·Asking for flowers·· ······

Xiao Zhizhi said next to her: Indeed, Teacher Maya looks not much older than us. If she puts on the student uniform, she is no different from us. At most, she is just a senior senior sister.

Oribara Chifuyu said: If it's true, she's a pretty amazing guy. Don't look at her weak appearance. She used to be a representative candidate of Neon. It's a pity that she didn't continue on that path. Go down, but it’s not bad for her now.”

Both Shinononohan and Cecilia showed surprised expressions, because Maya Yamada usually gives the impression of a physical idiot who is not good at sports. However, such a physical idiot turned out to be a former representative candidate. How could they not be surprised?

Oribara Chifuyu said: Don't be so surprised. She looks like two different people when she is in the IS armor. I suspect she has a split personality. Her actual combat ability is quite strong, even if she is Cecilia, if you and Chen join together, she can kill you two within minutes, and she only needs to use 'Blacksmithing' to do this.

You're lying! Is Teacher Maye so powerful?! Xiao Zhizhi showed a surprised expression.

Oribara Chifuyu said: Shenya, you should not be judged by appearance. Maya has a very soft and soft character. It feels like anyone can bully her, but those who underestimated her at the beginning have all fallen into disgrace. She is like a crocodile, surfacing. The surface is only a small part, but what is hidden under the surface is all of her. Zhenye has experienced a lot of battles. Although there is no blood on her hands, she has a power that is not weaker than anyone else when she puts on the armor. The heart of a warrior.”

Cecilia and Shino no Hiro both swallowed. They didn't expect that Maya Yamada, who usually looked silly, had another side that they didn't know about. If someone else told such a thing, , they will still doubt its credibility, but they will not have the slightest doubt about Chifuyu Orimaru's words.

Chapter. New puppet clone

While Levi was enjoying his daily life with the beautiful girl, Xiao Zhizhi, who was located in the Earth's high-orbit space station, was transforming a special IS armor in front of the experimental bench. After being stimulated by Levi last time , she has always had a sense of crisis, even harassing her sister Xiaozhi Zhihan much less frequently, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to the development of new armors.

Next to Xiao Zhizhishu, there is a slender figure. This figure is also one of Li Wei's puppet clones. It is also one of Li Wei's rare female puppet clones. Xiao Zhizhishu is a very vigilant person. In order to gain Li Wei's trust, For her, she made this puppet clone a female. In terms of appearance, she took reference from Tifa Lockhart in Jerusalem. The appearance and body shape are somewhat similar to Tifa, but her temperament is more fierce.

This puppet clone claimed to be a visitor from another world to Xiao Zhizhi. After revealing its supernatural powers far beyond ordinary people and mastering some high technologies, this clone calling itself Sofia successfully and Xiao Zhizhi reached a cooperative relationship.

Let's do it today. After three hours, I will modify the remaining circuits. The new technology still needs to be tested for compatibility. This armor does not need to use all the technologies for the time being. The skeleton of the Gale series is still the same. It's too soft. Xiao Zhizhi put down the processing tool and lifted the protective mask. Although the space station has a complete air-conditioning system, the temperature here has also increased by two or three degrees due to welding.

Sophia said: It feels like you are being chased by a monster. What is giving you such pressure? You haven't had a good rest for a week. Are you sure you can handle it?

Xiao Zhizhishu said: I was really chased by a monster. It's not safe here now. I don't know why. The other party didn't come to trouble me during this time. However, I have to take the initiative by myself. The hands are always good and powerful, can they ensure our safety?

Sophia smiled and said: Am I on a pirate ship? If we really can't fight, we will run away at worst. It should be easier to find a safe hiding place on the earth.

Xiao Zhizhi said: Indeed, with the help of you as a witch, it is indeed not difficult to hide on the earth, but I am not willing to give up the foundation I have worked hard to build for so long.

