Some students even whimpered in surprise. Although Levi's dodge movements were ugly and could be said to have relied entirely on the vector propulsion system of the machine, he did dodge all the attacks and gave a standard Answer. Although the steps to do the questions are not pretty, marking the answers is the best performance.

Reiko Kobayakawa said proudly: I said before, that boy is definitely hiding his clumsiness. That dodge action just now, that beast-like intuition, and that terrible G-force resistance quality, can ordinary people do it?

Sister Luyu said: The game has just begun, it's just a highlight performance. Maybe it's just luck.

Reiko Kobayakawa said: You are just a platypus, and you are always tough-talking! Look, my drinking money will definitely double this year, and I will treat you to a drink then.

On the other side, Levi and Cecilia were chasing each other over the island. Limited by the maneuverability of the special blacksmith type, Levi was kited by Cecilia and began to lose the advantage of being the first to attack. It is not easy to get closer without cheating.

Levi was not panicking about the current situation, because the current situation was within his expectations.

Cecilia finally figured out how to play with the blue teardrop. Whenever he shortened the distance between the two sides, she would control the direction of the armor.

The blacksmith's special type has a very strong linear acceleration capability, but its maneuverability in a small range and at sharp angles is weak. This maneuver configuration itself is used for BZ tactics, and the purpose is to break away, but this characteristic of the blacksmith's special type Cecilia saw through it, so the blue teardrop increased its power and vector propulsion capabilities, and its directional and hovering abilities were stronger. This made Levi's linear acceleration ability unable to be used. If it were anyone else, he would have started to panic at this time. .

·Asking for flowers·· ······

But Levi was not without countermeasures when faced with such kiting tactics. The only long-range weapon left behind by this armor was the key to breaking the situation.

The blacksmith's specially equipped auxiliary manipulator held the rifle. After careful aiming, the particle beam came out of the rifle. Cecilia noticed the attack and dodged when the auxiliary manipulator pulled the trigger. He avoided the attack by a hair's breadth.

However, the advance route of the Blue Teardrop was inevitably disrupted. Levi seized this momentary opportunity and rushed forward with all his strength in the Blacksmith special suit. The sonic boom cloud had been left behind by Levi. The costume approached the blue teardrop at Mach speed.

......... .

I'm going to suffer! Cecilia's own reaction ability couldn't keep up with such a high-speed advance. The thrusters on the back of the blue teardrop all moved upward, and all the thrust was concentrated on the top, causing the armor to fall rapidly downwards.

At this moment, Levi's controller armor had already rushed over, holding a giant nodachi in both hands. In the moment of misalignment, he cut the needle-shaped floating cannon into two pieces that could not be avoided.

The flames of the explosion exploded between the two armors, and a large number of fragments were thrown outward, causing ripples on the shields of the two armors.

In an instant, the distance between the two sides was widened again. Cecilia checked the damage to the armor. Among the armor's four floating cannons, one of them had been completely destroyed without enough time to dodge. If it hadn't been for her clever maneuver just now, Maneuvering downward, the knife has cut hard, and the shield will be cleared directly. The enhanced strength of the blacksmith special type is not something that a crispy machine like the Blue Teardrop can withstand.

The battle between the two sides, to put it in a more understandable way, is a battle between heavy tanks and small tanks. One has heavy armor and destructive power, and its straight-line acceleration ability is not weak, while the other has a more powerful tank. Continuous output capability and better maneuverability.

However, both sides knew one thing very well, that is, armor determines the lower limit, while mobility determines the upper limit, so this duel was turned into a high-speed battle with losses.

Chapter.High-altitude combat

Everyone in the audience in the duel arena was shocked by Levi's sudden sword. It was so fast that even a veteran with actual combat experience like Cecilia could not react.

Chifuyu Oribara estimated in his mind the acceleration G force that Levi suffered, showed a surprised expression, and said: The acceleration just now, the G force was at least 4 or more, is this kid made of Nidunzi? ?”

Yamada Maya also showed a surprised expression. She knew very well how fragile the human body is. Moreover, even if the IS armor has a special anti-stress suit, the G force endured by the pilot when accelerating is much greater than that of traditional fighters. Yes, because of the control of traditional fighter aircraft, the pilot does not have to do many actions. Basically, he pulls the joystick with both hands and presses the buttons. And if the joystick can be used to borrow force, the G force endured by the pilot will be Get a certain degree of buffering.

