But compared to those young people who start working after graduating from high school, she still has hope. She is still only a college student, so naturally she can only work some jobs, but as long as she can successfully graduate, then she will be Ocha. It is quite easy to find a job because she is a superior person who graduated from a women's university, and coupled with her professional advantages.

The current situation is like the darkness before dawn for her. If she grits her teeth and gets through it, she can see a bright future.

Today is also a very tiring day. It's really hard to take root in a place like Tokyo. But for the finance department, only big cities like this can provide enough opportunities. In a place like Sapporo, even work is hard. It’s hard to find, alas…”

Jinchengzhai Qianye dragged his exhausted body out of the closet and took out the quilts and blankets he needed to make the floor, quickly spread them on the floor, and then lay down on them without changing his clothes.

Fortunately, there are no classes in the morning tomorrow, and the afternoon classes don't start until three o'clock, so I can have some time to rest.

Just when Jinchengzhai Qianye closed her eyes, her cell phone suddenly rang. When she opened it, there was a line of information added by her friends.

He is an unknown stranger who uses an oil painting as his avatar.

This... must be Li Weijun. He is an art student at Dongyi University and specializes in oil painting. This portrait should be his own work.

Jinchengzhai Qianye clicked on the profile picture. The exquisite picture made her a little speechless. She just felt that the painting was very beautiful, just like the exhibits in the art museum, and it would not make people feel incomprehensible. .

After accepting the other party's friend application, a message popped up directly.

(Good evening, Qianye. Considering that you need to work during the day, I didn’t bother you.)

(Good evening, Li Weijun. I have just returned home and saw the news of your arrival.)

(Part-time work is really hard. There was a time when I was just like you, working part-time in my spare time.)

Jincheng Zhai Qianye was a little surprised in her heart. She didn't expect that Levi would have the same experience as her. Although the minimum hourly wage for working here in Tokyo is higher than that in his hometown of Sapporo, what kind of place is Sapporo and what is Tokyo like? Wherever you go, the money you earn from working here is simply not enough, so every penny must be calculated carefully.

(Li Weijun, have you also worked part-time?)

(During the two months when I first came to Neon, I worked for a period of time, but the income from the part-time job was not ideal, so I really improved my painting skills. As a result, I was lucky and received an art outsourcing contract from a game company. In this way, I became a part-time illustrator.)

(I’m really envious. I majored in finance, and I’m still at the stage of laying the foundation. Even if I want to work part-time in this industry, I’m not qualified.)

The finance major is one of the late blooming majors, and it is internally polarized. People die from droughts and die from droughts. Many people only see those with golden collars in the financial industry making a lot of money. In fact, the income of the financial migrant workers below is It's just average for ordinary office workers, but the industry sounds high-end.

(I have a certain understanding of the financial industry. Qianye, what area do you mainly specialize in?)

(I know that my talents are limited and I cannot be as dazzling as those seniors, so I specialize in family property allocation and risk management for the rich.)

Jincheng Zhai Qianye sighed. The finance major is a small major in Ocha Women's University. There are not many people, but it is a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Most of the finance majors in Ocha Women's University are Students who were born into wealthy families, ordinary people like her can be said to be in the minority.

Those seniors are all wealthy and have rich practical experience in the financial field. Many of them are veterans of the swings in US and European stocks, and they have mastered the fast-in and fast-out routine.

Although she was envious, she also knew that her conditions were not suitable for actual combat. The most she could do was play simulation games. But even in the simulation games without any psychological pressure, her record was easily crushed by those senior sisters. All she could say was that , there are too many monsters in the finance major. These seniors are no longer short of money, how can they still be like her and have to work part-time to make ends meet.

(There are still quite a lot of rich people here in Neon. Qianye, the direction you specialize in will have a market in the future. Nowadays, rich people are becoming more and more rational and will no longer be as fanatical as in the last century. You This kind of consultant-type career exhibition will definitely shine in the future.)