As Levi's puppet clone, Sophia naturally possesses part of Levi's power. Sophia's identity is set as a witch from a backward world. In that world, although the witch has powerful power, due to the sparse number of people and the large number of people... Because of their ignorance and religious spiritual control, they have been persecuted for a long time.

Sophia's identity setting allowed Xiao Zhizhi to accept her, and Sophia also brought a new power system, the so-called magic power, which made Xiao Zhizhi's research more diverse and made her There are more possibilities for hand technology development.

Under Li Wei's deliberate pandering, Xiao Zhizhi had already believed in Sophia, and Sophia, who had nowhere to go, expressed her willingness to stay by Xiao Zhizhi's side, and the two formed a temporary alliance.

Levi, who was hiding behind the scenes, could only lament that the puppet clone was so useful. If he didn't know such a spell, many layouts would be useless.

Sofia looked at Xiao Zhizhi who was starting to rest and said, I really don't know why you are so hostile to men. Even though I was persecuted so miserably, it was not as extreme as you.

Xiao Zhizhi said: This is different, Sophia. In the world you were in before, before the witch revealed her identity, you could still enjoy the life of ordinary people. But in this world, due to the development of the times, some old problems have It resurfaced again, so I took the wrong approach.

Sophia said with a curious face: Old question?

Xiao Zhizhi said: You should have read all the books I showed you before. If you have read them all, then you should know how much destruction was done in Europe in the name of witch hunting during the century period of this world. thing.

Sophia nodded and said: There are no real witches in this world, they are just poor people who were falsely accused of being witches.

In this century of the world, it is a sad thing for a girl to be beautiful, because if a girl's neighbor snoops on the girl's body, then she only needs to report the girl to the local lord or the church, saying that the girl is a witch , then as an informant, he can reasonably punish the witch. Before the witch is sent to the stake, the informant can do whatever he wants to the witch.

At the same time, in the Eastern region, women's social status was still very low, and they did not even have the most basic personal freedoms. Like the Western region, it was just that they were not persecuted in the name of witches. In this era, everyone was Worse than that.

With the development of the times, women's rights and interests began to be protected, and they finally gained dignity as human beings. However, in recent years, due to the completely uncontrolled and excessive development of technology, ordinary people cannot even protect the rights and interests of men, let alone the rights and interests of women. Prejudice and arrogance have become the mainstream, and women’s living status has become increasingly difficult. As a result, Xiao Zhizhishu stood up and used IS armor to bring new hope to women.

However, what Xiao Zhizhi did was just jump from one extreme to the other.

Xiao Zhizhishu said: Although there is no longer witch hunting in this era, after the society has reached a high level and the division of labor has been highly refined, all people have been alienated. I want to change the status of women in this environment. However, I thought about things too simply. The world is a quagmire. What I have done has been taken advantage of. Now I just went from one extreme to the other. I have become a modern feminist figure. Mom, this is really ironic.

Looking at the joking smile on Xiao Zhizhi's face, Sophia said nothing more. Li Wei, who was hiding behind the scenes, was biased against Xiao Zhizhi at first, but as Sophia, he had almost half of contact with Xiao Zhizhi. After more than a month, Levi finally understood why she was so extreme. This was just a mistake. To put it bluntly, after the situation deviated from her original intention, because she could not control the progress of the situation, It can only be displayed badly.

Xiao Zhizhi has no way out for a long time, or in other words, women in this world have also lost their way out because of their own suicide. No matter how high they climb now, they will fall hard when they fall down. Xiao Zhizhi is afraid , so I can only continue to run hard on this road.

Chapter. A world that even madmen are afraid of

Xiao Zhizhishu said: And it's ironic to say that although I am called the mother of feminism in the new era, at the Women's Rights Conference in Munich two years ago, I was expelled from the women's membership because I was not radical enough. Hahahahahahahaha...it's really ridiculous.

