Rias said: During this period, the Disaster Group is very rampant. They are all at work. After all, the demon world needs high-end power now.

What Rias didn't say was that Sajax once went to find those giant demons and wanted to use the power of giant demons to encircle and suppress the trouble group, but he was rejected by the giant demons.

The argument of the giant demons is also very simple. The current situation in the Demon Realm and the chaos caused by the Disaster Group are all internal affairs of the Demon Realm. As outsiders, it is not easy for them to interfere in such things, so such things must be dealt with by the Demon Realm. The executives figure it out on their own.

The words have already been said to this point, so there is no need to say any more, and Sajax also has a stubborn temper. He feels that the existing power of the top leaders of the demon world may not be able to kill the group of disasters.

The Disaster Group has always carried out sneak attacks and never faced off against large forces. This shows that the Disaster Group also knows that its strength is not enough to confront the demon world officials head-on, so it only dares to carry out sneak attacks.

It was precisely because of this that Sajax and others were ruthless. All the senior staff worked overtime, and all field personnel who could be dispatched were mobilized, vowing to find out the members of the Disaster Group.

Several bases of the Disaster Group have been discovered during this period. This is because the top management of the Demon Realm took the lead in working overtime. However, for the Disaster Group, which has many places to stay, the loss of a few temporary bases is not a problem at all.

Levi said: It's understandable. In special circumstances, I have also faced overtime hell. However, the reason for my overtime work is not civil strife, but a simple natural disaster.

Rias looked at Levi, curious in her heart, but looking at Levi's appearance, it seemed that he didn't intend to elaborate, so she could only suppress her curiosity.

Levi looked at the other side of the long table. Sitting there were Gurefia, the first wife of Sajax, and Venelana, the first wife of the head of the house, Geoticus.

Because all the men in the family are working overtime, the two of them can only stay in the mansion now. Although both of them have good fighting abilities, Sajax does not intend to let his wife and mother take risks.

Levi can understand Sajax's thoughts. It should be said that if he were in Sajax's position, he would instinctively protect his partner.

Because of the Disaster Group, the atmosphere of the dinner was not very lively. Li Wei, who knew the inside story, just smiled at the current situation.

After nightfall, Levi returned to his guest room, and there was a knock on the wooden door.

Come in, the door is unlocked. Levi said while standing on the balcony.

The wooden door was opened, Rias pushed it open, and then closed the door gently.

Rias was wearing a simple dress, and it looked like she had just come back from outside.

Rias took out a folded leaflet from behind her back. The leaflet was crumpled and there were a few footprints on it. It looked like it had obviously gone through quite a mess.

Rias said: I found this in the city. I bought it from a little boy for a silver coin. There seem to be many things like this in the city. The leaflet said that the Barbatos family The massacre of the city was directed and performed by the demon world officials. They are calling everyone to unite and resist the nobles.

Levi turned over, looked at Rias, with a playful smile on his face, and said, Do you think what is said in the leaflet is true or false?

Rias hesitated and said, I don't know, brother... would he really do such a thing?

Li Wei said: You have to dig it out yourself. I won't tell you the answer directly. I can only tell you that if the situation in the devil world really reaches an extremely unfavorable situation for the nobles, by that time, I will Preserve the blood of the Gremory family.

Rias was a little stunned and said: Is the situation really going to be that bad? Brother, he is the strongest demon king in history. Even he can't stop such a thing from happening?

Levi said: I just said that it is possible, maybe, such a thing will not happen. I can only say that if such a thing does happen, I will ensure that the bloodline of the Gremory family will not be cut off. And, forever Don’t underestimate the power of the people. According to the power system on this planet, Sarzechs’ power is already among the top few, but he does not have an absolute advantage in front of the power of the people.”

····Ask for flowers······

Rias didn't know what to say, so she disguised herself as a civilian to listen to the voices of those civilians, and then she discovered that the current stability of the demon world was just a facade. In just a few hours, she saw another world that she had never noticed before.

Because the Demon King controls a huge military force and has an absolute advantage in strength, all of his complaints are suppressed and can only be muttered almost to himself in a small area.

Rias could feel the powerlessness of the complaints of the civilian demons, and the daring to express their anger towards the nobles. The Gremory family treats its subjects more leniently than other nobles, but there are still a lot of inequalities and dark sides. The luxurious lives of the Gremory family members are all based on civilian demons. on top of their efforts.