The IS armor is different. During high-speed combat, the pilot needs to make a variety of tactical actions, and every part of the body will be used. Therefore, there is no way to form an overall stable structure to withstand the G force. Traditional fighters can The pilot is allowed to withstand G acceleration, but the pilot in the IS armor, at supersonic speed, can withstand G acceleration basically as the limit. Even if the human body is modified, it will be difficult to break through this limit. After all, humans are not clay. Damn it, and the real battle is not a superman's fight on Anton Star. The number of IS armored pilots killed by super-high-speed maneuvers is not large, but it is also quite a lot.

Oribara Chifuyu's observation of Levi was quite detailed. She could also call up the students' ECHO monitoring recordings. She heard that Levi often went to the gym to exercise, the unique sound of fitness equipment, and the special breathing sound of Levi when he exerted force. , impressed her deeply.

Reiko Kobayakawa said: Sister Chifuyu, this guy's style in melee combat is a bit like yours. He's so crazy. I'm really afraid that he will be knocked unconscious by G-force.

Oribara Chifuyu said: Levi has considerable talent in close combat, but if he wants to become a mature pilot, he cannot have obvious shortcomings. Now, he can only use three skills. Damn it.

Reiko Kobayakawa showed a disgusted expression and said: Sister Chifuyu, just show off, you are just showing off! Ahhhh, I really want a student like Levi, that stupid girl, even my Z letter I can’t even learn maneuvers well, but looking at Levi, I think he and I have a very good compatibility!”

Orimaru Chifuyu looked at the girls who had gathered behind Reiko Kobayakawa and were ready to attack them at any time. The corners of her mouth slightly raised. Reiko Kobayakawa seriously lacked the authority as a class teacher. It was time for her to suffer.

Wow! What are you doing? You are rebelling!

Awaken, teacher! This is our resentment!

Hurry up! We can't let the teacher escape!

The audience was in chaos, and the big-mouthed Reiko Kobayakawa successfully aroused the anger of the students in her class. The students who had been despised for many years finally didn't want to tolerate it anymore, so Reiko Kobayakawa was tragic.

When everyone else in the audience saw this scene, they all smiled, as if they didn't hear Reiko Kobayakawa's cry for help at all.

Oribara Chifuyu, with a smile on her face, returned her attention to the live projection. Cecilia and Levi's performances were both very good. It can be said that they have made her look good. Levi and others This is the third class of students she has taught, and the overall quality of this class of students is much higher than the previous two classes, especially since there are many good talents in the class, which makes her motivated to teach.

Cecilia is a veteran who has been on the battlefield. While her style of play is flexible and changeable, she also has some dirty tricks for rookies. However, as a pure newcomer, Levi is able to see through Cecilia's various tricks. Pushing Cecilia into danger shows his ability.

There are no obstacles in the sky, and both sides can clearly see each other. Cecilia relies on calibrating the drone, while Levi relies on his own perception. With the development of technology, weapons are becoming more and more automated. , but the emergence of IS armor has brought air combat back to the war era to a certain extent. Ace relies on his own ability to achieve more with less, but modern fighter aircraft are very automated, and there is no room for pilots to intervene. It’s not that big. Once one side has a technical advantage, it’s easy to overwhelm it. However, IS armor is a creature with a similar body structure to humans. There is no absolute generation gap between the two sides. It is not uncommon for the weak to defeat the strong.

Cecilia fired the remaining three needle-shaped floating cannons. After breaking away from the mother aircraft, the floating cannon climbed upwards and entered the clouds, hiding her figure with the help of clouds and mist.

In Levi's visual interface, the radar has already chased down three floating guns. The automated weapons used by the IS armor are controlled through quantum communication. It is difficult for traditional jamming methods to interfere with the armor's control of automated weapons. Together with the radar Locking has also become difficult. It has changed from traditional wave radar to current optical radar. However, optical radar has the disadvantage of being easily misled when faced with complex situations. Cecilia just forgot about this and solved the problem in advance. The remaining floating artillery was laid in ambush, preparing to launch a surprise attack on Levi at the right time.

Release the floating cannon, Cecilia, this is your biggest mistake. Without the firepower of the floating cannon, how will you deal with the next battle? Levi said on the communication channel.

