The female palace official was stunned for a moment and said: It seems that you, Lord Brave, know much more than we expected. However, if you have any questions, you can ask us directly.

Chapter 4. The dissatisfaction of the court lady

The court lady was a little surprised. Generally speaking, although a brave man summoned from another world would have a certain understanding of the world here, such understanding is very limited and requires local people to explain the situation.

However, it was incredible to her that Levi had learned so much about the holy weapons he held and the secrets of the Four Holy Warriors in such a short period of time.

Levi said: People are mutual. When you are friendly to others, others are likely to be friendly in return. But when others are extremely unfriendly to you, what will you choose to do? ?”

The palace lady hesitated and said, I will choose to stay away from him.

For this kind of question, the palace lady knew that it was useless to lie. Li Wei's eyes were quite sincere. Under such eyes, it seemed that all lies would be exposed. It is precisely because of this that she chose a more indirect answer. As a member of the Shadow Organization, she and her other companions have extremely high authority. They have the power to enforce laws when facing people who expose their malicious intentions. , they can even kill first and then show off. This is a privilege given to them by the Queen.

Levi said: I am different from you. People who treat me with kindness, I will naturally treat them with kindness. But if someone is malicious to me, I will return ten times the maliciousness to him. So, whether To protect the world here, for me, it depends on the attitude of the people here.

The palace lady's face was a little complicated. How could she put such high demands on Li Wei when she couldn't do it herself. Moreover, most of the strong people with strong power have quite individual personalities. Once they annoy the other party, they will cause more troubles.

Levi said: You know, I took my companions to eat at a restaurant outside today. Before I entered the door, I saw the sign saying 'Asian humans and dogs are not allowed'. We walked in and sat down. Before I even started ordering, several people came out to make trouble and attacked my companion with various insulting words. Everyone in the restaurant was telling us to get out. After that, guards came to remind me that I was a foreigner. , you have to abide by the rules of the kingdom here, otherwise, you have to teach me a lesson...

Li Wei kept smiling when he said this, but the smile on the palace lady's face froze, and at the same time, cold sweat continued to flow on her back.

Levi crossed his arms and said with a smile: I have learned a lesson from the hospitality of the Merromach Kingdom.

She also heard what Levi said. After all, everyone in the restaurant burst like balloons. The bloody scene made the forensic doctor who came to collect the body vomit. Until now, the bodies in the restaurant have not been cleaned up, and even the nearby neighbors are worried. She did not expect that this matter was related to Levi.

The palace lady quickly said: My Lord Brave, we deeply apologize for the mistakes made by those ignorant people. We will do our best to make up for this mistake. This kind of mistake will never happen again.

Levi said: Just saying something like this doesn't count. The key is how the citizens of this country view me. I am both a shield hero and a foreigner with black eyes, and there are many people around me. By bringing a demi-human with me, it can be said that all the things that the people of your country hate the most are gathered in me.

Li Wei's words silenced the court lady, because what Li Wei said was indeed true. The nobles at the upper level were able to restrain their attitudes, but the ordinary civilians below did not care so much.

So, this is a vicious cycle.

Levi said: So, regarding the so-called wave invasion in this world, I will make a careful judgment on whether I need to intervene in the situation. If the people of your country continue to be hostile to me like this, I don't mind standing on the side of the wave. side.

The palace lady lowered her head and said, Please be sure not to make such a choice. We will find a way to solve the problem of public hostility.

The palace lady was upset. In her opinion, all these mistakes were caused by King Otto Cre. The king who came into the family had become more and more stupid over the years. If the queen hadn't protected him, he would have been affected. The organization had already taken action to kick Otto Kere off the throne.

Now that the Queen is not in the country, King Otto Cree has the final say in everything in the country. However, King Otto Cree is not only hostile to the Shield Hero, but also has good relations with the Three Brave Sect, and actively allows the divine power to usurp the royal power.

In addition, she had already secretly summoned the Four Holy Warriors, openly violated international agreements, and roasted the queen on the fire. She had long been unhappy with such a bastard fool.

It can be said that the emergence of such a powerful Shield Hero is the hope of everyone in the entire continent. However, due to the indulgence of Otto Clay, the foolish king, the authority of the Three Brave Sect among the people has greatly increased. For outsiders and Asians, There is no longer any cover-up of human discrimination and oppression.

The royal capital is a good place for the country, but something like this happened, which means that a powerful existence was pushed against itself. This kind of stupid thing is very fatal to the current kingdom.

The palace lady believed that if the queen was still in the country, she would never allow such a thing to happen. When the queen was in the country, the Three Brave Cults could only keep their tail between their legs and not dare to promote their extreme teachings. .

King Otto Clay was hostile to the Shield Hero because of his own reputation and previous personal grudges. Now he is treating the Shield Hero coldly. This kind of thing would never be allowed if the Queen were here. .

The palace lady sighed and said: 々. The situation in the country is also very complicated now. Lord Brave, please believe that the Queen attaches great importance to you. However, the Queen is not in the country now, so King Alto Clay's It is difficult for us to influence the decision.”