Li Wei was telling the truth. The enthusiasm for investment in Neon in the last century was due to the factors of the times. At that time, the Neon stock market was in a prosperous stage. You would not lose money if you bought randomly with your eyes closed, but you would only make more money. It's just a question. But now that Neon has experienced lost decades, the stock market has been in a long-term downturn, and there are no longer people who can make money in the stock market. They must have excellent technical and psychological qualities.

It is precisely because of this that rich people have become more cautious and will not invest all their money in the stock market. Therefore, professions such as financial planners will be welcomed by the rich. After all, they are not Every rich person is good at financial management, and there will always be people who need technical services in this area.

Moreover, many people have misunderstandings about financial management, thinking that they must have money to manage finances. In fact, this idea is not absolutely correct. At least Levi himself has relevant experience in this area. Before he obtained extraordinary powers, The planning of money has surpassed that of ordinary people. He is a pragmatist who likes to use good steel on the edge of his knife. Relying on his income from illustration and art outsourcing, as well as his careful planning of money, Levi originally set himself The goal is to buy a piece of land in the four areas of No, Shibuya, Shinagawa and Meguro with full payment before the end of the year and build his own household building.

But now that he has gained extraordinary power and has more and more ways to make money, he directly overturned his original plan and directly bought two properties in the Chiyoda area, where housing prices are the most expensive.

Chapter. Be vigilant

(Then I will borrow your good advice from Li Weijun, but now there are quite a few people specializing in this general direction, and the competition pressure is also quite high.)

Before Kinjosai Qianye came to Tokyo, she was quite confident in herself. After all, in a place like Sapporo, she could be said to be a fish pond, crushing her peers around her.

But in a place like Tokyo, the best young people from all over the country come to roll money. They are all local kings. Now they are playing paper to a very high level. She can be said to have beaten her peers in her hometown. , but in a place like Tokyo, which is almost like raising a ghost, she has become a little unable to keep up with the rhythm.

(If you need internship opportunities in this area, I can provide them for you.)

Jinchengzhai Qianye was a little surprised in her heart. She didn't expect that Li Wei, as an international student who came to the country, still had quite a lot of connections here. You must know that the knowledge she learned was to let the rich ensure that their wealth would not Due to the fluctuations of the outside world, the pursuit is to avoid risks and maximize benefits as much as possible within a reasonable risk range. Ordinary people do not need services in this area at all.

Because property allocation also requires certain financial resources. After all, ordinary people do not have much money left in their hands, and most of the income they receive will be spent as living expenses.

In such a situation, there is no trick at all. You can only find a way to increase the income you can get from your own job, or else open up new wealth. Anyway, judging from the standards of ordinary people, people with an annual income of less than 40,000 neon yuan in Tokyo have no need to allocate property. The little money left in their hands to buy some insurance for themselves is already considered the limit. .

(Li Weijun, are there any rich people around you who need this service?)

(it's me.)


Jinchengzhai Qianye couldn't react. She originally thought that it was Li Wei's friends who had such needs, but she didn't expect that it would be Li Wei himself.

Jinchengzhai Qianye was a little surprised. After all, Li Wei was a foreign student. Even if he became a leader in the illustration industry, how much wealth could he accumulate in just two or three years?

(Li Weijun, are you the legendary rich man?)

Jinchengzhai Qianye maintained the most basic vigilance in her heart. Her defensiveness made her wonder what purpose Li Wei had in approaching her. Although it was a bit narcissistic to say so, she had always been the best at school. A famous beautiful girl, excellent in both morals and learning, and sincere in treating others. Although for this reason, she was bullied by female classmates in school, she was a person who knew how to fight tooth for tooth. Using her wisdom, she made the girls who had bullied her pay a heavy price.

She is not a person who lacks intelligence, so she now doubts Levi's purpose of showing his financial resources in front of her. Is it to support her? If this was the case, she would never agree. When she read Chong Guo's ancient books, she understood a very reasonable sentence.

Those who treat others with sex will be in love but love will be withered, and love will be withered but kindness will be cut off.