.. .........

When Rias knew this, she remained silent. As a person with vested interests, she felt that her previous chicness was a bit shameful. Without those hard-working citizens, the Gremory family, which has a sparse population, would What can be accomplished with the current situation?

Rias felt that her position as a noble was beginning to waver, and her heart ached. She saw civilian demons working hard in the factory, and she also saw civilian demons extracting their own magic power in the magic power plant to supply it to the city power grid. , used to support the industrial operations of the entire city. He also saw the porters at the cargo distribution center. She saw the slums in the north of the city. She also saw those who lived in the open air and could only guard the city because they were afraid of polluting the environment. Under the surveillance of unkempt miners and herbal collectors, tents were set up outside the city.

The Gremory family is like a giant blood-sucking beast, lying on the heads of the civilian demons, sucking the blood of the civilian demons and using it to develop the city.

It can be said that the reason why every city of the Gremory family is able to develop so well is based on the blood and tears of civilian demons.

Levi opened up a whole new world for her, a new world that exploded her outlook on life and made her realize that original sin was flowing in her blood.

Chapter. Big moves of the new organization

Rias said in confusion: Who is justice and who is evil?

Levi walked over and flicked Rias's smooth forehead. The sudden pain made Rias break away from her sad state.

Li Wei said: There is never absolute justice and evil. Nobles have pursuits of nobles, and civilians also have aspirations of civilians. However, the goals between the two are in conflict. Civilians only want to live their own small lives. , as long as life goes on, they won't say anything. It's just that the future pursued by the nobles has exceeded the limit that the common people can bear, that's all. The huge empire has never had anything to do with the common people at the bottom .”

Rias is a fan of the authorities, but Levi, as a bystander, can clearly see the current situation in the demon world. The purpose of the nobles' existence is to ensure that external forces cannot invade the Demon Realm and to give the Demon Realm its independence.

However, the development of the nobles themselves will continue to squeeze the common people. When the people's power cannot keep up with the needs of development, the current situation will occur. The more developed the demon world is, the harder life becomes for civilian demons. This is a very twisted state, like a suppressed active volcano. Even if there is no group of disaster, other resistance organizations will emerge. This is just It's just a matter of time.

Rias said: The Disaster Group got help from another you, so it is as powerful as it is now. I am very conflicted now. I sympathize with the suffering of civilians. I want to change this situation, but if I do this , and betray family and friends.

Rias was very confused now. After being reminded by Levi, she spent several hours disguising her identity and investigating inside different civilian organizations. Although her investigation method was quite simple and crude. , and the results obtained are also uncertain. However, the results of the investigation were not optimistic. Except for the civil servants and military personnel who had vested interests, other groups had more or less expressed their dissatisfaction with the nobles, which made her feel numb.

Especially at the magic power plant, she saw a scene that made her senses explode. Some civilian demons had their hands, feet, and demon wings cut off. At the same time, the wounds were sealed, making them unable to regenerate their limbs. They were used as human pigs. , continuously providing electricity to the city.

As the little princess of the Gremory family, she has very high authority. She used her authority to enter the material library and browsed the materials of these unlucky people. She discovered that most of the living batteries used for electricity were used by people. They were lured into this place, and some were criminals who had offended nobles, or were bought from other nobles. It can be said that these living batteries lived a life worse than death, and they could neither survive nor die.

The Gremory family is indeed much more lenient than other nobles, but this does not change the cruelty of the Gremory family as members of the aristocracy.

At this moment, a deafening and huge explosion came from the south of the city.

Rias ran to the balcony, looked at the fire shooting into the sky in the distance, showed a shocked expression, and said: Over there...is the power plant?!

Levi leaned on the railing and said with a smile: They are the people of the Disaster Group. They are so brave. They dare to run to the main city of the Demon King's family. Well, they are rescuing the living batteries trapped in the power plant. , their speed is very fast, and the city guards cannot keep up.

Rias showed a shocked expression. She was surprised by the boldness of the Disaster Group, and she also knew how much such a thing would damage the prestige of the Gremory family.