Sophia wanted to complain in her heart. She felt that Xiao Zhizhi was an extreme feminist. However, after getting along with Xiao Zhizhi these days, she found that Xiao Zhizhi was a tragedy and could only She is a sad and sober person who is watching the world slide into the abyss. However, she is the cause of all this, so she must bear most of the responsibility for the world becoming like this. This is the saddest thing about her.

Xiao Zhizhishu laughed so hard that he was out of breath. It took him a while to recover, and he sat back on his chair and said dejectedly: This world is hopeless. How high those crazy women can climb now, what will happen in the future? It's so miserable when you fall. However, I don't sympathize with them. What I sympathize with are the ordinary women who are being carried forward by the tide of the times but have no choice at all. It was me who harmed them.

Sophia said: Do you think men can develop new weapons that can counter IS armor?

Xiao Zhizhi said: Sophia, you are a witch. In our world, beings like you are also called magicians, and magicians are smart people. In the past half month, you have read There are many books, and I think the answer to this question should be in the books.”

Sofia said: Do you want to say it's just a matter of time?

Xiao Zhizhi nodded and said: That's right, and my original intention at the beginning was just to fight for women's legitimate rights and interests. Our real enemy has never been men, but our family! It is Ben's power that is instigating The antagonism between men and women has now changed from behind-the-scenes promotion to blatant promotion, which has directly intensified the conflict. These leaders are really too courageous. In such a situation, they dare to continue to provoke If they want to make money in such a situation, they are sending the rope that hangs them to the hands of those who can hang them!

Sophia said: The world I live in, according to the historical process of your world, is still in the early days of the Dark Ages. The most hateful thing in my world is the religious forces, followed by the feudal nobles, but compared with the world here, Compared with my family, those nobles and priests are simply little sheep who don’t understand anything. I can only say that if the world here really slides into the abyss, no one can hold it back, whether it is you or me, our personal power lies in This kind of wave of the times is really too small.”

Xiao Zhizhi showed a twisted smile and said: Some people really deserve to die. This era is also a reshuffle of the cards. After all the damned people are dead, a new era will always come.

Sophia sighed in her heart, Xiao Zhizhi was not extreme, but she still retained her rationality in her extremes and knew who her real enemy was. Unfortunately, more people were kidnapped by their own hatred and emotions, so Let the situation become what it is now.

Xiao Zhizhi said: Sofia, you and I will both be witnesses of history. Let's watch a big war between men and women. When those idiots are all dead, the remaining normal people can return A normal life.”

Sophia raised her eyebrows, poured out the heat from the hot pot nearby, and made two cups of coffee for herself and Xiao Zhizhizhi.

Sophia pushed the coffee in front of Xiao Zhizhi and said: Are you sure this war can end in this way? Hatred can make people lose their minds. This civil war may bring mankind to self-destruction. I Although I am not an aborigine of this world, I still have a good understanding of the evil nature of human beings. In such a war, normal people and rational people will not survive at all, and they will be attacked by both sides.

Xiaozhizhi took the coffee, placed his hand on the unfinished IS armor on the test bench, gently stroked the unpainted armor, and said: I know such a thing, of course I know, so I I have not given up my old profession. I will use my own power to preserve the fire for mankind. I need you, Sophia, to help me record this tragic and dark history so that future generations will know that excessive indulgence will cause What consequences.”

Sofia said: You have to do this kind of thing yourself. As for me, I will leave here when I find my way home.

Xiao Zhizhi said: But at least you are here now, right? I know that criminals like me will one day pay for the mistakes they have made. I know that I am an extreme lunatic, but now This world is a chaotic world that even a lunatic like me would be frightened by. I just hope that the scene in my mind is just the worst imagination and will not become reality.

Like the original Levi, Sophia can also use mind reading. Through mind reading, she saw Xiao Zhizhi's inner imagination, which was a hellish scene.

Li Wei, who is hiding behind the scenes, feels that he can push for Xiao Zhizhi's back. After all, Xiao Zhizhi has been broken, and the world here has become distorted. There is really a big disaster that will sweep everyone away. Shuffling the cards in war may not be a bad thing.