You don't need to worry about it. Whether it was a mistake or not depends on the results. Moreover, can you ignore the threat to yourself from the invisible floating cannon? Cecilia pushed back without showing any weakness.

What Cecilia didn't know was that the floating cannon hidden in the clouds was invisible to Levi's perception, and her ambush plan was not established from the beginning. This trick is very useful for other people, but for Levi, it is like showing the cards when playing cards.

Considering that he must have a certain rationality, Li Weicao controlled the armor and began to climb. Relying on the excellent linear acceleration function of the blacksmith special armor, it didn't take long to reach above the clouds. After climbing above the clouds, Levi did not stop climbing, but continued to pull up, pulling his height above 20,000 meters.

Cecilia was furious when she saw Levi starting to lose control. Levi had raised the height to this level. It was very disadvantageous for the floating cannon in the clouds to shoot low and high. At such a distance, Levi can dodge the attack of the floating cannon very easily, but doing so is equivalent to giving up the possibility of taking the initiative to engage in battle. That's why Cecilia calls such behavior a mess. Levi can delay like this Go on until the situation is ruined.

Cecilia gritted her teeth and began to climb higher. Levi could be invincible, but she couldn't afford to lose such a person. Levi's experience was weaker than hers. Novices had privileges, but as a veteran he still had If she failed to show off, it would be more than just embarrassing. After all, this duel could be said to be watched by all the teachers and students in the school. She had performed poorly. She was not only sorry for her status as a candidate for the representative of her country, but also for Orr. The Carter family is not a good thing either.

Chapter. I can’t play until I have residual health.

The large drone responsible for photography also climbed above the clouds. This height is almost reaching the limit for large drones. If Levi and Cecilia continue to climb, the photography work will have to be handed over to the drone. It was given to three referees.

At such a height, the visibility is quite high, without the obstruction of clouds and dust particles. Even the naked eyes of ordinary people can see small things at extremely long distances, and Levi and Cecilia both saw each other.

Levi took control of the armor and raised his hand in Cecilia's direction with a gun. Before Cecilia could react to this sudden gun, she was already confused. The originally full shield was blown away by nearly %, followed by two more particle beams, killing Cecilia, and the blue teardrop shield instantly fell to only half of it. .

Three shots, two swipes, a pretty good combo.

Helpless, Cecilia could only start to maneuver, and at the same time, the sniper cannon in her hand launched a counterattack against Levi. However, as the attack continued, the attack turned sideways. The exchange of blood between the two sides gave Levi a definite advantage.

Cecilia wanted to complain in her heart. It was simply unscientific for Levi to control a weapon as difficult to use as a high-output rifle.

Although the high-output rifle has great single power, it can only fire single shots and three consecutive shots. It is not as flexible as an automatic rifle in high-speed combat, and its single power is not as good as a professional sniper rifle. The rifle exploded like shit, so this weapon was complained by many IS armor pilots as junk that even a dog would not use. But in Li Wei's hands, this weapon that was as difficult to control as an elephant gun was wielded with far beyond conventional power.

Although the Blue Teardrop is not good at defense, after all, it is a third-generation aircraft with the highest comprehensive performance, and its own shield is also quite hard. Ordinary IS armor uses a rifle, even if it is hit with a shuttle, it will almost be reduced. Less than % of the shield, but as long as the high-output rifle can kill, the gun can knock out nearly % of the shield of the blue teardrop. You can imagine how destructive this thing is. In addition to not having a high-precision sniper scope In addition, in terms of pure output capacity, this thing is not much worse than a sniper rifle. Unfortunately, in the hands of pilots other than Levi, the high-output rifle is a garbage gun that can't do anything.

Cecilia didn't dare to drag it out any longer. She didn't dare to bet whether Levi's fine shot just now was a flash of spiritual light, or whether Levi had secretly practiced his shooting skills, and then the three consecutive shots of Lun Jing, Lan The color teardrop will be judged as a broken shield. Once the shield is broken, a crispy skin like the blue teardrop will be taken away as long as it takes another Li Wei round shot. She really can't afford to lose this person.