Moreover, the living batteries in the power plant can be said to have an extreme hatred for the Gremory family. Once these living batteries are rescued and the curse is exorcised by the people of the Disaster Group, these people will definitely start a brutal campaign against the Gremory family. revenge.

Rias felt sad inside, with a bitter expression on her face. It was normal for those living batteries to hate the Gremory family. After all, the Gremory family treated them in such a cruel way and made them suffer. They would It is normal to feel hatred.

Not only the power plant, but also other special institutions, if the living materials inside are rescued, they will hate the Gremory family extremely. This is a blood debt owed by the Gremory family, which cannot be erased with sweet words.

At this time, the power plant had been blasted to the sky by energy-shaping magic, and the power plant organization hidden underground was thus exposed to the newly formed Disaster Group, a resistance organization calling itself the Sufferers' Salvation Alliance.

We have to be quick. We only have two minutes to take away the people here. When the two minutes are up, we have to evacuate immediately. Everyone, move!

The Suffering Alliance soldier, who was wearing a uniform black armor, jumped down with a half-man-high metal tank on his back, pulled out a mechanism like a vacuum cleaner head from the side of the tank, and used it to clean the biological battery soaked in the culture tank. Turned on the switch... .

The biological battery located in the culture tank turned into streams of light and was sucked into the sealing container. This special container that can seal living bodies is Katerea's family technology. Katerea's real name is Leviathan, and Leviathan Members of the Leviathan family are all good at sealing techniques. The first-generation Leviathan's best tactic was to move troops on a large scale through living seals. However, because the teleportation array system in the demon world is becoming more and more mature, the Leviathan family's The sealing technique has no use anymore.

But now in this special rescue operation, when the personnel to be rescued cannot form combat effectiveness and will only drag down the large troops, this sealing technique has its place again.

Levi's little Mark can also do this kind of thing, but in order not to attract too much attention, this kind of thing is left to Catrea. After this operation is successfully completed, the manpower problem of the Suffering Rescue Alliance , will solve part of it.

The magic power plant has a three-layer underground structure. Two minutes is not enough to take away all the living batteries. Moreover, with the reaction speed of the city guards, two minutes is already the limit. The tactical quality of the demon soldiers is far away. It is much stronger than humans. The defensive barrier set up by Katerea and Mark on the outside is enough to protect against ordinary nobles. But when encountering a being of this level like Sajax, it only takes time to break the shield. question.

Although the operation has been rehearsed, the efficiency of the operation is still not particularly ideal, because the culture tank containing the living battery is actually resistant to the sealing technique, resulting in an average of ~ seconds to complete a seal. In the original plan, the seal The efficiency should be reduced to less than three seconds.

Such an accident made everyone feel anxious, but the seal efficiency was there and it would not become stronger according to their wishes, so the living batteries that could be taken away this time would be less than expected.

Chapter. Rings and Rings

In the Gremory family mansion, Levi and Rias stood on the balcony, watching the fire in the distance gradually spread outwards, neither of them had any intention of moving.

Rias felt that the family owed those unlucky people who were used as living batteries, so she did not plan to intercept them because this matter itself was the fault of the Gremory family. However, the City Guards were directly under the command of Sajax, and she had no command authority, so she could not influence the reaction of the City Guards.

Levi said: I sensed Sajax's aura, and his reaction speed this time was quite fast.

Originally, the reaction speed of the demon nobles was not so fast, but the previous city attacks by giant demon puppets also allowed the nobles to develop a fairly fast reaction speed. After all, no noble would joke about protecting their own property.

When Sajax rushed back with a small group of elite troops, the Sufferers' operation to save the Alliance had come to an end. The two-minute countdown was about to end. They only had time to rescue the living batteries on the two floors above. The three-layer structure There are still many living batteries at the bottom, but time is too late, so they can only retreat.

And just as the people who were struggling to save the alliance were preparing to retreat, they were blocked by Sajax who returned to the main city.

Sajax unfolded his demon wings, looked down from a high position, and looked at the Suffering Rescue Alliance personnel below with a cold expression.

Sajax said: Who gave you such courage to make trouble in a place like this?

The guard captain beside Sajax has asked the people below to set up the anti-teleportation barrier. As Sajax spoke, they were already acting secretly. Once the anti-teleportation barrier is completed, the efficiency of teleportation on the other side will be greatly reduced. will be pulled down, which can create opportunities for arrests.