The modern translation of this sentence means very simply, that is, for those who serve others with their beauty, when their beauty fades, their feelings will disappear, and they may even turn against each other.

Books can be said to be the ladder of human progress. Precisely because he likes reading, Jinchengzhai Qianye’s knowledge of the world and himself is better than that of ordinary people of the same age. Although he cannot compare with those monsters with extraordinary talents, he By the standards of ordinary people, she is already a rare and precocious person.

(I come from an ordinary working-class family, but after entering the industry, I accumulated some wealth. I think most of the wealth was earned through stock trading.)

(Since Li Weijun, you know how to trade stocks, do you still need a rookie like me to help you plan your financial management path?)

(I can only do the U.S. stock market. Without the intense environment of jumping up and down, the skills I have mastered will be completely useless. Besides, I am a trader who doesn’t know how to make money other than saving it. People are rolling. Originally, during this period, I planned to ask a financial planner to help me make a family financial plan, but now, I have changed my mind and I am going to leave this matter to you.)

Jinchengzhai Qianye was a little surprised in her heart, but she could also understand Li Wei's limitations. For example, among her senior brothers and sisters, in the T+ environment, and there are no upper and lower limit restrictions on the US stock market, there are many people who are like a fish, but they They can only do this kind of intense band. Once there are restrictions, the technology they master will be useless.

This person who specializes in the U.S. stock market can be said to be a lunatic who dances on the tip of a knife. What he plays is the heartbeat. Regardless of profit or loss, he is fast in and fast out, and his starting moves are basically full, and she is watching anyway. At that time, I was frightened.

(Li Weijun, do you only trade in the US stock market? Are you self-taught? Or did you attend courses at a finance school?)

(I am self-taught and have bought a few books, but I am still confused. I only know that the skills I have mastered can make money, but I don’t really understand the principles.)

Jinchengzhai Qianye knew it in his heart, and he was also a talented wild master. Finance, like art, also requires talent. If you want to become a top investor, you must be very sensitive to numbers.

She didn't expect that Li Wei was not only talented in art, but also in finance. She felt a little jealous in her heart. It was so unfair to Lord God. Why would there be a person like Li Wei who was good-looking and had such a bad brain? A very useful existence, which reminded her of Zhuge Liang in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

However, considering that art requires a lot of time to practice, plus stock trading, it is understandable that Li Wei does not have enough energy to plan.

After all, the opening time of U.S. stocks is different from that of Nikkei. The opening time of U.S. stocks is still early morning for Neon, so people who speculate in U.S. stocks in Asia are all night owls with day and night reversed.

Li Wei was able to maintain his studies while still persisting in stock trading. Jinchengzhai Qianye felt that he had encountered a monster. However, there were several such monsters in her finance school, so it was not surprising, but The fact that Li Wei can achieve this as an art student is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

(Then let’s make an appointment to chat. I currently have tens of millions of neon dollars in movable gold. This part of the gold will not be used within three years. Can you please make a plan? Of course. I will pay the consulting fee.).

Chapter 4. Goodbye

(How about the afternoon after tomorrow? The meeting place is the maid cafe last time.)

(Miss Maid, I will be your master next time.)

(Σ(Д;But I have resigned from there. Next time I go there, I will be a guest too!)

(That's really a pity. I'm still looking forward to Qianye's maid costume. You are the most beautiful head maid in my heart, just like Sakuya Touya in the East, sassy and majestic.)

(I'm really sorry to disappoint you, but I don't want to be a vase that serves others with sex. Those who serve others with sex, love fades and falls in love, but knowledge can enable women to withstand the test of time and allow women to have love. True beauty that time cannot destroy.)

After Jinchengzhai Qianye finished typing this sentence, he hesitated and walked out. This was a hint to Li Wei that she didn't want to be taken care of.

(It’s a good idea to have this idea. Whether you are a man or a woman, if you want to gain the respect of others, you must first ensure your financial and personal independence.)

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at Li Wei's reply and was a little surprised. Li Wei actually thought this was a good idea. Could it be that she had misunderstood him and that Li Wei simply wanted to make friends?

