Seeing this scene, Cecilia and Xiao Zhizhi both showed knowing smiles.

Li Weijun, don't you feel it's a little too exciting? Xiao Zhizhihuan said like a little devil with a naughty smile on his face.

Isn't this a matter of course? I am also a man after all. When faced with temptation, I also need to overcome my inner desires. Levi said with a serious face.

Oh, you mean, if it weren't for this being a public place, you wouldn't need to conquer your desires? Cecilia smiled playfully.

I'm sorry, I know how to restrain myself. Although it is hard to endure desires, there are some things that must have a bottom line. Levi said.

Although Li Wei speaks righteously, in fact, he has his own plans. In addition, he has the ability to read minds and can see through other people's inner thoughts, so he can naturally avoid stepping on such issues. Thundery.

Control your desires...¨ˇ... Cecilia murmured softly. She was not dissatisfied with Levi's current attitude, although even if Levi showed that he was really controlled by his lower body, she would not I won’t have any unpleasant feelings towards Levi, but Levi’s current relatively gentlemanly attitude seems to be quite good.

However, what Cecilia didn't know was that Levi just said I want them all. If he takes the last step now, he will definitely be criticized by Cecilia when he deals with other girls in the future. The impact, overall, is not worth the loss, so Levi will control his desires well.

Moreover, when Levi eats fruit cake, he will save the most delicious fruit for last. Now is not the time to break the window paper with Cecilia and Xiao Zhizhihan.

That's right, it's about controlling desires. The biggest difference between humans and animals is that they can control their own desires and keep themselves motivated to move forward without getting lost in desires, Levi said.

Li Weijun really likes to say such big things that people can't understand. Aren't we here to enjoy the sunshine on the beach today? It's better to leave this kind of pedantic conversation in the future. Xiao Zhizhi Chen put his hands behind his head and said with an indifferent expression.

Levi said with a smile: That's right. I will spend the remaining two days of my monthly vacation at the beach. I feel that the atmosphere of the beach here is much better than those in resort areas.

What Li Wei wanted to say in his heart was that the main thing was the beautiful scenery, and this scenery was not just natural scenery, but more importantly, there were beautiful women watching on the beach.

If it is an external public resort, then there will naturally be everyone on the beach. In addition to young and beautiful beauties, there are also those philosophical brothers, as well as the old and out-of-shape cloth-bag grandma and beer-belly grandpa. Most of them are some eye-catching people. It doesn't look like the private beach here at the college. They are all young and energetic girls.

Just because he didn't have to worry about getting hurt, Levi could stay on the beach for several days. Moreover, the beach will not be as lively as it is now on weekdays. Although there are teachers and students playing on the beach on weekdays, due to classes, it only becomes more lively here after school in the afternoon. But now is a monthly holiday similar to a school-wide carnival, so the beach is quite lively from morning to night. According to Levi's perception, the number of people on the beach is not less than a thousand, but think about it here of prosperity.

Levi felt that he could ask the dean to try to change the school's vacation system. In addition to monthly vacations, Sundays would be used for rest every week to better combine work and rest.

Anyway, the top management of the entire college belongs to him, and at least the students will support such a decision with both hands. No student does not like holidays. In a place with military management like the college, even the female students in the university department , the work and rest time is actually similar to that of Gaobu. Even they can't refuse such a holiday.

The three of them came to the locker area. A large number of people on the beach needed to store their clothes and personal belongings, so there was a special locker area and corresponding management personnel.

After putting their personal belongings into the lockers, the three of them got the key bracelets and hung them on their wrists. Then Levi went to a store that specialized in renting beach equipment and rented a large parasol, three folding deck chairs and a matching folding coffee table. After finding a suitable location on the beach and setting it up, Levi made another trip and bought A box of frozen drinks, as well as two iced watermelons.

When Levi returned with food and drinks, the two girls' eyes lit up. No girl could refuse sweets, even a young lady like Cecilia.

`.Can we eat two watermelons? Cecilia said in confusion.

Levi placed the watermelon on the picnic cloth next to the lounge chair and said, Cecilia, do you know the watermelon knocking game here in Neon?

Cecilia shook her head and showed a puzzled expression. Although her knowledge is broader than that of her peers, she is not a humanoid library who knows everything. Watermelon knocking is a beach folk game here in Neon. It's normal that she doesn't know.