Chapter 4. Disgust

Levi could feel the change in the palace lady's mood. As a member of the shadow organization, she was only loyal to the queen and had no interest in the king.

This organization should have been passed down for a long time, at least it appeared before this generation of queens. Otherwise, it would be impossible for even the king to not know about this organization.

The only reasonable explanation is that this organization is a direct intelligence organization affiliated to successive queens. It is only passed down among successive queens. No one else except the queen has the right to know.

I'm very sorry. said the female officer.

A light apology is of no use to me. I want to see sincerity. Levi picked up a piece of bread, tore it in half, dipped it in some cheese and butter, and then took a strip of bacon and sandwiched it inside. On the kingdom's side, Li Wei didn't know what Ping was like for the time being, but the food on the royal family's side was not bad, with all the seasonings, so the taste of the food was not surprising.

The palace female officer folded her hands and placed them on her lower abdomen. She had adjusted her mentality and said, Then what kind of sincerity does the brave man need?

Levi said: As a brave man who saves the world, I don't want to say anything about practical rewards, but at least flowers and applause. But now it seems that this country is not even going to give me flowers or applause.

The palace lady knew in her heart that the current situation was unsolvable. After hundreds of years of development, the Three Brave Sect had penetrated into every aspect of the kingdom. She wanted the followers of the Three Brave Sect to stop being hostile to the Shield Hero and Not an easy task.

It would be great if the Queen were here. She believed that the wise Queen would have a way to solve such a problem. Although she was considered a high-level cadre in the shadow organization, they were only intelligence personnel. Unless necessary, even her own existence would be affected. It cannot be exposed, let alone try to reverse this situation.

Li Wei said: Listen to what you said, you are not affiliated with the king. Then, let the people behind you come and talk to me. After all, it is the most uncomfortable for an executor like you to be caught in the middle when encountering problems. of.

The palace lady nodded, made a skirt-lifting gesture, and said, Then I'll take my leave first. Our people will always be by your side. If you have any questions, you can contact us directly.

The palace lady left with the tray, and Raphtalia showed a curious expression. At this time, her mouth was already full. Although she was very curious about what happened, she also knew that there were some things that a slave like herself couldn't ask, so she suppressed her curiosity and just concentrated on solving the various foods in front of her.

Levi said: Raphtalia, if you have any questions, you can ask directly. Aren't we companions?

Raphtalia said: But I don't understand these things very well. Even if I ask, I may not be able to understand them.

Levi said: Raphtalia, to be honest, do you like this kingdom?

Raphtalia was silent. This place left her with quite a lot of unpleasant memories. Although nominally, all the citizens of the demi-human dominion were also members of this kingdom, except for the citizens themselves, No one will treat them as human beings.

Raphtalia whispered: Can I tell the truth?

Levi nodded and said: Of course, there are no outsiders here, and I am not from the kingdom. You can directly express your inner feelings, and no one here will judge you harshly.

Raphtalia put down the food in her hand and said: At the beginning, I had no idea about the kingdom. I only knew that the demihuman dominion belonged to the kingdom, and this is where all demihumans were exiled. However, Here, at least we can live safely. The wave hit and my village was destroyed. I fell into the sea and was picked up by fishermen. Then I saw the darkest side of this kingdom. Our view of the kingdom For the residents of the Dominion, they were natural slaves. And at that time, I finally understood why so many neighbors wanted to leave the Dominion, but did not dare to go far away, because after leaving the Dominion, for the Asians outside, it was hell.

Levi nodded. He had previously thought that the kingdom only rejected demi-humans, but the kingdom also rejected foreigners.

He couldn't understand why the kingdom was so exclusive. You know, this is the royal capital. For the kingdom, the royal capital can be said to be a good place, but even good places are like this. How can other places be so different to foreign lands? The rejection of humans and demi-humans would be so serious.

Raphtalia said: I hate the Kingdom. This is not the home of demi-humans, but it is too far from Sidverut. Most demi-humans in this country have no way to go there.

The movement of demi-humans in the Kingdom of Melomac is restricted. This restriction is reflected in all aspects. If they are ordinary citizens, they can move freely within the kingdom, but if they are demi-humans, they must have a special Road guide will do. Only by relying on the road guide to prove that you are not a slave can you obtain the right to pass the level.

Moreover, in the past, demihumans who possessed Luyin were often forcibly detained and branded as slaves. Therefore, demihumans in the demihuman dominion would not leave the dominion unless it was necessary and urgent.

Levi didn't say anything, but Raphtalia's words, to some extent, had already decided the future of this kingdom.

Levi continued to eat his homemade burger and said: The suffering you have suffered will come to an end. I hope the queen will be a person who has the consciousness of a strong man to cut off his wrist.

The various sufferings suffered by Naofumi Iwatani, the protagonist of the original plot, were to a certain extent caused by the Queen's inaction. She knew that King Otto Clay was hostile to the Shield Hero, but she still dared to put the Shield Hero in the country personally, facing To all kinds of malice.