Moreover, Li Wei also placed a researcher clone in Chongguo. The current influence of the researcher clone can already do many things. The existence of the researcher clone can ensure that Chongguo will not take an extreme path, and the domestic layout is It has been completed. No matter what happens elsewhere, domestic stability can always be maintained.

In other words, in this world reshuffle, Chongguo can use its technological advantages and cultural unity to ensure that there are no internal problems. As long as this level can be achieved, the more chaotic the outside world will be, the greater the benefits will be to Chongguo in the future.

Whether it is Chongguo in the real world or Chongguo in this world, there is an unavoidable problem, that is, the per capita number is very small. Although the country has a huge land area and is rich in resources, when it comes to per capita, it is immediately equal to the Third World level. The reason for such involution is because the per capita is not enough to support everyone to live a high-quality life.

However, when a large-scale war breaks out outside, and it can be guaranteed that the war will not burn into their own territory, and after the other races outside are almost dead, then the domestic personnel can begin to expand outward, occupy those ownerless lands, and let Those lands become since time immemorial.

Anyway, in Li Wei's view, after excluding a small number of special individuals, foreigners can be said to be non-human in his view. How many people die is just a number to him, and they can still make room for domestic citizens. Living space, he will not stop this kind of good thing of opening up territories.

Chapter. The destined ending of the researcher’s clone

Levi has never considered himself a good person. Just like this time, he will use this inevitable war to benefit the people.

As a ruthless P Club player, Levi knew that in such a major matter of fighting for the national interests, any woman's kindness would lead to serious consequences.

Therefore, even if such a war will kill billions of people in this world, he will still do this. Levi knows that to those foreigners, he is an unforgivable devil and a war criminal. However, to the people of this country, he is a hero hidden behind the scenes. He wants to use the sword of his hand to obtain more land and land for the people.

Levi turned his perspective to the researcher's clone. At this time, the researcher's clone, under the protection of several guards, and a batch of armed crystals were sent to the weapons testing site above the ground.

The researcher's avatar was sitting in a warrior military vehicle, flanked by security guards with live nuclear weapons on both sides. In order to cover up his extraordinary qualities, the researcher's avatar appeared quite tired, with thick dark circles under his eyes and prominent cheekbones, making him look thin. The cheeks and head are getting thinner and thinner, showing the appearance of a successful vice-immortal.

The researcher's clone said in a slightly hoarse voice: You will have to work hard to protect me during this period.

The guard captain said: This is our honor. Being able to protect you and participate in the great rejuvenation of the nation is the most proud thing in my life.

The researcher clone smiled and said: Very good, very energetic! The great renaissance requires everyone to have such spirit. I believe that the future belongs to you, whether it is the land on the earth or everything in the starry sky, it belongs to us. Complete the ladder of revival.”

The military vehicle stopped at the test site in the deep mountains, and the vehicles behind the convoy also stopped one after another. People in military uniforms quickly got out of the vehicle one after another, and then led the researcher's avatar into the command podium covered by trees.

This test site was disguised as a holiday resort. To be realistic, there were really many facilities for vacations. The researcher's avatar was causing trouble during this time, and everyone saw it. The bosses above were afraid of the researcher. The precious clone died suddenly like this, so his daily working hours were strictly limited, but even so, the researcher clone still looked very tired.

Therefore, the weapon test was chosen here this time to use this opportunity to allow the researcher to take a good rest. The armed crystal has finally been finalized, and all its performance has been improved. The data alone can be used for Actual combat, but the final test is still necessary.

The researcher's clone was rushed into the resort, while the military was conducting intensive testing work. After a few days, the performance of the armed crystal was also tested. The performance of the weapon deployed by the crystal was no weaker than the current third-generation There is still room for improvement in IS armor and weapon crystals. This part of the work is being carried out by other research teams. The researcher's clone is now strictly prohibited from continuing to work because during the physical examination a few days ago, the researcher's clone was detected to be pregnant. He also has serious heart disease, so the bosses above don't want the researcher to make fun of his own health.