At such a high altitude, both sides could clearly sense each other's intentions. When Levi launched his pursuit, Cecilia was already prepared to deal with it. In the clouds below, three floating cannons broke through the clouds and mist, and came from below. Launched an attack on Levi, three beams of particle beams hit the Iron Special Equipment Type. The Iron Special Equipment Type's shield instantly dropped by 4%, but the following round of attacks directly missed, Levi He rolled to avoid the particle beam, and at the same time, the high-power rifle of the auxiliary manipulator fired three consecutive shots, threw two, and the floating cannon was exploded.

The remaining two floating cannons did not return, but used their remaining energy to quickly close the distance with Levi and attack Levi from two angles at the same time. At the same time, Cecilia also set up a sniper cannon. In an instant, attacks from three directions instantly cut off Levi's retreat.

Without intending to cheat on the spot, Levi made a choice in an instant and actively collided with the particle beam emitted by the floating cannon, dodging the other two attacks. Although the shield had dropped to %, At least he avoided a direct hit from the sniper cannon.

At this moment, the additional armor on the blue teardrop's calf unfolded, the built-in missile launch slot unfolded, and the two connected honeycomb missiles were activated at the same time, and a large number of warheads only the size of an adult's palm were directed towards Levi.

Levi unfolded the Vulcan cannon in his hand and fired at the incoming missiles. However, a small number of missiles still bombarded the blacksmith's special shield, pressing the blacksmith's special shield to the ground. % below the warning line.

Levi sighed inwardly, Cecilia was far more powerful than the animation. Such flowing combos were not something that a rookie who had never been on the battlefield could perform.

Just when Levi was sighing in his heart, two special missiles exploded above the head of the blacksmith's special armor. A large amount of gel poured towards Levi like a rain curtain. Levi controlled the armor to dodge sideways and avoid it. Special missile attack.

This kind of gel that can pass through the shield is a bit like a foam material. Once it sticks to the body, it is difficult to clean off. Especially after this gel falls on the joints of the armor, it will quickly expand and destroy the armor. His joints were stuck. Once he was hit by such an attack, there was no way Levi could win without cheating.

Levi didn't say anything about dirty tricks. In real battles, most of the time it's about comparing who has the lower limit on both sides. Gel missiles are already considered child's play.

Several missiles exploded not far away from the special blacksmith type, but this time the missiles shot out were electromagnetic nets with strong currents, which could overload the armor's circuits and paralyze them. Operating system, this thing is a new weapon that only appeared in the past two years. It is specially designed for close combat IS armor. However, Levi's blacksmith special type does not have special anti-electromagnetic net treatment because of its own weight overload. When encountering something like this In this situation, he can only continue to move.

Another particle beam came, and the blacksmith's special shield was directly knocked down to only %. Levi needed a certain amount of time to recharge the shield, but seeing that Cecilia had already started to launch a barrage in his direction, Levi knew that he had to show his true ability.

Levi, surrender! Surrendering now will give you dignity. Cecilia's voice sounded on the communication channel.

Cecilia, you know, when I used to play online games, I had a habit. Levi said in a calm tone.

Don't try to waste time in this way. You will lose your dignity when the sniper cannon cools down. Cecilia's voice was brisk, as if she had a chance to win.

The old me couldn't play until I had enough blood! Levi activated the special device of the blacksmith type, and the shield instantly recharged to more than %. At the same time, the thruster assembly of the blacksmith special type appeared. A definite change in appearance, a large number of hidden nozzles unfolded, and at the same time various additional armors fell downwards like a goddess scattering flowers.

The blacksmith's special model, like the Unicorn Gundam on the studio next door, has launched its own explosion mode.

Chapter. Explosive Armor Mode Quick Kill

Levi never thought that he would be forced into a desperate situation so quickly. Although the armor could be used to carry it if the shield was broken, without the shield as support, the performance of the IS armor at high altitudes would be compromised. After all, the IS armor's aerodynamics The appearance is supported by the shield. Once the shield is gone, the aerodynamic shape of the IS armor itself cannot achieve supersonic maneuvers.

The removed additional armor fell downwards, and Levi could feel that after the weight of the blacksmith special-purpose model was reduced, it gained a higher thrust-to-weight ratio, just like a heavy tank suddenly turned into a light tank, regardless of Whether it's accelerating from the start or turning, it becomes very smooth, without any lag.