According to the original plot, the best solution the queen could give was to send the protagonist Naofumi Iwatani to the demihuman country Sidverut. However, considering the strength of the three younger brothers, it is really not on the table. Putting Iwatani Naofumi in the country can be regarded as a mistake.


Levi and Raphtalia left in the middle of the dinner. Although the kingdom's attitude towards outsiders and demi-humans was quite bad, it was said that the chefs in the palace were quite good at their craftsmanship. After stuffing his stomach with all kinds of food, he returned to the room with satisfaction.

Levi's perception, coupled with the shield's built-in level deciphering system, allowed Levi to easily see everyone's hidden entries, and he also realized how much control the king of Otto Cre had over the people around him. of weakness.

In the palace, and even in the entire royal capital, members of the shadow organization can be seen everywhere. The number of shadow organization members in the royal capital alone has reached more than 400, and each person's level is not high. Below level 4, there are still many levels above. It can be said that this power alone is not weak.

There are rules of level on this planet. Ordinary people can gain experience by killing various monsters, and then improve their level. When you level up, your various attributes will be improved, and at the same time, you can also gain various spell-like abilities.

It should be mentioned here that the magic in this world can be learned through learning. The magic system and the level system are independent of each other. A low-level person can master relatively high-level magic through learning. Of course, the power of magic does not Not everyone has access to it. The abilities possessed by the vast majority of adventurers are spell-like abilities brought about by level ups.

The existence of magic is high-end knowledge that a small group of people can master. The general public does not know much about magic.

Levi didn't know much about the so-called upgrade in this world. He would have to wait until he experienced it in person to know what it was.

After returning to the room, Raphtalia sat on the sofa and rubbed her slightly bulging belly. Because the food was so delicious, she accidentally ate too much.

Raphtalia burped, the loud sound making her feel embarrassed.

Levi took out a bag of candy and said, This is candy that can help digestion. Eat some. Otherwise, you will have to sit on the toilet for a long time tomorrow.

Raphtalia had just gotten rid of her slave body, and her long-term malnutrition had made her intestines and stomach quite fragile. Eating so much food at once was not good for her health.

Raphtalia had great trust in Levi and without hesitation, she took out a candy from the paper bag and put it in her mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

So sweet! Just like fruit! Raphtalia said in surprise.

This is not an ordinary candy, don't eat too much. Raphtalia said quickly as she stretched her little hand towards the paper bag again.

Isn't it just ordinary candy? Raphtalia had a curious expression on her face.

Levi said: This is a drug that helps digestion and can protect the intestines to a certain extent. However, if you take too much of this drug, you will become hungry easily, and the effect of this drug will last for several days. If you eat too much, it will increase the burden on your stomach and intestines.”

Raphtalia looked at Levi who was sitting next to him. The unique shield in Levi's hand caught her eye.

The elder sister just said, Sir, you are a brave man. Is this the shield of the Four Sacred Artifacts? Raphtalia asked curiously.

Levi nodded, took off the shield from his arm, and threw it far away. The shield disappeared instantly after going a few meters away, and then reappeared on the outside of Levi's arm.

Levi said: I am the Shield Hero of this class.

Raphtalia's eyes were shining. All the previous Shield Heroes could be said to be the protectors of demi-humans. After learning that the Shield Hero from the fairy tale book appeared, she realized that she had met someone extraordinary.

I don’t know why, but every shield hero will choose to protect demi-humans, so demi-humans have regarded the shield hero as their patron saint. In the country where demi-humans are the masters, the national religion of Sidwill is shield. teach.

····Ask for flowers·····

Raphtalia is not an idiot. She also realizes the situation Levi is facing now. This is completely an away game.

In the Kingdom of Melomac, the entire country believes in the Three Brave Sect and is extremely disgusted with the Shield Hero who betrayed humanity. Therefore, it is certain that Levi will encounter a lot of bad hatred in the future. .

Levi said: The performance of the king of this country so far is a bit disappointing.

Raphtalia said: Then, sir, what are you going to do? Protect them?

... ..

Levi shook his head and said: I am a person who likes equality. If others treat me with kindness, I will naturally treat others with kindness. But people here are full of malice towards me. Why should I protect people who hate me? Anyway, there will be three brave men who will answer the call in the future. If there is any problem here, there will be three other brave men who can support it.

Raphtalia said: My lord, are you planning to go to Sidverut?

Levi said: I have no such idea for the time being. I will protect the demihuman dominion here first so that the demihumans here can have the power to protect themselves.

Levi knew that brave men had special abilities and could share experiences with their companions. Using this ability, they could cultivate a batch of high-end combat powers in a short period of time. As for the restrictions on promotion, it was not a problem for him.

Now, the dragon-carved hourglass that adventurers can pick up is under the control of the Three Brave Sect. In the kingdom, it is impossible for demi-humans to advance.

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