closer.

The first situation, and the worst situation, is that the underlying framework of the core has been deciphered, so she will lose absolute control over other armors.

This is what she fears most, not that she will be retaliated against or anything like that, but that humans will completely open Pandora's box. The underlying framework has been deciphered, which means that the forces that master this technology have mastered the core mass production methods and will bypass her restrictions and install this terrifying weapon on a large scale.

Humanity has always been good at self-destruction. Just like the nuclear weapons of the last century and the IS armor of this century, they are taboo weapons that can easily destroy humans themselves.

As for nuclear weapons, because they have pollution problems, in the last century, wise people used agreements to limit the use of nuclear weapons. After all, humans at that time were afraid that nuclear weapons would completely destroy the earth's environment. It is this serious negative impact that makes it difficult for major countries to use nuclear weapons as a deterrent in foreign military operations. Nuclear weapons.

However, the IS armor is different. This personal vehicle, originally planned for outer space exploration, has been recognized by countries around the world for its military capabilities and value.

Coupled with Orima Chifuyu's record as a world-destroying demon, under the circumstances at that time, the IS armor was deified by military experts and regarded as a perfect weapon.

If she hadn't mastered the core technology and restricted the outflow of armored cores, the earth would probably have become like a cyber tank.

Cyberpunk, high technology, low life, social upward channels are completely blocked, class is completely solidified, and a large number of people at the bottom live worse than dogs.

If the number of IS armors exceeds the limit and is abused by major powers, then mankind will have to face such a desperate future.

She has already planned that after getting rid of these unknown enemies, she will go to Neon to pick up her family. All her family will live in the space station. As for what will happen to the earth, it is not something she can control.

The puppet clones disguised as the subjugated machine industry skillfully used battle formations to form an encirclement network and began to compress Xiao Zhizhi's maneuvering space.

Relying on her excellent control skills and the support provided by AI, Xiao Zhizhi can nimbly avoid the fire nets pulled out by many besiegers like a fish in a pond. However, in order to avoid the fire nets, she There is no way to lower the altitude and enter the atmosphere at this time.

(Damn it, I would choose this time. Fortunately, I am already far away from the space station, otherwise the space station would be in danger. I have to find a way to break out. If I continue to waste like this, I will definitely be the first to feel tired.)

Shino Noshu has a very clear understanding of her own strength. Although she can be considered a first-tier pilot, there is a huge gap compared with monsters like Chifuyu Orimadara.

If Chifuyu Orimaru were here, she could destroy these mysterious IS armor groups besieging her in three minutes at most, but she couldn't do such a thing. Being able to maintain a stalemate like this is already her limit. The opponent's cooperation is quite tacit. Whenever she locks on the mysterious armor and wants to launch a counterattack, the other mysterious armors will shoot at her in an interfering manner. , preventing her from launching a smooth counterattack, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Xiao Zhizhi used the power of AI to quickly analyze the current situation, and at the same time began to reversely decipher the technical information of these mysterious armors. As the founder of IS armor technology, she has a very broad knowledge in this area.

(It is the Gospel series of third-generation mass-produced aircraft produced by Amei, but this kind of modification style that completely ignores the physical endurance of the pilot will definitely not be a regular army, and if it is a regular army, it will not only besiege me now. Quantity.)

Just after the situation reached a stalemate, the mysterious armors involved in the siege activated new weapons. A large number of fishing nets, but shining with high-voltage electricity, headed in the direction of Xiao Zhizhi.

The AI ​​immediately issued a warning, and at the same time, it controlled the armor to dodge more intensely. This kind of net full of high-voltage current, once entangled, there is no chance of escape.

If it was just a fire net, it would be difficult to dodge, but at least there would be some room for reaction. But like now, a large number of high-voltage current nets are constantly compressing her maneuvering space. If this continues, she will eventually be unable to retreat.

Xiao Zhizhi tried to shoot at these high-voltage current trapping nets, but the material of these nets was very special and had excellent tolerance to high temperatures. Therefore, the particle flow weapons on her armor were unable to deal with such high-voltage current trapping nets. Net, the effect is very poor.

Live ammunition weapons can use impact force to bring these nets out, but the number of live ammunition weapons on the armor is limited, and the amount of ammunition is insufficient. Once the ammunition is consumed, she has no means to deal with these high-voltage currents to mend the nets.

Now she can only pray that the number of this new type of weapon carried by the opponent is limited. It depends on which of the two sides will empty out the ammunition first. If she is unlucky and the ammunition is empty first, then he will end up here today.

(No, if I continue like this, I will be dragged to death. I have to ask Sophia for help. Although Sophia can't use magic power now, her own IS armor control skills are good. It only took a few days to become as strong as me. , if there is her rescue, there will be no problem in escaping.)

Xiao Zhizhi tried to contact the space station, but her contact was lost. Strong interference enveloped the airspace. This was a brand-new interference method. Even she was the first to see such interference method, so she simply There is no ability to counterattack.

A cold female voice suddenly appeared on the interfered communication channel.

`.Dr. Xiao Zhishu, we don't want to hurt you. We hope you can give up your resistance and avoid suffering the physical pain¨ˇ.