Xiaozhi Zhihan explained: Watermelon knocking is a not-so-common folk game here in Neon. The rules of the game are also very simple. Put a watermelon on the beach, and then let the game participants blindfold their eyes. , others let the game participants circle to make them lose their sense of direction. Then the participants have to find the watermelon under the prompts of other people, and smash it with a stick. If the watermelon is smashed perfectly, it is considered a victory, and the winner can ask for Other participants do something for themselves, similar to the game of kings. However, the difficulty of this game is very high. Unless you are very lucky, you will not be able to smash the watermelon, and the watermelon that is not smashed will be destroyed by everyone. Everyone eats it.

Cecilia nodded, she was interested in this game.

Chapter. Chifuyu Orimaru’s Weakness

None of the three people were in a hurry to start the watermelon knocking game. After all, this game was the finale.

Levi lay on the beach chair. He saw the person on the beach chair next door and couldn't move his eyes away.

Next door is the personal team, which is his primary and secondary homeroom teachers, Chifuyu Oribara and Maya Yamada. Levi would not be surprised to meet the two of them here. After all, teachers are human beings and they also enjoy themselves, so it is normal to go to the beach to enjoy the sun and sea breeze during the holidays.

Yamada Maya and Orima Chifuyu also spotted Levi and the other three. When Levi went to get something just now, the two of them happened not to be here. They missed each other, so naturally they didn't say hello. Now that they saw them, they naturally wanted to say hello.

Levi walked over, looked at the two people who were busy, and said: Sister Qianfuyu, sister Maye, what a coincidence. Are you having a barbecue?

Yamada Maya looked a little surprised when she saw Levi. When she came back to her senses, she smiled and said: If you don't barbecue at the beach, you always feel like something is missing, so Chifuyu and I are barbecued here. You want some. ?

Is it okay? Levi said pretending to be surprised.

Of course, Cecilia and Zhen should also get up. It's better to have fun alone than to have fun together. Yamada Maya said with a smile.

Yamada Maya was a little panicked. When she saw Levi, she felt her heartbeat speeding up. What she had done with Levi before made it impossible for her to act like a teacher when facing Levi. Moreover, she was secretly expecting Levi to go on vacation with them. She didn't even know what the situation was.

Then I'd rather be respectful than obey. We've prepared drinks and watermelon here, just for relieving tiredness. Levi said with a smile.

Although the college is quite close to Neon, the fruit is not imported from Neon, but from Chongguo and Southeast Asia. Therefore, the price of the fruit is not as exaggerated as Neon. In Neon, Beach Knock The watermelon game is regarded as a game that is so extravagant that it is almost a waste. Normal people buy watermelon to eat, that is, only those who are not short of money play this way.

However, due to different import channels at the college, the fruit can be said to be of high quality and low price, so there is no luxury in things like watermelon games.

Yamada Maya looked at Shinonohan and Cecilia, and waved to them. The two girls, whose buttocks were still sitting on the recliner, saw the teacher looking for her, so they leaned over.

Yamada Maya smiled and said: Let's grill, we also have seafood ingredients here, it will be quite delicious when grilled.

Oribara Chifuyu took out the seasonings and various processed semi-finished ingredients from the foam box nearby, and said: When I made it before, I was too excited to do it. Now that I have someone, I don't have to worry about waste. ”

Orima Chifuyu also had a good impression of Levi, so she didn't say anything when Yamada Maya pulled Levi and others over, and she was very happy that Levi would come over.

Cecilia and Shinonohan began to help Orimaru Chifuyu. If you cook a barbecue by yourself, the various preparations are quite troublesome. However, barbecue, a do-it-yourself way of eating, is quite interesting. People who barbecue are not only enjoying the food, but also enjoying the process of making the food.

Chifuyu Orimadara looked up at the sun. It was around two o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was at its most fierce.

Li Weijun, please bring the parasols and deck chairs over here. If everyone gathers here, there won't be enough shade. Oribara Chifuyu said.

Since there were only two of us, Chifuyu Oribara and Maya Yamada only rented a small parasol, which was more than enough to cover two deck chairs, but if everyone gathered here, plus a large barbecue grill, Type parasols seem to be stretched thin.