Sajax's idea was to capture as many people alive as possible, and to execute the members of the resistance organization to death in front of the entire demon world, in this way to scare Xiao Xiao.

Although this method treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, it can destroy the largest resistance organization and at least bring more than ten years of peace to the demon world. The current demon world cannot withstand the torture.

Sherpa took off his helmet and said, Be safe, Sajax.

In the current Suffering Rescue Alliance organization, there are only three people who have exposed their true colors, Sherpa, Cruzare, and Katerea. It doesn't matter whether these three people wear helmets or not. After all, the demon world The top brass knew about these three rebels.

Moreover, they do not disguise their identities in order to attract the firepower of the higher-ups in the demon world and better protect other comrades in the organization. Just like Mark now, his true face is not suitable to be exposed in front of the higher-ups in the demon world. Now Mark. The helmets used by other members can not only protect against the prying eyes of various sensory magics, but can also change their own magic fluctuations and sounds, so that they can well protect their true identities.

Sajax's face was very ugly. Sherpa itself was a dark history to him. As long as Sherpa was still alive, he was constantly reminded that his position as the Demon King was not right.

Sajax didn't talk nonsense. He started with a hail of fireballs, and then he saw something that surprised him. Several slender leaf-shaped shields came out, forming a flower-like pattern in mid-air. The fireball annihilates directly.

This is the artifact of the Dantalin family, but the Dantalin family is a relatively special faction. It has more than enough offense but insufficient defense. This set of shield-shaped artifacts is used to make up for the shortcomings of the family's abilities. Unexpectedly, it was taken away by the opponent. After I left, I used it here.

Sirzechs thought to himself that the other party was probably attacking the Dantalin family for this operation, and it was for this set of artifacts.

Sajax said: This time, I was led by your nose.

Sajax is very familiar with each of the artifacts given to him by Levi. He has a general understanding of the characteristics and performance of each artifact. This is also to ensure that the Demon King can maintain a strength advantage over all other artifact holders and ensure that he The position of the Demon King can be firmly established.

The combined shield artifact that originally belonged to the Dantalin family has the highest defensive power among all artifacts. This kind of defensive ability is enough to buy the opponent a buffer time for transmission. He has set up a magic circle to interfere with teleportation. Under normal circumstances, Shun's teleportation technique can be delayed for nearly a minute. This minute is enough to do many things, but this shield artifact is quite strong, even if it is With his strength, he couldn't break the shield in a short time, so he could only watch the people of the Disaster Group leave.

Sherpa said: Sajax, now we are no longer called the Disaster Group, we are the Suffering Rescue Alliance, and we will save all the civilian demons who are under your oppression! The era of the nobles is over, and now Come down, the demon world belongs to all demons.”

Sherpa is a very thief and arranges for people to record the video outside. What he wants to do is to lure Sajax to say wrong things, and use this method to obtain evidence, which can be used as propaganda material to stir up the awakening of civilian demons.

Fighting a propaganda war is very detrimental to the Suffering Rescue Alliance. The organization suffers mainly from its propaganda channels. Since it cannot compete with the current demon world officials in its propaganda channels, it should use explosive content as much as possible and find ways to win over the common people. The ugliest side of the nobles was shown in front of them, arousing the anger of the common people.

And what they want to do is not to smear, but to expose the things that the nobles usually hide. As long as they can win the hearts of the people, the problem of organizational staff shortage can be gradually solved. As long as most people in the demon world are willing to stand on the side of the organization. Sooner or later, the balance of victory will tilt again.

Sajax said: Sherpa Beelzebub, you are simply a disgrace to the aristocracy. Are the things you are doing now worthy of your surname?

Sherpa raised his head slightly and said: I have abandoned the surname Beelzebub. This surname is the surname of a monster lying on the people's heads to suck blood. I stand with the people. I am a member of the people. How can you use the filthy surname Beelzebub! You rebellious person who stole the position of the Demon King, do you really think that no one will know about the things you have done?!

Sherpa's words stung Sajax. The demon race is a typical immortal species. Many old demons who survived from the old era are very clear about what happened in the past. However, due to the current situation, these old demons It’s just that the devil didn’t dare to stand up and speak.

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