(Thank you Li Weijun for your support. In my hometown, even in this era, there are still many wages. Girls only need to dress up beautifully and find 4 men who can rely on them for children.)

(Actually, this kind of thing is similar in Chongguo. Although Chongguo openly claims that women can hold up half the sky, absolute equality itself does not exist, so even now, there are still many traditions. Concepts are artificial, girls only need to be pretty.)

Jinchengzhai Qianye felt like she had met a close friend. She escaped from a place like her hometown just to not be affected by the environment around her. She didn't want to be like her mother, who spent her whole life working around the kitchen. She wanted to She wanted to go outside and see the wider world, so she was admitted to Ocha Women's University in Tokyo with excellent results.

Tokyo is a very indifferent city. Here, everyone is busy with their own things, and there is no extra energy to mind other people's business. Although she was not used to the atmosphere here at the beginning, now she I also learned to focus on my purpose.

However, in this situation, she still feels lonely. Although she calls her family from time to time, it is a fact that there is no one around her who can understand her.

She felt that Li Wei was different from Neon people. Neon people were polite on the surface, but they were very alienated on the inside. They didn't care about other people except their family members. But Li Wei was different. He was like It looks like sunshine and gives people a completely different feeling from ordinary neon people.

(It’s getting late now, Qianye, go to bed early.)

(You too, Li Weijun.)

After the chat ended, Jinchengzhai Qianye felt a little empty in her heart. It would be great if Levi could be by her side. But this kind of thing is just a thought. This is just the first time she and Levi have met, and their relationship is half-friends and half-employer. This kind of thinking is indeed inappropriate.

After Jinchengzhai Qianye finished washing, he lay down on the floor and turned off the light. She wanted to fall asleep quickly, but when she closed her eyes, Levi's smile would appear in her mind, which made it difficult for her to fall asleep.

Sleep, sleep! Jinchengzhai Qianye slapped his cheek hard, then covered his head with the quilt and wrapped himself into a spring roll.

In two days, apart from reporting to school, Li Wei really started to speculate in U.S. stocks. Li Wei found that using his prediction ability to perform band operations, the stock market became his cash machine.

Mana can be said to be an omnipotent force. It can even create things out of thin air. It can also predict the future. But there are considerable limitations to such predictions. What Levi can do is to check the future ten minutes later. Of course, his limit is far beyond that, but after exceeding this time limit, the longer the time exceeds , the greater his mana consumption will be. Ten minutes is a very cost-effective casting point.

Being able to see the future ten minutes in the future while maintaining ultra-low consumption can already do a lot of things, such as doing high-intensity swing trading. Ten minutes is enough to complete several rounds of operations.

Relying on this ability, Li Wei found that this was no different from casino harvesting. Although both of them were terrifyingly high-risk projects for ordinary people, for him who could cheat, they were just like games.

Moreover, stock trading has another advantage compared to casino harvesting, that is, you can find someone to bet at any time, because the U.S. stock market has a T+ two-way trading system. To a certain extent, it is really similar to a casino. resemblance. But there will always be a situation in the casino where no one dares to bet with him. When Levi harvests too hard in the casino, such a situation will easily occur. However, there is no such consideration in the stock market. There are always people willing to trade with him at any time. , so it’s no different from cutting a fool.

Once upon a time, Li Wei saw a sand sculpture in which a reporter interviewed Fat G from Steam and asked him why he had so much money and how he earned it. But G Fat’s answer was quite ridiculous. I don't know, it was brought by the strong wind anyway.

When he saw this sand sculpture picture, Levi couldn't control his laughter. But now, he is like the fat G in the sand sculpture picture. He can pretend to tell the person who asked the question that his money is also a big wind. Scraped.


When the agreed time arrived, Levi contacted the other party in advance, and the two met at the coffee shop where they had met before.

The weather was pretty good on the day they met, and the two of them missed the peak of the crowds, but even so, the agreed maid cafe was still quite lively.

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