Levi responded, and quickly moved the deck chairs and parasols on his side. All the parasols gathered together, casting a large shadow, so that everyone could be covered.

Levi also joined the barbecue party. It was his first time to have a barbecue on the beach. I have to say that this kind of activity is quite interesting. The most important thing is that he is surrounded by either beautiful girls or young ladies, any man with normal body and mind. , when faced with such a situation, a happy feeling will arise in the heart.

Cecilia looked at the stacked barbecue grills and said: The size of this barbecue grill feels a bit wasteful for two people to use it. It's a bit too big.

Levi looked at the barbecue grill. What Cecilia said was indeed true. This barbecue grill was similar to the professional grills used by those specialized barbecue restaurants. It allowed the barbecue master to grill a large number of ingredients at the same time. Private If used, it does seem a bit big.

Oribara Chifuyu said: The college's purchasing department all purchases from outside. There are not many options for camping items that are not used in daily life, such as barbecue grills. In order to facilitate management and maintenance, they are all unified. . So, the smallest grill we can get is this.

Cecilia said curiously: In other words, the other models are bigger than the one we are using now?

Oribara Chifuyu nodded. Although the college has become a small self-circulating society, it is not a complete real society after all. Therefore, compared to the outside world, it is closer to a planned economy. External purchases are managed in a centralized manner, with priority given to types with high cost-effectiveness. For purchasing, the selection of various items is a bit poor compared to the outside world.

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, can sense the inner thoughts of Orima Chifuyu. Orima Chifuyu has two weaknesses, one is his family, and the other is this academy.

Orima Chifuyu is a soft-hearted person, and she attaches great importance to her family. Even if Orima Ka is now resigned to her own depravity, she usually doesn't care about him, but if Orima Ka encounters a life-threatening danger, she will not. Sitting back and doing nothing.

As for the academy, it is a safe haven for Chifuyu Orima. Although there are still internal struggles in the academy, they are generally under control. Coupled with the checks and balances of various major powers, the academy is relatively It's relatively peaceful. Staying in the academy, you don't have to be wary of other people's plans at all times like you are outside.

This is because the academy has given Orima Chifuyu shelter, so she will use her own power to protect the academy in turn, because the academy has become her virtual home.

Oribara Chifuyu said: The current supply of supplies in the academy is relatively monotonous, but the academy is constantly improving. Maybe in the future we will use smaller barbecue grills that can even be used by individuals. I looked at the academy From the beginning, from the very beginning, when everything was a mess, to now everything is in order, and it only took a few years. I believe that the college will get better and better.

Oribara Chifuyu has developed a sense of belonging to the academy. She feels that as a member here, she has an obligation and responsibility to make this place better.

Chapter. Statement

I didn't expect you to be good at barbecue, Qianfuji. I feel like this kind of food doesn't match your usual style. Levi said.

Oribara Chifuyu was sitting on a small bench, holding a book in one hand and flipping the ingredients on the barbecue skillfully with the other hand. She said without raising her head: Style is something that is imposed on oneself by others. Li Weijun Do you care about such a thing?

Levi said: I don't care much about these things, but Sister Qianfuyu, you are deliberately alienating the students and making yourself look colder. To be honest, I am very curious as to why you are doing this.

Levi knows that Orima Chifuyu is not a frank person, so when dealing with Orima Chifuyu, Levi will intentionally guide the other party and let the other party express his true inner thoughts. Of course, this also requires Orima Chifuyu to express his true feelings. He has a certain good impression, so he can do such a thing.

Oribara Chifuyu sighed, looked at the three students who all cast curious glances, and said, Are you so curious about such a thing?

Xiao Zhizhi nodded and said: Of course, the Chifuyu sister in my memory is a very gentle person. Although she was very strict during class in the academy, after class, she can still see her former self. Shadow. This makes me feel very separated. Now Chifuyu-san seems to be split into two people.

Although Cecilia was not that familiar with Chifuyu Orimaru, but after hearing Shino no Hono's words, she also noticed details that she had not paid attention to on ordinary days. Chifuyu Orimagi did have a sense of fragmentation in her body, as if Those actors are their secondary faces when acting, but their real faces in daily life.

Oribara Chifuyu said: Everyone has their own position. Let's take Li Weijun as an example. Li Weijun is a native of Chongguo. If, I mean if, there is a conflict between the interests of the academy and Chongguo, Li Weijun, where will you stand? side.