Who are you?! Xiao Zhizhishu said quickly.

We? People call us the subjugated machine industry. Of course, I personally hate such a title. We are the pioneers in the development of human history and the sharp blade to protect the future existence of mankind. A cold female voice spoke with a slightly fanatical tone. said in a tone of voice.

Xiao Zhizhi's heart sank. She didn't expect that she would meet these crazy people.

Chapter 4. Full set of acting

Just when Xiao Zhizhi felt desperate, a huge particle stream pierced the starry sky and directly exploded the IS armor belonging to Taiwan's subjugated machine industry.

This particle flow is so exaggerated, and its power can be seen from its size. The ability to drive such an exaggerated output power shows that the attacker is a big guy.

Xiao Zhizhi was a little puzzled. Could it be that someone really created an armed ship?

The IS armor was originally a personal vehicle used to explore outer space. However, under the transformation of various major powers, this scientific research vehicle originally used for exploration has turned into a murder weapon. Coupled with mutual hindrance, the craze for external space exploration that emerged in the century has died down after the century. Originally, humans could point out the most primitive starship technology, but due to various internal frictions, let alone starships now Even the space shuttles of the last century have been reduced to museum exhibits.

Xiao Zhizhi herself is the founder of the core technology of IS armor. She is very sensitive to the performance of IS armor. She knows that such an attack cannot be carried out by ordinary IS armor, and one that is larger than IS armor can also There are only armed ships.

There was another particle flow, and the huge energy torrent instantly flooded the unlucky IS armor of the subjugated machine industry. The shield of the regular IS armor, under this extraordinary level of attack, only supported the pilot for a few more seconds. Then, a gorgeous firework was born.

The originally flawless ;;.?;:::!':'? preparation,,,use.,:''? encirclement network was disrupted, and Xiao Zhizhi seized the opportunity and started from 『:', '』,,.?:.?;!,.:『.;??:'!.』?!?!;,?.. Break out from the gap created by the mysterious attack.

But the IS pilots of the Subjugated Machinery Industry were crazy. Even though they lost two armors in a short period of time, they still failed to make them retreat. Instead, they quickly reorganized the encirclement network, not giving her a chance to break out of the encirclement.

The plan was disrupted by external attacks, and the pilots of the Subjugated Machinery Industry became even more crazy, and they did not hesitate to use their limited number of high-voltage current catching nets. The large number of catching nets completely blocked Xiao Zhizhi's space for activities.

In just a few seconds, she was forced into a desperate situation and intercepted by a large number of high-voltage current nets.

Although her armor had been insulated, a large number of nets still tied her up like a rice dumpling. At the same time, the pilots of the Subjugated Machinery Industry popped out reinforced steel cables and connected them to the nets. Electric current flowed from the IS armor of Subjugation Industry, and the outer insulation layer of her armor began to be ablated, and the entire armor shone with electric sparks. Once the insulation layer is burned through, she will completely lose her ability to resist.

But now, because she was restrained, she couldn't even fight back and could only passively wait for death. The only thing she can do now is to use the superior strength of her armor to fight with the opponent as much as possible to delay her own defeat.

Xiao Zhizhi looked in the direction of the attack. The external camera of the armor was zoomed to the maximum. He finally saw clearly the existence that suddenly attacked. The mysterious existence was approaching at high speed at this time. It will soon be within the visual distance of normal people.

It was a big guy that looked very weird. It could be seen that it was an IS armor. The upper body of the armor was equipped with a large number of weapons, while the lower body was a large propeller group that looked similar to a container. This martial virtue With ample armaments and Li Dazhuang's mobility, he was able to reach the battle group at close range in an instant.

This is the IS armored scavenger type belonging to the IS academy, used for testing the space route pioneering type. I am warning all IS armored pilots affiliated with the National Subjugation Machinery Industry that you have invaded my operating airspace, please retreat quickly.

A magnetic and calm male voice sounded on the public channel. Although the communication here has been interfered with, short-range wireless communication is still possible.

You are the one who should get out of here. The subjugation machine industry is doing its job. Please stay away from anyone who has nothing to do with it. A cold female voice said on the public channel.

It seems that there is no need to talk. You terrorists can't communicate anyway. However, since it is what you want to do, if you prevent it, it will be a good thing, right? The magnetic male voice said with a few words. It's playful and uninhibited, and even just listening to the voice exudes amazing charm.

Xiao Zhizhi received the direct message from Levi. Although the interference area created by the puppet clones can block long-distance communications and build a communication island, communication within extremely short distances cannot be completely completed. Interfering.

Levi said in the direct communication channel: Although I don't know who you are, since you are besieged by the subjugated machine industry, it means that you are very important to them. If you are rescued, their conspiracy can be destroyed. I will disrupt their formation, and you just have to break through. By the way, considering that the other side may have reinforcements, after you leave the battle, go to this coordinate point, and I will come to you as soon as possible to cover you and completely escape the pursuit of these guys.

Xiao Zhizhi was not being pretentious until now, and said: Thank you! These guys probably saw the skills I have mastered and knew that I would not assist them, so they used this method to besiege me and want to capture me alive. But are you sure you can face so many enemies personally?

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