The reason why Levi added body problems to the researcher's clone was to prepare for his departure. After he left, the researcher's clone would lose control and become a vegetative state. In order to ensure that the identity of the researcher's clone would not be revealed, he left the researcher's clone before he left. In this world, the researcher's clone will die of illness. This is an absolutely unchangeable fact.

Although this would make many people sad, Levi had to do this in order to give the researcher clone, this puppet clone, a reasonable end.

The researcher's clone has completed the matchmaking. During this period, domestic intelligence personnel will contact Li Wei in the academy. Each major country has its own intelligence system in the academy, and Chongguo is naturally no exception. Therefore, the intelligence The transition does not require Levi to leave the academy.

The researcher's clone had already told the superiors that Li Wei was a trustworthy comrade, but the superiors needed to conduct certain observations of Levi before they could make a decision on such a matter. However, Levi's body already has considerable influence in the domestic intelligence system, so the review time is not that long.


Within IS College.

On the playground, Levi, who had finished his training, sat with Cecilia and Xiaozhizhihan. Levi and Cecilia had completed the training content in the classroom, and Xiaozhizhihan, this She was waiting for others to get off the plane. She didn't have a dedicated plane yet, so she didn't have as much time for actual machine training as Levi and Cecilia.

Not far away, Oribara Natsu sat down and waited for others to get off the machine. Oribara Natsu's special machine has been taken back by the academy. Now he, like other ordinary students, has to wait for a public training machine, so Compared with before, the training time has been cut down a lot.

And during this time, the reason why he was punished by the academy also leaked out through various channels, so now, even if there are only two men in the academy, the vast majority of women still don't want to see Oribara Natsu, because of what Oribara Natsu did The matter is indeed too obscene, but no normal woman would have a good impression of such an obscene man staying in a dark corner.

Xiaozhihan's gaze swept forward, briefly resting on Oribara Xia's back, and then showed an expression of disgust and disgust.

Xiao Zhizhi said in a low voice: `. That fellow Ori Madara did such a disgusting thing, and he was not expelled. It is simply unbelievable¨ˇ.

Cecilia next to her whispered: Maybe it's because of Teacher Qianfuyu. I personally heard some gossip. It is said that Teacher Qianfuyu signed some new treaties with the school. If it hadn't been disgusting this time, You don’t need to sign those treaties at all.”

When Shino no Hoshi heard Cecilia's words, she did not hide the disgusted expression on her face. Chifuyu Orimaru could be said to be their shared idol, but such a wretched man who was holding her back made Chifuyu Orimaru miserable. No compromise. Whether it was Shino no Hoshi or Cecilia, their inner dislike for Oribara Kasha reached the extreme.

At this time, Oribara Natsu sat alone on the floor. The girls in the class kept a safe distance from him. It seemed that just sitting with him would be defiled. Now the girls looked at him as if they were Looking at the large non-burnable garbage, I can’t hide my disgust and disgust at all.

Levi said: What you see may not be true, let alone rumors. Whether others believe it or not is a matter of course. In the face of rumors, we just need to treat them prudently.

Li Wei himself knew the cause and effect of the matter, but the rumors during this period became more and more exaggerated. Those who didn't know it thought that Zhibanxia had rotated rice for the old sows in the farm.

Li Weixin could only lament that the female hexagram soul was simply terrifying.

Cecilia said: Levi, do you think he is innocent?

Levi shook his head and said: I don't think he is innocent. Although the dormitory is an individual's private space, he is the person who secretly photographed him after all. His behavior has violated the rights of other people, especially the faculty and staff who were secretly photographed. They are all victims. This alone determines that Oribara Kasumi is definitely not an innocent person, and I personally can understand the academy's punishment for him.

Chapter 4. Changes in the world line

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