Oribara Chifuyu's tone was very calm. Although she said questions, her tone was very sure.

Li Wei said without hesitation: I am the descendant of the dragon, so I will naturally stand firmly on the side of the motherland.

Levi would not hesitate at all about this kind of thing.

Oribara Chifuyu nodded and said: Li Weijun will choose to stand on the side of his motherland. In fact, others are similar. Everyone has a position that they must stick to. When my students are caught between the motherland and the academy, When they are young, it will be very painful. The only thing I can do is to make them have an uncomfortable student period, and even make them hate me. The more they hate me, the better. And hating the house and the bird will make them hate me in the future. When encountering such a situation, I can easily stand firm and not have to consider the feelings of myself and the college.”

Chifuyu Orimaru's words left everyone wondering what to say. Chifuyu Orimaru put herself in the position of a villain just so that the students would not have any psychological burden. Shino no Hoshi and Cecilia I finally understand why Orima Chifuyu has such a rough temper during class.

But what both girls wanted to complain about was that there were a lot of douchebags in the class. Chifuyu Oribara's rudeness not only did not scare those people, but made them feel refreshed. They even called Chifuyu Oribara her sister. grown ups.

Xiao Zhizhi said: If you make everyone hate you, Sister Chifuyu, it will always make people feel a little uncomfortable.

Oribara Chifuyu said: Actually, I'm not the only one who does this. Most of the training teachers in the college are prepared to be hated by the students. After all, our positions are different from those of the students. We should separate them as soon as possible. , it’s better than not being able to sort it out later.”

Cecilia next to her said: 箮, although what Teacher Chifuyu said is a bit hard to accept, it is indeed the right thing to do. It's like an animal protection organization rescuing injured animals in the wild and then releasing the animals. When returning to the natural environment, they will first beat the animals they have rescued to make those animals remain wary of humans, so that when they encounter humans again later, they will encounter dangers that could have been avoided because of trust.

Although what Cecilia said has nothing to do with the academy, its core is the same. The academy must ensure the purity of its own team, and this approach is equivalent to asking the teachers to hand over their certificates and cut off the A retreat for teachers to avoid betraying the interests of the college.

Although this approach cannot eliminate all possibilities, it can indeed play a certain role.

Yamada Maya said: There is no need to talk about such serious issues when you are on vacation. Just know this kind of thing in your heart and don't talk about it outside. After all, the facts are just like what Chifuyu said, we Everyone has their own position, and on issues involving the bottom line, direct conflict will cause embarrassment to both parties.

Li Wei lamented in his heart that as long as people live in the world, they will inevitably be affected by the external environment, and it is impossible to absolutely go their own way. Different positions also lead to the fact that even if individuals can understand each other, they cannot accept each other's actions. Even because they understand each other, they have to kill each other.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Oribara Chifuyu is severing the bond between herself and her students. When one day her students become hostile to her because of their stance, she won't think about the feelings between teachers and students and refuse to take action. To be honest, Li Weiting I feel sorry for Orima Chifuyu.

Moreover, there are some things Chifuyu Orimadara didn’t say. This unsaid thing also took into account Shino no Hibi’s feelings. This matter is that Chifuyu Orimadara has been abandoned by Neon officials. However, in order to check and balance Chifuyu Orimadara, the name Protection is actually house arrest and surveillance of the Oribara family. No matter where Oribara Chifuyu's parents go, there are more than a dozen intelligence officers secretly watching her. If necessary, her parents will be taken down to threaten her.


Anyway, Levi himself can't accept such a thing. If anyone dares to do harm to his family, he will get angry, and when he gets angry, he wants to kill someone.

Many people will die.

Without the IS armor, Chifuyu Oribara is just an ordinary person with stronger physical fitness. Her individual combat ability is not even considered a military king. How can she fight against a country. Therefore, with multiple forces checking and balancing each other, she was kicked into the academy like a ball. For the safety of her family, Oribara Chifuyu could only accept this reality.

Levi said: As long as you are strong enough, many problems will no longer be problems. Are you right, Sister Qianfuyu?

Oribara Chifuyu was a little confused. She didn't know what Levi meant by saying that, but she nodded anyway.

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