The furious blacksmith's special-fit model made irregular maneuvers at high altitudes. At the same time, the burst of fire from the two spirits destroyed the remaining floating cannon. While maintaining high-speed maneuvers, Cecilia set up a sniper cannon and took a careful aim. Levi.

But Levi's speed was so fast that her reaction could no longer keep up. She had just pointed the gun at Levi's path, and Levi made an emergency change to avoid the shooting point. , if dodging once is luck, then dodging continuously is real strength.

Levi, are you crazy? Your body won't be able to withstand such a maneuver! Cecilia also noticed the abnormality. The speed of the special-type blacksmith was abnormally fast, but such a speed would also It brings huge G-force pressure. The human body cannot withstand such G-force. Cecilia quickly calculated in her mind. Levi’s series of maneuvers just now. It is conservatively estimated that the minimum G-force endured is Above, anyone else would have probably been killed by the armor itself.

This is just a trivial matter to me. You should think about how to deal with my next attack. Now I, as well as my current blacksmith, have reached the best condition. Levi laughed on the communication channel, his voice Clear and powerful, with an air of ease.

At the end of the communication, although Cecilia was very reluctant, she also discovered the fact that the special blacksmith type without the additional armor was so fast that it was exaggerated. Not only was she unable to take aim, but her speed advantage was also lost. All have been lost, and now the initiative has been transferred to Li Wei's hands. All she can do is to take advantage of Li Wei's approach to defend and counterattack. The special armor type gives up her heavy armor advantage, which means that once Breaking the shield is equivalent to running away, and she still has some armor on her side. If she fights in close combat, she may lose.

However, there is only one chance. Although the Blue Teardrop is also equipped with melee weapons, its melee performance cannot be compared with that of a professional melee aircraft such as the Blacksmith Special Edition. If it fails, it means that she has no chance of making a comeback. Opportunity.

Cecilia felt that her palms were already sweating. It was obviously just a practice duel within the academy, not a life and death fight, but Levi still brought huge pressure to her.

In order to reduce the weight of the armor itself, Levi threw away all the additional armor of the special blacksmith type, including the high-output rifle. Only the main weapon remained in the entire armor, which was the custom-made Nodachi. At this time, Levi was just like Polnareff's stand-in Silver Chariot in the armor-removing mode in the second part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. His speed was so fast that the human eye could not keep up, and he was avoiding Sisi. After Leah's series of attacks, the distance between the two sides was shortened to the point where the melee armor could be used.

The blue teardrop's auxiliary mechanical arm hangs a huge bayonet under the muzzle of the sniper cannon. At the same time, the structure of the sniper cannon has also undergone certain changes, from a conventional firearm state to a stabbing state. In this state, Although the sniper cannon is not so smooth when firing, it can chop and stab very quickly. It is a rare close combat method for blue teardrops.

After missing two shots in a row, Cecilia felt that her blood pressure was high. You have to be mentally prepared when playing with sniper weapons. There must be someone with high blood pressure, both you and your opponent.

After dodging two shots in a row, Levi held the nodachi tightly with both hands. He made a mistake and cut the sniper cannon in Cecilia's hand from the middle, just avoiding the position of the bayonet. Cecily Ya held the broken gun handle in her hand, preparing to pull out the secondary weapon hidden in the blue and leg armor, but it was too late. The armor's shield was broken, and Levi's hand directly strangled her. on the neck.

You lost, Cecilia¨ˇ. Levi said calmly.

It only took Levi ten seconds to go from being in a desperate situation to making a comeback. Cecilia sighed. At this point, she had no room for denial. Levi also saved her face and did not put a knife on her neck.

In the auditorium, through the footage coming back from the drone, everyone saw this shocking reversal. The audience immediately exploded. The strength shown by Levi was no longer something that ordinary students could possess, even if it was None of the elites in the university department can make such exaggerated maneuvers as Levi.

Levi's last high-speed assault, let alone students like Cecilia, even some training teachers may not be able to withstand such a sudden attack. When the speed reaches a certain level, the party being attacked will , it was too late to make any reaction. It's like Levi's last series of attacks on Cecilia, breaking the shield and breaking the gun, but it just saved some face for Cecilia in the end.

Immediately, the audience wailed, because most of the people here were betting on Cecilia to win. If Levi won, it meant that all the money they invested was wasted.

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